Debuff Master
Chapter 370

Chapter 370

“The baby is…?”

“Our Gyul’s hair is… Sniff…! Sniff…!”


“She has the same red hair as me…! Waaah!”


“What should we do? What should we do?!”

Brunhilde was crying so much that others would think the Proatine Kingdom was getting occupied. Unfortunately, Siegfried could not understand why she was crying so sorrowfully in the first place.

‘So what if her hair is red…?’

Siegfried was a human being, so the color of Gyul’s hair was not that important to him.

So what if her hair was red? Her red hair would become the apple of Siegfried's eye!

‘Oh well, I guess she'll feel bad about it…’

However, Siegfried could not laugh Brunhilde’s sorrows off as he knew very well why she was crying right now. He knew better than anyone just how much pain Brunhilde had to endure growing up because of her red hair.

An elf’s hair color was used to judge their beauty rather than their face or body, and Brunhilde’s red hair was considered to be the most hideous in their society. Brunhilde was branded as an abomination by the elves because of her hair, and she had lived her entire life being shunned by them.

Hence, it was understandable why she would be so devastated after learning that her daughter’s hair color was the same as hers.

‘Sigh…’ Siegfried let out a sigh after remembering Brunhilde’s painful past, and he walked over to her and gently held her hand.


“I-I’m sorry… I’m so sorry…”



“Why are you apologizing?”

“Because of me… Our baby… Because of me…”

“Don’t say that,” Siegfried shook his head and said, “Why would you say that? What’s wrong with our baby? Why does it matter if her hair is red or blue? I don’t mind even if our baby will live bald for the rest of her life. It won't change the fact that she’s our daughter.”


“Our child will grow up in the Proatine Kingdom. She won’t be ridiculed by the elves, and nobody will dare to look down on her.”


“So please don’t cry,” Siegfried said as he wiped the tears from her eyes, and then he said gently, “Please forget about the color of her hair, and let’s focus on raising our child, okay? It’s alright, this isn’t your fault.”

“A-Alright… Sniff… Sniff…”

“It’s alright! So stop crying on a day we should be celebrating!”

“I’m sorry…”

“You don’t have to apologize. It’s alright, everything is alright.”

“Alright… I will do my best to raise our daughter.”

“M, too.”

“Oh, right! You haven’t seen Gyul yet, right? You should go see her! She’s really adorable!”


One of the maids brought Gyul over to Siegfried.

“Your Majesty, please meet the royal princess.”

“C-Can I hold her…?”

“Certainly, Your Majesty.”

Siegfried carefully received Gyul in his arms.

‘Heok…!’ He froze the moment he laid eyes on her. ‘S-She’s so beautiful…!’

Gyul was so adorable and cute that he felt like his heart was going to stop any second now. Was it because Gyul sensed how Siegfried was feeling right now? Or was it because she instinctively knew he was her father?

“Goo!” Gyul gleefully exclaimed and smiled brightly at Siegfried, even though it hadn't even been ten minutes since she was born.

“Isn’t she adorable?” Brunhilde asked.

“She certainly is!” Siegfried exclaimed in response as he felt like he was going to go crazy because of how cute Gyul was.

He used to have a hard time understanding why parents would dote on their children and go to extreme lengths for them, but now, he realized he could do far more than anything he could possibly imagine for his child.

“Goo Goo!”

“Gyul? I’m your… father.”


“Can you tell?”

“Goo goo!”

Gyul seemed to have understood him as she blinked a few times and grinned.

Badump! Badump! Badump!

Siegfried’s heart thumped faster and faster in response.

‘Should I take a look?’ he decided to flash his Rune of Insight at Gyul.

A few seconds later…

“What…?” Siegfried muttered and blinked his eyes a few times.

He could not help but doubt his eyes.

“S-She’s too overpowered!”

Gyul’s stats were simply too overpowered.


The Rune of Insight displayed Gyul’s stats to him.

[Gyul van Proa]

[A High Elf born between Siegfried van Proa, an Adventurer from another world as well as the King of the Proatine Kingdom, and Brunhilde, the princess of the Elven Kingdom, Elondel.]

[She is a talent born once every millennium.]

[Her name is still undecided.]

[Type: Named NPC]

[Race: High Elf]

[Gender: ♀]

[Level: 250]

[Affiliation: Proatine Kingdom/Elondel]

[Position: Princess/Princess]

[Class: Amazing Baby (Epic)]

[Titles: World’s Most Powerful Baby ★, Lady of the People ♥, The Genius Baby, Heartbreaker, Heart Drop Murderer, The Lord of the Babies, Soon-To-Be Most Beautiful Person Under the Heavens, Multi-Talented Baby]

[Remarks: Her growth will be extremely fast! Please give her a name! Only you may grant her a name!]

Gyul's level was a mind-boggling Level 250, and she already had an Epic Class—Amazing Baby.



[Strength: SSS]

[Intelligence: SSS]

[Agility: SSS]


[Stamina: SSS]

[Mana: SSS]

[Luck: SSS]

[Beauty: SSS]

[Cuteness: SSS]

[Charm: SSS]


[Potential: Unlimited]

All of her stats were ranked Triple S, and her potential was unlimited.

In other words, she was the epitome of overpowered.

“A High Elf being born is an extremely rare occurrence. The chances of a High Elf being born out of one million elves are extremely low. They are incredibly rare.”

“Do they really exist?”

“Yes, they are beings that possess far superior genetics compared to the elves, and they are the closest creature to perfection itself. All of the High Elves in history became a Master by the age of twenty and a Grandmaster by the age of one hundred.”

Gyul was born with the stats that the Level 999 Hidden NPC, Deus, said she would possess.

“This is amazing…” Siegfried muttered in awe.

Was there ever going to be another NPC like her? He could guarantee that no one else on the continent had been born with the same stats as Gyul, no matter how much of a genius they were.

‘I think it’s going to be a big problem if I slack off as a father…’

While he was starting to get worried about the future, a message suddenly popped up in front of his eyes.


[Alert: You have obtained a new title!]

Siegfried almost screamed after reading the message. He was already suffering from PTSD, and he was scared to check what kind of embarrassing title the system was going to give him this time. However, the title he received this time was pretty normal.

[Alert: You have obtained the title Noob Father!]

But the title was not the only thing he obtained.

[Alert: You have obtained a new class!]

Siegfried obtained another class aside from the Debuff Master.

[Alert: You are now a Noob Father! (This subclass is only given to those who were present during their child’s birth)]

[Alert: The class and title will evolve the more experienced you become with parenting.]

Of course, the class he obtained was not a main class, so he was technically still a single-class Adventurer.

[Alert: You have obtained new skills!]

Siegfried’s new class Noob Father granted him new skills.

[Skills: Noob Father]

[Formula Milk Mixing (Lvl1)

[Diaper Change (Lvl1)]

[Lullaby (Lvl1)]

[Piggy Back Ride (Lvl1)]

[Feeding Baby Food (Lvl1)]

[Explanation: Parenting is done with love! Do not use your money and status to parent your child! The child will grow into a loving and proper person the more you shower them with love!]

What did the system mean by—do not use your money and status to parent your child?!

‘Is it telling me to faithfully do my duties?!’ Siegfried could not help but flinch after reading that part, but he decided to take it to heart and do his best to parent Gyul.

It was highly unlikely, but he was scared that Gyul might grow up into an arrogant young lady.

“She's really beautiful… Thank you for giving me such a precious blessing,” Siegfried said.

“Not at all! You are the one who gifted her to me!” Brunhilde exclaimed in response.

“Goo~ Goo~ Kyaa~”

Gyul seemed to have recognized Brunhilde as she smiled brightly while looking at her.

And that was how Siegfried ended up becoming a father.



Someone suddenly yanked Jessie into the darkness as she was walking along the corridor.



Carlisle covered Jessie’s mouth before she could say another word.

“Don’t scream. It’s me.”

“Oh, it’s you.”

Jessie glared at him and said, “I’m pretty sure I told you not to do anything that stands out.”

“Are you seriously telling me that right now? You've been ignoring me for the past few days!” Carlisle retorted.

“Is that a problem?”

“Have you forgotten about our deal?”

“Not at all.”

“Then why haven’t you said anything? I heard the princess was born today! I’m talking about the spawn of that bastard and that bitch!”

“Who doesn’t know that? Everyone in Proatine knows that the princess was born.”

The kingdom officially announced the birth of Gyul to its people, and they would host a grand feast in honor of her soon.

“They've already spawned their filthy offspring, so why aren’t we making a move?! We should—“

“You’re too impatient,” Jessie cut him off and explained, “You want to put the plan in action when not even a day has passed since the princess was born? Do you have a death wish? What do you think is going to happen if we commence the plan now? Do you honestly think we'll succeed?

"I still haven't informed the church of the princess' birth."

“T-That is…”

“Go ahead with it alone if you can’t wait, but count me out. I value my life and have no plans to throw it away.”

“A-Apologies…” Carlisle ended up apologizing to her. “I was short-sighted… I sincerely apologize for my actions.”

“The princess was born three weeks earlier than planned. It won’t be easy for the church to react now as the timing has gotten skewed.”

“Yeah, you’re right.”

“But why the rush? Is there a reason you’re rushing so much?”

“I-I just wanted my revenge as fast as possible.”

Jessie accurately pressed Carlisle’s sore spot by saying, “I guess your pain tolerance is not that strong. I can see your judgment wavering from the pain.”


“It will be a month at most—no, the plan could be put into motion in a week at the earliest. I hope you don’t plan to let everything we worked hard for so long go to waste just because you can't wait a few days?”

“I apologize…” Carlisle bit his lip and apologized once again. He felt quite embarrassed about himself and had no excuses for his actions.

“Hang in there. We are almost at the finish line.”

“Alright,” he replied and walked away, but he turned around and added, “I hope it won’t take that long.”

“Don’t worry about that. It won’t be long,” she replied with a smile.

“Okay,” Carlisle replied before disappearing into the darkness.


“That damned bastard is making me go this far…”

Chae Hyung-Seok grumbled while digging the ground in a cave in some secluded forest. He then buried the expensive items in his possession in the ground. He realized a few hours ago that it was going to be impossible for him to sell the items, so he decided to meet up with his sister in real life.

“I shen yoo coldinate. Get da idems.”

“Okay, oppa.”

He had no idea what was going on right now, but the emperor had placed a bounty on him once again, and the Head Crusher Guild members were leaving no stone unturned as they scoured the continent for him.

This made it extremely difficult for him to trade his items with anybody.

It was quite obvious that anyone willing to buy his items was going to report him for the bounty, but what was worse was that Han Tae-Sung might catch a whiff of him and show up. Chae Hyung-Seok was going to be doomed if Han Tae-Sung showed up and made him drop three items again.

This was the reason that he had chosen to bury the items in a secluded forest and lure whoever was tracking him away from the forest.

What was his plan after that?

His sister would come to collect the items from the forest and sell them for cash in his stead, making it possible for him to quit the game without suffering any more losses.

“Do I really have to go this far…” Chae Hyung-Seok grumbled as he left the cave. Then, he left the forest and headed to the nearest village, as it was now time for him to lure the bounty hunters away.

He needed to lure them away to allow his sister, Arcadia, to come and collect the items.

“This fucking game! I’m never going to look at this fucking game ever again!” Chae Hyung-Seok spat out curses as he walked away from the forest.

“Oh! So he hid his items here!”

It turned out someone hidden behind the bushes had been observing him the entire time.

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