Chosen Bride of the Seven Dark Princes
Chapter 132 - Green Eyed Monster

Their voyage to Nymphalidae was fairly uneventful.

From space, it looked as if Nymphalidae was composed of a series of islands criss-crossing what looked like placid oceans.

The Raptor 600, along with its multitude of escort warships moved into position alongside all the other warships that had surrounded the planet on all sides.

From one side of the Raptor 600, a transport pod flew out and began its descent upon Nymphalidae. It was such a tiny pod that it was immediately lost among the profusion of activity that was happening all around the planet.

It looked as if a circus had come to town!!!

What was once a quiet section of the galaxy turned into a place that was frenzied with activity.

The Magic and Illusions Avgo Event was to be held in Heliopolis, and with only days before the date, everyone was scrambling to get equipment and people in place.

Along with 200 Avian and 180 Erenveil warships swarming about, there were also hundreds of visiting dignitaries from every corner of the galaxy along with their entire entourage.

There were heads of corporations, high profile actors and musicians, as well as sports stars of every type. Suddenly, the butterfly world of Nymphalidae was the hot spot and everyone who was anyone just had to be there.

Add to that the hundreds of visuals media coverage, the revelry and circus of the four very large opening acts, and of course, the ticket holders themselves, and it was a huge carnival!!!

Nobody gave a thought to the sight of all the warships surrounding the planet. They all thought it was for the security of the Avgo Females and the royal members and it made them feel even safer than ever before!

Who in their right mind would attack a place that had warships swarming from the three most powerful groups in the galaxy, the birds, the bugs, and the bats? They were not called the BBB for nothing.

As the transport pod came closer to one of the islands, Candi's mouth opened in an O of amazement.

The islands themselves were not islands in the normal sense. They were octagonal pods that were floating above the oceans. Some pods were domed over while others were open to the skies and the twin suns that were shining overhead.

"Wow. They're all floating islands!" Candace breathed with wonder.

"The bees built this place originally so it's rather bee-hive looking." Dante grinned. "We don't mind. They are, by far, the better builders. The ants do a good job as well, but their structures are more organic, less structured."

Candi nodded, hoping that once everything calmed down, perhaps she could get a chance to see exactly what an ant structure looked like.

The large transport pod landed on the surface of one of the floating pods and the group was instantly inundated by visuals gathering pods from the various media corporations.

All the pods zoomed in on the faces of all the Princes and Candace as they emerged from the pod. Their white outfits were dazzling in the uniformity and it tied all the Princes together to the singular female who was in their midst.

Candace Farrah, the Earth Avgo Female was the last Avgo contestant to arrive. All the others had made their way to Nymphalidae on the day that Dante had announced he would allow the Avgo Events to resume with the condition that it be held at his maternal world.

Everyone lauded it as an amazing decision since Nymphalidae was famous for being a tropical paradise where flowers of every sort were the secondary attraction to the number one attraction of this world, the ladies of Nymphalidae.

The blue butterfly females were every man's fantasy because they were some of the most beautiful women in the galaxy. Moving the most hotly anticipated event to a far-flung paradise location was something that could only have come from the brilliant business mind of Prince Dante.

As all the news casts and streaming visuals were converging in on the group, Candace and the Princes made their way through the landing pads and towards another transport vehicle which would take them to to Empress Anastasia's Palace, deep within the heart of Heliopolis City.

Candi had barely walked into the set of suites that had been assigned to her when someone walked in behind her and shut the door.

CLICK. She heard the door lock.

Candi braced herself, ready to deliver a deathly blow when large strong arms caught her from behind.

"Stand still. Don't make too much noise or the servants will come knocking." That familiar deep rumbling voice could only belong to one man.

Candace closed her eyes and exhaled.

"You dummy! Don't scare me like that! I nearly knocked your knees out!" She turned around and began beating her fists on his chest.

Dante laughed and picked her up so her face was parallel to his.

"I have been dying to be alone with you all morning long. Don't deny me, Princess. I need a little nourishment or I will die of starvation."

He moved them both to the bed and gently placed her onto the cushions. His green eyes were passion-filled and his overgrown spiky blue hair hung over his face like a lion's mane.

He leaned towards her and lifted her chin with a stead hand.

Leaning in, he took her lips with his own. It was gentle and unhurried, as if he had all the time in the world.

Candi smiled.

Dante's kisses had always been gentle. He was so gentle that she felt as if she could explore him without the expected onslaught of male testosterone flooding everything.

Encouraged by his soft and tender touches, her tongue reached into the recesses of his mouth and explored, tasting him and suckling his lips.

Dante groaned and crushed her into his body.

He had been trying to be so gentle with her, trying to go so slowly, and she had to go and stir up all the hot flames that were licking around him, threatening to consume his very body.

Giving in to his primal urges, Dante threw all restraint to the wind and possessed her mouth with his, tasting, licking, suckling in savage need.

His body began to react to the touch and feel of her, engorging and pulsing with raging desire. As he pinned her to the bed, he gulped in several breaths.

"I have a good idea. How about we spend the rest of the day in this room, just you and me?" Dante murmured, his chest rumbling with the sound of his deep voice.

"Hmmm. Whatever shall we do." She murmured into his ear as he began suckling her chin and her neck.

"Whatever makes us happy, my beautiful bride." He whispered as he began to unbutton the top of her shirt.

Candace was about to respond when she heard a voice calling out in her ear.

"Candace. We're all in the private dining room. Where are you?"

It was Byron, reaching out telepathically to contact her.

"Hold on Dante." She murmured. "Byron is trying to tell me something."

"Who?" Dante's eyes were still glazed and unfocused from the passions that were rising.

"Byron, your brother."

"Wait. How is Byron able to talk to you?" Dante pulled back to look at her, his green eyes stormy.

Candace blinked. Why did Dante sound as if he was upset?

"Oh, he bit me and connected me telepathically—"

"He did what???" Dante's green eyes were furious.

"He bit me and—"

"I heard you the first time!!!" Dante roared.

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