“I am sorry to say this, but I must decline.”

The Crown Prince’s voice resounded magnificently throughout the vast palace. The Crown Prince, who had always been sickly and weak, had never been able to stand confidently in front of his father, the Emperor.

But today was different.

It wasn’t just his voice that had changed.


The Emperor involuntarily recoiled, taken aback by the refusal that lacked any semblance of humility or hesitation. It was a blunt and outright rejection.

Never in his wildest expectations did he anticipate such a refusal from his own son, especially considering the fragile nature of the Crown Prince. When summoning the Crown Prince today, the Emperor had never fathomed receiving such a resolute response.

No, this was a response unlike any he had ever encountered throughout his entire life.

“What did you just say?”

He sought confirmation once more, hoping for a different outcome.

Yet, the response remained unwaveringly consistent.

“I said, I cannot accept your proposal, Your Majesty.”


The Emperor’s initial surprise at the unexpected display of assertiveness from the Crown Prince quickly dissipated, giving way to a hardening of his expression. Anger flickered within his eyes.

“Decline? My proposal?”

“Yes, that’s right.”

The Emperor’s understated wrath, akin to a simmering lion, was palpable.

The veiled intensity resonating in his voice was evident.

All of these feelings were sharply discerned by Raciel, but he didn’t waver, responding with an unwavering nod. His decision to refuse remained unaltered. In fact, it couldn’t be.

He had assessed that accepting would simply be not right.

‘Of course. The Emperor’s proposal wasn’t in the original story. This situation wasn’t in the novel either. But there’s no reason to panic. I can clearly see why he’s acting this way.’

Indeed, that was the situation at hand.

The Emperor had put forth a proposition for the Second Prince to assume the role of the Crown Prince. Raciel, perceptive as ever, could discern the rationale and underlying motives behind this proposal.

‘It’s simple. He wants to give the Second Prince a more legitimate pretext.’

In truth, transferring the position of the Crown Prince was not a challenging task. To be frank, obtaining consent from the concerned parties on this side was unnecessary. The matter could be effortlessly resolved through the Emperor’s authoritative command.

‘But the reason he insists on recommending me to yield the position is… to save face for the royal family while granting the Second Prince more power and legitimacy.’

This side ought to submit and acquiesce, for that is how they should “graciously” relinquish the position of the Crown Prince.

‘It’s like a PR effect for both domestic and foreign audiences. The eldest son, who acknowledged the existence of his more capable brother and willingly yielded his position out of benevolence and virtue, and the deserving brother who received the Crown Prince’s position from such an eldest son… That’s the plausible picture they want to paint.’

If events unfold in this manner…

The royal family can uphold its dignity by removing the Crown Prince from his position. Additionally, the Second Prince will be regarded as a capable individual, able to assert his rightful claim to legitimacy and the true lineage.

It can be viewed as a rather favorable political advertisement, a form of propaganda that serves the interests of the royal family.

‘Besides, it would be better if I yield rather than forcibly take the Crown Prince’s position from me and give it to the Second Prince.’

What if they were to seize the Crown Prince’s position without obtaining consent from this side? What if the Second Prince were to ascend to the role of Crown Prince through such means?

Such a turn of events would undoubtedly alter the entire situation.

Raciel’s perception of this potential outcome was crystal clear.

‘Both this side’s and the Second Prince’s image would be completely different from the yielding scenario. The eldest son who had his Crown Prince’s position taken away due to health issues, and the Second Prince who seized it… That’s the image.’

In essence, the Second Prince would be associated with the image of a “usurper.” Undoubtedly, the Emperor would not desire such a tarnished reputation for his chosen successor. The legitimacy of the Second Prince’s claim would be compromised.

This burdensome label would follow the Second Prince relentlessly, casting a shadow over his entire life.

‘The Emperor wants to avoid that.’

Raciel lifted his gaze, directing it straight towards the Emperor.

The Emperor, visibly consumed by genuine anger, met Raciel’s unwavering stare.

Yet, within the depths of the Emperor’s gaze, a subtle undercurrent of anxiety could be discerned.

‘Of course, he’d be anxious. I’m still weak and pitiful, I look unqualified, but I’m not showing any signs of dying while barely hanging on.’

Suddenly, the early chapters of the novel flashed through Raciel’s mind.

During that time, Crown Prince Raciel faced a much more critical state than his present condition. Following a severe nosebleed while writing in his diary, his health deteriorated rapidly. He became bedridden, unable to even rise from his sickbed, and it was evident to all that his days were numbered.

Consequently, in the original storyline, the Emperor never made such a proposition. There was no need for it. The Crown Prince’s position could naturally pass to the Second Prince, considering Raciel’s impending demise.

But now?

The situation had undergone a significant shift.

‘It’s because of me.’

Raciel concealed his inner shrug, a silent acknowledgement of his efforts.

He had been tirelessly striving to avoid the grasp of death. Carefully nourishing his body with healthy food, diligently adhering to his medication regimen, and persistently practicing self-acupuncture. Consequently, his physical condition far surpassed that of Crown Prince Raciel depicted in the original story.

‘Of course, I haven’t escaped the temporary nature of life yet, but at least I can walk on my own two feet and play the role of a human being.’

That is likely the reason.

The Emperor’s fleeting expressions of impatience and disappointment directed at Raciel became apparent.

“Do you really not understand my consideration?”

The Emperor’s voice grew weightier, carrying a tinge of anger and disappointment.

A combination of regret and reproach flickered within his gaze, washing over Raciel.

“Although you are weak and sickly, I still had faith in you. I believed that, at the very least, your spirit wouldn’t be completely broken and that you would retain a minimum level of wisdom and ability. But it seems my expectations were wrong.”

His voice turned frigid, akin to a chilling breeze cutting through the air.

It felt as though he was metaphorically casting his own child off a precipice.

Harsh words followed suit, delivering their stinging impact.

“It’s disappointing. Truly disappointing. So, is the mere title of Crown Prince that important to you? Was that position, which you’d likely never use in your lifetime, so tempting? So, do you have to smear the faces of me and the royal family, and inconvenience many others to feel satisfied?”


“Why don’t you answer? Is that really what you want?”

Now, the Emperor’s gaze resembled an icy expanse, akin to a frozen rink. Though he believed his proposal to be an act of consideration, the resounding rejection seemed to deeply disappoint him.

Raciel forced down a bitter smile, sensing the weight of the situation.

‘Tsk. Just because I rejected once, he’s bashing me with bone-breaking force.’

In all honesty, Raciel yearned to wholeheartedly accept the Emperor’s proposal. In reality, it would have been the path of least resistance, offering a sense of comfort and ease.

‘Of course. What’s the point of being an emperor? I have no confidence in doing it well.’

After all, he was nothing more than a failed oriental doctor from South Korea, a simple and ordinary individual named Lee Haneeun. Just an average person who spent his free time indulging in movies, novels, laughter, and games.

But an Emperor?

He didn’t believe he stood a chance, not in the least.

‘What kind of emperor would I be? I don’t have confidence. It’s perfect for ruining a country.’

That’s precisely why.

Raciel had no desire to become an Emperor.

If possible, he wished to relinquish the position of Crown Prince as well. He simply longed to revel in the status and wealth of the royal family, living a carefree life akin to an unemployed building owner. Naturally, the proposal being offered by the Emperor held tremendous allure.

But if he were to accept that proposal?

Everything would crumble.

Not just himself.

Not just the royal family.

But the entire empire.

And it all hinged on the Second Prince, the one slated to inherit the Crown Prince position.

Was the Second Prince unfit due to stupidity or wickedness?


In his own way, the Second Prince was intelligent, diligent, and capable. This fact had been emphasized numerous times in the novel, “Devil Sword Emperor.”

However, the issue lay in the fact that the Second Prince’s intelligence, diligence, and competence were all qualities suited for a time of peace.

‘In the novel, the Second Prince was… quite a decent guy. He had the potential to become a great ruler. If the era of peace had continued, he would have been. He would have at least been an average emperor, recorded in history. But…’

Before long, the era of war would arrive.

Raciel was well aware of this impending turmoil, thanks to his thorough reading of the novel.

He knew of the chaos and calamities that would befall the empire, the agonizing downfall it would endure, and the wretched fate that awaited the Second Prince.

He possessed a comprehensive understanding of it all.

‘The Second Prince was not suited for the era of war. No, he was the worst.’

The intelligence, competence, and diligence that had served well during times of peace proved ineffective in the face of an impending era of war.

‘Because he was an indecisive cliche king.’

Hesitation in crucial moments, the failure to seize timely opportunities, and ultimately being confronted with irreparable circumstances—such was the pitiful portrayal of the Second Prince in the novel.

Raciel refused to let the empire crumble in such a manner.

‘If the empire and royal family collapse… the rock I rely on will also disappear..’

He had to continue his journey as a member of the royal family.

That was the best life plan.

For that to happen, the empire had to remain strong and undamaged.

However, the Second Prince lacked the capability to safeguard the empire during the impending war-ridden era. Raciel couldn’t entrust the position of Crown Prince to such an individual. In order to protect the privileged life he had painstakingly attained, the illustrious golden spoon, or rather, his royal spoon, he could never relinquish the Crown Prince’s position to the Second Prince.

Raciel reached a resolute decision.

‘What should I do then?’

Raciel cast a fleeting glance at the Emperor.

The Emperor’s intense gaze remained fixed upon him, unyielding and relentless. Honestly, it weighed heavily upon him, creating a considerable burden to bear.

‘Ha. A fake from the very beginning.’

Despite being the Emperor’s son, Raciel was, in truth, an imposter. He harbored a slight concern that divulging too much might inadvertently expose his true identity.

But by remaining silent in this manner…

The situation would unfold exactly as the Emperor desired. Ultimately, the position of Crown Prince would be bestowed upon the Second Prince.

‘Sigh. There’s no choice.’

Raciel subtly manipulated his facial muscles, consciously relaxing his tense cheeks and allowing his lips to soften. With a deliberate motion, he ignited the engine of his tongue, preparing to deliver his response.

“I feel wronged.”


“Yes, Your Majesty.”

He nodded affirmatively.

With unwavering certainty shining in his eyes and reflecting in his expression, he spoke,

“Of course, as you said, I am physically weak. But my spirit is not broken. I haven’t lost my wisdom and charisma either. That’s why I refused your proposal.”


“The truth is, the position of the crown prince is not important to me. I have no greed or attachment to this position. Instead, I have greed and attachment to other things.”

“What other things?”

“Yes. The prosperity of the empire and the well-being of the royal family.”

For the sake of his life as royalty.

“…You hold on to the position of crown prince because you value those things?”

“That’s right.”

“Ha. If you hold on to the position of Crown Prince with that weak body of yours, do you think the empire will prosper and the royal family will replace peace?”

“Of course, that’s what I believe.”

“Ha. Ha ha.”

The Emperor chuckled, a sound that escaped his lips for the first time.

Yet, it was not a laugh filled with goodwill or warmth.

“How pathetic. Truly pathetic and despicable. Is the position of Crown Prince so precious to you?”

“As I’ve told you, it’s not the position of Crown Prince that’s precious, but the prosperity and well-being of the imperial family.”

“You manage to sound convincing until the end.”

“It’s not just my words that are convincing.”

“…What do you mean by that?”

“I’d like to make a suggestion.”

“A suggestion?”


“Go ahead.”

The Emperor’s gaze intensified, exuding a formidable aura befitting the ruler of the empire.

However, Raciel stood firm under the weight of that pressure. In his past struggles, the landlord of the commercial building where his clinic was located had been far more terrifying and burdensome than the Emperor.

Maintaining a composed poker face, Raciel proceeded to bring forth the suggestion he had been meticulously preparing ever since he first rejected the Emperor’s offer.

“Please give me and the Second Prince the opportunity to prove who can better bear the weight of the Crown Prince’s position.”

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