Damn Reincarnation
Chapter 21.2

Chapter 21.2

Two days later, Gerhard Lionheart arrived from distant Gidol. Although only a single knight, Gordon, had been sent to escort Eugene; this time, the Patriarch’s own younger brother, Gion, had personally accompanied Gerhard to the main estate.

This fact caused Gerhard to feel immense pressure. The only times he had been to the main estate were for the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony twenty years ago and the Patriarch’s succession ceremony; following that, there had been no further visits to the capital city, let alone the main estate. 

‘…So Eugene really won this year’s Bloodline Continuation Ceremony?’

My son did that? Truly? Gerhard was currently suspecting that he might be in the middle of a dream. Or else, maybe all of this was a prank meant to make fun of him. 

But what reason would they have to do that? What on earth could cause the main family of the Lionheart clan, the direct descendants of the Great Vermouth, to summon the patriarch of a small collateral family out in the remote countryside, just to play this sort of prank on him.

However, he simply couldn’t accept it so easily. When Gion had first arrived at his doorstep, he had been so surprised that he almost passed out. He was even more surprised when he saw the luxurious carriage waiting outside, flying the unmistakable banner of the courageous Lionheart. Even after hearing Gion recount the stories of what Eugene had done on the way here, his surprise still hadn’t faded in the least.

After traveling through several warp gates, they had arrived at the capital. It was only when they reached the main family’s personal warp gate, which was only used for special occasions, that Gerhard accepted that this was all really happening.

‘My son… he really defeated the children of the main family.’

Gerhard felt like he was about to start crying. It wasn’t like he hadn’t held any expectations for Eugene. His son had always been out-of-the-ordinary, ever since he was young. He was such an exceptional child that… Gerhard had sometimes doubted if Eugene really was his son. 

That was why he had always felt guilty. Gerhard knew full well that with his own capabilities, he couldn’t give his son the lift that Eugene needed for his talents to soar. He had thought that the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony would force Eugene to see the reality of his situation. After all, no matter how exceptional the collateral descendants were, defeat was still inevitable. It should not have been possible to overcome the gap that existed between the direct line and the collateral lines by innate talent and hard work alone, but….


The moment he saw his son, Gerhard forgot all propriety as tears began pouring down his face. Pride and guilt warred in equal measure as he looked at his only son. 

The Lionheart flag was flying proudly in front of the majestic and splendid main family’s mansion. His son stood in the center of this intimidating scene, smiling brightly as he waved his hand at Gerhard. 

Gerhard had never been able to provide Eugene with any meaningful support. He hadn’t been able to replace an excellent knight to serve as Eugene’s teacher, and Gerhard himself was incapable of providing such instruction. Apart from the wooden swords and training dummies, he hadn’t been able to supply anything else.

Nevertheless, his son had been able to attain victory at the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony.

“My son, Eugene…!”

Gerhard pulled his son into an embrace as he continued to shed tears. Eugene was startled to see Gerhard like this, but he soon slipped on a childish expression and returned Gerhard’s embrace.

“I’m so… I’m so proud of you. The fact that you’re my son makes me so proud,” Gerhard sobbed through his tears.

“I told you that I would send you good news, didn’t I? Did you really not believe me?” Eugene teased his father.

Eugene did, in fact, say this when he left Gidol to attend the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony. Of course, Gerhard hadn’t been able to whole-heartedly believe in these words. This fact also caused Gerhard to feel some guilt.

“That’s right… you did say that, didn’t you, my… my son. I’m… I’m so sorry for not believing in you,” Gerhard sobbed out between sniffs.

“Hey now, what’s with the apologies again. If I were in your place, I wouldn’t have believed it either,” as Eugene gave this soothing reply, he pinched Gerhard’s belly.

This instinctively caused Gerhard to step backward in shock. The stinging pain coming from his thick gut once again reminded him that this was real.

But his son wasn’t the only one waiting for him at the gates. Right behind Gerhard was the Patriarch’s younger brother, Gion, and in front of him— 

Gerhard swallowed visibly and quickly pulled a handkerchief out of a breast pocket.

In front of him stood Gilead Lionheart, the Lionheart Patriarch who Gerhard had last seen during the ceremony of his ascension to the seat of Patriarch. Gerhard could still clearly recognize Gilead’s appearance from that event. He quickly wiped the handkerchief over his face, which was drenched in tears and snot, then bowed his head to Gilead.

“A-apologies for the late greeting. My name is Gerhard Lionheart, and I hail from Gidol.”

“I am Gilead Lionheart. Please forgive my rudeness of inviting you in such haste.”

Gilead walked directly over to Gerhard and offered him a handshake. Startled, Gerhard scrubbed his hands on the sides of his trousers before shaking the offered hand.

“What rudeness…?! I don’t consider it that way at all. In fact, I am extremely grateful that you have invited me like this,” Gerhard said.

“I don’t want to take up too much of your time with your son, but if it is okay with you, would you mind coming inside with me for a short conversation?”

Gilead didn’t wish to have a lengthy exchange of greetings with Gerhard out here in the open. As a member of the collateral lines, Gerhard couldn’t help but keep his head bowed low in the presence of the direct line’s Patriarch, and Gilead didn’t want Eugene to see his father like this. 

“Of course, that’s fine with me,” Gerhard immediately agreed.

Eugene considerately withdrew, allowing the two men to pass. While shooting curious glances at Eugene, Gerhard followed Gilead into the main family’s mansion. 

It felt like his son had a lot of stories to tell him, and there were many things that Gerhard wanted to ask Eugene in turn, but Gerhard stayed quiet as he left Eugene for the moment. He was curious about the intention behind this offer to have a conversation with the Patriarch.

When he thought about it normally, the fact that his son had surpassed the main family’s children to win the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony… was a huge insult to the main family. Were they trying to put pressure on him because of this? But if that was what they were trying to do, it felt like Gion was much too cheerful to have been sent as their emissary to do so, and it hadn’t felt like anything was out-of-place with Eugene. Patriarch Gilead also seemed far too polite to hold any intention of embarrassing him like this. 

Refreshments had already been prepared for their enjoyment in the Patriarch’s office. Gilead got straight to the point after watching Gerhard wet his throat that had dried up out of tension with some tea.

“…You’re talking about… an adoption?” Gerhard asked in disbelief.

“That’s right,” Gilead confirmed.

He hadn’t just recklessly thrown the offer at Gerhard. Instead, Gilead had explained in detail exactly why he was making this offer.

Eugene’s talents were so brilliant that he couldn’t be left to his own devices. However, for his potential to bloom splendidly, the support of the main family was absolutely necessary.

A child of a collateral line had won the Bloodline Continuation Ceremony by defeating those of the direct line. While it was a blessing for the Lionheart clan to have such a talented sprout, it could also stir into action those among the Lionheart’s countless collateral branches who held seditious thoughts.

There was a risk that a conspiracy of these rebellious dissidents might reach out to Eugene. If Eugene didn’t agree to their offer, they might even try to put pressure on him in some form or another.

“Of course, as a representative of the main family, I promise to do my best to protect Lord Gerhard’s household from harm.”

However, in reality, there was a limit to the protection that the main family could provide.

“Even if you refuse the offer, there will be no grudges held by the main family. I also promise that I will still spare no effort to support Eugene’s growth as much as possible.”

“…Haha….” Gerhard unconsciously let out a laugh.

Wasn’t this… really just a dream? No, he couldn’t escape from reality like this. Gerhard clutched his spinning head.

‘Eugene… adopted by the main family…,’ Gerhard attempted to sort out his thoughts.

Gilead started to speak when he saw Gerhard remain silent, “If Eugene were to be adopted… you, Lord Gerhard, may also be accepted into the main family. I know that this offer comes as a shock, but—”

“I mean no disrespect with what I am about to say next,” having interrupted Gilead like this, Gerhard took a deep breath before continuing to speak. “For showing such high regard for my son’s potential and consideration for my own feelings, I offer you my deepest gratitude. However, in my view… I have no choice but to consider what would be best for my son’s future.”

“And so?”

“Even though the Patriarch’s intentions are well-meaning and honest, I am worried that others within the main family might persecute Eugene.”

Gilead didn’t feel offended by this concern. Instead, he actually felt respect for Gerhard, who was brave enough to state his opinions firmly.

“Although I was born a Lionheart, I am but a humble person who has never truly lived up to the Lionheart name. I… I’ve always wished to fully support my son’s future, but… I’ve always carried the guilt that my humble means will prevent my son from achieving his brightest future,” Gerhard admitted his insecurity.

Even as his voice wavered, Gerhard continued speaking. Though he clasped his trembling hands together to suppress the turbulent emotions he was feeling.

“The Patriarch already has three children, don’t you? If my son is adopted into your family…. No matter the reason for his adoption, won’t he be treated as an unwelcome outsider?” asked Gerhard.

“I understand what you’re trying to say,” Gilead nodded. “But the main family values its traditions. So even if Eugene was adopted into the main family, succeeding in my position as the Patriarch… would be very difficult.”

“…,” Gerhard listened silently.

“My wives and children are also aware of this fact. This tradition… unfortunately, it cannot be overturned in my generation. I will promise you one thing; I don’t want to limit Eugene’s future. However, my will alone cannot represent the will of the main family or of the elders in the council,” Gilead offered this caveat.

“…Alright,” Gerhard recognized Gilead’s sincerity.

“As long as that boy, Eugene, doesn’t become too ambitious… he will be able to freely display his talents with the help of the main family. Becoming the Patriarch… will be difficult for him. However….” For a moment, Gilead stayed silent before bowing his head deeply and continuing, “Lord Gerhard, I hope that you will not be offended by these next words.

“It would be far better for Eugene’s future if he was nurtured as a member of the main family than if he were to remain in Gidol. As long as he doesn’t hold any ambitions of becoming the Patriarch, Eugene will be able to build up a friendship with my children, as they will all become siblings once he is adopted into the main family. Their relationships will open up many more opportunities and possibilities for Eugene in the future.”

Gilead felt quite guilty for saying such things. Eugene’s talents were superior to his children’s. That was obviously so with Eward, but even Cyan and Ciel’s amazing talents couldn’t compare to Eugene’s. Since there was already such a gap at their young age, the difference would become even more pronounced within the next few years.

However, Eugene still couldn’t become the Patriarch. Gilead actually wanted to see what would happen if Eugene were to become the Patriarch, and he genuinely wished for Eugene to bring glory to the main family, but these two desires were incompatible. In the first place, a collateral descendant who was adopted into the main family becoming the Patriarch would undermine the traditions and prestige of the main family.

Even if Gilead, the current Patriarch, didn’t care about that, the Lionheart clan would be turned into a laughingstock, and the Council would never allow such a thing to happen. In their eyes, the direct line had to maintain its superiority over the collateral lines. The Bloodline Continuation Ceremony was a tradition held for this reason and this reason alone.

“…I suppose that would be the case,” Gerhard accepted the truth with a long sigh and a nod.

His child’s future, and the greater opportunities and possibilities that the main family could offer, Gerhard understood what was at stake so well that his heart ached for it. Gerhard keenly realized his own helplessness and relative poverty. Eugene could enjoy an incomparable amount of glory by becoming the adopted child of the main family than he ever could by remaining as the only son of Gerhard from Gidol.

“…I don’t believe this is something I can decide by myself,” Gerhard smiled bitterly and shook his head. “I think it’s time for me to have a conversation with my son.”

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