Time flew by, and Saturday came. Qian Wei went with Liu Shi Yun to meet up at the school gate.

Qian ChuanPing usually did not seem very enthusiastic, but this time he had made a big effort for the activity. When Qian Wei and Liu Shi Yun arrived at the meeting point, he was already dressed up and standing to one side, holding steaming milk tea and egg tarts in his hands. He was craning his neck looking expectantly for Mo Zi Xin, and did not notice Qian Wei walking over until she grabbed the things from his hands.

"After all, you're my little brother. You're so thoughtful, preparing so many tasty things for your big sister so early in the morning. I'll happily accept them then."

"Qian Wei?! Give those back! They weren't bought for you!" Qian ChuanPing was rather exasperated and hurried to snatch back the sweets and drinks from Qian Wei's hands.

Qian Wei naturally knew these things were prepared by Qian ChuanPing to curry favor with Mo Zi Xin, so she absolutely could not let him keep them. Disregarding her image, she shoved all four egg tarts into her mouth in one go, and forcibly sucked up a mouthful of milk tea as well.

When Lu Xun arrived, what he saw was Qian Wei in this state. He also seemed to be shocked by Qian Wei's appearance, staring blankly for a moment before recovering his senses. At this time, Qian Wei was enduring her choking and finally swallowed all the egg tarts. Qian ChuanPing could no longer be bothered to grab at Qian Wei either, because just then, Mo Zi Xin had arrived as well.

"Get on the bus, get on the bus!"

When it was time, the other students streamed onto the charter bus one by one. Qian Wei had also wanted to get on the bus, but having eaten too quickly just now at the expense of herself, she was a little uncomfortable and could only stand in place to calm herself first. But even so, Qian Wei did not forget her mission, which was to intercept Qian ChuanPing and first ensure that Lu Xun and Mo Zi Xin got on the bus and sat together, so that Qian ChuanPing could not cut between them.

Unfortunately, things never go as planned. As Lu Xun passed by Qian Wei, he bent down and leisurely tied his shoelaces. Although Mo Zi Xin deliberately slowed her footsteps with the intention of getting on the bus together with Lu Xun, she was after all a girl and could not be too obvious. With Lu Xun stopping like this, Mo Zi Xin certainly could not stop as well, and could only get on the bus somewhat reluctantly. Once she boarded, Qian ChuanPing naturally hurried to follow her on too. It goes without saying that with Qian ChuanPing's ubiquitous nature, the seat next to Mo Zi Xin was certainly in his pocket.

Qian Wei looked at the nonchalant Lu Xun and was truly angry enough to hate iron for not becoming steel. Clearly his shoelaces were not that loose just now, so how could he choose this time of all times to randomly squat down and tie them?

Qian Wei thought that for the entire journey, Qian ChuanPing would be able to have close contact with Mo Zi Xin, and her heart sank halfway - she couldn't even muster any motivation. By the time she got on the bus, she was in despair to replace that the seat next to Mo Zi Xin was indeed occupied by the beaming Qian ChuanPing, while Lu Xun sat in the seat behind them, still empty beside him.

"Qian Wei! Here!" Liu Shi Yun waved at Qian Wei and enthusiastically called out to her, patting the empty seat beside her, "There's a seat here!"

Qian Wei paused. At this time, Qian ChuanPing was chatting away animatedly, while Lu Xun had earphones in, looking out the window rather coldly, completely uninterested in joining Qian ChuanPing and Mo Zi Xin's conversation.

How could this do? If Lu Xun did not take the initiative to attack like this, wouldn't he be handing Mo Zi Xin over? This guy Qian ChuanPing would be even more unscrupulous if she wasn't around! The way Lu Xun was now, how could he be a match for him?

Qian Wei struggled internally for a moment, and finally waved her hand at Liu Shi Yun, stammering: "Uhh, I won't sit with you, I'll sit here, closer to Qian ChuanPing." Having said that, she shamelessly sat down next to Lu Xun.

Because of Qian Wei's actions, Lu Xun finally turned around, sparing a tiny bit of his precious time to glance at Qian Wei once, but he still had that indifferent attitude, without any enthusiastic reaction. After just that one look, he turned his head again.

However, the gazes of others were much more ardent than Lu Xun's. In all the years of such student council activities, never had there been such a level of participation as today's. Apart from the couples, at least 80% of the people on this bus were girls, and it went without saying who these girls had come for.

Sitting next to Lu Xun under the complex gazes of so many girls, Qian Wei truly felt like she was sitting on pins and needles.

In her nervousness, Qian Wei took another big sip of milk tea, but accidentally sucked up the pearls too hard, nearly choking herself. In order to ease the awkwardness, Qian Wei could only pretend to complain: "Too sweet! Actually I prefer 30% sweetness, preferably oolong milk tea with pearls, hahaha..."

The response she got was Lu Xun's nape showing his disdain...


The bus rumbled to life, and amidst the noise of the engine, Qian Wei looked at Qian ChuanPing and Mo Zi Xin, then lightly poked Lu Xun.

This time, Lu Xun finally looked at Qian Wei, although his expression was still arrogant.

Qian Wei looked around and leaned closer to Lu Xun, lowering her voice: "Lu Xun, this is no time for you to be petty. The battle horn has sounded! The Chinese nation has arrived at a life or death moment! A person like Qian ChuanPing, once he decides on something, he absolutely will not look back. He said he wants to pursue Mo Zi Xin, so he definitely won't give up. And morally, he is a very low person. Even if Mo Zi Xin gets together with you, he would still act as the third party! So you must work hard, take the initiative to catch up to Mo Zi Xin first. Of course, don't let your guard down after catching up, in case you get stolen from. Don't worry, I'm your ally. I know Qian ChuanPing's weaknesses very well. As long as I'm here to help you, with your cooperation, we can definitely defeat Qian ChuanPing! Defeat the evil forces!"

Qian Wei had said a bunch of nonsense and was quite out of breath: "As for the specifics, I'll know his tricks and counter them, I'll think of every way to help you sabotage Qian ChuanPing's chances to be alone with Mo Zi Xin! If it's not convenient to talk directly later, I'll send you text messages. You must pay close attention to your phone!"

"Also, some of Mo Zi Xin's good friends are here today too. You have to get on good terms with them as well, so that you can get first-hand intel on Mo Zi Xin. I see that Qian ChuanPing has already started flattering those friends of Mo Zi Xin's. You have to be careful. You know, at critical moments, we need to have our own people in key positions!"

Qian Wei rambled on messily in a low voice, extremely excited. As she looked at Lu Xun, she was filled with a surging sense of mission. At this moment, she felt great, extremely great! Because this time, Lu Xun had finally listened to her words! Throughout, Lu Xun did not refute or interrupt Qian Wei at all! He had even obediently kept silent without saying a word, which was almost overly quiet.

"Look at you, you've finally been willing to put down your pride this time and properly listen to my advice." Qian Wei said feelingly, "This really is the power of love..."

But before she could finish speaking, Lu Xun across from her finally moved. Qian Wei sat up straight, ready to wait for Lu Xun's feedback after hearing her whole spiel.

Under her eager gaze, Lu Xun removed his earphones, and in that moment, Qian Wei finally heard the intense heavy metal rock music coming from his earphones. Lu Xun gave Qian Wei a faint smile: "What were you saying just now?" He shook his head, completely insincerely: "My earphones volume was a bit too high just now."


Lu Xun! I hope you go deaf at a young age!

"Do you know what great risks I took to sit next to you?" In the end, Qian Wei suppressed the evil fire in her heart and appealed to Lu Xun's emotions, "Among the people on this bus, if not ten, then at least eight of the girls came for you. Everyone had been tacitly maintaining a subtle balance, eyeing you like tigers watching prey, yet no one went to actively sit in the empty seat next to you. By sitting here with you, I've destroyed the mutual restraint between everyone, it's like I'm courting universal condemnation! Who did I do this for? Can you be more considerate of me?"

"If you want to sit next to me, just say so directly, no need to make excuses."

"......" Lu Xun, can't you get on the same frequency as me! I don't want to sit next to you!

"Is the air conditioner on this bus broken? It's so hot." Rather than caring about Qian Wei's reaction, Lu Xun impatiently undid a button on his shirt, revealing his fair, sexy collarbone.

Although Qian Wei was very reluctant to admit it, a person like Lu Xun really did have an exceptionally good figure. Although he had only undone one button now, without any intention of showing off, there was a saying "concealing enhances allure". Sometimes partial concealment instead creates an effect that attracts people to continue exploring, as with Lu Xun now. In Qian Wei's line of sight was his beautifully contoured, fair neck. Seemingly thirsty, Lu Xun took out mineral water and started drinking mouthful by mouthful. His throat undulated with the motion, and the bus happened to go over an uneven stretch of road. With the sudden jolting, Lu Xun's hand shook slightly and the water bottle tilted. A thin stream of transparent water spilled out from his shapely lips, trailing down his chin, meandering over his slender neck, then slowly trickling further along the contour of his collarbone into the depths of his shirt. There were many handsome men, but few who could achieve Lu Xun's combination of handsome yet abstinent, yet fully exuding raw masculine hormones and sensuality.

Qian Wei coughed unnaturally and shifted her eyes away, suddenly feeling that Lu Xun was completely right - it really was scorching hot on this bus.


The road from A University to the theme park was not short, but everyone on the bus was excited as they chatted happily, already planning the order they would visit the theme park attractions. Though called a theme park, it was actually a large-scale amusement park modeled after Disneyland, a new tourist attraction built in A City this year at great expense.

"I heard there's a 4D movie inside, it must be so much fun. There were so many people lining up, we have to rush in and get ahead of the queue," Qian Wei pricked up her ears and pressed her face against the back of the front seat, trying hard to discern what Qian ChuanPing was saying amidst the chattering onboard the bus.

"4D movie? What's that?" Mo Zi Xin sounded very curious.

In 2009, 4D movies were not yet prevalent in China, and was still quite a novelty. Qian ChuanPing had apparently done his research, and explained knowledgeably, "It's a movie that simulates the scenes with vibrations, water spray, wind, smells and even props to make it seem like the scenes are happening in the cinema. For example, when the protagonist in the movie is galloping on a horse, the seats we sit on will shake up and down as if we're riding a horse; when it's drizzling in the movie, the ceiling will spray a mist of water on us, making us feel like we're immersed in the movie."

"You make me really look forward to it!"

The two chatted excitedly. Qian Wei could only catch snippets, but got the key points at least.

After getting off the bus, Qian ChuanPing would bring Mo Zi Xin to queue for the 4D movie!

That won't do, Qian Wei thought. She must not let Qian ChuanPing and Mo Zi Xin sit together watching the movie, otherwise they might accidentally touch hands in the dark cinema, or have to lean close to whisper in each other's ears so as not to disturb other viewers. Or they might share the excitement of watching a 4D movie for the first time. All these could easily lead to intimacy!

"Lu Xun, let's go watch the 4D movie after we get off the bus!"

Lu Xun looked at Qian Wei, seemingly about to say something, but just then, Mo Zi Xin's voice rang out, "Lu Xun, Qian ChuanPing said the 4D movie is fun, why don't you guys join us too."

Perhaps Mo Zi Xin's invitation carried more weight. Lu Xun paused for a while, then slowly said, "Oh, okay."

Qian Wei heaved a huge sigh of relief. As long as Lu Xun agreed to go, with her help, Qian ChuanPing wouldn't get a chance!

Before they knew it, they were getting closer and closer to the theme park. Qian Wei stood at the ready, planning to grab Lu Xun and tail Qian ChuanPing and Mo Zi Xin closely after getting off the bus. She had planned for her to distract Qian ChuanPing, while getting Mo Zi Xin and Lu Xun to enter first and sit together. In short, she must not let Qian ChuanPing and Mo Zi Xin be together, even if she had to squeeze between them as a light bulb.

But maybe Qian Wei was too nervous. The closer they got to the destination, the more nauseous she felt in her stomach, as if a storm was brewing. Just now before boarding the bus, in order to stop Qian ChuanPing from courting Mo Zi Xin, she had forcefully eaten four egg tarts and a cup of milk tea. She had already been bloated throughout the journey, but the road the bus was taking seemed to have a vendetta against her, bumping up and down, starting and stopping abruptly. Every sudden brake made Qian Wei even more dizzy.

Endure it, victory is at hand! Qian Wei kept psyching herself up, but it seemed that Murphy's Law applied - if you worry about something happening, it will indeed happen.

Just as the theme park's huge signboard was coming into view outside the bus window, before Qian Wei could feel happy, the bus slammed on a horrible brake. Qian Wei wretchedly threw up everything in her stomach despite trying to hold it in.

Almost at the same time she vomited, Lu Xun's angry voice rang out, "Qian Wei!" Even the last syllable of his voice quivered, as if he had encountered something unbelievable. Lu Xun even abandoned his usual grace and composure.

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