“Why are you here?”

The princess’s whisper flowed, or rather, it was no longer a whisper; it was almost a shout.

The shout carried a significant distance, eventually piercing Raciel’s ears sharply.

Raciel flinched.


His head, nearly resting on Demian’s back as they ran, turned abruptly. The voice had originated from that direction. He made eye contact with the princess.


Three seconds of silence ensued.

Then, Raciel exclaimed.

“Princess! We finally meet again!”

His voice quivered with emotion. Tears welled up in his eyes, scattering as he hurried toward her, as if he might leap into her arms.

Upon this, Adeline was taken aback.

“What, what!”

“Glad to see you! Glad to see you!”

While Princess Adeline was flustered, Raciel suddenly mounted her horse from behind. She had no opportunity to object or react.

“What are you doing here, Prince? Why are you in this place, behaving in such a manner?”

“There’s a reason for everything.”

“A reason? Didn’t you say you’d return to the imperial capital? It’s been more than ten days since you left without any greeting after just sending a letter.”

“There were unavoidable circumstances.”

“What circumstances? We thought you had returned to the homeland. Why are you here, being pursued by the rebels?”

“Don’t people have all sorts of reasons in life?”

“So you won’t answer?”

“It’s too complicated and lengthy to explain.”

“But I want to hear it.”

Seated behind her on the horse, Raciel faced the princess’s piercing gaze.

She was upset. She was shocked. Was it merely because Raciel didn’t return to the imperial capital as he had stated in his letter? Did he deceive her?

That wasn’t the whole story.

“Why are you wearing the rebels’ coat?”

The issue was the cold-weather coat Raciel had on. It was the official uniform of the rebels.

It even bore the emblem of the rebel command unit on the shoulder.

“That coat, it seems fairly new. Though it’s dirty with moss and mud, it’s obvious. Where were you, and what were you doing during the ten days after you left the healing camp?”

The princess’s gaze, now firmly locked onto Raciel, was filled with suspicion.

The official coat with the emblem of the rebel command unit. And the coat appeared to have been issued just a few days ago. A troubling puzzle began to take shape in her mind.

Partially convinced, she inquired, “Did you join the rebels during this time? Did you lie to me?”


Raciel replied bluntly.

It was a bold and self-assured response. As a result, Princess Adeline was momentarily left speechless.

However, Raciel continued with his strangely composed retort.

“That’s right. I was associated with the rebel command. It was more fruitful than I had anticipated.”


“But joining the rebels was a sacrifice for a greater purpose.”

“A sacrifice?”

“Yes. I infiltrated at great risk! With the intention of striking at the heart of the enemy! To provide even a small measure of assistance to the kingdom’s army, to bring an end to this unfortunate civil war sooner, I willingly undertook this mission, overcoming my fears.”

“It sounds like an excuse. And a rather pitiful one at that.”

“Did I get caught?”


“But now is not the time for this. You can scold me later. Let’s urge the horse to run faster.”

“Why? Because of the pursuing rebels?”


“But they appear to be fewer in number than us. It might be better to confront and eliminate them now that we’ve encountered them.”

A sardonic smile appeared on Princess Adeline’s lips. She was confident.

The 500 cavalrymen she commanded were the kingdom’s elite forces. She believed that they would not be defeated by any rebel unit of a similar size.

Furthermore, at the moment, her side appeared to have nearly twice as many troops. So, if they confront them directly, they should be able to defeat the enemy without significant losses.

‘This would set a good example.’

The rebel cavalry, who had tried to slaughter the villagers as if they were hunting prey. The kingdom’s princess and her guard had intervened to stop them and rescue the villagers.

If they managed to eliminate the rebel cavalry during this process, and if both the kingdom’s army at the fortress and the rebels across the plains witnessed this, the morale of the kingdom’s army would skyrocket. Conversely, the rebels’ morale would plummet.

‘This is an opportunity. We should fight here and exterminate them. That’s the advantage.’

The princess had made up her mind.

However, at that moment, Raciel exclaimed sharply.

“We’ll all die if we engage them!”


“Because Javillon is leading them!”


The color drained from the princess’s face. She looked at Raciel with surprised eyes.

“Javillon? Personally?”


“That’s impossible. He’s the leader of the rebels. Why?”

“To capture me!”

“You? Why?”

“Because I’ve become the most important person to him!”


What on earth did you do in the last ten or so days?

The princess found herself imagining all sorts of scenarios. But now wasn’t the time for idle fantasies.

If Javillon really was leading the rebel cavalry? They absolutely shouldn’t confront them. He’s a Swordmaster. Their side would be annihilated.

She didn’t ponder for long. She looked back at her guard following her and quickly gave an order.

“All units! Retreat!”

The order and execution happened almost simultaneously.

As the princess turned her steed to the right, the entire formation of the 500 guards followed her lead.

With nimble movements, they drew their crossbows from their saddles. The loaded bolts were aimed to the left.



In the fiery scene, 500 bolts fiercely flew.

But the princess and her guard did not check the results of their shooting. They immediately guided their steeds toward the fortress.

Only then did the princess feel slightly relieved.

‘We’re good. Even if Javillon had been charging closely, he would have hesitated after our volley, giving us time to speed up and create distance.’

So, they couldn’t be pursued any longer.

They should be able to retreat safely.

She was certain of it.



A peculiar explosion sounded from the rear. The sound of a magic bullet exploding? Or perhaps that’s the sound when space gets torn apart.

The princess, with a bad feeling, looked back. And she had to marvel. Unfortunately, bad premonitions always seemed to come true.


Javillon charged through the flames. No, his sword was engulfed in a raging blaze as he rushed through it.

The king’s horse carrying the guard? That wouldn’t be enough. The king’s renowned horse carrying the princess herself? That was also inadequate.

Thus, Javillon, without even riding a horse, pursued their formation.

From behind? No, from the side. He ran parallel to their formation with a flamboyant demeanor. He even smirked as he looked at them, a truly sinister grin.


Raciel sensed it.

That guy just smiled at him. He was sure of it. Their eyes met. But, while his mouth smiled, his eyes did not.

Every hair from his tailbone to the back of his head stood on end. Is this what it feels like to be pursued by the world’s worst stalker?

But there was no time to savor that feeling.


From a distance of 10 meters, Javillon suddenly accelerated. His figure momentarily blurred. No, he suddenly became much larger. He was closing in!

“Were you pleased with deceiving me?”


In an instant, Javillon closed the distance. Now, only 2 meters separated them. His towering presence loomed menacingly.

It felt like facing an enraged beast head-on. Yet, there was no opportunity to react. He was already swinging his sword.

“You won’t even think of escaping again.”


Was it the adrenaline that made time feel slow in moments of extreme danger? Or was it the fleeting moments of one’s life flashing by? Time seemed to slow down.

He saw Javillon’s bright smile, his side-swinging sword movement becoming more pronounced.

Of course, just seeing it didn’t mean he could counteract it. All he could do was watch. This allowed him to see what his sword was targeting.

‘My leg.’

His sword was precisely slashing horizontally at the height of his knee. He intended to cut through both the horse’s body and his leg.

He wanted to cripple him, so he’d be forever attached to his side. The thought was terrifying.

Should he reveal his identity now? Should he shout that he is the crown prince of Magentano? But would that help? Despair struck as he realized it might be over.

But then…

“Your Highness!”

A sharp cry shattered the slowed perception of time. It was Demian’s voice.

At the same time, a fierce force, like a tempest, surged from behind, colliding with Javillon’s sword.


A shockwave hit all at once. It enveloped his entire body.

The heavy impact felt like being struck by a massive water-filled ball. The world seemed to shake, and the slowed flow of time was restored.


He was flung into the air, propelled by the shockwave. So, what would happen to him now? There was no time to think.

He instinctively curled up. At that moment, someone yanked him.

Bang! Thud!


His body made rough contact with the ground. The positions of the sky and the ground must have switched at least ten times. He rolled helplessly, raising a cloud of dust.

It felt like every joint in his body was being dislocated. He couldn’t gather his thoughts.

But he had to.

“Open your eyes!”



With a sharp cry, his cheek felt like it was ablaze. His eyes snapped open. Princess Adeline, blood dripping from her forehead, was yelling at him.

“Get up, you fool!”

Had she protected him during the fall? It appeared so. Adeline was covered in dust.

Blood streamed from her forehead, and her left arm hung limp. It seemed to be broken.

However, this was not the time for sentimental exchanges.

“Quick! Let’s escape now!”

She urged again. When she mentioned ‘now,’ she subtly glanced to the side. He followed her gaze.

Soon he could see it.

Boom! Crash!

Two beasts were locked in a fierce battle.

Demian and Javillon were dueling.

No, in fact, it wasn’t so much a duel as it was one-sided violence. Javillon consistently overpowered Demian.

Demian was barely holding off death, focusing on defense and evasion.

Of course, it was expected.

Because Demian wasn’t a Swordmaster. He was on the brink of advancing from an Expert to a higher level.

So, in principle, Demian wouldn’t be able to withstand even a single blow from a Swordmaster like Javillon. That would be the norm.

Yet, astonishingly, Demian was holding on. Overcoming a seemingly insurmountable gap, he was managing to fend off Javillon, despite being on the defensive.

It was miraculous. Perhaps even Javillon was equally stunned, as his eyes were wide in surprise.

Then, Princess Adeline’s urgent voice rang out again.

“What are you doing?! Let’s move now!”


“Yes! While your guard is buying us time, we must flee!”

Adeline, suggesting that they abandon Demian and escape.

It was, in fact, a logical suggestion.

He is the crown prince of the empire. Demian is just a guard. Guards are meant to fight, even die in place of others. It seemed Adeline viewed it this way.

…But not for him.

“I can’t. I can’t just leave him.”

He said, standing up, looking back at Adeline. A sense of incomprehension filled her eyes.

“We need to leave now!”

She reached out, probably intending to drag him if necessary.

But he couldn’t follow her suggestion. He couldn’t abandon Demian. That’s an absolute no.

Because he’s merely the protagonist of a novel? Because he’s one of the most potent beings in this universe? Because it’d be a waste to lose such a valuable character here? Because it would be a loss?


Raciel shook his head, recalling a scene from the novel “Devil Sword Emperor.” He spoke to the princess.

“If we abandon him here, everyone will be in danger.”


A confused expression crossed Adeline’s face. However, what he just said was true.

If Demian gets abandoned here and faces a life-threatening crisis, if he truly comes to understand his essence during that desperate moment…

‘Then, both I and you, and even the entire world, will face a danger far greater than Javillon.’

(To be Continued)

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