"Be quiet," Qian Wei felt her whole body heating up. "Why do you have to be so blunt? I'm a girl, it's so improper for you to say things like that in front of me, aren't you ashamed at all?"

"Don't make excuses," Qian Chuan retorted. "I randomly flipped through your romance novel before, the content was even more revealing. The male protagonist did it seven times in one night, yet you were engrossed."

Qian Wei didn't want to continue on this topic, so she took the opportunity to flee when Lu Xun went back to his room.

Qian Wei scurried back to her room, planning on hiding inside and not coming out. But she had barely calmed down when Qian Chuan started banging on her door.

"Come out and play cards with us!" His loud voice was the same as always. "Lu Xun, Mo Zi Xin and I are ready, three people is a bit few, come join us, four people is best for The Three Kingdoms Kill!"

In 2009, mobile games like King of Glory and Onmyoji had yet to emerge, card games like The Three Kingdoms Kill were all the rage on campus. Qian Wei remembered Qian Chuan was obsessed with it for a period, so he was determined to play it tonight. Qian Wei didn't come out, so he kept banging on her door.

Under his piercing voice, Qian Wei thought about it and decided to grit her teeth and directly face the embarrassment. After all, she would inevitably run into Lu Xun again in the future, and they would even become supervisor and subordinate. Besides, no matter how embarrassing it was, she could thicken her skin and get through it, right?

When Qian Wei went downstairs, Lu Xun, Qian Chuan and Mo Zi Xin were already waiting in the room. Mo Zi Xin was sitting by the small tea table, Qian Chuan was enthusiastically pouring tea for her, while Lu Xun seemed more detached. He had changed out of his pajamas into casual but not sloppy clothes. Even backlit, his skin was still snow white. He had an indifferent expression, as if the person who had viciously pinned Qian Wei down earlier did not exist. But Qian Wei felt that every time she looked at him, his eyelashes would flicker slightly, no longer calm and tranquil.

"Come, come!"

Qian Chuan warmly welcomed Qian Wei to sit down, and they started playing The Three Kingdoms Kill.

After a round, Mo Zi Xin went to the bathroom, and Qian Chuan also took the chance to run out and buy milk tea for her. So only Lu Xun and Qian Wei were left in the room.

Although she had just drank water, Qian Wei felt somewhat parched. She avoided Lu Xun's eyes, at no other moment had being alone with him felt so difficult. Lu Xun, even though it was just the two of them in the room, kept his head to the side, not looking at Qian Wei.

"I really didn't mean to just now."

Unable to bear the deathly silence, Qian Wei spoke up, but immediately regretted it after opening her mouth. This was poking a hornet's nest. She didn't know why, but facing Lu Xun, she always seemed to lose control of her emotions. She found it strange, she was nearing thirty, but in front of Lu Xun, who was only in his early twenties, she would still be so clumsy. Was it because she knew he would become her boss in the future, so she was timid around him?

Lu Xun pursed his lips, not speaking. He only glanced at Qian Wei, then picked up a can of beer from the table and decisively popped it open.

Since he would become her boss in the future, they couldn't just continue being awkward like this!

Qian Wei steeled herself and explained, "Really, it's not my fault, the quilt you were under clearly belonged to Qian Chuan. The bedsheet pattern was the same as mine, it's the one Qian Chuan and I always bring when going out, so I really thought the person under the quilt was Qian Chuan. I had no idea it was you inside..."

"So it wasn't your fault, it was all mine?"

After speaking, Lu Xun gave Qian Wei a fleeting glance. He had barely glanced at her before turning his head away again.

"That's not what I meant, I just don't understand how you ended up in Qian Chuan's bed..."

Lu Xun seemed determined to ignore Qian Wei. Helpless, they could only sit there quietly. The air felt full of awkwardness.

Qian Wei gazed at Lu Xun's profile, his features were so beautiful. As she looked at the contours of his face, her thoughts started wandering. She tentatively asked, "Could it be that you...you admire people like Qian Chuan a lot? So you slept in his bed?"

This time Lu Xun finally turned to fully face Qian Wei. Although she tried to avoid it, Qian Wei still couldn't help but glance at Lu Xun's lower body. With this glance, the earlier scene came flooding back, and Qian Wei felt even more embarrassed.

"Didn't you see very clearly just now whether I like men or women?"

Lu Xun almost gritted out this sentence. He enunciated each word in "very clearly".

Qian Wei blushed and played dumb, "I don't know what you're talking about, but with liking men or women, it's hard to say. Some people are bisexual, they can like both men and women. And some people firmly believe they only like women, they are staunch heterosexuals, but actually they just haven't met a man they fancy yet. If they do meet one, they turn quicker than anyone, especially good-looking guys like you, it's hard to say. You know, 100% pure gold is actually very soft and can be bent. Similarly, extremely good-looking and high-quality men can also be bent very easily. Things that are exceptional or extremely pure are like that." Qian Wei spread her hands, "Otherwise I really can't understand why you were in Qian Chuan's bed."

"I don't want to talk about this anymore." Lu Xun frowned, looking somewhat embarrassed. As if to conceal this embarrassment, he fiercely chugged some beer. "Let's pretend this never happened."


"Here, two hot milk teas for the ladies!"

Just when it was most awkward, Qian Chuan returned. The moment he entered, Mo Zi Xin also came back. They played a few more rounds of The Three Kingdoms Kill. When the others who went to see fireflies came back one by one, Qian Wei finally used Liu Shi Yun as an excuse to escape.

"That firefly forest was really amazing, you really missed out Qian Wei. I'll show you the pics I took, so beautiful."

"Oh right, in the firefly forest, Li Zhi Qiang who we played truth or dare with earlier confessed. It was so romantic. But the couple from the literature department seemed to have had a fight, they were lovey-dovey when they went but had broken up by the time they came back. Aiya Qian Wei, are you listening? Give me some reaction!"

"I'm so itchy from mosquito bites, I can't be bothered about anything else."

Liu Shi Yun mumbled, "There aren't any mosquitoes."

Qian Wei was absent-minded about Liu Shi Yun's gossip. Although Lu Xun wanted her to pretend it never happened, she couldn't seem to forget it the more she tried. Until Qian Wei fell asleep, her mind was still filled with Lu Xun's vicious expression when he pinned her down on the bed.

That night, Qian Wei woke up from a nightmare where Lu Xun was threatening her about not giving her a year-end bonus, and from the intense itchiness all over her body. She didn't know why, but the mosquitoes in this forest park seemed poisonous. She had never felt so itchy in her life, and worse, her whole body felt itchy, not just one spot. Scratching made it even itchier.

In a daze, Qian Wei walked to the bathroom and turned on the light. When she saw herself, she was thoroughly shocked awake.

These weren't just mosquito bites, it was clearly an allergic reaction. Qian Wei's arms and neck were covered in red rashes. She couldn't stand the itch and scratched a little, immediately making the red rashes worse.

"Liu Shi Yun, Liu Shi Yun!"

Qian Wei hurriedly ran back to the room, trying to wake her best friend. But Liu Shi Yun only flipped over, mumbling, "Save me a rib," before falling back asleep and snoring away. No matter how Qian Wei shouted, there was no reaction.

Having no choice, Qian Wei could only go downstairs to bang on Qian Chuan's door.

"Qian Chuan, open up!"

But there was no response from the room. It seemed the two inside were sleeping deeply. Qian Wei shouted a few more times but still no reply. The unbearable itchiness raged on as she scratched, and she raised her voice.

"Open up open up, police raid, cracking down on illegal activities!"

The door still didn't open.

Qian Wei took a deep breath and yelled in a hoarse voice, "Special massage service, full night package only 888 yuan, don't miss out on this deal!"

With that, the door was finally flung open forcefully.

"Qian Chuan, what's wrong with you, you only woke up when I shouted the 888 full night package? You have such a dirty mind so young!"

But when Qian Wei looked up, she regretted it immediately. The person standing before her wasn't Qian Chuan, but a sleep-muddled Lu Xun in pajamas.

“Where is Qian Chuan?” Facing Lu Xun, Qian Wei was instinctively a little obsequious, “I, I’m looking for Qian Chuan...”

Lu Xun was woken up halfway through his sleep, so his face was naturally not very good-looking. He crossed his arms and leaned against the door, "Qian Wei, you’re knocking on the door in the middle of the night, you’d better have a good reason."

"I have an allergic reaction! The itching is unbearable!" Qian Wei hurried to explain herself innocently, and quickly pulled up one of her pant legs, "Look, it's all rash everywhere, I came to knock on the door to ask Qian Chuan to take me to the hospital. Liu Shi Yun drank alcohol tonight and I can't wake her up no matter what, and this forest park is so remote, I thought it would be safer to replace a guy to go to the hospital with me in the middle of the night..." She peeked inside behind Lu Xun, "Um, could you please call Qian Chuan for me?"

"Wait a minute." Lu Xun said, then slammed the door shut again.

After a while, the door reopened, and when Qian Wei looked up to see who it was, she was stunned.

"Lu Xun?"

The person standing at the door was not Qian Chuan, but still Lu Xun. He had already changed out of his pajamas and put on a simple T-shirt and fitted jeans. The drowsiness was gone from his eyes as he glanced at Qian Wei, "Aren't you going yet? Weren't you itching badly?"

"Yes, it's very itchy, but..."

"Then what are you staring for, let's go. I'll take you to the hospital."

Qian Wei unconsciously followed Lu Xun as he walked, but she was still a little confused, "You just need to wake up Qian Chuan, you don't have to take me there!"

"Qian Chuan drank five bottles of beer by himself afterwards, he sang and danced for half an hour before he was willing to go to sleep. He's completely passed out now."

"It's okay, you don't have to pity him, just kick him awake."

"Qian Wei."


Lu Xun gave her a look, "If you keep talking nonsense, I'm going back."

"I'll shut up, I'll shut up."

Unconsciously, Qian Wei had already followed Lu Xun out of the little tree house. She watched as Lu Xun called a car, then followed him into it. The nearest hospital was three kilometers away. When they arrived, Lu Xun told Qian Wei to wait in the hospital lobby while he efficiently registered, bought a medical record book, and then took Qian Wei to the emergency room. Fortunately, this hospital was well-known for its dermatology and hematology departments, so in order to maintain its reputation, there were also dermatologists in the emergency room even at night.

In the middle of the night, although Qian Wei was still feeling itchy from her allergic reaction, she was also groggy. Especially when she looked at the crowds of people coming and going in the hospital lobby, all with looks of illness and fatigue on their faces, and then at Lu Xun walking in front of her, at this moment, Qian Wei sincerely felt at ease. Lu Xun would always be Lu Xun, forever someone she could trust, as if as long as she followed him, she wouldn't have to think anymore. This was probably his trait - no matter whether it was now or in the distant future, being with him, Qian Wei always couldn't help but want to rely on him.

The dermatology emergency room was on the first floor. Qian Wei followed Lu Xun to the entrance, and was shocked by the number of people waiting outside the department. As a night emergency room, departments generally wouldn't have so many patients, but the dermatology department was different - there were actually more than ten people waiting, mostly young people, noisy and rowdy, pushing and shoving. Three of them clearly knew each other and seemed to be on the verge of conflict.

"You tell me yourself, how many green hats have you brought me from fooling around outside! Say it! Why else would I get this kind of disease?! Why else would I be coming to the dermatology emergency room in a hospital at this time of night?! It must be because of you messing around with those women and catching something from them! Are you going to break up with me just for those kinds of women?!"

"What do you mean I passed it to you! Your boyfriend tricked me into thinking he was single before dating me, I was perfectly fine on my own, now I'm the mistress and infected with this disease too. Where do you expect me to reason with you? Why don't you ask your trash man where he got the disease in the first place?!"

"You must have seduced him first! He used to be so honest, otherwise how could he have..."

"Keep your scumbag boyfriend, I don't want him. I'm going to sue him!"

Qian Wei was wondering what was going on when an older lady behind her sighed, "So many people coming to the emergency room in the middle of the night. How can young men and women today have such messy relationships! At this rate I'll have to wait until the Year of the Monkey before it's my turn! These young people nowadays have no self-restraint at all, catching diseases so young. Society's morality has really declined nowadays." After speaking, she glanced meaningfully at Qian Wei and Lu Xun.

Qian Wei nudged Lu Xun with her elbow, "Why don't you go downstairs first? I see there's a 24-hour convenience store outside the hospital, go get yourself a hot drink or something instead of staying here."

Lu Xun seemed surprised, but he declined Qian Wei's suggestion, "No need, I'll wait here for you."

Qian Wei leaned in close to Lu Xun's ear and whispered, "I think it'd be better if you wait at the convenience store. This dermatology department is actually called the sexually transmitted disease department, meaning it treats both skin conditions and STDs. Those people in the front are probably here to get checked for STDs, you know, even though I just have a skin allergy, some people might not see it that way. If you keep waiting here, they might think you have some kind of disease in that area..."

With Qian Wei's explanation, Lu Xun's face did indeed darken. However, he still did not leave.

"I don't care what others think." He glanced at Qian Wei, "I'll wait until you're done."

Qian Wei tried to persuade him several more times, but Lu Xun refused to budge. He continued standing tall, and with his looks and temperament, it was as if he had a spotlight on himself even in the hospital. Not only were the patients waiting outside the dermatology department secretly checking him out, even the occasional young female nurses walking by couldn't help but sneak a glance at him. And Lu Xun, who had just claimed not to care what others thought, Qian Wei could clearly feel him become slightly uncomfortable every time someone's gaze fell on him. Although he said he didn't mind out loud, Qian Wei knew Lu Xun had higher self-esteem than most. She realized he did care after all.

Maybe it was the muddled middle-of-the-night brain, but Qian Wei blurted out, "Lu Xun, could it be you like me a little?"

Lu Xun's body tensed, then he looked up. For a moment, Qian Wei couldn't see his expression, only heard his voice say, "No."

"Then why are you coming to the hospital with me in the middle of the night?"

"It's just a good deed."


Okay, Qian Wei thought, she really wasn't fully awake at midnight to ask Lu Xun that kind of question. As expected, "he looked at me, he smiled at me, he must like me" was one of life's three biggest misconceptions... And Lu Xun's heart still held that white moonlight Mo Zi Xin anyway.

But evidently very bothered by what others might misunderstand, with his strong sense of responsibility, even just an ordinary female friend, he would still accompany all the way to the hospital and wait. Qian Wei thought, this was the kind of person Lu Xun was - awkward as hell, always arrogant, acting like he doesn't want anything to do with you. His occasional cold, indifferent glances seeming to tell you that you're an idiot, but he wasn't actually a bad person.

Author's note: Being a tsundere is fun for a while, then it's hell when you have to chase your wife.

Also, the current Lu Xun does not actually love Qian Wei yet, he's still in the hazy stage, replaces her quite fun and wants to tease her. You know what I mean, he's extremely vain. As for when 28 year old him started liking Qian Wei, that will be revealed later. The 28 year old part won't end abruptly, I'll keep writing, don't worry my dears~

Same old rules for red packets - minimum 10 characters, the more the better~~ Your love, I can take however much you give!!!!

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