Deicide the God Eater
The Ninth Chapter

As awful as this world is, it doesn't deserve a child such as you;a child who would trade every living soul for a castle in the sky. A child who possessed the strength andcourage of a god, but would do nothing to protect what is good. – Aletheia the Valiant

Deicide stepped through the fold in spacecreated by the barely functional gate, wiping the fresh blood from his lips,attempting to straighten his ragged uniform. Just as he was through the connection was cut, leaving him in a field ofsweet smelling grass that came up to his knees. It was blue in color and sparkled in the artificial sunlight that beamedaround him. He knelt and ran his fingersover the tops of the soft blue blades, with a gentle tug he pulled a few ofthem away from the soft earth and rubbed them between his fingers; enclosedthem in a loose fist and sniffed at their sweetness.

Before him was a forest, branches draped insilvery moss, twinkling in the soft light that snuck amidst the canopy growthoverhead. As he began making his waytoward the scent of water he heard singing. The Abyss, now a few sizes larger, hopped from his shirt and spreadherself thin so she could catch the sound better. As it passed through her black membrane thesound was amplified several times over in Deicide’s ears, it was a childsinging and the sound of a stream.

Minutes later Deicide came upon a littlegirl crouched along a stream, her skin was the color of gold, eyes liketwinkling diamonds. On top of her headwas a mass of thick, brown locks that spilt over her shoulders, down to herwaist. She was wearing a simple whitedress, adorned with frilly pastel cordons almost mocking Deicide’s own warribbons that hung at the sides of his waist; he smiled, as if there was ever amember of an eater division that attended tea parties and dances with stuffedanimals. As he came closer though, hecould see that she had a pair of short antenna, each tipped with a blue lightand two umbilical tails like his own, though they were also shorter. On further inspection of the cordons loopedat her waist, Deicide could see his family crest at the top, a throne withwolves sleeping at its foot, but on the throne there was a book and a dagger,and the entire scene was back dropped by a golden sun. There were other crests he had never seenconnected to his own, pompous heraldry and contradictory animals he would haveno part of had he had his way. He wasalso disturbed that his wife’s crest was missing; he had always known Nott tobe one that was concerned about her legacy.

The girl stood as the Abyss and Deicidearrived at the other side of the stream. Deicide gave her a tight, closed smile, not wanting to scare her withhis edged teeth. They stood there for a fewmoments inspecting each other before the girl returned to what she had beendoing, collecting polished rocks from the stream. Deicide crouched slowly and began to wash hisface and hands, before tossing a palm-full into his mouth, unable to remember atime when water tasted so good.

He noticed the girl was watching himagain. He looked down into the streamand selected a few dull rocks, then tossed them into the Abyss. The creature began to shiver and bubble and thenspit out a selection of gemstones. Deicide handed them over to the girl, who hesitated in taking them. Deicide left his hand out and open,pretending to appraise the stones. Whenshe finally took them, the sides of her mouth pulled into a familiar tiny grin,her large diamond eyes like smiles turned upside down, perhaps Nott had found away, he thought. She spoke to him in astrange dialect of his native language.

“Are you God?” she said.

“What?” he said.

Godwould return to his children in the form of a weary soldier. His children would know him from his dark skin,eyes of diamond and his living shadow,” she said.

“Sounds like me, but I am no god. God isonly a pretender,” Deicide said. “Isthat from a story?” he said.

The girl nodded. “Do you eat meat? I was told that God eats the flesh of animalsand people,” she said.

“Umm. Little one,” Deicide said making sure he had wiped the blood from hislips. “I’m looking for a Gate that will take me to the Bridge,” he said.

“The Machine Mother controls all gates,” shesaid.

“Where is this woman?” he said.

“The great tree on the hill there,” shesaid. “My village is on the way. There is food and refreshment.”

“Thank you little one, but I really-” hesaid. The look on the girl’s facechanged immediately; her eyes widened and her mouth became a pink tilde. Deicide was wary of offending locals, but inhis state he would be highly vulnerable to an ambush. Though he and the Abyss had just recentlyfed, the bodies they occupied took an enormous amount of energy to functionefficiently, within a few hours she and Deicide would be gravely hungry oncemore.

The little girl extended her hand, butDeicide did not extend his. Instead helistened to the whispers from the Abyss, all of her black mass gathered on hisleft shoulder, telling him he should devour this girl even if she was a distantrelative. Deep within Deicide’s mind asubtle signal was about to pass from his brain to a large gland, allowing theAbyss to attack. The Abyss opened herlightless maw and screeched down at the girl. Deicide mentally pushed against the creature, knowing it was not herfault; though they had both fed a short time ago, they were still in a survivalstate. Gibberish about greater goods andmorality would replace no audience with her, even as Deicide held her back.

“Quiet shadow,” the girl said. Deicide cocked his head, sensing the Abysshad recoiled against her will. The girlmust be one of his near infinitely great grandchildren; even his own naturalbirth children had been unable to control the Abyss. Yet this girl had his antennas and theability to control sovereignty. Deicidewrapped his scarred hand around hers, and allowed himself to be led.

The girl nodded. “Good,” she said.

As the girl led Deicide through the forest;she told him bits and pieces of their oral history which were of a drasticallydifferent perspective of the ruined world he had just left. Her people considered themselves the trueheirs to Deicide, being the only ones capable of accessing the archives, butDeicide considered it having more to do with luck than purity. These peaceful people were saved from thesavages outside because they bared a closer resemblance to Deicide’s DNA. It enabled them to lock out undesirables androute all of the ship’s resources to their village. He was unsure of how he should feel, he wouldlike to believe those that descended from his bloodline earned their placethrough merit and struggle, but Deicide saw no evidence of war here, not asingle shell casing.

They arrived at a charming rustic village,the little girl ran ahead of Deicide as he remained at the village’s edge. He was unsure whether charging in would bethe right action, if what the girl said was true then a mobbing was to beexpected. He watched as people began topour into the little square, their faces slack with astonishment, they beckonedhim closer with their golden limbs. Thepopulation was very small; all residents had the same pleasant, slightlyfamiliar face as the girl’s. They weretall people, though much shorter than the giant he had just left behind. They took turns hugging him and grasping hishands, rubbing their cheeks against them, marveling at how dark his skin wasand how long his antennas were. None ofthem offered their names, and Deicide dared not ask; he had come across hiveminded beings in his travels that had been insulted by singling any of themout. He was ushered to a long tablefilled with a variety of fruits and vegetables and seated at the head of the table. All their eyes were on him, even as he beganto eat. He paused when he realized thathe and the Abyss were the only ones eating.

“All for you,” a woman to his leftsaid. The Abyss looked to Deicide thenimmediately began inhaling the vegan entrees, whipping her oily tendrils ontoher next inanimate victims. As Captainof the Aeolipile, Deicide was used to the adorning gaze and scornful glare ofthe public, but no one had taken their eyes away from him since he stepped intothe village. Their shining eyes were child-like;catching his every movement and gesture, before he could reach for a traysomeone immediately scooped it up and offered him some of its contents. He wondered exactly what these peopleexpected of him, he was no God, and in his present state, possessed only aninkling of his power. He hoped theywould not expect some elaborate display later on.

He continued to enjoy what was offered tohim, but lamented the fact that there was no meat available. He would do fine for a while if he gorgedhimself on these starches and fruits, but the Abyss may as well been eatingtrays of banana seeds and cups of air. He watched her throw fruits back into her black gaping maw and listenedas they dissolved on contact when they touched her murky innards. As if reading his mind two men brought out along tray of sliced meats and placed it before him. Before he could get excited he recognized thesmell, it was the flesh of a sentient being, and though it had been cooked andsliced finely, Deicide hesitated. Heremembered devouring the heart of that swine that had attacked him sometimebefore, even alone he had felt shame, he did not want to subject this guilelessflock to his murderous aura while he fed on mortal flesh. Suddenly a thought struck him. Where had they gotten this person? He only felt worse when they told him it wasa sacrifice. He snatched the Abyss andsat her in his lap, her large yellow eyes peered over the table and she beganto make noises only Deicide could understand.

“Is there something wrong, Great Father?” aman to his right said.

“I don’t know if I’m still hungry,” Deicidesaid. With some relief they finallyturned to each other, though their mouths never moved Deicide knew they weretalking to each other, the lights at the tips of their antennas blinkedrapidly.

“You have nothing to be ashamed of GreatFather. This child will be reborn soon,”a woman said, motioning to a chamber with a familiar engraving. Deicide was unaware that the Carnica werestill in use. The bee-like women acted assurrogates for the soulless husks that he used to supplement his DeathlessArray, loaded with fragments of his own fight memory they were the equivalentof Grade 6 Eaters. Wiggling from hisgrasp the Abyss waddled onto the table and began tearing into the flesh,increasing her size with each bite. Deicide sat his chin on his knuckles as those gathered stared back athim, ever smiling, though he was unable to force one himself. After the Abyss had consumed most of it, shebrought back a sizeable portion for Deicide. She was still curled into her diminutive form, spherical body, roundstubby limbs and large eyes to appear cute to manipulate Deicide into doingsomething he did not wish to do, which was to consume the steak she held. As Deicide scowled back at her, he thought ofhow her eyes were merely for communication between them, only for his benefit, inhis reality the Abyss was a black sundry of sensory organs; her entire body wasan eye, an ear, a mouth. However, in herworld, she was a hulking giant woman that was the scourge of enemy armies, andeven her people. Once he had witnessedher dealing with some tribal matters and was disturbed by how much she remindedhim of Gilgamesh, her rank and power enabled her to treat anyone as shewished. It was only with Deicide did sheever wear kid gloves, knowing that he was her Enkidu.

The Abyss swallowed the steak she had savedfor Deicide and sat at the corner of the table, black quills covered her entirebody as she narrowed her eyes at him. Deicide heaved a sigh and then raised his eyebrows to everyone else,then rapped his sharp fingers on the table.

“Ah yes. Come Great Father,” a man said. The table was cleared and Deicide followed the group to a shaded areabehind the village. Here was the blue grassagain and the silvery moss, but further on he could see a great tree on thecrest of a hill, shooting up into the overhead as high as any sky would be on alarge planet. Everyone sat in one of twocircles, the children in a smaller circle in front of their parents, once againtheir eyes turned to Deicide. He noticedhow all of the children seemed about the same age, as well as the adults, therewere no elderly; none of the adults looked any older than Deicide did,permanently frozen in their physical primes. Unlike Deicide’s scarred physique, their skin was flawless; they lookedlike wingless golden angels. Deicidewondered if these people had ever felt pain or misery. How could they? Even their children were birthed by surrogates,he thought.

“Well, thank you for the meal,” Deicidesaid.

“It was our pleasure Great Father,” a mansaid. Living his whole life in amilitarized society Deicide was accustomed to people who could not keep up withthe beat of conversation or remember the points they were going to make. He sat calmly, unmoved by the weight of thesilence between them.

“Tell us a story Great Father,” a childsaid.

“Sush, Zophiel,” a woman said.

The man to his right chuckled. “Every time you return, you tell us of yourtravels, and how you conquered the lessers,” a man said. Deicide wanted to ask about the MachineMother and another possible Gate that was functional, but these people hadtreated him so well, even though he felt they were the ones who should beexplaining things to him. He sighed andbegan think of a story that was suitable for children and would not bore theadults.

Deicide looked up into the twinklingcanopy. “When I was still a child, I meta man called the Great White,” Deicide said. A child tugged at one of the purple cordons looped around his belt.

“You told us of the Great White last time,”a child said. Everyone nodded. Deicide shifted and folded his legs.

“Then what is it you all want to know aboutme, other than what you already know?” Deicide said.

“Very little about your childhood iswritten in the archives,” a man said.

“And all you’ve told us in the past wasabout other people,” a woman said.

“How did you get the name Deicide?” someonesaid. Deicide looked around at all ofthe faces, then to the Abyss.

“Do you all know of the alternate worlds?”Deicide said.

“Yes, I believe so. The half worlds?” someone said.

“There is nothing half about these worlds,”Deicide said. “For if those worlds arehalved, then also, our worlds are halved.”

It took Deicide a moment to think back whenhe first felt the tugging, as if something were trying to pull him in anotherdirection. In the beginning he had onlyknown his mission, to kill the pretender god. His surrogate mothers and fathers explained to him that it was Nott’sduty to restart the race with her science, but he, Lord Antino Elias Myann IIwas to slay the god that had betrayed their people. To become this god slayer would requireenormous strength that he could not achieve on his own. It was in the old texts passed down fromscholars and thinkers that not only lived aboard the Demiurge’s ship, but alsoconversed with him, that a clue to his power was discovered.

The Demiurge claimed that he was from thesingle true world, and he was believedto be the one true god, that had created Abstrusians from some divine plan, butDemiurge had walked as man before he could fly, had struggled with stonesbefore he moved mountains. Though it wasnot these faults which the Abstrusians claimed him a pretender god, it was becausethe Demiurge had no answers concerning the real world, and it was laterdiscovered that he had created a partition separating them from the actualworld.

Deicide told them of how the son of theDemiurge, Antino I, had sided with the Abstrusians instead of his father. The original Antino led an army against theDemiurge, but neither Antino, nor the Abstrusians were warriors, and they wereslain by the Demiurge’s assemblage. Andwhen nearly all of the men had been eradicated, the Demiurge crippled the restwith infertility, and left the race to dwindle away. The women and the few men tried to curethemselves of the fate which would annihilate them, but the Demiurge was theone that had created them, only he could undo the curse he had placed uponthem.

So a team of women had the idea to clonethe only man that was not susceptible to the twisted science that had broughtabout this plague. From the geneticmaterial of Antino I, a special set of children were born, all of them were engineeredto be strong and swift, most of the Abstrusian weaknesses had been bred out ofthem, and those that retained the impurities quickly died during the intenseregiment they were put through. Deicidehad been among those that lived through the first rounds. All of the children, male and female wereabout equal in terms of strength and intelligence, but Deicide was the childthat most closely resembled the son of the Demiurge, though they had all beenraised in a similar fashion and environment as the original, Deicide was theonly one that was sensitive to the different sovereignties around him, evenable to manipulate them at a very young age.

It was then one day that Deicide sensed oneof these sovereignties that was as strong as his own. He was busy moving blocks around on a tablewithout touching them with his hands, an act which made the other childrenjealous, so he was forced to practice in private. Just at the corner of his right eye he sawreality warp and darken, and then a girl was there. The lights of this room dimmed and Deicideknew he was not entirely in his own world anymore, but somewhere in betweenhers and his. She was dressed in thefurs of some great beast, and when she pulled off her hood her face was as paleas the snow that was melting on her shoulders. Deicide had never seen anyone with this white skin before, the lightestcolor that he had seen Abstrusians in was a moderate gray, but this girl was noresident of Abstruse.

He stood and faced the girl, she was a fewyears older than him and looked like a warrior, but he had beaten Ecocide andthe rest of the Lionesses and they were the strongest girls he knew. She stepped forward and he could feel thatshe possessed a great deal of sovereignty; every object that was not connectedto the floor was now raised into the air. She smiled at Deicide, knowing that she had impressed him.

“That’s amazing,” Antino said, stillphysically able to speak in Abstrusian, though poorly, he was about to say morebut was unsure if she could understand what he was saying. She came closer and beckoned for Antino tomeet her half way. When they had reachedthe center Antino realized that he was not in his world at all, but hers. He watched, as giant fish-like creatures swamin the dark sky. Lightning wasconstantly striking off in the distance and he could not tell if it was thunderor the steady beat of a drum somewhere, the drum of war.

Her lips began to move, but not as anAbstrusian’s would, whose language was more sung than spoken, no, her speechwas choppy. Later, he would compare itcloser to how humans spoke. When sheplaced her arms around him, the words were still unfamiliar, but he couldsomehow ‘feel’ her meaning. Deicidelooked up into her yellow eyes, there was curiosity in them, and she playedwith one of his antennas, not knowing how much it hurt or annoyed him. Then she placed his head on her chest, whichhad not begun to grow breasts. He couldfeel a powerful heart beat underneath.

“I. Come for trade,” she said, rocking theboy now in her tight grip.

“What is it that you want?” Antino said, ofcourse it mattered not what she wanted, only that he accepted her offer. They would be unable to articulate theirgoals to one another even if they spoke fluently in each other’slanguages. However, their wishes werealigned, but continuing on this path somehow they would help each other attainthem, at least that was what the ancient texts had said.

She pulled Antino back so she could strokehis face. “Trade,” she said. It was almost as if she thought he were somepet, a puppy she had found somewhere and was fascinated by.

He had been told by his surrogate mothersto accept if a visitor should offer. “Yes, I will honor the fair trade,” Antinosaid.

She stared into at Antino’s face; now thatthe bond was partially made she had access to all he knew, including hislanguage. She searched his mind for asuitable name. “You will be a man bestedby no other, gods will fear you, and the unspoken laws of the universe willhave no hold upon you, for you have my strength and are protected by my love”she said. “I name you Deicide.”

Deicide looked up at the girl knowing thather words felt genuine, for she had always watched him as he slept, he couldfeel her sitting in the darkness of the night. It was she that had whispered for him to rise after beaten down by hisstrict mentors; her mouth was like the entrance to some drowned out cave intooblivion, her black teeth the stalactites and the stalagmites. “I will provide for you the concoctions thatyou require to make you strong, your size will be unending, and no matter thenumber of lovers I take, you shall command the most love and respect in myheart,” Deicide said. “You are the Abyss.”

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