At this time, the 4D movie was almost over. As expected, when Qian Wei dragged Lu Xun to the exit of the 4D theater, they saw the previous group of viewers walking out one after another. Qian Wei's eyes were sharp and she immediately spotted the tall Qian Chuan in the crowd. He was being very gentlemanly in clearing a path through the crowded hallway for Mo Zi Xin, protecting her as they walked.

Qian Wei grabbed Lu Xun's arm with one hand and went up to tap Qian Chuan on the shoulder. "We finally caught up with you guys. Let's all do stuff together from now on."

Qian Chuan was clearly very displeased, as evidenced by his frown, but that displeasure dissipated as soon as he saw the clothes Qian Wei and Lu Xun were wearing.

"Ah hahaha, the emperor and his treacherous minister! Hahaha, Qian Wei, these suits you two perfectly!"

Mo Zi Xin looked at Lu Xun, then looked at Qian Wei. She didn't seem inclined to laugh. On the contrary, she looked like she wanted to say something but held back. Qian Wei actually felt like she was in a bad mood.

Qian Wei quickly explained, "These aren't couple outfits. This was the only style available in that store." She made a face at Lu Xun. "I only changed because I got vomit on myself too."

Things were going fine until she made that face, but now she had thoroughly sabotaged things. As if recalling something, Lu Xun said, "Hmph, none of your vomit got on you at all. It was all on me."

"...Lu Xun, did you have to call me out like that? I was trying to be nice and explain things to Mo Zi Xin and Qian Chuan for you. Don't you know what a white lie is?"

After Lu Xun spoke, Mo Zi Xin's gaze toward Qian Wei did indeed change, as if Qian Wei was just making excuses to wear couple outfits with Lu Xun out of ulterior motives. Qian Wei was rendered speechless, not knowing how to explain herself further. Heavens! She had been deliberately replaceing reasons to dispel any suspicions Mo Zi Xin might have about Lu Xun, but with one sentence, this idiot Lu Xun had turned her into a two-faced schemer...

"Qian Wei!" As if things weren't lively enough, Qian Wei heard Liu Shi Yun's voice. Liu Shi Yun had also just gotten out of watching the 4D movie. Not knowing about the vomit incident, her reaction to seeing Qian Wei and Lu Xun was even more exaggerated. "What the hell? Where did you two go? Why did you change your clothes? And into couple outfits at that? Are contemporary college students all as shameless as you two? No regard at all for how us onlookers might feel?" She stared at Qian Wei for a few moments. "And what's with your fashion sense?"

Qian Wei had no choice but to explain everything again. Although Liu Shi Yun still looked doubtful, at least she let it go for now.

"So what's our next stop? Qian Chuan, didn't you say you had a detailed plan? Where were you guys going to go?"

Qian Chuan was clearly being evasive about Liu Shi Yun's question. He was eager to get away from the rest of them so he could wholeheartedly focus on romancing his goddess. Unfortunately, Mo Zi Xin very generously told everyone their plans.

"Qian Chuan just told me we're going to the haunted house." Mo Zi Xin gave a little smile. She looked at Lu Xun. "Why don't we all go together? I heard this haunted house recreates scenes from several famous horror movies almost perfectly. There are staff members dressed up as ghosts too. It's really scary, so there's some safety in numbers."

This was exactly what Qian Wei wanted to hear. "Let's go together, all of us together!"

Hilarious. The creepy and eerie haunted house was the perfect setting for the guys to showcase their masculinity and appeal. How could Qian Wei not know what Qian Chuan was up to? If it was just the two of them, Mo Zi Xin would definitely get scared once inside the haunted house. Then she'd have to rely on Qian Chuan next to her. When girls get frightened, who knows, she might grab his hand or even jump into his arms. That would be plenty intimate already. The girl would feel protected and, after more interactions like that, would be more likely to develop feelings for the guy.

"Qian Wei, you're night blind and scared of ghosts! Why would you go to a haunted house?!" Qian Chuan couldn't help but yell. "I don't want to get scared to death by ghosts, I want to get scared to death by your screaming!"

Qian Wei put on a brave face. "Didn't you say I was manly? I'm so masculine and fearless. Being night blind means I can barely see the ghosts in the dark anyway."

"Don't worry, Qian Wei has me. I'm the fearless 'Da Dan' Liu who can watch any horror movie without batting an eye." Liu Shi Yun came over and put her arm around Qian Wei's neck. "Come on, stop dawdling. Let's go early and skip some of the line."

Lu Xun neither agreed nor disagreed with the haunted house proposal. He didn't voice any opposition either.

And so, the matter was decided. No matter how unwilling Qian Chuan felt, all he could do was watch as Qian Wei, Liu Shi Yun, and Lu Xun joined their group.

The group successfully lined up and entered the haunted house. But as a popular attraction, it was very crowded inside. After passing through an entrance corridor, they officially entered the haunted house, which was pitch black in order to create a creepy atmosphere. Qian Wei's vision got blurry in dim lighting because of her night blindness. Sometimes she couldn't see anything clearly at all, only vague outlines. So she was actually very afraid of the dark, feeling like something sinister lurked in the blackness. But there was no time for that now. She gritted her teeth and squeezed through the crowd, sticking close to Qian Chuan as she tried to separate him from Mo Zi Xin. Glancing back, she saw Lu Xun leisurely following behind her, while Liu Shi Yun stayed by her side the entire time.



From up ahead came the loud screams of people reacting to some horrifying scene. Qian Wei's heart leaped into her throat.

Some tourists who had already entered the next terrifying scene apparently couldn't handle the horrifying atmosphere. They turned right back around and charged out, knocking Qian Wei's group apart in the process. In the pitch darkness, Qian Wei couldn't see clearly. She didn't know when Liu Shi Yun had been separated from her by the crowd and was no longer by her side. Feeling afraid, Qian Wei could only fumble her way toward where she thought Qian Chuan had been standing. Fortunately, she was finally able to replace Qian Chuan. In the darkness, although she couldn't make out his face, Qian Chuan's tall height was unmistakable. Qian Wei grabbed his arm like it was a lifeline.

"I'm scared!"

She had no more reservations with Qian Chuan. Qian Wei shivered and cowered behind him. "Hey, the next scene sounds really scary. You walk in front, and I'll follow behind you. I'll keep my eyes closed - I don't dare look." After speaking, she gave Qian Chuan a push forward.

Thanks to the crowded, chaotic situation and Qian Wei's deliberate interference, Qian Chuan had also gotten separated from Mo Zi Xin by now. Mo Zi Xin's whereabouts were unknown. Qian Chuan was probably unhappy about this, so when Qian Wei grabbed him around the waist and hid behind him, his body stiffened for a moment. Qian Wei's hand touched the thin layer of muscle and contours along his waistline.

Qian Wei gave Qian Chuan's waist a pinch. "Wow, you've been working out pretty well lately. I can feel the muscle definition - it's like those 'gong gong' waists I've seen online that go for at least 1,000 yuan a night. Remember what they say about fit waists? When a man works on his waist, women can't resist. When a woman works on her waist, men can't resist. When both work on their waists, the bed can't handle it."

Despite always bickering and trash talking each other, Qian Wei and Qian Chuan actually had a great relationship and would joke around a lot together.

Not satisfied with just one pinch, Qian Wei felt around some more. She didn't remember Qian Chuan ever actively working out his physique, but now beneath her fingers were very noticeable abs. Tracing the contours of his abs downward, Qian Wei was just about to feel the rumored Apollo's belt when Qian Chuan stopped her actions. He unceremoniously flung her hand away.

Qian Wei pouted. "I knew it - spring is in the air for you. No wonder you're shaping up so diligently these days. Alright, alright, I'll stop teasing you. Hurry up and lead the way. This creepy place is scaring me to death. Let's get out of here." After speaking, Qian Wei slapped Qian Chuan's butt. She had to admit, he really had been working out well lately. His butt muscles felt tight and toned - based on feel alone, his butt shape was probably very sexy and perky. Qian Wei thought to herself, who could have guessed? His pants usually don't seem to show off his figure. She clearly remembered him having a very flat, saggy butt.

Unfortunately, even hiding behind Qian Chuan as they entered the haunted house's next scene, Qian Wei still shamefully freaked out from the suddenly drifting "ghost fires," bizarre light effects, occasional bloody and weird smells, and haunted house staff silently appearing beside you in horrific makeup. Qian Wei was already on edge, and this pushed her over the limit. She finally couldn't hold back anymore and screamed at the top of her lungs. Even more tragically, many other girls reacted the same way as Qian Wei right then and scattered while being chased by the "ghosts." In the ensuing chaos, Qian Wei got separated from Qian Chuan again by the crowd.

Qian Chuan was right - she chickened out. Ever since she was little, Qian Wei had been afraid of the dark and ghosts. She had never dared to watch horror movies, even now that she was grown up.

Xu was Qian Wei's reaction too terrible. Qian Chuan finally remembered sibling love. When Qian Wei was frightened and trembling, a pair of hands reached out and held Qian Wei's hands in the dark. Qian Wei looked up and could only vaguely see Qian Chuan's upright figure in the crowd. He was very tall and stood straight in the dark. Even though she couldn't see his face clearly, she somehow had the illusion that he was like a lighthouse. Qian Wei held Qian Chuan's hand tightly. His hands were big, warm, dry and comforting. Just holding them allowed Qian Wei to calm down. This was also the first time Qian Wei held hands with Qian Chuan since becoming an adult. Unknowingly, her younger brother had also grown up. The hands that clearly belonged to a man, with distinct joints and slender fingers, made Qian Wei feel gratified. At the same time, the little conscience she had left also felt a little uneasy. Was it really okay to betray Qian Chuan like this and help Lu Xun become a treacherous strategist just for her own financial future... But anyway, even if she had helped in her previous life, Mo Zi Xin still broke up with Qian Chuan in the end. Qian Wei thought, she should treat Qian Chuan better in the future. She should hurry back to school and replace a new partner for Qian Chuan, to help him get over it.

By now, Lu Xun should be with Mo Zi Xin right? The atmosphere between them must be very good. Maybe after getting out of the haunted house, Qian Chuan won't matter anymore.

Qian Wei was thinking about this just now to distract herself, but unexpectedly, even more sharp and miserable screams came from the next haunted house scene. There must be some extremely terrifying scene that made her instinctively want to flee. But just then, a pair of hands reached out from behind her and covered her eyes, cutting off her view of the horrifying haunted house scene. Qian Wei blinked instinctively and could feel her eyelashes lightly brushing against those hands. Around her were the intermittent screams of girls and the chilling sound effects of the haunted house. But in Qian Wei's world, there was only this pair of clean and slender hands left. At this moment, Qian Wei felt she was being protected. Even though she knew it was Qian Chuan, Qian Wei couldn't help but feel her heart beat a little faster. You can't deny, this move is quite irresistible for hitting on girls, Qian Wei thought. This stinky kid Qian Chuan, unexpectedly has some skills. If she hadn't sabotaged it herself, Lu Xun probably wouldn't have been his match.

In the darkness, although the atmosphere was terrifying, the environment eerie, and the crowd squeezed together, Qian Wei was led all the way like this, walking through different scenes of haunted house after haunted house. She held that dry and warm hand and felt extremely at ease.

Qian Wei was very grateful to Qian Chuan this time, so she decided to repay him and comfort him: "I don't support you pursuing Mo Zi Xin. Don't think I'm betraying you. We are blood relatives. How could I really abandon you to curry favor with Lu Xun? I'm helping Lu Xun, it's hard to explain for now, but it will definitely not harm you. And you should know, Lu Xun is absolutely not as important to me as you are. You are number one to me. You are much better than Lu Xun in so many ways. Just in terms of being down-to-earth and easy to get along with, you are tens of thousands of miles ahead of Lu Xun. He is simply a cold and noble Snow Lotus from the Tianshan Mountains. His eyes are always empty and bright, as if others are just dust and empty. Just because he looks decent, he arrogantly ignores others. Has Lu Xun never heard this saying - how you treat others today is how they will treat you tomorrow..."

Strangely, Qian Chuan, who is usually talkative, remained silent all the way. But this did not affect Qian Wei's enthusiasm. In this kind of darkness, there is no better way to reduce fear than chatting about irrelevant topics.

"Actually, I don't understand why so many people are fascinated by Lu Xun's face. He just looks like someone without a sense of fun in bed, handsome but always cold and expressionless. And his skin is so white, at such a young age he already looks like he has a kidney deficiency..."

In her previous life, Qian Wei was tortured enough by Lu Xun after starting work. With new hatred added to old grievances, her rant against Lu Xun was like a flood bursting a dam, continuous and relentless.

Unknowingly, just ranting about Lu Xun all the way, Qian Wei followed Qian Chuan and arrived at the exit of the haunted house. The light here grew brighter, sweeping away the gloomy atmosphere from before. Qian Wei breathed a sigh of relief and looked up, only to receive a shock even more frightening than the haunted house.

Standing in front of her now was not Qian Chuan at all, but Lu Xun himself. His face was exceptionally handsome, and his expression was exceptionally ugly...

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