“Lu Xun, if we become rich and successful, don’t forget about me!” Qian Wei said earnestly, “If you soar high and achieve great things in the future, you must remember to bring me along to get rich with you. If you become a lawyer or partner, you must give me the best cases. If I become your subordinate, you must care for and look after me. Don’t make me work overtime on normal days, give me a bigger year-end bonus, and remember to introduce good men to me, preferably those from wealthy families but with deceased parents, so there won’t be mother-in-law issues...”

“What are you thinking about?”

Qian Wei wasn’t sure if it was her imagination, but Lu Xun’s footsteps seemed to be slowing down.

“Lu Xun, are you tired? Walk faster! If we go any slower I might bleed too much and die!” Qian Wei urged, “I feel really dizzy now, my vision is going dark, my body feels cold, and I’m getting sleepy. I've seen on TV that if you fall asleep at this time, you won’t wake up again...”

“It’s September now, and the nighttime temperature is 26°C tonight.”

“That’s because I’ve lost so much blood that my body temperature dropped.” Qian Wei put on a pitiful expression, “I don’t even dare look at my wound, afraid that seeing the blood will make me faint. I have to stay strong!”

“Do you have any last words then?” Qian Wei wasn’t sure if it was her imagination, but Lu Xun’s voice no longer sounded tense at all. Instead, he spoke calmly and unhurriedly.

“I do, I still have some.” Qian Wei struggled to say, “If I miraculously survive this, I hope to get your help on the final jurisprudence exam at the end of this semester...”

“You want me to let you cheat, right?”

“If you voluntarily let me see, it wouldn’t be considered cheating. It would be mutual assistance and cooperation for our common advancement, the rich helping the poor...”

“What else?” Lu Xun asked as they walked.

Qian Wei sighed inwardly, heavens have eyes! This was such a good opportunity to take a knife for Lu Xun, it wasn’t a complete loss. At least Lu Xun seemed grateful and was taking initiative to ask how else he could repay her. Now was the time to make demands!

“I hope that no matter what happens in the future, you’ll be more friendly and united with me.”

“What else?”

“I know you never skip lectures for specialized courses, can you help me sign the attendance sheet occasionally?”

“What else?”

“I hope you can help participate in the law school's professional skills competition my roommate Liu Shi Yun is organizing next month.”

“What else?”

Why was he asking so many what else? Lu Xun was never this easy to talk to, this was definitely suspicious! Qian Wei suddenly realized something was wrong. She looked up to replace the issue -

“Hey!! Weren’t you taking me to the infirmary? When did you turn back around? Lu Xun? You can’t do this. It was you who asked me to make demands, and now that I've made some, you don't want to take me to get treated and just let me fend for myself? Don't forget, refusing to help is a crime! I got this injury trying to save you, you have a duty to aid me!! If something happens to me you'll be held accountable!!”

“Qian Wei, you look fine to me, no need to go to the infirmary.”

In order to get Lu Xun’s attention, Qian Wei exaggerated, “My hand was cut by a knife! I feel even colder now, I can barely see!”

“Is that so?” Qian Wei only heard Lu Xun's amused voice. He pointed at the injured hand, “But your wound has already stopped bleeding.”


Qian Wei took a look, and it really had...stopped bleeding...

In her earlier fear she didn't dare examine the wound carefully. Now seeing it, she almost fainted from shock. It was just a very small, superficial cut. The initial blood flow had already clotted...

She looked up to see Lu Xun smiling at her.

This was truly very embarrassing...

“Maybe it just stopped bleeding...” Qian Wei tried to play it off, “Fortune favors the brave, haha, hahaha.”

But Lu Xun was completely unsympathetic. He smiled, “It already stopped when you mentioned wanting me to introduce good men to you.”

“Thanks for the wonderful performance, you can let go of my hand now.”

Lu Xun, you scoundrel, I’ll never forgive you!!! Qian Wei bounced away from Lu Xun’s arms, wishing she could replace a hole to hide in. So that was why Lu Xun walked slower and slower, he had just watched her act the entire way!!! She should've known, being reborn into this world, there was no way the mission to win over future boss Lu Xun would be so easy! This was hard mode!

“Also, I want vegetable dumplings and crystal soup dumplings from the cafeteria for breakfast tomorrow. Remember to line up early and grab them for me.”

You’re ruthless!!! Qian Wei glared fiercely at Lu Xun’s retreating back. If looks could kill, he'd probably have two scorch marks burned into his back by now. Although it was a small wound, did their camaraderie from her taking a knife for him really mean so little that he could disregard it like this?

"Don't glare at me like that." Though facing away, Lu Xun somehow seemed to have eyes in the back of his head. "Come with me to the male dorms."

"No! I refuse! I have principles!"

Lu Xun glanced at Qian Wei, "Don't think too much, I have no plans to let you in my dorm. Just wait downstairs."

In the end, Qian Wei still couldn't resist Lu Xun's coercive power and obediently waited downstairs at the male dorm building. At this time of night, the dorms would lock up soon. Many male students were hurrying back before that happened. Seeing Qian Wei standing there, they curiously glanced her way a few times, making her feel like some female stalker waiting below the male dorms.

Fortunately, Lu Xun still had some conscience and didn't make Qian Wei wait too long. After a short while, he walked out of the dorm entrance holding a bag of items that he casually tossed over.

"Hydrogen peroxide and bandages." His explanation was concise. "What you gave me last time. Go back and treat your wound yourself, don't scar."

Just as Qian Wei was about to say thanks, she heard Lu Xun continue, "After all, unlike me, scarring would affect your future prospects of replaceing a partner."

"......" Qian Wei wanted to time travel back one minute and stop her past self from wanting to say thanks.

"Thank you."

Qian Wei was startled, realizing it wasn't her but Lu Xun who had said thanks.

He also seemed uncomfortable expressing gratitude, glancing away, "Don't be so rash next time. When men fight, stay farther away."


Seeing Qian Wei's lack of reaction, Lu Xun spoke impatiently again, "Did you hear me?"

"Oh...I heard..." Qian Wei thought for a moment, and decided to fight for some benefits for herself, "Since you want to thank me, does that mean breakfast tomorrow..."

"Right, don't need to send breakfast to the dorm building tomorrow. I'll come eat at the cafeteria myself." Lu Xun said, waving at her, "Go back now."

That dismissive wave was like an emperor waving away his attending eunuch...

Qian Wei wondered, why was she so unlucky that her future boss was like an overbearing tyrant since childhood? To show thanks for her taking a knife for him, he "graciously" waived the delivery fee of her running errands for him... Why don't you also waive the breakfast grab for me!

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