Death, Devotion, Dissonance
Chapter 162 - Trial (pt. 3)

The focus of the trial went towards baron Armbron, a mediocre looking man in his late thirties. He was dressed well, unlike Kasna, but his clothes looked too fancy for his short, skinny body. 

'No doubt here to deal with his son's little blunder. In that case, he should also know the details of the blunder,' Endra thought as he wondered how he should best approach the scenario.


"As we've said, my son fell sick with a potentially viral infection two days ago and was staying inside his room ever since," baron Armbron replied to Alvich's question. The man's voice was level; and combined with his calm, flat gaze, Endra felt he wouldn't be so easy to deal with like Kasna.

'Well, it's not going to change what I'm going to do,' Endra thought. 'Let's try prodding at his defenses.'

"May I ask a few questions from baron Armbron?" Endra asked.

"You may." 

With Alvich's agreement, Evin began his questioning. 

"Can you tell me the symptoms of your son's illness?"

"If it's possible, I'd… rather not," Armbron grimaced. 

'Is he actually going to make this easy for me?' Endra thought, but he felt that there was something more to this.

"Can you tell me why?" Endra asked.

"It's just a personal thing."

Endra wanted to immediately bite at the weakness Armbron was showing, but his instincts were telling him that this was bait. He couldn't just start accusing the man of lying. He was also interested in the man's plan, so he decided to take it slow. It wasn't like he was in a hurry or anything.

"I respect your son's privacy, but we're trying to solve a murder case here. At least tell me the reason why you can't describe your son's illness. Or perhaps you can tell us where he got it? Since he believes it's infectious, he must've seen someone else with the same symptoms, right?"

"Ah. Indeed, he got it from someone… some woman. I've been trying to replace her since I've heard the story, but so far I've found no success."

"Alright, I hope you good luck in that," Endra said. "Another question. Since the illness seems rather serious, I'm guessing a doctor or a mage checked up on him, yes?"

"Yes, of course," Armbron replied. "I've just asked a mage I frequent myself to check up on him."


"The mage spoke to him through the door under my son's insistence, and decided she couldn't heal him. Wounds and bruises are easy to heal for a trained mage, but many have problems dealing with infections and illnesses. Regardless, she then decided it was best if my son stayed locked up for the time being."

"I see," Endra said. "It does sound rather serious. Is your family okay? Perhaps your servants are sick somehow?"

"Thankfully, they are all fine," Armbron replied. "They've been instructed to stay careful."

Endra nodded.

"Baron Armbron," he resumed. "I would like you to provide proof for all the statements you've made. Your son's illness can be proven by the testimony from the mage that checked upon him, and if we could also bring in a servant from your house, it would be very helpful."

"I believe you don't have the right to ask that from me," Armbron replied.

"Whyever not?" Endra asked, humming.

"Although I hate to say it, it's because a family of 3rd grades have no right to accuse a baron's family member of murder without substantial evidence. In fact, I've only come here to reassure everyone that my son has no connection to this murder case," Armbron finished. "And if you have no more questions, I shall be taking my leave."

The man was right. 3rd grades were unable to openly accuse nobles of any crimes, based on only suspicions. Since the kingdom worked so hard to create all these social levels, of course, a wider choice of clothing wasn't the only perk the higher-grade citizens received. 3rd grades couldn't enlist Inspectors for cases, they couldn't work any businesses, and they couldn't enter certain schools even if they had the money for it somehow. 

But that wasn't a problem for Lora's family. At least, not anymore.

"But my family are no longer third grades anymore," Endra declared as he brought out Lora's citizenship documents declaring their new status.

Authority, definitely was a wonderful thing. Using the viscount's name, in only half an hour, Lora's family jumped from 3rd grade to 1st. Evin was the one who came up with the idea, so he was the most excited. They easily convinced Theor to put aside his pride for the future of his family. After all, they needed to know why they were attacked in the middle of the night. How could they be sure something like this wouldn't happen again?

' "Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth", huh,' Endra thought with amusement, remembering Theor's defeated face. 'Last night's event definitely was a punch in the mouth for him.'

Putting Theor out of his mind, Endra focused on the trial.

"A house of 1st grades was trespassed last night and the person responsible sounds a lot like your son. Under the kingdom's laws, I ask you to provide proof for your son's illness that you've mentioned. Ah, I know that a procedure like this needs to go through the Bureau first, but don't worry about that. It's been already passed through. And coincidentally, we have an Inspector here working on a related case, so it's all perfect."

Endra smiled, certain of his victory. Armbron must've expected accusations against himself, but the man should've expected nothing more. Endra had the power, but the same didn't apply to Lora's family. Even in Endra's case, the power was borrowed. He couldn't really force things to go his way. 

In Armbron's eyes, the mage student Eviendra should've been nothing more than Bella's boyfriend, so he shouldn't expect Endra to pull something like this and shouldn't have bothered to prepare any alibis. But reality took on a surprising turn. 

"Ah, in that case, as any good citizen of the kingdom, I shall provide the proof. 1st grades are 1st grades, after all," Armbron replied. "Though I'm not sure how exactly I'm supposed to do it. Perhaps you can visit my manor and check on the situation yourself? The mage I've been talking about is staying there and you can stop and ask any of my servants there whatever question you replace necessary."

'Is he bluffing?' Endra thought. 'Most likely not.'

Even if it wasn't a bluff, Endra had to go check it out. Leaving the spectators behind, Endra, Alvich, Kasna and Ssatsko made their way towards the baron's house. 

The next events proved that the baron wasn't bluffing. They met the servants there, who spoke the same story, and then Endra spoke to the mage, who described Lyudvik's condition. Rashes, itchiness, pale skin, and sweating all over the skin; but most of all near his genitals. 

Turned out the Lyudvik had gotten an STD from some woman he met in a bar. Apparently, the woman had a reddish groin and sweated quite a lot, but Lyudvik was too wasted to care at the time. But when he came home the next day and saw the rashes himself, he just decided to stay cooped in his room, hoping the illness will pass by itself. 

"I only found out about my son's little misadventure today, with the trials and everything," baron Armbron said, chuckling awkwardly. "Imagine my surprise when I finally heard the full story from him."

On the surface, everything made sense. The one-night stand, the self-quarantine caused by shame, Armbron's replies, they all made it clear that Lyudvik wasn't the one who was with Ilhan Kasna the night before. 

But Endra didn't believe any of it. Because this was exactly what he would do to save his own son if he was baron Armbron. Create a shameful story, so you can act defensive about it and when you're forced to reveal the circumstances, you won't look so suspicious. For some reason, people tended to believe in shameful, embarrassing things. It was human nature to gossip, after all.

Endra was not going to fall for something like that. 

And it wasn't so hard to have your house servants and a random mage speak for you. Some might've considered lying to save an acquaintance immoral, but those people simply never face such a choice before in Endra's opinion.

"Your honor, I will be convinced of baron Armbron's honesty if I'm allowed to see Lyudvik with my own eyes," Endra sighed. "I know it might be dangerous, but I'll be taking proper precautions so you won't have to worry about my well-being." 

"Have you not seen enough?" the wife of the baron said. "I believe we've been sincere enough by letting you in our house and conducting an investigation. And now you want to check up on my son as well?"

"I want to believe in the good of people, but I just know of many cases where a criminal feigns insanity to receive a lighter punishment," Endra sighed. 

"Who would want to end up in a mental asylum?" the woman said.

Endra then remembered he wasn't in Earth anymore and frowned. 

"Regardless, I would like to check on Lyudvik. Your honor, please allow, for the inspection."

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