Morning arrived, but Gardin abruptly awoke just before dawn.


Even after his slumber, his body remained weary. His head weighed heavily, and his eyelids felt rigid.

‘What kind of dream kept me up all night…’

It was a tumultuous dream, fierce in its intensity.

The night had been filled with perplexing and restless dreams, causing him to feel anything but refreshed after his sleep. On the contrary, he felt even more fatigued than the previous night.

‘Phew, what should I do today.’

With a sigh, he rose from his bed, knowing he had no other option. Today marked the day when the Crown Prince, whom he served, would face off against the second prince.

‘And he will probably lose.’

Defeat seemed highly probable.

The outcome appeared almost certain.

No, it was unavoidable.

The thought weighed heavily on him, casting a gloomy shadow.

In many ways, it ignited anger within him.

How could such an unjust situation persist? Was it fair to subject a patient to such cruelty, despite Crown Prince Raciel’s slightly delicate health?

As a fellow human being.

As a physician dedicated to healing.

He harbored a fundamental uncertainty about the righteousness of this treatment. Consequently, he endured a restless night, tormented by vivid and agonizing dreams.

‘No, I can’t greet His Highness with such a drained look. I need to pull myself together. Strength! Strength!’

Smack! Smack!

He delivered a firm slap to his cheeks, revitalizing himself.

A surge of energy seemed to fill the void within him.

He recollected the events of the previous evening.

‘His Highness also resisted the alcohol in the end!’

That’s how it unfolded.

On the eve of the competition.

Crown Prince Raciel issued an unexpected command. He requested alcohol. Not just any alcohol, but the most potent variety available.

It was a shock.

A patient asking for alcohol.

He vehemently objected.

He pleaded, insisting it was not the right course of action. Even in dire circumstances, the Crown Prince should not allow himself to unravel. He appealed with desperation in his heart.

But the Crown Prince remained steadfast. He refused to yield. He stated it was an order. If he was not to comply, he should depart from the palace. His resolve was unwavering, unlike anything he had displayed before.

In the end, he reluctantly carried out the command, his heart heavy with sorrow. He selected the most potent alcohol stored within the palace and delivered it to the Crown Prince’s chamber.

And then he was expelled from the room.

‘I thought His Highness was finally collapsing.’

It was a scene filled with pity.

It evoked a deep sense of sadness.

How long had he stood outside the bedroom door, hesitant? When he finally received the command from His Highness to enter, he practically burst through the door with lightning speed.

And it was in that moment that he made a startling discovery.

‘All the seals on the bottles were broken. And just one sip was missing from each. From all the bottles.’

The sight was akin to the sky crumbling down upon him. The alcohol he had reluctantly procured per the prince’s request was no ordinary drink. It was a notorious liquor known to render even the most experienced drinkers unconscious with a mere sip.

Yet, the Crown Prince had sampled each one of them. Given his delicate health, it was akin to a deliberate act of self-destruction. Filled with alarm, he promptly assessed the prince’s condition.

But surprisingly…

‘The Crown Prince didn’t appear drunk at all. No, he didn’t even smell of alcohol.’

Initially, disbelief consumed him.

To remain completely sober after consuming such potent liquor was inconceivable. It defied all reason and possibility. Thus, he felt compelled to question the prince directly.

‘Your Highness?’

‘Hmm. What?’

‘Are you alright?’

‘Can’t you see? I’m perfectly fine.’

‘… Did you resist?’

‘Well. I suppose you could say that.’

The prince’s nonchalant shrug and smile contradicted the demeanor of someone who had consumed alcohol.

In that moment, a wave of relief washed over him.

‘He didn’t drink it. He almost did, but then he threw it away.’

Could he have discreetly disposed of it through the window? That seemed to be the only plausible explanation for the situation at hand. Contemplating this possibility, a bittersweet sense of pride welled up within him.

‘He must have been in great distress. Wanting to drink under such pressure, he opened the bottle, looked at the moonlight outside the window, and after long contemplation, he shook his head and poured the alcohol out the window.’

Maybe he repeated this ritual multiple times.

That’s how deeply troubled he must have been.

Nevertheless, he persisted until the very end.

‘As expected, our Crown Prince. I believed in you.’

With a renewed sense of pride and contentment, Gardin extended his hand towards the doorknob. He turned it, allowing the side door to swing open, revealing the Crown Prince’s chamber. However, as he stepped inside, his expression froze in disbelief.

“…… Huh?”

“You’re up? Why are you so surprised?”

The side door stood wide open.

Beyond it stood the Crown Prince, but he appeared markedly different from before.

In other words, the Crown Prince was…

“Is this your first time seeing me with this?”

Crown Prince Raciel extended his arm, gesturing towards “this.” In his hand, he held a magnificent, sparkling shield.

“Why… are you holding a shield?”

“Why, you ask? Because it’s the thing I’ll use in today’s duel.”

“That thing?”

“Yes. That’s why I ordered it from the blacksmith in advance. Just in time, the finished product arrived. I’m testing it out.”


Raciel maneuvered his arm, causing the shimmering shield to reflect light from various angles, creating an intriguing spectacle.

To begin with, the shield was impressively large in size. It took on a rectangular shape, measuring approximately 50 centimeters in width and a staggering 120 centimeters in height.

However, what caught his attention was the long rectangular hole positioned at the top, spanning about a foot in width and 3 centimeters in height. When the shield was held for protection, this opening aligned perfectly at a height and position that allowed for discreet glimpses beyond the shield while maintaining vision.

The peculiarity didn’t end there.

Another substantial handle was located inside the shield near the top. It was a handle situated in a place he had never seen before.

“This is great. The fit is better than I thought. They pretty much followed my order exactly.”

His Highness the Crown Prince beamed with contentment.

Witnessing that smile, Gardin was suddenly jolted back to reality.

“Isn’t it heavy?”

At first glance, the size of the shield was undeniably absurd.

One would naturally assume it to be quite heavy. How could the Prince, who possessed a physique more delicate than the average person, effortlessly lift such a sizable shield?

“Actually, it’s not too bad once you hold it. It’s not just simple iron. I asked the blacksmith for it specifically.”

“You specifically asked…”

“To make it sturdy and as light as possible.”


“Yes. So I guess they poured in a lot of various rare metals.”


It was at that moment that Gardin grasped the reality of the situation.

If the shield were a mere iron construct of such dimensions, it would easily weigh around 7-8 kilograms. The Crown Prince would have struggled to handle it properly. However, if they had lightened it by incorporating numerous rare metals, the narrative would be different.

“Roughly speaking, um, it seems to be a little less than 2 kilograms.”

The weight, given its size, was remarkable.

However, at that instant, Gardin experienced a peculiar sense of discordance. Was it due to the shield appearing lighter than expected? Or perhaps because it possessed an incredibly striking aesthetic?

No, it wasn’t either of those reasons.

There was something profoundly unusual about witnessing the Crown Prince wielding the shield.

‘Why? Why… does the Prince look so natural holding that?’

Upon reflection, it was an odd occurrence.

The Crown Prince Raciel, as Gardin knew him, had been plagued by illness throughout his entire life. He rarely engaged in wielding weapons such as swords and shields.

Yet, what about the Crown Prince standing before him now?

This would be the first instance of him grasping such a sizable shield, yet he did so with an innate ease. His actions with it were natural, as if he were a cook wielding a ladle or a carpenter handling a saw and hammer. In short, it appeared far too comfortable and familiar.

It wasn’t just in the way he held it either.

Even his subtle movements and overall demeanor seemed to align effortlessly with the shield.

‘It’s as if… he’s been living with a shield for a year or two.’

Therefore, the enigma grew even more perplexing.

However, there was no time available to unravel the mystery.

“Let’s go then.”

Interrupting his thoughts, the voice of the Crown Prince broke through.

“…… Yes?”

Gardin instinctively responded.

In response, the Crown Prince let out a chuckle.

“We have to go to the duel.”

“But… it’s still very early?”

“There are things to prepare for.”

The prince’s smile widened once again.

“We should assess the surroundings of the Lloy-Javi Bridge where the duel is to be held. How spacious is the area? Is the terrain even? Which direction does the sunlight blind the eyes? Where will the spectators gather and create a ruckus?”


“By examining these details in advance, you’ll be better prepared for unexpected variables during the actual match. It may increase your chances of victory, even if only slightly. Don’t you agree?”

“Your Highness?”

“Yes, what is it?”

“Oh, it’s nothing.”

Gardin stumbled over his words, his sentence trailing off. In that moment, he almost asked without realizing it, ‘Have you truly not given up hope yet?’

‘Whew, I almost made a rude remark.’

The Crown Prince likely foresaw the outcome of today’s duel. It was a contest he stood no chance of winning, regardless of his efforts. He must have been well aware of his impending defeat.

Yet, despite the circumstances, the Crown Prince was giving his all. It would be incredibly impolite to casually inquire about whether he had not given up hope.

Gardin swiftly regained his composure, masking his thoughts behind a composed expression.

“Understood, Your Highness. Then I’ll hurry up and pack.”


“Things like emergency treatment tools and bandages.”

“That’s good. Just hurry.”

And so, they gathered their belongings and departed from the palace.

Eventually, they reached the Lloy-Javi Bridge, the designated site for the duel.

Constructed approximately 300 years prior by the legendary civil engineer Lloyd Frontera, and commissioned by King Alicia, the Lloy-Javi Bridge exhibited an awe-inspiring magnificence that exceeded all expectations.

‘This, it’s totally like the Gwangan Bridge style, isn’t it?’

Raciel couldn’t help but feel genuinely taken aback.

The size of the bridge surpassed his initial expectations.

Furthermore, it was a suspension bridge, adding an extra element of astonishment.

To make matters even more remarkable, an immense crowd had already assembled in the vicinity. With just a glance, it was evident that the number of people easily reached the thousands.

‘It’s a local spectacle.’

The citizens displayed eyes brimming with anticipation.

Men engaged in animated conversations, their excitement palpable. Women exchanged glances filled with intense interest. Meanwhile, the children, oblivious to the significance of the event, joyfully darted around.

They had undoubtedly gathered here to witness his impending defeat. They had come to observe the monumental spectacle of the Crown Prince’s loss and the subsequent transfer of the crown prince title to the Second Prine.

‘Everyone must be thinking I’m going to lose.’

Raciel drew in a deep breath and carefully surveyed the battleground. Meanwhile, the nobles took their designated seats on the elevated platform as time ticked away. On the opposite side of the bridge, the Second Prince Theodor also settled into position.

Before long, the Emperor made his grand entrance.

Simultaneously, the atmosphere shifted, steeped in solemnity.

The sight of tens of thousands of citizens falling into silence, bowing their heads in reverence, was a sight that even Raciel found awe-inspiring.

The Emperor’s voice reverberated through the hushed air.

The content of his speech was predictable.

Today, at the behest of Crown Prince Raciel, this duel was to transpire. Through this battle, which would determine the future of the empire and the royal lineage, they sought to discern who was most fitting for the throne and so on.

“…Therefore, if the duel begins and Raciel endures for 5 minutes, he wins. If not, victory goes to the second prince.”

The two princes stood poised for a fair and impartial duel, observed by the assembled multitude.

The Emperor’s solemn proclamation resounded, commanding the attention of all present.

Throughout, an eerie silence permeated the atmosphere, as if suspended in collective anticipation.

Simultaneously, a shared realization dawned upon the minds of the onlookers.

Indeed, this duel would effectively serve as an abdication ceremony for Crown Prince Raciel. Even the Emperor’s speech carried the weight of an implicit declaration of his abdication.

Tens of thousands of citizens.

Hundreds of nobles.

Even the Emperor himself, delivering his address.

They all harbored the same sentiment.

They cared little for the impending defeat that Raciel would inevitably face. They were indifferent to the suffering and humiliation he would endure.

Their collective interest was singularly focused on one thing.

How magnificently the second prince would showcase his worth. How he would forge a tale of honor and intrigue to be recounted for generations to come.

Every eye brimmed with anticipation and every heart beat in expectation.

Hence, until this very moment, none could have fathomed the profound shock that the outcome of this duel would unleash upon them all.

“Start the duel.”

Finally, the declaration reverberated throughout the air.

The two princes converged at the center of the bridge.

The clash ensued.

It was in that very moment.

Tens of thousands of citizens.

Hundreds of nobles.

Even the Emperor himself, attentively observing the duel.

Even the second prince, wielding his sword with determination.

Soon, a collective notion began to take hold in the minds of all present.

Something had gone awry.

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