Dawn- An age of Darkness
Chapter 153 - Huh? What Do You Mean, He’s Not Jowy?

Alisa was poking at the golden cloths. Kids these days. I was kind of like that too at that age. So it just annoyed me.

Lianne and Jowy came inside the room after a solid knock.

"It's good to see you guys again," Jowy said.

I contained my hostility. "I didn't know you were a prince."

"I thought you knew. Assuming you knew Lianne." He acted innocent, as usual. 

"Unfortunately I didn't, your highness," I said. My voice was filled with sarcasm. I grinded my teeth and glared at him.

"Please don't call me that Daarc. I may be a prince, but forever will be your friend." My expression softened and he took a seat.

We were already seated and I never felt the urge to get up and greet them. Maybe it was being rude, but I didn't really care. 

The old man walked closer to the duo and sat down. 

I looked away. "So, what brings you two here?" 

"The banquet would be ready soon. Please dress yourselves," Lianne said and clapped her hands.

As soon as she finished a group of maids entered the room with frivolous clothes. I never liked fashion so they were always pointless to me. 

"So, any news about Biteria?"

"She's been reported to have been seen in the royal bath, the kitchen and the garden. We couldn't catch her, at least not yet." Lianne's brows drifted about. She might have been a little annoyed.

Sigh* that rabbit! She's doing whatever she pleases!

"Don't worry; she's just having some fun. She'll come back before you know it,"Jowy said.

I sure hope so. Oh Biteria, where are you!

"Alright then, I'll leave you guys alone. Would you mind joining me, Alisa?" Lianne said. I never knew she and Alisa were acquainted. Just what the hell was going on when I wasn't looking?

"Would you mind waiting for me?" Alisa smiled.

"Of course."

Lianne left the room and soon Jowy left too. The maids followed them out. They were pretty considerate if nothing else. 

Now we were alone.

"I thought you two were going to beat up a prince or something," Alisa said.

Huh? What did she say?

"What made you think that?" I chuckled to myself. 

I was surprised. I didn't expect her to say that. 

"I'm old enough to understand you know. Besides, the way you looked at the royalty and the aura you gave off-" She paused and flashed another smile. 

"What aura?" I asked.

"Sad and the aura of hate," She said.

What the hell is wrong with this brat? 

I didn't reply but she added further questions. Apparently, the brat might have been sharper than I initially assumed. "So you were with her last night?" she said looking down at the crystal floor.

How high were we? 

"You have a bad habit of sniffing people, don't you?" I said.

Were all beastmen like this?

"Last night? Daarc care to explain? You still haven't told me how you met her or how you got outside." The old man's eyes were closed and he grinned.

I had told him about my little adventure out. But I never told him about how or why I had gone out. He didn't really press on me before as we didn't have time. But now things weren't looking too good for me. 

I didn't really have many excuses so…"Excuse me! Can I look at that shirt, please?" I ran outside. 

I didn't want to complicate things even further. Alisa ran with me. She had a satisfied grin. If she wasn't a kid, she was in for a serious head butt. I ran towards the maids while she ran towards Lianne. I could see the grin on Lianne and Jowy's faces too.

 I'll remember this, brat.


When the time was up, and we headed to the ballroom, I was yet again marveled. The ball was massive and had lots, and lots of people: in this world's terms, it was grand. 

And with every passing moment disaster came closer and closer- I could feel it in my gut. 

I won't have to dance, right?

We were basically two stories above the ground. Everyone was chatting around and most of them wore masks that covered some part of their faces. They hadn't yet started eating or drinking yet.

Two massive stairways spiraled together and glimmered as we came down. These weren't automatic. But as soon as we got on the stair, everyone stared at us. 

I get the feeling that something weird is about to happen.

The old man was dressed in white, while me in black. Alisa, on the other hand, picked red. Although these clothes looked like suits and party dresses, they weren't. The cloth, in particular, was very soft, and easy to move in. Plus there were way too many frills for my taste.

"Is it me or is everyone staring at us?"

"Pretend they are all overgrown carrots and you'll be fine," the old man said.

"Easy for you to say." 

Does it work? Hey! It's not working, geezer!

I had to watch my feet so I wouldn't trip. I was so nervous that I could fall down the stairs in a heartbeat. My throat clogged up and I couldn't breathe, but I had to move.

"Hold my hand or I might fall," Alisa said, spread her arms, and moments later she tripped. I grabbed her arm and she balanced herself. 

I didn't blame her as it could have easily have happened to me.

I got down along with the old man and Alisa. It was bright: so much so that I could barely look around. My eyes however soon adjusted themselves. The floral scent resembled that of the throne room. But we were still the crowd's attention. It was marveling and scary at the same time.

Suddenly, there was a solid pat on my back I looked back and there he was, Jowy. He was dressed in rather flashy clothes.

"Ah, Jowy! Where were you? I'm so stoked at this," I said.

There was excitement in my voice but the nervousness was definitely more prominent.


"Your majesty, pardon his insolence, he's still a little confused about your appearances." The old man bowed briefly.

His words were hesitant and my heart went berserk. 

Majesty? You mean this he's not Jowy? 

"Ha ha ha, I get that a lot. Don't get too worked up over it." The king laughed haughtily and reassured me. Then he raised his voice and declared," Gentlemen, this is the man who has rescued two of my children and he's also displayed great valor in battle. I hereby declare him a friend to the throne of Alfeim."

There was a round of applause. I was dumbfounded but I kept my sanity. 

All this is a political ploy. Don't lose your head over something like this.

I had to do a lot of mental prep for me not to lose my cool.

"Kid, this is bad, now we won't be able to slap the prince," the old man whispered.

You were still hung up on that? You really want to get executed, don't you?

"Let the banquet begin!" The king declared and then looked back and said, "Please enjoy the affairs." His look wasn't that of kindness. There must have been some sort of deeper meaning to it, but we didn't have the luxury of pondering in such thoughts. 

With the king's signal, music began playing. Flutes and harps were the main attraction. Although most of the instruments were primitive, the sound that came out was soothing to the soul. I could listen to them all day. 

This is not that bad.


I was called out to meet a bunch of people; they were the princes. Again they all looked like Jowy. 

Is my brain going rogue on me?

The two of my companions patted me on the back and bid me farewell.

"I'll go over there and stuff my face with pudding," the old man said. He frowned and looked grumpier than usual but strangely, he didn't look that disappointed. Maybe he knew. 

How much did you want to slap the prince, huh?

"I c-can't deny my affection for cakes-"Alisa's eyes darted around. Her cheeks turned slightly pink. Her breathing had also become a bit more rapid.

This world has cake and pudding? 

That again reminded me, that I still didn't know enough about the world. It also reminded me that I was surrounded by weirdoes.

Both of them left abruptly. 

And you guys are supposed to be my comrades? 

My luck is quite something, huh?

Here I was, being all sarcastic about myself. I sighed and stood in front of the princes.

"I am-"

They all introduced themselves. I couldn't pick up a single name among them. My brain was overloaded by their similar vibes. I couldn't even follow the conversation. All I could do was smile. 

Smile. Smile and wave your head.

"So you see that's how this country had come to be and we're here ever since."

One of the princes proudly explained how Alfeim was formed and how the royal family came to be. I only nodded as everything went over my head.

"But things weren't always this peaceful. We went to war ten-"

I hadn't picked up anything: nothing. "I-I see. I see."

"I need to borrow him for a minute." I got pulled away by an unknown girl. She had a mask on, that covered half of her face. The Jowy lookalikes grinned. They flashed a thumbs up to me almost saying good luck. 

What the hell?

I was taken to a corner. 

I've seen her before. I know her.

"You looked so miserable that I couldn't help myself."


"Yes?" She chuckled at my confusion. 

It was the first time I got to see her lips. Normally her eyes were the only thing visible but this time her eyes were hidden behind the mask but instead, her lips were free. She wore a light pink dress overflowing with embroidery of crystal threads. Her hair flowed freely, but a crystal tiara added more depth to her charm.

"You look beautiful and thank you," I said.

"You're welcome. And thank you as well."

We laughed together: it took a minute to stop. If she hadn't come to my rescue then I didn't know what I'd have done. But even so, even amongst all that laughter, I couldn't let my guard down. 

Our reunion was short. "Lianne there you are!" Araan called from a little distance. 

"Is something wrong?" Lianne asked.

"Father's looking for you." 

"Alright then, I'll see you later Daarc."

She left. It was strange. Even after spending all that time, I still couldn't fully understand this girl. Or maybe I was too thickheaded? I did want to understand her though.

But Araan didn't leave. 

Now the two of us were alone. The crowd seemed, faraway. And with the background music, nobody would be able to hear our words anyway. 

"But I'm really glad you survived Daarc," he said. He wore a gentle smile: a fake smile.

Should I try bluffing? He doesn't look like he'd show his true nature anytime soon.

"You can drop the act now," I said with my poker face.

"What are you talking about?" With an innocent stare, he said.

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