The scent is strong here. 

From a short while ago, Tilarna had been continuously detecting the presence of ‘rahtena1’. The Semanian-made narcotics in the possession of a portion of the clientele made up most of it. Snatching away one’s life force through mindless seduction, they were most wicked inventions. 

The ability to sense rahtena was not exclusive to Tilarna alone. Every person possessed this power to some extent. Such were the teachings of her master. He had taught her all she needed to know about mildi2 back home. Tilarna herself had been blessed with a particular aptitude for this skill, to the extent that her master had predicted a promising future for her as a Zefiilada3

She would likely not be able to meet her master any longer. Nor would it be possible to see the faces of her father, sisters, and loyal retainers. 

Relying on the assistance of scoundrels like O’Neill had doubtless hurt her pride. Without Matoba’s help, this was the only way she would be able to fulfill her duty in this unfamiliar land. Indeed, that was the purpose of her ‘renunciation’. However, just because she had thrown away her sword, it did not mean she had shed aside her conscience. 

She no longer had the right to speak of justice as she did in the past. The stain on her honor left her feeling somber. 

No, this is no time for weakness.

Tilarna reflected. 

No matter the means, I have to save her at all costs. First, I shall look for this Elbajhi fellow. Then, I will make him tell me the fairy’s whereabouts. Right now, all Tilarna had on hand was her Vyfert steel dynange4. Even so, she should be able to handle anything that comes her way. 

Be that as it may……

Having been completely unaware of the limits of human degeneracy, Tilarna was filled with nothing but disgust at the sights she found within the club. 

Hideous music that brought to mind the rumbling of thunder. Flickering lights that blinded the eyes. Young men and women vulgarly swinging their hips, rubbing their bodies against one another as they took to the dance floor. Not a single display of courtesy observed whatsoever. Seated in their respective cubicles, women wearing heavy makeup puffed out clouds of smoke from their cigarettes, whispering something towards the star-struck men that made up their company. 

She could even spot plenty of ‘Semanians’ hidden among the swathes of Dorini. 

Not only were there Farbanians, the Nabatese and Golirasians alike joined in on the merriment. Citizens of Zanbenyka, a longstanding enemy of the Farbanian Kingdom, were not excluded from the festivities either. 

A woman opened her mouth wide in laughter, the man by her feet slithering his fingers around her legs. Downing booze of a most venomous hue, a group of revelers swallowed pills of some sort. Hidden within the darkness under the boxed seats, a half-naked woman buried her face into another man’s nether regions. Though she was not well-versed in the particulars of sexual intercourse, their obscene act made Tilarna’s hairs stand up on end. 

(This is no place for social gatherings. ‘Tis nothing but a den of vice……)

She held back the urge to vomit. 

Incidentally, she had also noticed the gazes of the men sauntering about the place. Their eyes were drawn to her. Her exposed back, shoulders and chest gave rise to the vulgar looks on their faces. Much like a swarm of insects stuck to her body, their unmitigated display of lust caused a chill to run down her spine. 

Tilarna did not know, however⸺.

The prostitute disguise that O’Neill so painstakingly prepared had failed to conceal her natural elegance and vitality. First and foremost, her posture was much too perfect. She looked but a child, yet her formidable willpower and refined sophistication were plain to see. Her pure-white skin appeared smooth as silk, glistening subtly in the light. 

Rather than mere feminine charm, her appeal placed a greater emphasis on life as a whole. Akin to the beauty of animals roaming the wilderness. Like this, she possessed youth and exuberance women who frequent this establishment could never hope to achieve. 

She tried asking several people for the club owner’s whereabouts. No one knew. In the first place, Tilarna made no distinction between guests and staff. Every time she inquired for an answer, the other party would reply with 「Hey, do you wanna dance with me instead?」, forcing her to brutally shoot down their requests. 

After five more times of going through the same farce, Tilarna was just about ready to give up and leave the establishment when someone called out to her from the side. 

「Heya there, missy. Having fun?」

The man had donned clothing from this world, yet a single glance was all it took for her to realize that he was a Semanian. A young man not even forty years of age5. On Earth, he would be around his mid-twenties. 

「Do I look like I am ‘having fun’? Get out of my sight.」

He probably has no idea where the owner is anyway. With these thoughts in mind, she tersely replied, clearly in a foul mood. The youth only chuckled, refusing to retract his advances. 

「You’re no fun. Sulking around like that, you’re just wasting your looks y’know?」

「This is the face I was born with.」

「I see. You look like a typical noble hailing from the Tibrany region. Heard some of you guys ended up on this side. First time I’m seeing one, though.」

As he said that, Tilarna began to take a keen interest in this young man. Semanian commoners would not normally have knowledge of this fact. 

「My bad, my bad. You just looked so beautiful. I was originally from Gramashy. Ran into trouble back home so I came here. How about you? From Labino, I expect?」

『If one such as yourself knew this much, why exactly did you not beckon to me in our mother tongue?』

Tilarna said in Farbanian. 

She had always adopted this polite form of speaking when conversing in her native tongue. The reason her English had been particularly curt was due to the influence of her tutor in the language. 

『My humblest apologies. Being in this place, I thought it more fitting to use the ‘English’ of these Dorini. Speaking our most noble tongue, passed down since ancient times, in this den of filth would place a great burden on my conscience. Of course, if milady feels as though I have displeased in any such way, I would be willing to stake my name under the Goddess Lubarna and proffer my sincerest apologies.』

『I shall humbly accept your apology, sir.』

『Please allow me to express my gratitude for your magnanimity.』

『Unfortunately, I must take my leave here. Please pay me no heed.』

『Oh. Do forgive this one’s ears for overhearing earlier. Milady is searching for the club’s proprietor, yes? I do believe I may be of help.』

『Are you aware of their identity, good sir?』


Suddenly switching back to English, the man laughed.

「Been a while since I used all that shitty fancy speech. Honestly, it’s a pain in the ass. Laaaame. Mind if we just talked like this?」

「…… I do not mind. However, you do know this Dennis Elbajhi fellow, yes?」

「Yeah, yeah, he’s a friend of mine. What business do you have with him?」

「I am looking for work. I came to this city only recently and I seek a means to provide for my family. Having heard that the scion of the illustrious Elbajhi house manages this place, I was simply hoping that they would perhaps be willing to lend a hand to a fellow member of the ‘El’ clan.」


With a hint of curiosity in his eyes, the youth peered into Tilarna’s face. 

「And your name?」

「Shadjinna. A member of the Elnebara household.」

Tilarna had given the name of a military family that had dishonored itself recently. Shadjinna was a common name for a woman. Unless one was particularly close to the Elnebara household, her lies would likely not be exposed. 

「I see. But you see, this is the kind of establishment he runs. Someone like you ⸺ how do I put this….. I question whether your pride will get in the way of working here.」

「I shall endeavor to improve on that front. Regardless, I wish to speak with him.」

My business is with him and him alone. With that one lie, she had blown away any false pretenses in their conversation. 

「Well, fine. I’ll go tell him about you. Follow me.」

「My thanks.」

Tilarna followed after the young man towards the back of the club. 

They proceeded to enter a narrow staff corridor. Passing through a door with no decorations whatsoever, the two of them arrived at an office. A carpet had been laid by their feet. 

「Come on in.」

The room was distinctly quiet. Its interior was painted a pastel blue colour, an abstract painting of the Earth hung on the wall. There was not a single filing cabinet or locker to be found. Instead, a laptop had been left on the curved tabletop, surrounded by a number of disks. The telephone on the desk was much the same way. 

There was no one to be found in the room. At some point in time, two of the men-in-black had entered the office, positioning themselves on both flanks of the doorway. 

The young man crossed over to the other side of the table, taking his seat on the black leather chair, before impolitely resting his feet atop the desk. 

「Now then.」

His demeanor changed as he spoke. 

「This is just how it is. I’m that Dennis Elbajhi. Though my real name’s Kraaba Elbajhi. It’s fine if we go about introducing everyone here, y’know? Wanna know their names?」

「No, not particularly.」

Tilarna said, unimpressed. She had had an inkling that that may have been the case. As it turned out, the young man before her had been Dennis Elbajhi all along. 

「You don’t seem too surprised. Doesn’t look like you’re a disgraced noble either. What reason do you have for coming all this way to see me?」

Zeza Elbajhi⸺」

Tilarna began. The term『Zeza』was roughly equivalent to the title of ‘mister’ in English. 

「⸺Let me honest with you. My name is Tilarna Exedilika. I, a Valsh6, have been dispatched here by order of the Salanda7


His feet planted firmly on the table, Elbajhi’s lips curled. 

That House of Exedilika, huh?」

Hearing just that one word made Tilarna’s blood boil; she barely managed to suppress her anger. 


「Don’t look upon me too harshly, now. I just felt a little bit of kinship between the two of us. Hehe.」

「Do not lump my brother together with the likes of you.」

「That so. I’ve heard the rumours, y’know. He turned his back on the order, crossing over here with a hundred of his renegades. Something like that. You here to pick him up?」

「That is nothing but a baseless rumor……!」

「My bad, my bad. Well, it’s fine. ……So? The fact that a Valsh from the Milvoa Knights is here probably has something to do with that fairy. Ain’t that right?」

「It seems you are already aware. I will have you return her to me.」

「No can do, no can do. It’s one of our specialty products. And that won’t change no matter how much you throw around your name. We don’t play fair and square. Did you really think we’d just say 『Yep, here ya go.』 and give it back to ya? We ain’t that naive, missy.」

Raising both his hands in an exaggerated manner, Elbajhi broke out into roarous laughter. 

「That is what I thought you would say.」

「I see! Looks like you’re prepared for what comes next!」

「Of course.」

A knight had left her sword behind, coming to this place in cheap Dorini clothing, all the while boldly declaring her name. There was no turning back. Any respectable Semanian noble understood that all too well. 

「Then, this conversation is at an end.」

Elbajhi clicked his fingers with a snap. 

At the same time, the men-in-black behind her drew their weapons from the hems of their suits. 

And yet, Tilarna had been quicker still, swiftly unsheathing the dynange hidden in her handbag. Gathering all her willpower, she chanted a short aria. The rahtena sprung forth into life, extending the blade of her sword by several factors. On Earth, this Vyfert steel blade would be considered something akin to a shape-memory alloy8. No matter how much it extends, its weight would not change. Though her instant-equip armor was also made of this material, it came solely with her usual outfit. As such, she was unable to use it at the current moment. With the dress she had on right now, she would probably not escape a bullet unscathed. 

Turning her body around, she planted a powerful kick on one of the men-in-black to her side. The point of her blade drew an arc in the air. Her opponent’s wrist was swiftly amputated, still holding the gun. Unfortunately, it was not quite enough to sever his tendons. The man let out a piercing scream as he wriggled on the floor. Flipping around once more, Tilarna ducked out of the other gun-toting man’s line of sight. 

The man hesitated over whether to shoot. Taking advantage of that chance, Tilarna immediately threw her shortsword. It made contact with his right shoulder as he swerved around to avoid it. Using the cripple’s back as a footstool, Tilarna leaped towards her foe. 


Spinning her body mid-air, she proceeded to deliver a sharp kick onto his face. The pistol in his hand went flying off into the distance. As she landed on the ground, Tilarna twisted her shortsword further into the man’s shoulder before pulling it out. 


A strike with her elbow. Followed by a knee. Turning around, she slashed about with her sword. His thighs shredded to pieces, the man knelt on the floor.

「Do you still intend on continuing?」


Cowering on the ground, the man weakly waved his hands. The other one as well. A puddle of blood by his side, he shook his head to the sides. 

「……And that is how it is. What a flashy bunch.」

Walking along, Tilarna kicked off her high heels, revealing the bare skin underneath. Gripping her blade underhand, she turned to face Elbajhi. 


Reclining on his armchair, he opened his eyes wide exaggeratedly. 

Seeing the child-like Tilarna declare her identity as a Valsh with nary a shred of shame, he had no choice but to admit his surprise at her fighting abilities. 

「This is what happens when you place your faith in those Dorini weapons.」

「Agreed. Young ‘uns don’t have any backbone these days. ……Haaaah.」

Elbajhi stood up tiresomely from his seat, pulling out a krége9 from under his desk. Unsheathing the blade from its scabbard, he swayed it around aimlessly on the floor just like one would a broom during cleaning. 

「You’ve got a good sword arm there, missy. Your master?」

「I have no intention of telling you.」

「That so?」

As he finished his sentence, Elbajhi leapt at Tilarna from his desk, slashing at her from above. Compared to his usual slothful demeanor, his current movements were unimaginably sharp. 


She would be cut down on the spot if she took it head-on. Dodging to the side, Tilarna avoided the attack. As the point of his blade glistened in the light, Elbajhi continued his assault without a breath to spare, swinging his sword diagonally from his shoulder. This time around, Tilarna was barely able to stave off his strike. Sparks shot out whenever their blades made contact; the force of their parries shook her hair from side to side. 


He tried to sweep her feet from under her. She evaded the attack with a step. 

Another thrust aimed at her abdomen. Avoided by crouching down. 

(This man……!)

With only her shortsword on hand, Tilarna was being one-sidedly driven to a corner. No, it was not only because of her weapon. Elbajhi had exceptional swordsmanship abilities, far removed from the average. As his attacks kept piling up one after the other, she saw no openings for her to exploit. 

Her back was now against the wall. There was no place to run. Elbajhi crept ever closer, a cruel smile plastered on his face. Brandishing his longsword, he aimed it at the center of her chest. It was unavoidable. 

I am finished⸺. 

She had been prepared for this to happen. And yet, the finishing blow never came. The blade passed through her inseams, planting itself onto the wall behind her. 


「Nice panties you’ve got there, Tilarna-chan.」

Her fierce movements had turned her miniskirt inside out. The sword continued to press against her nether regions. Through the thin layer of fabric, a sudden shiver ran down her body. If she moved any further, her abdomen would most likely be torn vertically in half.

「I won’t kill ya yet. I’ll have you tell me how you found this place, slowly but surely.」

As he whispered into her ear, Elbajhi quietly retrieved her dynange from the floor.

Translator’s Notes:

  1. TL Note: A form of magical energy that can be sensed by the Semani.
  2. TL Note: The Farbanian word for ‘magic.'
  3. TL Note: The Farbanian word for ‘healer.'
  4. TL Note: The Farbanian word for ‘shortsword.’
  5. TL Note: In Semanian years.
  6. TL Note: The Farbanian word for ‘apprentice/junior knight.'
  7. TL Note: Refers to a Farbanian knight order.
  8. TL Note: See this.
  9. TL Note: The Farbanian word for ‘longsword.’

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