daemonum angelus: Discovery of the Guardians -
Transylvania was absolutely gorgeous. It was a largeforest-like region in the central part of Romania, surrounded by lusciousmountain ranges.
The four Guardians were in a well-preserved walled old towncalled Sighişoara.The little town had bright, slim, two-storey buildings and winding streets thathad been built in the thirteenth century. Riley could see, smell and fell thehistory of the place. He loved it and he knew that Kiara did too.
She had a tourist map clutched in her hands. “So, Wikipediasays that Castle Felis is in theeastern Carpathian Mountains.”
Riley grinned. “I hope you feel like hiking.”
Tania tried to cock an eyebrow. “Or we can just use a portallike I suggested in the first place.”
“But I wanted to see Transylvania’s historic town,” Rileyreplied. “You guys never want to do anything fun.”
Tania patted his shoulder with a sympathetic look on herface. “We seriously need to work on your definition of fun.”
When they started walking again, Aaron came up next to himand shrugged. “I thought this was fun. And hiking would’ve been nice.”
Riley chuckled. “I guess it’s a guy-thing.”
Felis was asmajestic a castle as any Kiara had read about. It stood alone high up in themountains, its six tall towers exclaiming its solitude to the world. The starkwhite walls and orange-tiled roof formed a striking contrast with the green ofthe woods and the blue of the sky that surrounded this enormous building.
The portal had dropped the Guardians in front of Castle Felis’s entrance, which consisted of agrand archway and a thick wooden door.
Kiara turned to admire the forest around them. The brilliantwhite sunlight filtered through the leaves to create intricate shade-patternson the dark brown soil. The air smelled of pine cones, unpolluted oxygen andfresh rain. A serene silence hung over the place like a blessing, interruptedonly by the sounds of the native creatures – birds calling to one another,squirrels scurrying up tree trunks and a deer pawing at the earth with onehoof.
For a girl raised in the busiest part of New York City, thiswas paradise.
She took a deep, rejuvenating breath. “Oh, I wish I livedhere.”
Tania crossed her arms over her chest and eyed the woods ina distrusting way. “It’s kind of in the middle of nowhere, don’t you think?”
Riley stepped up to the front door and frowned. “Do we justknock?”
Kiara shrugged. “I guess.”
Riley lifted a fist to knock, but the heavy door openedbefore he could. Kiara gasped and started forward.
The foyer was twice the size of Feminam’s lobby and three times as beautiful. The ceiling waspainted with the image of a young woman at the feet of a glorious, white-robedangel, and the floor was entirely made of glass, mirroring the picture above.The grey stone walls had rich, red tapestries strung up between its pillars andhollow suits of armour kept guard at the four corners of the chamber. A giantblack chandelier hung down into the centre of it all, an ancient version of thedisco ball at the Marquee.
And in the door stood a man who appeared to be about thirtyyears old. He had wavy, medium brown hair to his shoulders and stubble that ranalong his strong jaw. His face was like a sculpture; with high and definedcheekbones, a sharp nose, heavy eyebrows and lips that always seemed to bepouting. He was wearing only light blue jeans frayed at the bottom and a silverring on his right hand, leaving his sleek, golden body exposed. But the onething Kiara found most breath-taking, was his eyes.
They were surrounded by perfectly distinguished lashes andwere a colour unlike she had ever seen. It was jade and hunter green and hazelall at the same time. Those eyes were so stunning it was hypnotising.
The man looked around the circle of Guardians and then hisgaze finally halted on Kiara. He beamed to reveal a set of sparkling whiteteeth, his small fangs retracted.
“Kiara… I must say that it is quite an honour to finallymeet you. Might I enquire as to why it is on my doorstep and at this specifictime?” he asked with a rolling accent. His voice came out husky and bearing afaintly amused tone.
Kiara stepped forward. “Dominic Quentin?”
The man mocked a bow. “At your service, my dear.”
“We need to talk to you.”
Dominic motioned for them to enter. “Well, let’s not standhere talking over the threshold like we’re angry at each other. We can chat inthe eastern living room. The sun just pours in at this time of day.”
As the four of them followed Dominic through his palace,Aaron muttered, “Thought you’d try to avoid that.”
The vampire chuckled softly. “Darling, where do you think Igot this tan?”
Aaron frowned. “But vampires turn to ash when their heartsare exposed to sunlight?”
“Only the ones who drink human blood… Kiara, dear, pleaseintroduce me to your lovely friends.”
She nodded and pointed at her nearest companion. “This isRiley Stern.”
Riley smiled and extended a hand. “Pleased to meet you. Andthank you for inviting us into your beautiful home.”
Dominic shook his hand and grinned. “I have this rule aboutcomplimenting everyone I meet for the first time. But I don’t know whichfeature to pick – your impeccable manners or your ravishing dimples. Which Isuppose is, in turn, twice the flattery.”
Riley’s only response was to blush, much to Dominic’sdelight. The green-eyed man then turned to admire Tania.
“What do we have here? Eyes so full of life. And flawlessivory skin. Dear, if I were a bit younger, we would already be upstairs… Alas,I am a different man now. It has taken me about a thousand years, but I am moremature than that.”
Kiara saw a muscle jerk in Aaron’s jaw as Tania giggled.“I’m Tania Houghs. And I’m very flattered; thank you… Dominic, please let meintroduce you to my boyfriend, Aaron Rose.”
Dominic’s tone remained light as he said, “Ah, yes, the bigone who doesn’t like me. Might I compliment you on your mastery of the hostilescowl? I knew that working with the Guardians would have its difficulties andthat I would not be accepted by all. Regardless, you are welcome in my home,Aaron Rose.”
Aaron smirked sarcastically. “Thank you. My life would havebeen incomplete otherwise.”
Tania elbowed him in the side and whispered, “Be nice.”
He spoke through gritted teeth. “I’m not going to ‘be nice’.He’s a supernatural, for God’s sake.”
Finally, after two sets of stairs, three turns and acorridor that seemed endless, they reached the eastern living room. The roomonly had one set of furniture – a long glass table and ten matching chairs.Potted plants and sleeping felines filled the rest of the space. As Dominic hadpromised, the room was flooded in morning sunlight.
The vampire swept an arm into the room dramatically.“Please, step into my office. Take a seat.”
Aaron pulled a face. “I hate cats.”
Kiara obeyed Dominic’s request by pulling out the nearestchair. “You really do have a lovely home. But isn’t a vampire living inTransylvania kind of predictable?”
He raised an eyebrow and sat down at the head of the table.“Because of the Dracula thing?”
The other Guardians took their seats, Aaron positioninghimself straight across from the supernatural. Kiara nodded.
Dominic laughed nonchalantly. “Oh, Darling, who do you thinkwas Bram’s inspiration?”
Tania’s eyes widened to the size of saucers. “You’re the Dracula?”
“Not exactly. But every author must get his idea fromsomewhere.”
Riley shook his head incredulously. “That book’s a classic.Are you that old?”
“I don’t believe you.” This came from Aaron, who had histree-trunk arms crossed over his chest.
Dominic nodded and stroked his lower lip with his middle andindex fingers. “I thought you might not, but I shall accept that. So, what isit you wish to converse with me about?”
Before Kiara could enquire about Tiberius, Aaron demanded,“How did you know about the warlock’s plan?”
Dominic pulled his smooth shoulders up in a shrug. “Yourinterrogation starts with an easy question. Tiberius and I were once veryclose. He originally came to me to be his accomplice. I made sure I knew everydetail of his scheme before declining. And then he went to that new-bloodwhore, Asmael. Someone should have put a stake through that ginger fifty yearsago.”
Tania sat up proud and winked. “Someone did.”
But Aaron’s examination was not finished. “Why? Why did yousend him away and let us in on his plans?”
“Because I have no more interest in a zombie apocalypse thanyou do. They are nasty, brainless little creatures. And Tiberius would be aless-than-ideal world ruler. I knew only the Guardians would be willing andable to stop him. But since communicating with the Insulam officials would result in my immediate demise, I sent aletter to Kiara instead.”
“Why me?” she questioned.
“I knew you would trust me, because you are not like theother Guardians… Anyway, I know that you did not come here to check my motives.I heard about your last encounter with Tiberius.”
Kiara nodded. “We wondered if you might know his next move.”
He touched his bottom lip in thought and then said, “I’m noton his friends list anymore. I do, however, have many other contacts in thesupernatural world. It won’t be easy, but I can replace him for you. It will,unfortunately, take a day or so…”
“That’s fine,” Riley replied. “We’ll just need to replace aguesthouse down in town.”
“Oh, don’t be ridiculous,” Dominic countered. “I have enoughroom for you and all your future grandchildren. Please allow me to provide youwith the best lodgings in Romania.”
Aaron shook his head sternly. “No. I am not staying in abloodsucker’s house. How many people have died here to satisfy your hunger,eh?”
Dominic’s voice flattened and his expression becameinscrutable. “Twenty two.”
Kiara gaped at him. “What?”
“In my 1765 years of life, I have killed twenty two peopleand fed on thrice as much. But the last time I tasted human blood was almost acentury ago. I was a monster and I still hate myself for what I became… In1915, I fell in love with a woman named Agatha and she changed me. Love doesthat, you know. I started using animal blood to survive and I’m a differentperson now.”
“You still can’t bring back the innocents you slaughtered,”Aaron sneered, getting up from his seat.
“I know. But in the words of Oscar Wilde: If the best man’s faults were written on hisforehead, he would draw his hat over his eyes. Judge me if it satisfiesyou, Aaron Rose, but allow me to offer you a room in my home. I promise thatyou will not be harmed.”
“I’m afraid I can’t make you the same promise.”
Kiara shot up, her chair scraping on the stone floor.“Aaron, stop it. He. Is. Helping. Us. Get that message through your thick skull.”She turned to face the vampire and composed herself. “Thank you, Dominic. Weappreciate your hospitality and accept your invitation.”
The castle’s interior at night was as dark as a werewolf’sfur and as silent as a cemetery. Everyone was in a deep slumber. Except forAaron. He was sneaking around the hallways with a hawthorn stake and a smallflashlight clutched in his hands.
He opened the door in front of him, turned out the light andstepped over the threshold. Moonlight flooded through a giant window, leavingonly the right side of the room in shadow.
Dominic Quentin was passed out on his king-sized bed.Vampires didn’t sleep much, but when they did, the slept like the dead theywere.
Aaron walked forward until he was at the bloodsucker’s side.He raised the stake into the air, took a deep breath and prepared to slam itdown into the creature’s chest.
Suddenly, something moved in the shadows to his right and ablade was pointed at his heart, the tip resting on his shirt.
“Drop the stake.”
It was Kiara.
Aaron clenched his jaw and turned his eyes to glare at her.“I knew you were a supernatural lover, but turning your weapon on a fellowGuardian takes it to a whole other level.”
Her silver-green eyes remained steady. “I asked you to dropthe stake. I suggest that you comply.”
“Or what? You’re going to kill me?”
She shrugged. “If that’s what it takes. Or I could justscream and have everyone running here. I wonder what your girlfriend will thinkof this.”
There was a moment of uncertain quiet before he sighed andhanded her his weapon. She took it and dropped her sword. He turned to faceher. “What are you even doing here?”
“Dominic expected that you might pull something like this. Ipromised I would stay here to keep watch.”
“Why are you so eager to protect him?” His tone was edgedwith hostility.
Kiara shook her head. “Without him, we’ll never know whereTiberius is striking next.”
“But it’s more than that, isn’t it? You don’t want to killsupernaturals.”
Her eyes shot lightning bolts as she answered, “Nos sunt semper contra malum. We huntevil.” She motioned down at Dominic, who was still fast asleep. “This man isnot evil.”
Aaron headed towards the room’s exit. Upon reaching thedoor, he spun to say, “He’s also not really a man.”
Then he left.
“There are not many people I am indebted to, but I owe youmy life. Thank you, Kiara,” Dominic said as he poured a cup of tea. He waswearing his usual minimalistic outfit.
Kiara and the golden-skinned vampire were once again in theeastern living room the following morning, just having a chat. “It’s reallynothing. Aaron and I have been at each other’s throat a few times before lastnight. You actually did me a favour by giving me the opportunity to put him inhis place.”
Dominic chuckled. “Well, it’s my pleasure. But don’t be toohard on him; he is only following what he has been told. Plus, he is down theremaking all of you breakfast…” He handed her the tea. “I hope it’s to yourliking, dear.”
She accepted it with a nod. “Thank you. Aren’t you going tohave anything?”
“I didn’t want to scare you with a haemoglobin smoothie,” hemused. “So, I’m fine for now.”
Kiara giggled and took a few sips. “I’m dying to know how itworks. How many times do you have to feed? Do various types of blood tastedifferent?”
He seemed amused at the questions, but answered honestly. “Ifeed once a week. Back when humans were on the menu, AB Negative was myfavourite. Very rare. Exquisite metallic undertone. Now, I prefer deer. Funnyhow most animals tend to taste like chicken.”
She laughed with him and marvelled at how happy he alwayswas. “Do you like being a vampire?”
Dominic became silent, staring at the table for a fewagonising minutes. When he finally looked up at her, his green eyes wereswimming with pent-up tears.
“I am trying to accept it, but no. I do not like even onesecond of it. The hunger after being bitten was the most intense thing I haveever felt. For the first few decades, I went on a rampage. I was a killer.After that, the depression sank in. I was lost in darkness for so long untilAgatha pulled me out. We were so happy, but she was mortal. She died and I haveto keep on living without her… forever.”
Kiara placed a comforting hand over his. “I supposeimmortality is the worst part of being what you are.”
He shook his head sadly. “No. The worst part is the factthat I shall never meet my God.”
She raised an eyebrow. “You’re religious?”
Dominic nodded, motioning to the crucifix mounted on theleft wall. “I am a very dedicated Christian. I always was. So you see, immortalityis not the problem; I can hire an assassin. The problem is damnation.”
She felt her heart break at the horror of what he wassaying.
No. Please. No.
“Dominic, you’re going to hell?”
His gaze turned empty. “No matter how much faith I have, thefact that I am a supernatural damns my soul.”
That tore her heart apart even further. A sense ofinjustice, pity and, inexplicably, fear flooded over her.
All supernaturals goto hell…
“I am so sorry.”
He cleared his throat and surprised her by smiling again.“On a much lighter note, I have found our warlock friend.”
Kiara took a second to pull herself together before asking,“Really?”
He nodded in affirmation. “He’s amassing a zombie army andsending them to destroy Alexandria. Right now.”
She nodded, head going into battle mode. “And Tiberiushimself?”
“Controlling the portal on Twelfth Street, Manhattan.”
She rolled her eyes. “Why does everything always go back toNew York…? Okay, I’ll round up the others. We’ll be off in an hour.”
Dominic was wearing a shirt.
The vampire had his medium brown hair pulled back into aponytail ad was dressed in something similar to the Guardians’ form-fittingblack gear. Kiara couldn’t lie. He looked sexy as hell. He was also takinggreat care in bidding every one of his twenty two cats farewell.
Kiara leaned against the entrance hall’s walls and grinnedat him with newfound affection. “You don’t have to join us, Dominic. It’sfine.”
He straightened, gently dropping a sphinx onto the glassfloor. “Don’t be ridiculous. I have assisted you up to this stage. I’m notmissing out on the final battle.”
As a light grey tabby padded over his boots, Riley swoopeddown to pick her up. The cat curled into him and purred loudly. “You sure dohave a lot of pets.” He beamed as his fingers travelled up and down thecreature’s belly.
Dominic nodded, finally seeming to have finished hisgoodbyes. “All vampires have a deep-rooted love of felines. We replace ourselvesin their agile movements and their predatory nature. We are also obsessed withcounting… Very random; I know. But true.”
Aaron grimaced down at a white Persian. Apparently, he hadan allergy or a phobia or something. “I don’t get why you’re coming. You’regoing to fight against your own kind. Why?”
The vampire looked up with only kindness in his eyes. “Is itso far-fetched to believe that you and I are not all that different, AaronRose? I do not consider our enemies today as my kind. I side with good. Same asyou.”
Aaron stared at him for a few seconds and then gave in witha nod. “Okay.”
Tania smiled up at her boyfriend and rested her head againsthis shoulder. “So, the plan?”
Kiara peeled herself from the wall and answered. “Tania,Aaron and Dominic will head to Alexandria to keep the zombie army at bay. Isent a request for back-up to Insulamwith Dominic’s help. I hope it is received and reacted upon. Meanwhile, Rileyand I will go to Manhattan to face the warlock.”
“Just be on guard. Tiberius will be waiting for you.” Thiscame from the vampire, who was strapping his stocked weapons belt across hiships.
She felt her features tighten into an expression ofdetermination. “We’ll be ready. This time, he’s not escaping with his life. Ican promise you that.”
Iam sorry that I left the Island with only an explanatory letter to you. I wishI’d had the time to kiss you goodbye and thank you for keeping this a secretfrom Houghs.
Wehave faced the warlock once, but he escaped. Now, we have to go up against himand his zombie army again. And we need your help. Please don’t go to theheadmaster. Gather a few girls as fast as you can and hurry to Alexandria. Mybest guess will have to be somewhere near a landmark or the Graeco-Romanmuseum. Thank you so much. I know I can count on you.
Ona different note… I wish you were here with us.You’d love the places we’ve seen and Dominic Quentin too. I can’t wait to tellyou everything when we see each other again.
Imiss you a lot and I love you.
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