"Qian Wei!" Lu Xun looked at the yellow-brown stain on his shoes and could no longer keep his cool. His voice was filled with barely suppressed anger.

"Didn't I already warn you?" Qian Wei looked very innocent. "I told you there was dog poop on the road ahead."

"Alright, can you stop following me now?" Lu Xun was finally at his wits' end.

"I'm not following you. I'm also going to the library."

Unfortunately, there was only one road from here to the library. Otherwise, Qian Wei had no doubt that Lu Xun would have taken a detour just to avoid walking with her.

"I'm really not tailing you. I just want to make a friend." Qian Wei put on a sincere expression.

"Are you so lacking in friends that you have to look for them on the streets? Won't even let a fellow library-goer pass?"

Qian Wei bashfully smiled: "I just want to be friends with you. Like I said, you're my role model. Being friends with you, I'm sure I can become an even better person."

"Is that so?" Lu Xun's voice was icy cold. "If you want to be friends with me so much, how come I didn't get any snacks when they were handed out during the finance elective just now? Of all the people around, I was the only one who didn't get any."

"Well..." Qian Wei broke into a sweat, but still managed to think on her feet. "Because everyone else is just ordinary classmates to me, I give them the same snacks. But you're my idol, special to me. Of course I have to treat you differently. How could I give you the same treatment as ordinary classmates? The snacks I gave them today were just normal domestic ones. Domestic snacks aren't good enough for you! Only imported ones would do!"

Lu Xun smiled, baring his teeth: "Thank you."

Qian Wei felt great inside. Look, Lu Xun wasn't much different from others after all. He liked flattery too. See how happy he got from some praise saying only imported goods were good enough for him.

"Then remember to bring me breakfast tomorrow with some imported snacks that are good enough for me," Lu Xun still had that seemingly smiling but not really smiling expression as he glanced at Qian Wei. "Don't worry, you've already elevated me to your idol status. I'll definitely accept your gifts."

Qian Wei: ???

Didn't he know that kind of flattering compliment was just a polite way to get off the hook, like "I'll treat you to dinner next time"?

Oh well, no matter! Qian Wei comforted herself. This was at least an opening. Her original intention was to become Lu Xun's lackey after all. Since young, Qian Wei had been taught to do everything to the extreme, to the point that no one could replace her! So even as a lackey, she would go to the extreme, to the point no one could replace her - daring to do what others don't!

"Lu Xun! Let me wash your shoes!" Qian Wei righteously declared. "No matter what, it was my mistake for not warning you carefully enough and letting you step in dog poop. I should take responsibility!"

Washing shoes dirtied by dog poop, Qian Wei felt she had made a huge sacrifice just to ingratiate herself with her future boss. But unexpectedly, Lu Xun did not appreciate it at all.

"You're not some freak who likes to collect other people's personal belongings, are you?" He looked at Qian Wei suspiciously. "Making me suspect you left that dog poop in the middle of the road on purpose. What normal person would offer to wash someone else's shoes? Are we close?"

If it were the old Qian Wei, she would have already retorted "How dare you accuse your auntie of being a freak!" But facing Lu Xun, thinking of the future, Qian Wei unconsciously toned it down a notch.

"I really just want to be friends with you. I don't have any ulterior motives, only admiration. I'd be happy just to be your lackey!" Qian Wei earnestly said. "Suspecting me means suspecting yourself. Do you really have so little confidence in your own charm?"

Lu Xun pondered deeply for a moment, sizing up Qian Wei. "You must have an agenda, right? What is it, want me to sneak a peek at the exam paper for you at the end of term?"

"How could I be that kind of person!" Qian Wei righteously refuted. "Of course, if you're willing to let me sneak a peek, that's fine too! What do you think of Criminal Law? If not, Jurisprudence works too!"

"I'm unwilling."

"..." Couldn't he have rejected it a little less quickly...

"As for being friends or not, that depends on your behavior going forward." Lu Xun looked at Qian Wei with a seemingly smiling but not really smiling expression, before turning and leaving.

This??? Was this finally a glimmer of hope in their relationship??? Staring at Lu Xun's back, Qian Wei almost teared up. She seemed to see scenes years later of her rising high relying on Lu Xun's resources, counting money till her hands cramped. Beautiful, such a beautiful scene!

Lu Xun! Rest assured! I will definitely behave well!


After Lu Xun left, Qian Wei still went to the library to apply for a part-time job. There were many library work-study positions available this year. Qian Wei got the job without any surprises. After the interview, she happened to run into Li Chongwen who was in the library studying. Qian Wei took the chance to strike up a conversation, asking to borrow his Civil Law lecture notes. She naturally had not mended her ways. Borrowing notes was just an excuse to have a reason to treat Li Chongwen to a meal later to express her thanks. Effortless, a perfect plan.

Becoming friends with future boss Lu Xun, playing matchmaker to help Lu Xun and Mo Zixin get together to become the future boss and madam boss, changing Li Chongwen's life to avoid him repeating past mistakes and getting sick, guiding him onto the get-rich path of working hard and saving up to buy property - so far, Qian Wei had been steadily making progress on these few big tasks after her rebirth. On her way back to the dorm after the library, Qian Wei pondered and realized there was still one thing she had not started on. No time like the present!

Liu Shi Yun looked curiously at the pile of stuff Qian Wei suddenly brought back, turning them around and reading the words on the boxes out loud.

"Zhangguang 101... King of Shampoo... Qian Wei? What are all these things you bought?"

From the boxes, Qian Wei took out a set of Zhangguang 101 and King of Shampoo each and gave them to Liu Shi Yun. "Good stuff, you deserve to have them. They're among the best on the market now. Take them as a gift from me in the name of our deep revolutionary friendship."

Liu Shi Yun was very surprised. "These are all hair growth and hair loss treatment products. You don't even have hair loss. I have plenty too. What'd you buy them for? Don't tell me you got brainwashed by some MLM organization to become their agent and distributor?"

Qian Wei patted Liu Shi Yun's shoulder and said in a meaningful tone: "You'll understand in the future. Us law students, it's easy to get cold in the head. Better prevent than cure. You're still young. You'll appreciate me in the future."

"What about this then?" From the pile of hair care products, Liu Shi Yun fished out a gaudily colored card. "'Sunny Gym'? You? Someone who's never lifted a finger, actually got a membership card for the school gym?" Liu Shi Yun pondered for a moment before seeming to realize something. "I know! You must have your eyes on some guy there!"

"You don't know shit!" Qian Wei rolled her eyes at Liu Shi Yun. "To study law, you need an absolutely healthy and strong physique! Only with a strong body can you pull all-nighters without suddenly dropping dead. Also, you especially need to practice sprinting and long distance running so you can get away quickly when surrounded by disputing parties in the future."

"Hahahaha, yeah right Qian Wei. You must have your eyes on someone." Liu Shi Yun laughed loudly, then looked a bit sad. "But I'll take those hair growth products from you first. I have something worrying me lately, feel like I'm worrying my hair off.

"What is it?"

"What else but that professional skills competition coming up next month? The dean got me to organize it, but to be honest, who's interested in this kind of event? There's prize money, but it's so little, who cares? It'd be great if there was some gimmick. Like if we could get Lu Xun to participate, that would attract all the other female students to join too."

"Then go persuade Lu Xun!"

Liu Shi Yun rolled her eyes. "No chance. Lu Xun would never participate in this kind of low level event, too childish and beneath him. All he takes part in are international competitions, like that Jessup International Law Moot Court, all in English with professional legal debate. You know about it? Forget it, I won't bore you. Let me go think of how to organize next month's skills competition."

With Liu Shi Yun occupied with her matters, Qian Wei was not idle either. She was a doer. That very night, she went to the gym.

In her previous life, Qian Wei had never thought about exercising her body as Liu Shi Yun said. She had never even stepped into a gym. This time going to the gym at A University was truly an eye-opening experience. The gym facilities on the first floor of the sports center could be considered luxurious. The equipment room had a row of treadmills and stair climbers, and there were not many people working out. On one side of the equipment room was the university's swimming pool used for athletic competitions, with very comprehensive facilities. On the other side of the equipment room was an exercise room, where there were usually yoga and ballet dance classes. At this time, the exercise room was filled with the chatter and music of girls as the student union's cultural department practiced their dance routine for the upcoming Mid-Autumn Festival. Connected to the equipment room was the gym lobby, which had a pool table. At this time, there were not many people actually working out, but the pool table was very popular with a group of people gathered around it. Out of curiosity, Qian Wei took a look. The boys playing pool looked arrogant and rebellious, sporting trendy layered haircuts dyed in various colors. Their ears were pierced and the leader held a lit cigarette, completely disregarding the no smoking sign in the gym. In recent years, A University had set up an associate college to expand enrollment. Although it bore the A University name and the classrooms and dormitories were within A University, the actual admission requirements were much lower than the main undergraduate college of A University. Thus the student body was not of high caliber. Children of wealthy families who could not get into the main college were sent here by their parents. As a result, many acted as local tyrants and bullies instead of studying hard. The pool players were likely from the associate college.

The group was murmuring about something but Qian Wei paid no attention and went straight to the equipment room to get on a treadmill. After twenty minutes of vigorous exercise, just as Qian Wei was getting into her groove, a commotion rose from the lobby.

"What's the big deal about staying to play some pool with us Brother Tian? Don't wanna hang out?"

"Let's play a game together. I'll treat you to a midnight snack later."

"No thanks on the snack. Please let us by, we need to get back to our dorm."

Among the jumble of male voices, the crisp female voice stood out clearly.

Qian Wei stopped running and looked towards the pool table. She saw a familiar face.

Mo Zi Xin and some other girls were being blocked by the gang of ruffians in front of the pool table. They were still in their dance outfits, having just finished practice in the exercise room.

The gang leader, called Brother Tian, gave what he thought was a charming flick of his long bangs and smiled lecherously. "What's your name? Leave me your number so we can be friends."

Of course his attention was on the prettiest girl, Mo Zi Xin. Her skintight dance outfit clung to her body, outlining her beautiful figure. Her face was still flushed from dancing, with a sheen of sweat, very attractive. But her face showed only rejection and indifference.

"I have a boyfriend, sorry."

"You can break up with him. What kind of boyfriend doesn't come get you after practice to walk you back? You should get a new one, I'll take you back to your dorm."

Mo Zi Xin was used to being doted on and quickly grew impatient with the clingy pestering. "Let us by or I'll call the police."

These testosterone-fueled punks cared most about face. Being spoken to this way by Mo Zi Xin in front of his underlings, the self-styled Brother Tian predictably got angry. He stubbed out his cigarette and signaled to his followers with his eyes.

"You're not leaving after playing pool tonight. You're coming out with us to keep having fun."

Qian Wei was anxious. Oh Mo Zi Xin, why didn't you just play nice instead of confronting them directly? The other girls with Mo Zi Xin were likely also spoiled. They started bickering with the thugs, who began shoving them around. Things were quickly getting out of hand.

Qian Wei couldn't stand to keep watching. Unfortunately all the men had left the equipment room already. She hurriedly called Qian Chuan. "Something's come up at the gym. Bring some of the guys from the PE department here stat!"

After leaving instructions for Qian Chuan, Qian Wei rushed out of the equipment room towards the lobby to help Mo Zi Xin.

"Stay out of this."

Just as she was about to charge out, a hand grabbed her shirt collar from behind and a lazy male voice sounded.

Qian Wei looked back to see who it was.

In the September night, the youth before her wore a loose athletic T-shirt. He had just come from the shower and his hair was still dripping. The hot shower left a pale pink flush on his fair skin. His full lips were a healthy, vibrant red. His eyes were bright and penetrating, framed by long lashes. His long, shapely legs peeked out from his sweatpants, toned and sexy. Qian Wei couldn't help swallowing as she took in Lu Xun's legs. The lines were truly beautiful, muscular yet not bulky, masculine yet not rugged - unforgettable.

But Qian Wei quickly remembered the situation at hand. Seeing her savior, she cried out excitedly, "Lu Xun!"

Lu Xun glanced at Qian Wei and casually lifted his T-shirt to dry his still wet hair, spraying fine droplets everywhere, some landing on Qian Wei's face. She suddenly realized how hot her face felt. As Lu Xun moved, his tight abs were exposed. Qian Wei felt like her face was so hot, those water droplets would evaporate as soon as they touched her skin. The more casual he was, the more alluring it became. At 19, Lu Xun was in between mature and innocent, exuding pheromones with his every move and gesture. Qian Wei repeated to herself mentally "No ogling, no ogling!" But the image of his abs and V-line still danced through her mind... She thought randomly that it was such a waste for Lu Xun to become a lawyer, he would make a fortune more quickly as a male model...

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