“It has been a considerable amount of time, Your Highness. I never anticipated encountering you under these circumstances.”

“Indeed, the sentiment is mutual.”

The setting was dawn, shrouded in thick mist. Allowing the hoot of an owl from somewhere to drift into his ears, Raciel wore a smirk as he confronted Demian.

Subsequently, he brushed away the cobwebs that had ensnared his hair.

“Oh, a spider. Oh, a bug.”

The disarray wasn’t limited to his hair. His neck and sections of his attire bore the signs of a struggle. Cobwebs were an expected nuisance, and his entire body bore the marks of soil and the residue of crushed moss. This was the result of him maneuvering through a narrow and dimly lit cave in preparation for an ambush.

“Nevertheless, how did you come to know about the cave in the midst of the hill?” Demian inquired.

Raciel shrugged nonchalantly.

“Just happened to stumble upon it.”

“By chance, you say?”

“Yeah. I was tailing Javillon, and I overheard some soldiers chatting about a perfect spot to desert. They clammed up pretty fast when our eyes locked.”

…Of course, it was a blatant fabrication.

The soldiers’ conversation was pure nonsense. In reality, he had learned about the cave from reading the novel ‘Devil Sword Emperor’.

‘In the novel led by Javillon, the Anbouaz waged a great war against the empire. In the early days of that war, a significant battle took place in this area.’

Demian had participated in that battle as a mercenary for the empire. Toward the end of the intense conflict, the entire mercenary force had been abandoned by the regular army.

They were essentially used as expendable pawns. Consequently, Demian and the mercenary captain were stranded behind enemy lines.

‘That’s when Demian and the mercenary captain happened upon the cave in the middle of the hill.’

Thanks to it, they managed to hide safely and escape the battlefield without losing their lives.

It was said to be the far-left hill of the three prominent ones in front of Balua Fortress.

Raciel recalled that scene.

He had contemplated using the cave and devised a plan. He measured the angles and deceived Javillon.

He claimed he needed to pray, lest the treatment’s effects wane, a ruse that thoroughly terrified Javillon.

It had worked.

Javillon appeared somewhat suspicious initially, but in the end, he bought it.

He willingly set up a prayer spot on top of the hill, and as soon as the full moon graced the night sky, he attempted his escape through the cave.

Thanks to it, he could reunite with Demian and Gardin.

“But Gardin?”

“…Yes, Your Highness?”

“Aren’t you glad to see me?”

“I am glad?”

“Then why do you look at me like that? Like you’ve seen a ghost.”

Gardin’s face had indeed turned pale, and his expression resembled sheer terror.

“Am I frightening?”

Raciel tilted his head. Gardin shook his head frantically.

“No, it’s not that…”

“Then what?”

He took a step closer. Gardin, startled, retreated two steps.

“Ah, aah, spiders!”


“And you have bugs on your shoulder!”


“Ugh, aaaaah!”



“So, you’re afraid of bugs?”


Gardin lowered his head in embarrassment. It appeared to be the case. Raciel furrowed his brow and brushed off his clothes.

“Do you think I enjoy being in such a state? The cave is so damp and cramped.”

“Is that so?”

“Yeah. I wondered why you didn’t come out.”


“I had planned to catch one when it emerged. They’re quite a potent remedy.”


“Anyway, it’s a stroke of luck that the plan worked out perfectly, and we managed to reunite as intended.”

He genuinely meant it. It was indeed a stroke of good fortune.

Was it just yesterday?

There was a time when Javillon had a brief encounter with the rebel leaders. He had a moment of solitude during that encounter, which he seized to his advantage.

He penned a message and entrusted it to a small bird. The message contained today’s escape plan and the rendezvous point. He dispatched it to Gardin.

The outcome was a success.

Gardin and Demian arrived at the designated time and place as requested. Not only that, but they also brought Kuku along.


“Yes, it’s been a while, hasn’t it?”


Now that they had safely reunited, it was time to take action.

“This way.”

The group proceeded through a misty forest. However, the forest was not expansive. After a brief walk, the density of trees began to diminish, and before long, they emerged from the forest.

Suddenly, their view expanded. They found themselves on a plain situated between the Balua Fortress of the kingdom’s army and the rebels’ base.

“What’s the plan from here?”

There was tension in Demian’s inquiry. He had harbored doubts about this escape, deeming it too risky.

“The location isn’t ideal. It’s an open field, so it will be nearly impossible to conceal ourselves and move during the day. A direct breakthrough would be even more challenging.”

What was the crown prince’s strategy? Demian turned to Raciel for answers.

Raciel offered a faint smile.

“We must act with precise timing.”


“The moment when the rebel search patrols shift and change their positions.”

“…Surely not.”

“Yes. I’ve meticulously planned it all out.”

Raciel shrugged.

“I was always at Javillon’s side, remember? Whether I wanted to or not, I ended up learning. Deployment of each unit, patrol schedules for different areas, precautions during shift changes, and so on. All of this was meticulously recorded in Javillon’s quarters. He even received regular reports.”

“You memorized all of that?”

“Yes. I committed the entire timetable to memory, including when the search patrols are least vigilant.”

It was true.

This information was vital for their escape, and he had risked everything to commit it to memory. Fortunately, his memory skills were quite adept, making it a manageable task.

“Now… You’re familiar with the constellations, right?”


“Can you locate the Net constellation?”

“It has recently risen above the horizon.”

“Then, right now. Let’s move.”

Raciel swiftly rose from the underbrush, startling Demian and Gardin.

However, Raciel, as if nothing out of the ordinary had occurred, took a few steps ahead and glanced back at them.

“We can’t afford to miss the timing, can we? Follow me. Quickly.”


It truly appeared as though he had committed every detail to memory.

Gardin and Demian exchanged glances and then rose to their feet. They followed the crown prince. Thankfully, the thick fog provided a sense of relief.

After walking for some time, Raciel halted at a pile of rocks in the middle of the plain.

He then slipped into a sizable crevice where two rocks overlapped and gestured for the two to join him.

“Get inside. We need to rest here.”


“Hurry. If we’re spotted, it’s over.”

The two complied with the prince’s instructions.

Demian inquired, “Your Highness, is it safe here?”

“Yes, absolutely.”

Raciel grinned and settled comfortably in a corner of the rock crevice.

“It’s situated right in the middle of the plain. Both the kingdom’s army and the rebels keep watch on this area.”

“But that means…”

“It’s secure. Neither side can exert full control here. Sending patrols directly to this spot would be a gamble. So, we’ll take a rest here today.”

Raciel elucidated his plan.

To the east of the plain loomed towering mountains and the Balua Fortress of the kingdom’s army. And to the west? Vast divisions of the rebel army were stationed.

In essence, they were caught in between, like a patty between hamburger buns.

“We can’t replace an escape route to the east or the west. So, we’ll move stealthily northward along the middle of the plain. It’s relatively less guarded there.”

With that, Raciel reclined where he was.

Finally, Demian and Gardin comprehended the Crown Prince’s intent. Hearing and seeing it, the prince’s words seemed plausible.

‘Well, there’s no way out to the west or the east anyway. Besides, this seems like a place where neither the kingdom’s army nor the rebel forces would move overtly. Neither side would want to approach due to the mutual deterrence.’

‘Yes. Thanks to the rocks, it seems we are safe from both sides’ view.’

All they needed to do was stay concealed during the day and resume their journey under the cover of darkness. The two finally felt at ease.

From that point onward…

The group enjoyed a leisurely rest within the rock crevice. They nibbled on bread and jerky.

They admired the blue sky and white clouds visible through the gap in the rocks.

Aside from the fact that the formidable forces of the kingdom and the rebels faced each other on both sides, it felt almost like a picnic.

However, that happiness was short-lived. Before the sun reached its zenith, a loud cry erupted from the rebel camp to the west.

“Come out Rihaaan-!”


The shout, which jolted them from the brink of a nap, was deafening. It resonated across the plain like a chorus of hundreds of elephants or as if someone had cranked their headphones to max volume while listening to the radio.

Moreover, it was an unmistakable voice.


They recognized it instantly. Their drowsiness dissipated. Another thunderous cry from Javillon reverberated.

“I know you’re hiding nearby! Not one of our horses is missing! You couldn’t have gone far on foot with just your two loyal men! You wouldn’t have slipped past my army’s surveillance at that pace!”


He was well-informed.

It sent shivers down their spines. But the shout that truly sent a chill through them was yet to come.

“So you must be concealed somewhere on this plain right now! Betraying my trust! Like a rat! Crouched and eavesdropping on my words! Isn’t that right!”


He was indeed not to be underestimated. Raciel felt the hairs on his arms stand on end.

Javillon’s furious shout, infused with his unique mana as the Swordmaster, persisted.

“So, come forward! I’ve always treated you with sincerity! It was you who first betrayed my trust! But! I still want to treat you sincerely! Show yourself! I’ll forgive you this once! I promise not to take your life over this! I swear!”


A promise.


Raciel remained silent, feeling the tension in the eyes of Gardin and Demian fixed on him.

Suddenly, he recalled the contents of the novel ‘Devil Sword Emperor’. He remembered the kind of promise and forgiveness Javillon often spoke of in the story.

‘Right. He’ll keep his promise. He won’t kill me. He’ll probably leave me alive but incapacitated.’

Perhaps he would sever both legs, leaving only the hands capable of treating his migraines.

In that way, Javillon’s notion of forgiveness would ensure Raciel could never escape again.


Once more, he felt a slight chill. Meanwhile, Javillon’s menacing shouts persisted.

“Come out! I’ll give you a chance! Reveal yourself by the count of three!”

“……Your Highness?”

Gardin asked with evident unease.

Raciel nodded.

After all, Javillon is just blustering. He doesn’t actually know their whereabouts. He’s merely making threats.


Javillon’s resounding shout reverberated. Raciel smirked at Gardin.

“Don’t fret. He’s all talk, he can’t really harm us.”

Raciel was confident.

Considering that Javillon had been bellowing across the plains, the royal army at the fortress must have heard him too.

They’d likely be on high alert, preparing for contingencies.


“If he mobilizes his forces, the kingdom’s army will react immediately. They might end up in an unintended battle. So, even though Javillon talks big, he can’t act recklessly.”

Raciel was certain. This was the position he had chosen, relying on that fact. It felt reassuring.


Javillon’s shout dripped with animosity. But there was no need for concern. Silence ensued, just as expected.

‘He was bluffing.’

The assumption was correct. Raciel grinned. However, that elation dissipated when thousands of flaming arrows suddenly descended upon the plain.


In an instant, the autumn-yellowed reeds and grasses of the plains, along with the sun-baked hay piles, were engulfed in flames.

The fire rapidly spread in all directions. Soon, a fierce blaze devoured the entire plain.

Of course, the area where the group was concealed was no exception!

“……That lunatic.”

In that moment, Raciel realized two things. One, Javillon was even more unhinged than he had thought. And the other…

‘Maybe today, right here, I might have to confront him.’

This sudden premonition made his heart pound with vivid and intense urgency.

(To be Continued)

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