Chosen Bride of the Seven Dark Princes
Chapter 107 - Dante's Wrath

"We're done here." Dante announced into the air at the two dozen panels of people who had appeared within his war room.

These were the top of the top, the cream of the crop, the CEOs of some of the largest corporations in the galaxy.

He threw a sheaf of paper onto the oak table and slammed his palm onto the surface. Instantly, smoke curled up from where his hand was place.

Within a few minutes, tiny blue tongues of flames were licking around his hand.

He looked up at the double rows of virtual screens in front of him and lifted his hand. On the sheaf of paper was a charred hand print that had burned all the way down to the last sheet.

"Our agreement is hereby nullified." He announced with finality.

"But Dante—" a man spoke up.

"No buts. We're done. I'm canceling the rest of the Avgo Events."

"Dante, surely we can come to some moderate agreement. Some middle ground—"

"You want middle ground? Fine. Tell me exactly who ordered those hitmen to take out Candace Farrah and we'll talk middle ground."

No one said a word.

Dante stared in to their collective faces with sizzling green eyes.

If looks could kill, they would be writhing on the ground at his feet. Who the hell did they think they were dealing with? Did they not know the kind of man he was?

His anger was not just legendary, it was very well-deserved. If ever they doubted this, they would soon have a chance to witness the absolute cruelty of his actions.

He had no doubt that most of them were clueless, but there was a handful within this group who knew exactly what was going down.

"Now is the time for all of you to come clean with me. If you know something, you tell me now or I swear, you will regret it for the rest of your EXTREMELY—SHORTENED—LIFESPAN." He glared at each person.

The silence in the room was palpable. No one dared even breathe.

"There is no doubt in my mind that this is absolutely an inside job. That is how those men were able to get into the Space Amphitheater and onto the Avgo platform."

He stared each of the twenty-four CEOs down. None of them responded. None looked at him.

"Every single person who had anything to do with the last event is currently sitting inside one of my jails awaiting questioning. I've sent my personal team of inquisitors in."

"Dante!" They all protested in alarm.

"Surely we can figure out another way to approach this!" Another woman squawked.

"Pray tell. What is your 'way'?" He eyed the woman. She bit her lip, not knowing what to say.

"Well? I'm listening."

"We could have a formal investigation done by our peace keeping forces." She muttered half-heartedly.

Dante nodded.

"That's not a bad idea." He turned cold green eyes at her.

"They're the slowest pokiest investigators I've ever seen. It will take them at least a year or two to get any real answers."

He leaned closer with razor sharp eyes.

"We can just postpone the Avgo Events until they figure out who sent ASSASSINS TO KILL THE AVGO FEMALES!"

"Can't we just continue the events at the same time that they are investigating?"

"Ha!" Dante laughed. "You really think I'm stupid don't you?"

"No! That's not what I—"

"You think I'm so stupid that I'll let another team of assassins have three more chances to kill an Avgo Female."

"But Dante, your inquisition team." A man blanched. "They're—they work with hardened criminals! These low-level workers are mostly innocent."

Everyone had heard of Dante's team of inquisitors. They were the stuff of nightmares.

"Well if you're so worried about the innocent low-level people, why don't you speak up now and save them from having to go through my inquisition team?"


Dante smiled. It was a smile that did not reach his eyes.

"Everyone from the attendants to the food prep cooks are going to be asked the questions that need to be asked, and they will be asked until they say something we need to know."

He narrowed his eyes.

"If they don't know anything, we will move onto their managers. If their managers don't know anything, we'll keep moving on up to their manager's managers."

He began to laugh.

"We'll keep moving up the food chain until we get to you people."

"Nobody is going to know anything. Why would you do that to people?" A woman cried out.

Dante laughed.


He raised his hand and waved a finger.

Suddenly, every single visual monitor blinked out for a moment to be replaced by a soft glowing image of a breathtakingly beautiful blonde woman with hazel eyes.

She was looking at the person in front of her and smiling with joyful excitement.

On her body was the traditional Erenveil royal dress made of the finest gold muga silk. On her head was the diadem of a Princess of Erenveil.

Resting in between her breasts was the pink Avgo gemstone, shining in all its beauteous glory.

"You people tried to kill my Heart and my Soul."

Dante's gravelly voice dropped lower in pitch, causing the hair on their necks to stand.

"Whichever of you are responsible for this, I promise you this. I'm not going to rest until I replace you. And I will replace you! And I will destroy you and all those around you."

Said the man whose words were worth his entire intergalactic fortune.

He punched the console in front of him with a furious fist. Every virtual monitor went dark and disappeared.

For a moment, there was only silence.

With a hoarse cry, Dante threw out his arms. His fangs lengthened and his eyes grew red. His face no longer even looked human.

Large dark wings unfurled tearing his shirt into shreds. His long black claws extruded from his hands.

With an inhuman roar, he flew into a rage and threw himself at the large conference table inside the war room. It flew into the opposite wall, splintering upon contact.

"Aaaarrgghhhh!!!" He roared, smashing all the chairs and consoles around the room. Not even the various collection of weapons on the wall were spared.

The only thing he did not touch was the precious cobra head that belonged to the woman he loved. But everything else was completely destroyed.

By the time all the terrifying noises had subsided, it took several of the most stoic servants to enter the War Room to check up on Prince Dante. Everyone else was too scared to go in.

No one wanted to interrupt the Prince's tantrum but they had to pick up the pieces and restore it to the clean and orderly room that it once was by dinner time.

The other six Princes would be arriving to have dinner with Prince Dante and Princess Candace within a few hours.

Out of desperation, the servants went looking for Candace Farrah.. If there was anyone who could reach the Second Prince, it would be her.

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