Chapter 677 Flying Menace (2)

Chapter 677 Flying Menace (2)

Erik's eyes swept the sky, vigilantly searching for any hint of the flying Thaid. Each second of his search stretched out like an endless horizon, expansive and unyielding.

Adrenaline flowed through his veins, enhancing his senses to their pinnacle of sharpness. As he thought about the daunting challenge ahead, he could feel a knot forming in the pit of his stomach.

Facing a flying Thaid required great skill and was certainly no small accomplishment.

The lethal prowess of these beings was well-known and only individuals with exceptional skills, like Becker, could confront them with confidence.

The gap between Erik and Becker was something that Erik had always been mindful of.

Physically, they might be on par after Erik made use of the system. He firmly believed in his capabilities, to the extent that he thought he could outperform Becker in that respect.

There was a substantial increase in the disparity between brain crystal powers and mana. Becker possessed an A-ranked brain crystal, a rare and potent power source, an almost inextinguishable mana source.

But it wasn't just any A-ranked brain crystal. With its placement on the higher end of the spectrum, Becker's mana reserves were among the most abundant in the world, placing him among the elite few. He wasn't invincible, but 1v1 he got dangerously close to that.

Becker's brain crystal power was wielded with incredible efficiency, thanks to the mana advantage he possessed, a capability that Erik was unable to rival.

Although his own brain crystal powers were strong, they were not focused on offensive capabilities like Becker's powers. Even in the event that they were, Erik knew well that his mana reserves were not enough to sustain such a demanding level of combat.

This time, Erik found himself in a predicament that was unlike any he had faced before. The Flying Thaids, much like Becker, were renowned for their ability to manipulate the air.

He was still in the dark about the particular Thaid species he was facing, and this lack of knowledge made it more challenging for him to devise a strategy.

Each species of Flying Thaids exhibited unique attack patterns and vulnerabilities. Knowing which one he was up against could be the key to survival.

In a split second, Erik's complete focus was shattered when two blades of wind, incredibly sharp, cut through the air with suddenness and danger.

Carving through the atmosphere with deadly accuracy, these blades, though unseen, left behind a disrupted air trail as a testament to their lethal nature.

With an impressive display of agility and quick decision-making, Erik swiftly moved away from the spot, narrowly escaping the blades.

The impact of their landing sent shockwaves through the ground, causing a fierce explosion of sand.

The eruption caused a massive cloud of fine grains to billow into the sky, creating a temporary haze that blocked his view.

The swirling airborne particles created a chaotic dance, shimmering in the sunlight and creating a blinding haze that engulfed the area, momentarily disorienting him amid the unfolding danger.

His reflexes came to his rescue, saving him from harm. They allowed him to dodge the attack, with his body moving as if it had a mind of its own. The near miss drove home the reality of what he was up against.

Through the dissipating dust and his squinting eyes, Erik's vision cleared and he could make out the creature that had been shadowing his every move without rest.

A large entity, akin to a hawk of mythic proportions, ruled the skies above. Its wings, vast as the sails of an ancient ship, beat with a force mighty enough to buoy its enormous frame through the air.

Bathed in sunlight, the bird's plumage resembled a masterpiece painted by celestial beings. Its feathers, a brilliant tapestry of blues and whites, shimmered as the ocean, kissed by the sun's rays, casting a dazzling, iridescent glow.

The creature's talons and beak, each gleaming with a metallic sheen, were reminiscent of finely crafted weapons, forged in the fires of the gods and honed to deadly perfection.

Yet amidst this fearsome display of strength, it was the creature's eyes that captivated Erik the most. They bore a penetrating gaze, intense and imbued with a keen intelligence that belied its primal nature.

These eyes, like twin pools of ancient wisdom, seemed to pierce through the very fabric of the mundane, offering a glimpse into a mind as sharp and unyielding as the edges of the world.

As he stood there, recognition slowly dawned on Erik like a light bulb flickering to life. This was a Galewing.


<Quest: The Galewing's Extermination. >

-Description: Kill the Galewing and survive.

-Rewards for completion: 10,000 experience points, 2,000 DNA points, and ten stats each in strength and dexterity.

-Failure Penalty: Death.


A sense of joy illuminated Erik's face, and a smile formed, slowly spreading across his features. Instead of feeling dread, a sense of excitement filled him upon realizing that he was facing a Galewing.

Instead, a wave of anticipation washed over him, igniting a spark of excitement. It was within his capabilities to eliminate this specific species.



Name: Galewing

Brain Crystal Power: Aerokinesis.

With its Aerokinesis ability, Galewings can summon gusts of wind to propel themselves forward with greater speed, launch themselves into the air from a standstill, and create powerful wind blades they can unleash upon their enemies. With their incredible power, the wind blades have the ability to cut through both flesh and bone. The Galewing's ability to control the wind grants it unparalleled agility, rendering it a dangerous adversary in aerial combat. The belief is that Galewing's brain crystal power not only gives it the ability to sense changes in atmospheric pressure but also allows it to predict weather patterns and effortlessly navigate through turbulent winds. With its ability to adapt to the constantly changing conditions of the skies, this makes it an apex predator in its environment.

Size: Massive with a wingspan of up to 40 feet

Color: Vibrant blues and white feathers

Appendages: Sharp talons and beak gleaming with a metallic sheen

Wings: Large and powerful, enabling swift flight

Ecology: Galewings are often found soaring high above desert regions and open plains. Large animals and thaids serve as their primary source of sustenance, which they hunt from above by swooping down with precision and snatching their prey in their powerful talons. The lair of the creature is usually found nestled among the cliffs and rocky outcrops, which not only provides it with a vantage point for observation but also serves as a means of protection.





ENERGY: 906.0


Power Level: 451

Estimated Experience: 4908 (EXP per kill)

Neural Links: A3ιA-level


Upon witnessing the analysis results, Erik's heart pounded with exhilaration, a symphony of anticipation rather than fear.

The data laid bare before him revealed a formidable opponent, a creature whose immense strength emanated from its boundless mana reserves.

Despite this revelation, Erik couldn't help but feel the weight of his own mana's inadequacy compared to the beast's overwhelming power.

The Galewing's mana flowed through it like a roaring river, overpowering and unstoppable, highlighting the stark difference from his own meager abilities.

However, Erik's sharp eye caught an important detail. The creature's physical capabilities were awe-inspiring, yet they didn't seem to measure up to his own.

He realized that in the realm of brute strength and agility; he held an advantage. This understanding brought a strategic clarity to his mind.

He knew that victory in battle was not solely determined by mana.

As he pondered, his plan gradually took shape. The battle's dynamics would change in his favor if he lured the Galewing down from the sky.

On the ground, Erik could use his physical strength to gain the upper hand against the creature, despite its abundance of mana.

With each thought, his strategy solidified, his confidence growing stronger as he imagined outsmarting such a powerful opponent.

Erik sheathed his Flyssa, feeling the weight of the weapon settle against his side. It was impossible for the blade to overcome the beast's defenses, as they were too strong.

The consequences were too high for him to afford to make even a single mistake.

One wrong move, one momentary lapse in concentration, and it could all be over. However, he knew he could not allow himself to be immobilized by indecisiveness. He had to act, and he had to do it now.

As Erik stood there, his eyes fixated on the menacing creature circling above him, he experienced an inexplicable sense of clarity.

In that precise moment, a deep realization dawned upon him, eradicating all his doubts and insecurities, and revealing his true and untainted self.

He was not just any ordinary person. He was a warrior, someone who had faced countless challenges and emerged victorious.

It didn't matter who his adversaries were or the seemingly insurmountable odds against him, Erik was firm in his resolve: he would not concede defeat without a battle.

(A.N: Read the notes below.)

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