Chosen Bride of the Seven Dark Princes
Chapter 25 - Double Kissed

Jason and Jared did not live in a traditional home. They lived on a floating island.

The floating island was way up in the sky and the only way to reach it was to fly up. Anyone who didn't have wings or a hover pod could never visit them.

Since it was dark, Candi could not see much detail, but as soon as they reached the floating island, there was plenty of landscape lights scattered about for her to see the grassy clearing and a small rocky hill upon which a small crooked house was perched.

There were trees of varying sizes growing in profusion all around the edges and a small pond towards the center.

They landed on the grassy clearing and gently deposited Candi down. She looked around, eyes wide with appreciation.

"Wow. How do you get an island to float in the sky like this?"

"Magic." They both chorused in unison and reverted back to their human forms.

Candi nodded. Of course it was magic. What else could it be?

"Come in. The house is tiny, but it's very comfortable." Jason said, leading the way.

She followed them on a small lighted stone paved path that meandered through clumps of daffodils and jonquils, towards the rose bushes.

"Here we are. Home at last." Jared reached out and opened the door.


A large animal with long floppy ears came bounding out and jumped on Jared, knocking him to the ground.

Even in the darkness, it was easy to see the unmistakable shape of a short-legged basset hound.

"Stop it Bug! Get off me you dummy!" He laughed and wrestled with the very excited chubby dog, finally managing to regain his footing.

The dog panted and ran to Jason, licking his knees and looking quite pleased with himself.

"His name is Bug?" Candi gasped.

"It's actually Bugaboo, but we all just call him Bug." Jason laughed and reached down to pet the dog before leading Candi into the interior of the house.

The interior was warmly lit and far more spacious than the exterior led her to believe because most of the house was built into the mountainside.

It was sparse.

There was not much in the way of furniture, but what was available was of the highest quality. These men were not Princes for nothing.

The crystal chandelier hanging at the center of the room looked to be worth a fortune. It radiated light around the chamber, twinkling and sparkling with its own built-in magic that made everything a little bit warmer, a little bit rosier.

The walls were covered with rich brocade fabrics in deep golds and greens. They made a perfect setting for the huge mirrors with gilded frames hung in strategically spaced areas along the walls.

On the creamy marbled floors, scattered brown shag rugs brought warmth to the room. Bugaboo ran over to his little shag rug by the side of the hearth and snuggled into a round doggie shape.

Up against the walls were several teak wood divans covered with large plump cushions and soft looking throws.

The twins led her to one of the divans and sat her down.

"It's very late. Why don't you lie down and rest a bit. You have a full day tomorrow and you need energy to get through the day." Jared plumped up a pillow and placed it behind her while Jason took her shoes off.

"Oh but isn't there something I can do to help?" She protested.

They gently pushed her back onto the pillows.

"Of course. When Slate gets here, you can help him with things he need you to do."

She nodded. She wasn't sure what kind of work Slate needed her to do but she was ready, whatever it may be.

Once they got her settled, they began reconstructing the ephemeral mannequin that had been taken from them to be used as a decoy for Candi.

As promised, within a matter of minutes, a full entourage of hover pods had landed on the grassy clearing.

A group of servants spilled out and began hauling trunks, chests, and wardrobes into the interior of the house. By the time they left, the entire place was filled with equipment.

The twins continued their work unabated as Candi lay on the divan trying hard not to fall asleep. It was getting later and later and Slate still had not arrived.

"I wonder what's keeping Slate," she mumbled, yawning.

"Why don't you rest a bit and when he comes, we will wake you up." Jared came and sat down next to her. "He's just out hammering down a few things that are a sticking out a bit."

"You promise you will wake me up?" Candi yawned again as she slumped over onto the thick large pillows. They were so soft.

"Close your eyes, Tiny Dancer." He whispered and pulled a quilt over her shoulders. Then he leaned over and dropped two soft kisses onto her face, one on each eyelid.

His soft sensuous lips must have been laced with some kind of sleeping magic because she could not keep her eyes open after that.

Her lashes fluttered and closed as she drifted off to sleep.

Morning came with the twittering of birds and the sound of a babbling laughing brook as it splashed its way down the mountainside and into the pool below.

Candi shifted her body and found herself pinned on both sides by two large bodies.

She opened her eyes and found the twins gently sleeping next to her, one on each side. Their soft even breathing filled her ears with a soothing rhythmic cadence.

The twins' sleeping faces were so close to her, she could see their soft pink shapely lips and their long dark lashes resting against sculpted regal cheekbones. Their long green hair was splayed out like silky sea foam on the large cushioned pillows.

In their sleep, they had wound their arms so tightly around her that she could barely move.

Her breathing quickened. They were under the covers with her, their legs thrown over her body as if she was a dakimakura anime body pillow.

Her slight change in breathing tipped them off and their soft brown eyes slowly opened.

"Hmmm. Tiny Dancer woke up." Jason murmured and began kissing her collarbone.

"You must have snored too loud and awakened her." Jared turned his nose into her neck and inhaled deeply the scent of her hair.

"I think you must have kicked her in your sleep." Someone's hands began wandering about, touching her breasts.

"No, I think it was you I kicked." Another set of hands began rubbing her stomach.

"I can't move," she murmured.

"Yeah, Jason. Ease up a bit on Tiny Dancer." Jason's tongue began licking the pulse point between her collar bones.

"Of course I will." Jared smiled and pulled her even closer to him as he began nibbling on her jawline.

"The both of you stop smothering her!" A familiar voice called out from above.

"Slate!" Candi called out.

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