For the legal aid case given by Lu Xun, Qian Wei roughly flipped through it. This turned out to be a marriage case. Although it did not involve much in terms of property, the statements of the parties contained a lot of personal feelings and required the lawyer to spend a lot of effort organizing and extracting useful information. Qian Wei looked at her schedule and decided to put this case aside for now and directly meet with the parties after the new year.

"You're not leaving yet?"

When busy with work, Qian Wei completely forgot about things outside of work. It wasn't until this day after work when Lu Xun walked up to her that she realized today was the day they had agreed to meet up with former classmates.

Qian Wei hastily tidied up the documents: "Going, going! Wait for me Lu Xun! Give me a ride!"

Lu Xun neither agreed nor disagreed, but he did slow down his pace. Qian Wei finally followed him into the elevator.

Lu Xun's black Bentley was spacious and comfortable. Qian Wei had to admit that being rich really was great. Although she held a grudge against him, Qian Wei also had to acknowledge that Lu Xun was truly exceptional at everything he did. His ability to make money was as outstanding as his looks. Wealthy, handsome, talented - and steadfast in love, still pining after Mo Zi Xin after so many years.

"Did you look at the case materials I gave you last time?"

Just as Qian Wei was racking her brains trying to figure out how to start a conversation, Lu Xun was the one who spoke first. His voice carried a slightly cool texture, along with a sense of ambiguity that always left people unable to grasp the emotions behind his tone. Every time, it made people unable to figure out the emotions in his tone.

Qian Wei didn't know why, but instinctively felt that if she honestly answered that she hadn't looked at it, Lu Xun would definitely get angry. After weighing her options, she ultimately told a lie: "Yes, I did!"

Lu Xun was silent for a moment before finally asking, "Do you have anything you want to say to me after reading it?"

In order to curry favor with the boss, Qian Wei gritted her teeth and decided to sell out her soul: "Although it's a legal aid case, I know it must be the boss's painstaking intention to give me such a case. I believe this case will definitely give me a whole new perspective and training, and will benefit me immensely in my future work. I will handle this case well and not let the boss down!"

"You didn't even look at it." Unfortunately, Lu Xun saw right through Qian Wei's lies. "After the reunion, go back and work overtime to read through the materials."

"..." Lu Xun, I must have had a feud with you in my past life!

By the time Qian Wei and Lu Xun arrived, the rest of their classmates were already chatting enthusiastically.

"It's really not easy being a female lawyer. Every time I go on blind dates, I almost have to promise the other party that if we get a divorce in the future, I will definitely not let them walk away without a penny."

"It's also very tiring being a judge. What if the parties are unhappy with the verdict and protest outside the courthouse! The pressure is also great, and you only get a dead-end job with the system's salary. You lawyers are all driving Q5s while we're still driving QQs."

When the crowd saw this rare guest Lu Xun, they quickly welcomed him in. Just like in university, no matter where Lu Xun appeared, he was always the focus surrounded by adoring crowds.

"Lu Xun is here!"

"How come you came alone again this time? The material civilization has been built well enough, when will the spiritual civilization be built so you can stop being single?"


There was an uproar among the crowd. Although Lu Xun was brief in his words, everyone knew that when he said "soon", he really meant soon.

Qian Wei looked up at Lu Xun in some surprise: "Lu Xun will stop being single soon? When did he get a potential partner?" Usually he just stayed in the firm working overtime and torturing her. Could it be a cloud romance, like raising cats online?

Unlike Lu Xun, Qian Wei was not the focus of the crowd. She found Liu Shi Yun and sat down opposite her.

Liu Shi Yun gave Lu Xun, who was surrounded by people, a meaningful glance: "I've been wondering all along, how come Lu Xun would attend the reunion this year?" She lowered her voice mysteriously and said, "Do you know? Mo Zi Xin is also coming today."

Qian Wei was a little surprised: "She's back in the country?"

"Of course, and this time she's returning to develop her career long-term in the country." Liu Shi Yun smiled slyly. "I told you, Lu Xun is a steadfast man. He never attended reunions before, but for the woman he loves, he's made an exception, hasn't he? Didn't you hear what he just said about stopping being single soon?"

Qian Wei suddenly understood, but was also a little confused: "But Mo Zi Xin has a boyfriend, right? After breaking up with Qian Chuan she went abroad to study, I heard from Qian Chuan that she started dating an American guy later on, they're almost getting married, right?"

"Tsk. So you're allowed to steal Lu Xun's girl, but he's not allowed to steal someone else's?"

"What do you think, if I help Lu Xun steal this time, will he forgive me and break the ice between us from now on?"

Liu Shi Yun blinked: "Of course he would. Men are like that, when their love life and career are going well, they won't have time to torment you anymore. Lu Xun now clearly lacks sex life, that's why he's become warped. Don't believe me, let me analyze..."

But Liu Shi Yun's analysis was abruptly cut off halfway. She looked at the entrance and excitedly stood up.

"Mo Zi Xin is here!"

It was only then that Qian Wei belatedly looked back and saw Mo Zi Xin. She was standing at the entrance, warmly greeting their former classmates. Mo Zi Xin was extremely beautiful, not only academically excellent, but also quite accomplished in music, chess, calligraphy and painting. A goddess-level character. After being abroad for so long, her clothing and styling had become even more stylish and exotic.

But the goddess didn't chat with her old classmates for long. She walked through the crowd towards Qian Wei.

"Qian Wei, long time no see."

Qian Wei instinctively stood up: "Sis! Long time no see!" After saying that she felt awkward, "Sorry, got used to calling you that back then...don't mind!" She looked left and right, and saw that Lu Xun was still sitting to the side, not moving, just quietly watching this direction.

This guy, he clearly came to the reunion for Mo Zi Xin, but at the critical moment when she arrived, Lu Xun was playing hard to get?

"I heard you're returning to China for your career, so what about your boyfriend? Is he coming to China with you?" Qian Wei could only awkwardly make small talk.

Mo Zi Xin tossed her hair, intentionally or not, and glanced towards Lu Xun's direction. She smiled lightly: "I'm currently single."

There's hope, brother! Qian Wei desperately winked at Lu Xun, but Lu Xun just looked at her expressionlessly.

Qian Wei felt a little exasperated. How could Lu Xun even have such a nervous and clueless moment? Forget it! It was time for her to redeem herself!

But Mo Zi Xin quickly changed the topic: "I also want to become a lawyer after I return home. Qian Wei, tell me about your experiences, share some tips on how to be a good lawyer, what books or materials I need to prepare in advance."

Hah, no matter how you change the topic, I won't be stumped!

Qian Wei smiled: "Getting advice from a poor student like me definitely won't be as good as getting it from an academic star like you. Lu Xun is my boss now, he's already a partner. His experience must be more valuable. Lu Xun, why don't you talk about your feelings as a lawyer? What needs to be prepared?"

She was being so kind to help connect them, but Lu Xun was completely useless.

"Being a lawyer is pretty good, just quite a few people will feel a little cold-shouldered." His voice was flat and indifferent, not enthusiastic at all. He glanced at Mo Zi Xin, "Your hair is also not very thick. Prepare some LiuWuShengFa hair growth serum."

Lu Xun, you totally deserve to be single for so long!

For the rest of the reunion, Qian Wei tried her best to create opportunities for Lu Xun and Mo Zi Xin, but it was all futile in front of the clueless Lu Xun.

Not long after, Lu Xun took a client call and left with his coat.


Qian Wei was chatting enthusiastically with some classmates and was dumbfounded when Lu Xun suddenly stood in front of her: "Lu Xun, you're leaving just like that, why are you reporting to me? You're my boss, not the other way around!"

"You know I'm the boss too?" Lu Xun glanced at Qian Wei. "I'm telling you to leave."

"Why! I have nothing else going on, I still want to chat more."

"If you leave now, I can give you a ride."

"Thanks but no need! I'll just take a taxi later! And how is it on your way when your home and my home are in opposite directions?"

"I'm going back to the firm. It's on the way to give you a ride back to the firm too."

Qian Wei was very confused: "Why would I go back to the firm?"

"You forgot?" Lu Xun smiled faintly, "Overtime work."


On the way, neither Lu Xun nor Qian Wei spoke. It wasn't until they were nearing their destination that Qian Wei finally couldn't stand it anymore: "Lu Xun, when can I stop working overtime like this?"

Lu Xun was silent for a moment. Just when Qian Wei thought he wasn't going to answer, he spoke: "When I have a girlfriend."

"To be honest, do you resent me for ruining your most wonderful youth in university without giving you a chance to fall in love?"


That means he's holding a grudge...

"Is there any possibility for us..." Qian Wei cautiously phrased, "to reconcile? Then get rich together and fly together?"

"So how are you planning to make up for me?" Although Lu Xun's expression was still calm, there was a subtle nuance in the tone of his voice. But before Qian Wei could decipher it, the nuance disappeared like a wisp of smoke.

Faced with this question from Lu Xun, Qian Wei was at a loss for words. She thought, this really stumped her. She really had no way to make it up to Lu Xun, no way to make up for all those years of loneliness, no way to make up for all the pain of his unrequited love over the years. Even if Mo Zi Xin was currently single, given Lu Xun's many years of being out of practice, he might not have much skill with girls anymore, and might not even be able to win the beauty's heart once more to rekindle their old dreams and finally become committed...

The conversation thus came to a dead end, and Qian Wei finally decided to keep quiet. And so, this week's torturer Lu Xun really did send Qian Wei back to the firm, though he was also harsh on himself - making Qian Wei work overtime while he entered his office to handle emails.

Qian Wei looked at the digital clock, then resentfully at the light in Lu Xun's office. She stubbornly thought, overtime it is, but I'm going to oppose you till the end. I'm not going to look at that legal aid case material, I'm going to study my medical dispute case!

The next day, Lu Xun went on a business trip for a bankruptcy reorganization case, while Qian Wei busied herself with finishing all her work before the new year. But somehow, she just couldn't catch any lucky breaks recently - losing case after case, even stepping in dog poop when she went out. Just half an hour ago, she heard from the gossip Liu Shi Yun that Mo Zi Xin, who was still single a few days ago, quickly got a new boyfriend and even had a flash marriage in just a few days! Qian Wei didn't dare imagine Lu Xun's expression when he found out, and even moreso didn't dare imagine how Lu Xun would torment her when he returned from his trip, recalling past grudges and grievances. The future looked utterly bleak.

Today after meeting a client in the suburbs, she was about to take a car back to the firm when she turned and saw the words "An Lan Villa" across the street. Qian Wei recalled the supposedly very spiritual temple the intern mentioned and looked at the time - since she was free, she decided to visit the temple to pray for better luck.

Although it was a small temple, probably because of the rumors, there were a lot of people and she even had to line up to worship.

Although Qian Wei didn't really believe in such rituals in her heart, she still kneeled down and made her wishes wholeheartedly like everyone else.

"God, let my business flourish and make big money!"

"No no no, first let bygones be bygones, and have Lu Xun reconcile with me!"

"Oh right, Lu Xun should reconcile with Mo Zi Xin first. Let Mo Zi Xin hurry up and divorce, then get together with Lu Xun!"

Qian Wei mumbled on and on for a long time. People are greedy by nature—one wish fulfilled simply gives rise to another. After kneeling on the ground for quite some time, the middle-aged lady behind her in line couldn't stand it anymore.

"Young lady, hurry it up! This temple may be miraculous, but you can only make one wish."

"Then let me go back to when I was 19 and hadn't offended Lu Xun yet! Just this one wish!" Qian Wei pressed her palms together devoutly.

At the time, Qian Wei didn't realize her carelessly spoken wish would actually come true.

She really did go back to being 19, but sadly not in any pleasant way.

Right after Qian Wei left the temple, her phone received a text message. Seeing it was from her boss Lu Xun, she didn't dare delay and hurriedly took out her phone, intending to read it while walking forward. Distracted, she didn't watch where she was going and stepped right into a deep pit dug for roadwork. Before Qian Wei could react, she tumbled down hard.

In the split second before she lost consciousness, only three thoughts flashed through her mind:

First, never look at your phone while walking! You'll die!

Second, which construction team is this? Don't they know to put up warning signs at the worksite? According to tort law, those who dig pits or do maintenance and installation underground in public places or on roads without clear markings and safety measures, causing harm to others, shall bear tort liability! Can't you people be cultured and know some law and morality?!!

Third, I was just speaking casually about rebirth, I didn't really want to die!!!

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