Chosen by Fate, Rejected by the Alpha
Chapter 231 - Trinity - Birthday Party (VOLUME 2)

Chapter 231 - Trinity - Birthday Party (VOLUME 2)




When the day of the party rolled around it was to the best weather we could have hoped for. It was a beautiful cloudless blue sky shining down on the forest and clearing. There were several massive tents placed around the yard. There was a tent for delicious BBQ favorites, a tent for the variety of desserts, one for drinks, and of course one for gifts. You can't have a birthday party without gifts and the pack was not skimping. The table for the gifts was so full that it was overflowing onto the tarped ground. I had a special gift for Reece too, but I was going to give it to him tonight, when we were alone.

When everyone was arriving they stopped by Reece and I to say hello and wish the main guest a happy birthday. Reece was acting all embarrassed by the attention but I could tell he loved it all.

Riley came up to us then, a big grin on his face, his youngest fast asleep in his arms. At least I knew there would be no shoulder punches while they spoke this time.

"Hey there Fang, happy birthday."

"Fuck you, Fifi." Reece responded with a grumpy look, Katie and I just looked at each other and smiled. Boys will always be boys, no matter that mine was twenty-six now, he was still just a big toddler.

"Were you really hurting for new things that badly that you had to have a party to replenish, or was it that you like the attention that much."

"Bite me, Benji." That was Reece's only retort.

"I see you're branching out, that's good." Riley was laughing as he came closer to us. He was moving in to give Reece a quick one armed hug.

After Reece, Riley leaned toward me for a hug as well.

"Thank you for putting up with this fool for me." Riley joked.

"I've got no choice, I love the fool." I joked back. Riley was laughing at my weak joke and backing away when all of a sudden he stopped and stared at me, a knowing look in his eyes. He looked between Reece and I a few times with a raised eyebrow.

"Hmm." He hummed curiously for a moment. "Hey, Trinity, are you-?"

"Shh." I cut his question off mid way through it. "How did you know?" I whispered to him.

"I've got a way more sensitive nose than most wolves, like four times stronger. It's a curse really." He smirked at me. "But you are?" I nodded to answer him.

"But don't say anything, we're going to make an announcement, don't ruin it."

"Mums the words." He grinned.

"What are you two whispering about?" Reece stepped closer and put his hand around my waist. "What's going on?" He added.

"No worries Reece, everything's fine." I assured him.

"Yeah, I was just offering to sell her some really embarrassing photos of you from your awkward phase."

"I never had an awkward phase." Reece countered proudly.

"Yeah, you sure it's not just happening now?" Riley's joke made Reece's confidence falter.

"Want an ass kicking Fifi?"

"Just messing. Happy birthday buddy." Riley winked at me and walked away with his family in tow. Phew, That could have been a disaster.

After the greetings were over everyone at the party mingled. There was music playing and a dance floor. There was a place with fun things for kids to do, like squirt guns, water balloons, a bouncy castle, and a lot of toys that we had on hand from the daycare. We were still running the daycare, but with everything that had happened, Mom and Lila had taken over it for me. They were doing amazingly well with it too.

We sang happy birthday for Reece, cliche yes but totally necessary. Reece, and everyone else loved the cake, the decorations had been done with such artistry that it was like a work of art. And it tasted divine, what little of it I had managed. It seemed that these babies were going to give me trouble right now. Most foods made me sick to my stomach just looking at them. But I still enjoyed what I could of it.

There were too many gifts for Reece to open during the party, so it was something we were going to do throughout the next week, and I would make sure everyone was tanked properly because I know he would never do it alone.

I was so happy with how things were going. This party was coming along very nicely. I couldn't have asked for a better day. And now, as the sun was going down, it was time for our news. For some reason, Reece wanted to wait and tell them all right before the fireworks were set to start.

We made our way to the head of the gathering, bringing everyone attention to us. Once we made it to the raised platform that had been prepared for us to stand on everyone was eyeing us curiously. They seemed expectant, like they knew something was coming but didn't know what it was.

I heard excited whispers and snippets of conversations as we made our way to the front of the party.

"I wonder what's going on?"

"Could something bad have happened?"

"No, they wouldn't tell us bad news at a party, it has to be something good."

"This is exciting, what could the Luna Queen and Alpha King have to tell us?"

These little tidbits of conversations all brought a smile to my face as I prepared to give them our speeches. We had two speeches prepared really. We were going to lull them into a false direction and then blindside them with the major news, it was going to be kind of funny really.

"Hello everyone, I want to thank you all for coming to celebrate with us today, to celebrate my husband's birthday and our continued happiness here in the Red Springs Pack." I was smiling.

"There is more news we would like to share with you all as well. Something wonderful has happened recently." I heard gasps and jittery, gleeful laughs spread through the crowd, especially from the women.

"I would first like to ask our good friend Dietrich to come to the stage." I held my hand out toward him as I said this.

Dietrich came quickly, walking as if the obstacle of people in his path wasn't an issue, for a vampire that can move in the shadows, I guess it wasn't. But his shadow walk seemed to have been improved, made more seamless and effortless. That must have been an enhancement for him from Selene.

"Thank you." Dietrich nodded to them and us as he reached our platform.

"Dietrich received some wonderful news just recently, something we thought would be best shared here tonight." Reece had his left arm around Dietrich's shoulders, a show of their friendship.

"On the night of the battle with Edmond's monsters, his mate had been mortally wounded and infected with a poison. During his attempt to heal him, the Goddess, Selene, came to me and told me something amazing." I paused and smiled at Dietrich and then the crowd. "Dietrich, who is an amazing man and a powerful elder vampire, has been chosen as Selene's spiritual successor, she has named Dietrich as the Vampire King. I know this doesn't change much as he was already their leader, but this means he now bears marks from the Goddess, the same as I do."

"Dietrich, a very good friend of my family's, has ascended and become someone even more powerful. He is an amazing person and a strong leader. I am proud to call him my ally, and my friend." When Reece finished the three of us smiled at each other and then the crowd. Everyone that was gathered broke out into massive applause, congratulating Dietrich. There was a lot of cheering coming from them as well. Everyone here seemed to love Dietrich too. I was glad.

Just as the cheering started to die down Reece and I looked at each other with twin grins of excitement. We now only had the other revelation to give them, and it was the best news of the night.

"Now, there is something else we found out on that night as well." Reece raised his voice to be heard over the commotion that could still be heard. Instantly everyone quieted down and looked back at us. I noticed Dietrich step away and head somewhere behind us.

"It was not long after the battle, and after my conversation with the Goddess Selene, that Dietrich told us of something else that was going to change our lives forever." I smiled at them all.

"Over the last several months there has been a lot of heart ache for our pack, and for our family personally. There were the children who had gone missing, there was the fight that had cost so many lives, that night and the many lives Edmond stole to make his monsters. There was also the night that our unborn baby was taken from us. It was the hardest night of our lives. We were devastated." Reece's voice held a note, a hint, of that emotional toll it took on us. They got to glimpse the pain we had felt.

"But there is hope, there is a new reason to be happy again." I was beaming, grinning madly at them all, and so was Reece. We probably looked insane as we grinned so big.

"The night of the Battle of Edmond, Dietrich, our very good friend, told us of something that had escaped our notice that morning, but to be fair we were awakened by a phone call alerting us to the approaching horde."

"Dietrich shared with us the most wonderful news we could have hoped for that night."

Right as I said those words there was an explosion behind me. I wasn't expecting that, so I turned to look at the sky where the massive fireworks were exploding in bright pink and blue sparks. There were two baby bottles, one pink and one blue. There were two cartoonish looking baby faces, one pink and one blue, and there were just several large explosions that looked like stars and hearts, all in pink and blue.

"Dietrich told us we were expecting again. And this time it's twins!" Reece yelled these words to the crowd so he could be heard over the sound of the fireworks. The cheers erupted immediately.

If I had thought the cheering and applause was loud for Dietrich, it was nothing compared to this. There was so much noise I thought the whole party was going to go deaf. And I could see our families and my guards all making their way up to the platform. They were excited and smiling happily.

Mom and Dad got to me first, hugging me so tightly that I thought I was going to pop between them.

"Oh, sweetheart, I am so happy for you." Mom was cooing and crying happily at the same time.

"I know you're going to be a great mother." Dad added as he squeezed me tighter.

Noah and Carter came up next, Nikki and Emmalee right there with them.

"OH MY GODDESS!" Emmalee squealed. "If you thought I went crazy for birthdays and weddings, wait until you see the baby shower I'm going to throw for you. I am going to personally make sure you're kept in a bubble so my party can go off without a hitch.

"Our babies will still be so close in age, they can all play together and be raised together." Nikki hugged me gently, her belly now massive as she was only a couple weeks away from delivering my little nephew.

"I'm so happy for you." Noah hugged me, his tears falling onto my face.

"You're gonna do great." Carter added his arms around me, hugging me with Noah.

"Is this what Dietrich has been hiding?" Shawn asked me as they all got closer to me.

"Yes." I nodded to him. "He told us after he made you a hybrid."

"Oh Goddess, I thought he didn't love me anymore." Shawn laughed. "I'm so happy for you Trinity." He hugged me as tightly as the others had.

"It will be so much more fun with a couple babies around the house." Shane added.

"If you need any advice, just ask me or Heather." Vincent added his kind words and hug as well.

"I'm happy for you, but please don't give Rawlynne any ideas, I'm not ready for that yet." David half joked as he gave me his hug.

After David stepped aside Lila took his place.

"I can't believe you two knew that long and didn't tell me, I live in the same house as you dammit." She hugged me and slapped Reece's arm.

"Ouch, why did you hit me?"

"Because I'm happy you idiot." She hugged him after that and stepped aside to let Grandfather come forward.

"I am happy for you, I knew you would rise again. You're so strong, Trinity."

"Because you raised me to be strong." I hugged him as he held me close to his chest.

"I will have to do my best to protect you all this time around."

"We will all be doing a better job, Grandfather, no need to worry."

"I will always worry about you, I always have."

The night continued like this for a while. People congratulated us and told us how excited they were. It took a while before they all started to leave, still wearing smiles and looking excited. It was an amazing day, and I was glad Reece had done the fireworks, they turned out amazing. Even the ones that went after the baby themed ones. He had really made me happy with them all.

But now, it was time to head back to our room so I could give him his birthday present.

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