Destiny - Book One in The Bomcard Trilogy -
Chapter Five - Barback, Dominance and Zachary
Lord Barback was furious. Rafael, back from his journey intoDarkness Forest, had gathered new guards to replace those he had lost andfinally stood before his master. Lord Barback was sitting on the royal chairand staring down at him from behind his dark red robe. The hood covered hisface, never been seen by anyone, only Rafael himself who stared up at hismaster, trying to hide his fear. He was kneeling, his head bowed low whilst hismen stood behind him.
Out of the corner of his eye, Rafael noticed that one of his mencould not stop shaking. The guard was young, only just turning twenty, and wasnew to being a guard, being brought up to guard status early due to Rafael'sprevious loss of comrades. He was built, being raised as a farmer, helping himdevelop well. His messy black hair hung around his face, covering his lightgreen eyes. His uniform was still a little too big for him, but he would grow intoit. He was the best fighter in the younger group, capable of holding his ownagainst Rafael himself. If Lord Barback noticed him twitching like that, itwould not end well for the boy.
‘The forest is not where they are. I am sureby now the centaurs have learned of our plan. They have spies in my palace,'Lord Barback spoke with an eerie calmness. His chilling voice echoed across thehall as he continued. ‘They would have been informed of my discovery and fled.The boy is alone - now will be the time to strike. Find him and kill him. Iwant the amulet.'
‘My lord, we shall. Wewill replace him,' Rafael replied, bowing down.
Lord Barback looked upand finally noticed the young one shaking. He slowly turned his head to seeanother guard, Samuel, looking at him. He raised his hand slowly and pointed tothe second guard, ‘You.' Samuel kneeled, bowed and looked up at him. He nowlooked terrified as he was commanded, ‘Come here.'
Samuel was hesitant. Heknew what was going to happen. He was too scared to move, but he knew he had abetter chance by going up there. He passed the new guard, shaking so much nowhe looked like he was having a seizure. As he reached the bottom of the largestaircase, Lord Barback raised and walked to him. He grabbed the guard in an instantand snapped his neck. As his body fell, the other guards stared in horror asRafael turned away, disgusted.
‘When I speak, you alllisten. This man was held accountable for your comrade's failure in the forest.This will happen to any of you who disobey me. The rest of you may leave …now.' No one waited around to be asked twice, the young one practically runningout of the room first.
‘Rise, Rafael.'
Rafael did so and staredat his master. He noticed they were alone, the doors now shut and, he knew,also locked.
‘Rafael, what do youthink of this boy? Do you believe he is the same child you let escape yearsago?'
‘My lord, I have nodoubt. He had the same amulet the child wore. His clothing is … was not fromour world. He is the same.'
‘It seems your mistakeis starting to slowly correct itself,' Lord Barback spoke softly. ‘It was agood idea to spare you.'
Rafael hated the way hespoke. It was always in a soft manner and always with a chilling tone.
‘Yes, my lord.'
‘What word of theassassin? How did he fail?’
‘There is no word mylord. I can only assume he is dead,’ Rafael replied, facing his master with nofear. ‘Either way, he has led us to the boy and the amulet.’
‘Yes, I believe you arecorrect,’ Lord Barback replied in agreement. ‘The centaurs would have abandonedthe forest. They will no longer reside there. We have our chance now. Send mento search the forest and send only the ones you know you can trust. Tell themwhat they need to know and nothing more.'
‘Yes, my lord.'
‘Have you discovered thecentaurs' spy yet?' Lord Barback asked, turning to look at Rafael. Even thoughhis face was covered, he could feel what he remembered to be his burning redeyes staring at him.
‘Not yet my -' he began.
‘And why not, Rafael? Ihave given you enough time. Should I give this task to someone else? You knowwhat that would mean.' He started pacing. ‘I hate delay as much as failure. Tome, it is the same. Have you failed me, Rafael?'
‘No, my lord. I do havea lead I am trying to follow up on.'
‘And what lead is that?'
‘I believe the centaursare using fairies to spy on us.'
Lord Barback stoppedpacing and stared at him. ‘Why do you believe this? The fairies and centaurshave not been civil with each other for centuries. No magical creature has beenwith another.'
‘That we know of, mylord. A few weeks ago, when you and I were discussing the location of thecentaurs, one of my guards stationed at the door thought he saw a small light.It appeared and disappeared in the blink of an eye and it was not the firsttime he had noticed it. He had brought it to my attention a few times prior. Ibelieved he was slowly going mad until I remembered the stories of thefairies.'
‘Ah. Your theory seemsto fit. Only a fairy could move that quick. What they would gain from workingwith the centaurs? If the centaurs have left the boy, they will meet up withhim again. This could be our chance to catch both the centaurs and the fairiesand eliminate them all.'
‘My lord, you do notbelieve that would have serious repercussions?'
Lord Barback turned tolook at him, again burning him with his invisible stare. ‘And what do you meanby that, Rafael?'
‘My lord, an attack onone is an attack on all. I do not disagree with you. I only believe we shouldtake this next step very lightly.'
‘Thank you for yourconcern, Rafael, but no, I do not believe there will be any repercussions. Theyhave defied me long enough. Without the location, I cannot succeed. If they areplotting against me, it is treason. If the fairies are working with them, theyare in league with traitors and they too shall be destroyed. This is no longertheir land. It is mine. This will teach them all that no disgusting creaturesshall dare interfere with my plans. That is final.'
‘Yes, my lord.'
‘That is all, Rafael.Keep me updated. Find the boy and bring me his head.'
‘Yes, my lord,' Rafaelreplied. Bowing once more, he moved to the door before a thought crossed hismind. Stopping halfway, he turned back around to face Lord Barback. ‘What ofthe girl, my lord? She can be an excellent bargaining tool. Her father -'
‘Yes, her father.' LordBarback went quiet and thought for a moment while Rafael stood there, waiting.Lord Barback slowly spoke, his next words chilling. ‘Bring her to me.'
* * *
Rafael headed down the large stone steps towards the station ofthe guards. As he entered, he noticed the new, young guard standing at hispost, still shaken from his encounter with Lord Barback. He walked up to himand slapped the boy across the face with the back of his palm.
‘Stop shaking!' hebarked, and the young one snapped up. He stared at Rafael with apologetic eyes.
‘I … I'm sorry, sir.'
‘What is your name?'Rafael demanded.
‘Zachary,' the boyreplied with a whimper.
‘Next time, do not makeme look foolish again. Or it will be your head that he snaps and not a goodguard like Samuel.'
‘Yes … sir,' the boystuttered.
Rafael walked off. True,he had been disappointed that Samuel was the one that had been killed. He wouldhave Samuel on his team any day, rather than this boy. Yet he was alsograteful, for if Lord Barback no longer had use for Rafael, Samuel was next inline for his job. Now Rafael would have to search for a new guard to be secondfiddle. This time, not someone who could outlast him or prove better than him,he thought to himself.
He knew who the boy was.He did not need to ask his name. He felt that if the boy believed he did notknow him, did not consider him worth knowing, he would believe he was up fronton the chopping block. This way, Rafael could control him through his fear.
As he headed down to hisquarters, he stopped and stared out the window. In the courtyard lay LordBarback's pet, a massive black heap that never moved or left the courtyardunless it was feeding time. Rafael had never liked Dominance. That was whatLord Barback had called it.
Dominance looked up athim as if it knew he was staring at it. Their eyes met and Rafael continued hisdescent, Dominance's fierce red eyes burning into his mind, continuing to stareat him even after he was out of eyeshot.
He heard the sound ofDominance heaving itself up into the sky and the loud sounds of the beating ofits wings as it gave flight. How Rafael hated dragons. Probably on his way tomeet its master, he thought.
Rafael remembered whenLord Barback first brought Dominance to the castle. Rafael was in awe. He hadnever seen a dragon. It was massive, even for one so young. Its black skin wascovered in black scales that shone like pebbles in a river at moonlight and itsred eyes gave the same cold, calculating look Rafael had seen Lord Barback hadon his face. Lord Barback must have use for him, he thought. It does not matter. I will replace the boy andeliminate him myself.
* * *
Zachary breathed a sigh of relief as soon as he knew that Rafaelwas gone. ‘How did I manage to escape being killed just then?' he whispered tohimself.
Lord Barback just killed Samuel because he was angry that theother guards had failed. Sure, Samuel had been one of those guards and nothimself. He was not even a guard when the group had left for the forest, butwhat about next time? Could it be himself, now that he was a guard?
Zachary paced his post,still trying to calm himself. He finally understood why he could not stopshaking. He still could not believe what had happened to him in such a shorttime. A year ago, he was a farmer with his father. When he was out one day intown on errands, his family had been killed. He still did not quite know whathappened. All he saw was smoke. He ran back to discover the burning fields hehad once called home. Rafael came a few days later and he was enlisted into theguards.
Since being here, he hadseen things beyond his imagination. Until the other day, he had never seen adragon. He thought they were myths. Yet everything he had ever believed to bemyth was proving to be truthful. Fairies, centaurs and Zachary himself had evenseen a harpy. He could not believe what was happening. He had heard rumors ofthe Lost Son having returned to the land and he hoped that it was true. He knewas soon as this rightful king overthrew Lord Barback, then peace will berestored and he would be free to go.
He had always believedthe stories of the Lost Son, the heroic savior of Bomcard. When he was younger,his father would tell him about Lord Barback's defeat at the Lost Son's hands.He told him of epic battles and he always finished with the same words: whenthe time comes, he will call for you and you must answer. He had neverunderstood. Then, he was nothing but a farmer. Now he was a fighter. He couldhold his own against the guards, even against Rafael himself.
Zachary looked out overthe land. The sky was dark and stars filled the skies. He wanted to leave thishorrible place but was too scared. He knew the repercussions if he was caught.Being a dragon's dinner was not a pretty thought. He imagined the crushingsounds of bones against its teeth and shuddered.
‘I guess I could try toescape. I could go down to the secret entrances,' he whispered to himself.
On his first day oftraining, Zachary had gone exploring around the castle. He also received abeating for leaving his area and disobeying his superior, but as a positive, hehad discovered a secret way in and out of the castle. He had watched it overthe year he had been at the castle and no one else seemed to know about it. Hewas always tempted to go through the tunnel, replace where it ends and how long itreally was, but he knew he couldn't risk it. If someone found out about it,then he wouldn't be able to use it when the time was right.
Zachary looked aroundand noticed that the other guard near him was asleep. He looked down andnoticed that not only was no one around, but the dragon had disappeared aswell. If he wanted to make a break for it, now was the time. With that in mind,he made his decision. Zachary stared out over the land and brushed the hairfrom his eyes. He knew somewhere, out there, the Lost Son was in need of help.He just did not know how to help him - yet.
With that, he ran asfast as he could to the secret entrance, hoping against all odds that he wouldnot be caught.
* * *
Dominance flew over to his master in the tallest tower, hangingoff the tower itself and sticking his large head against the window. LordBarback walked over to the window and stroked his head.
‘My most loyal, perfectcompanion,' Lord Barback whispered. ‘We are so close to discovering thelocation. Very slowly, the pieces are falling into place. I can only hope thatwe discover the amulet and the location soon. We have waited too long.'
‘My master, we will succeed,'thecold, flat, dead voice spoke in his mind.
Lord Barback looked intothe eyes of the massive creature and smiled.
‘I know, Dominance. Iwill need your assistance for an important task.'
He placed a piece ofLucas's clothing in front of the dragon's nose. He sniffed it and grunted.
‘I need you to fly aheadof the guards. Search for a boy and girl travelling alone or with any othermagical creatures. Do not interact with them. Just observe and report back.'Lord Barback patted his head and Dominance roared. Down below, people looked upin awe and horror.
As soon as the mightydragon spread its wings, Lord Barback leaned in and whispered, ‘Oh, and onemore task. There is a little place nearby I need you to visit for me.'
Dominance listenedclosely as his master spoke his instructions silently in its mind, roaringagain in agreement before it sprang away from the edge, flying away deep intothe darkness of night.
Zachary looked over andnoticed the evil beast flying away. He knew that dragons have excellenttracking skills. It would replace what it was looking for by nightfall. Time wasagainst everyone. He now had no choice. If he stayed, he would be involved inmurdering innocent creatures and if he fled, he risked death. Whatever he did,death would follow. His decision would depend on the person or persons he wasworried about the most.
He knew what his fatherwould say: only you can make the right decision for yourself. No one else candetermine your destiny. He shook his head and tried not to cry at the memory ofhis father. He had made up his mind and now time was of the most importance.Zachary was so lost in his own thoughts that he did not notice the two brightlights sitting next to his hand.
‘Why are you crying?'
Zachary glanced up andlooked around but could not see anyone. ‘Who … who's there?'
‘Down here, human.'
The voice was very soft.He could hardly hear it, yet strangely, it seemed to be louder inside his head.Very odd, he thought. He slowly looked down and finally noticed the two smallpeople, one female and one male, each no bigger than his middle finger. Theyeach had shiny crystal wings on their backs, brown tops and pants with a tinysword attached to their backs and each had a coloured aura surrounding them,green on the male, purple on the female.
‘Hello. Who are you? Youshouldn't be here,' he spoke to them softly, looking around to make sure no onewas around or in earshot.
‘Neither should you,'replied the male fairy, his black hair a mess over his small head.
The brown-haired femalelooked at him and asked, ‘Why are you here?'
‘I was enlisted. I … Ihad no choice. I had nowhere to go.'
‘Well, that is a stupidanswer.'
‘I'm sorry?'
‘Your destiny is nothere. You have prolonged it long enough. You are who we need to assist the LostSon.'
‘Huh?' Zachary mumbledin confusion. ‘What are you talking about?'
‘We have been observingyou since you first came to the palace. You do not belong here as a guard. Weneed you to come with us. We will train you to ride the skies. Your skills willhelp the Lost Son when the time comes,' the female answered.
‘What do you mean?'
The male whispered hisanswer, staring at him with kind eyes. ‘When the Lost Son calls us all to arms,you will be the only one standing between Lord Barback's dragon and all of ourdestruction. Nothing can defeat a dragon …'
‘Except another dragon,'the female finished.
‘You want me … to ride adragon? I … I… What? I don't know how. There are no other … what?' Zacharyasked, looking even more pale and in shock than before.
‘Breathe. You are braverthen you believe,' the male replied. ‘You are a Dragon Master. Only the bravestcan ride. You will protect and defend this land when the time comes.'
‘How do I get out ofhere? There is a secret entrance I was thinking of using,' Zachary asked,turning in the direction in which he was planning to escape the castle.
‘No,' the femaleanswered. ‘If you use it today, it will be discovered. We may need it later. Wewill take you.'
‘How will you do that?'
Without answering, thefairies flew above him and started circling him. As he stared up in awe, henoticed the green and purple lights beginning to blend into one colour. As theyflew faster and faster, they moved further down and in a small light that noone below noticed, the young boy disappeared.
Zachary opened his eyesthe moment the bright light faded. He was in different clothes, the guard'suniform replaced with a green top, brown buttons down the front and brownpants. He immediately noticed he was now in a small hut. He raised his hand toinstinctively move his long hair from his face, as he did every morning, butrealised his hair had been cut short. It is still messy, but at least now it willnot get in my face, he thought to himself as he patted his hair to feel his newcut.
He stood to his feet andwalked outside. He could not see anyone in the field at all and took a deepbreath as he took in his surroundings. He was in a large paddock, surrounded bygigantic green trees. Across from him lay an ancient rectangle stone table.Around it, he counted ten stone chairs. In the middle of the table on bothsides, there were empty spots that were massive, too large for an animal.Frowning, he pictured Lord Barback's dragon sitting in one of the empty spotsquite comfortably.
Out of the corner of hiseye, he noticed the purple and green lights moving closer to him; however, whenhe turned, he was surprised to see a young girl with blonde hair. She was themost beautiful girl he had ever seen, but as he looked on, he noticed that herbottom half was that of what could possibly be a horse and had the same colourhair as that on her head. He stared at her in awe, realising he was finallystaring at a centaur.
‘Greetings,' the girlcentaur smiled. ‘I am Leah. And you are?'
‘Zachary, but you cancall me Zach,' he replied in a shy mumble.
‘Well Zach, do you knowwhy you are here?'
‘Ah … well, if I amstill dreaming, which I strongly believe as this is totally impossible, thensomething about a dragon?'
Leah smiled at him. ‘Youare correct. Except for the dreaming, I mean. We always intended for the LostSon to be the one who rode the dragon; however, the dragon chooses it master.The dragon had seen the Lost Son from a distance and knew instantly that he wasnot its master. We can only hope it is you.'
‘How do you think it isme?'
‘The dragon told us itsmaster was an orphan farm boy in the palace, who did not belong there. You didnot belong at the palace. The fairies read your mind and found out your pastfrom your thoughts. Your destiny does not descend the dark path. Either way, ifyou are not the dragon's master then you are an important ally. Follow me.'
Leah turned around andstarted walking away. Zach followed, having to jog to catch up.
‘You're a centaur,right?'
‘You're beautiful.'
She smiled and turnedher head to stare at him. They had stopped walking and stared at each other insilence.
‘I am,' she finallyanswered, breaking the silence. ‘You are not that bad for a human either.'
He blushed, ‘Yeah,right.'
She just continued tosmile at him. ‘You are not a very positive person, are you?'
He looked at herpuzzled, and asked, ‘What do you mean?'
‘Well, you have noconfidence in yourself. You should because you are strong. You are courageousand I do believe you are the one to ride the dragon.'
‘How do you know that?'
‘You ask a lot ofquestions.'
He smiled at her. ‘I'msorry. I'm curious.'
She returned his smile.‘I was told.'
‘By who?' he asked inconfusion. Who would know he could be a Dragon Master? Who in the world couldknow his destiny?
‘I was told by someonewho can see the future. She said I would know. You are. Trust me.'
‘I don't know you. Nooffence.'
She raised her eyebrows,smiling. ‘No offence taken.'
‘You don't talk like …you seem more human than magical creature. You don't talk like them.'
‘I am different fromother magical creatures. I may speak like them in front of them, but that isnot me.'
‘What do you mean?'
‘That is for anothertime. We must continue our journey.'
With that, she turnedand continued down the path. They continued walking in silence until they foundthe familiar green and purple lights. Leah smiled at the lights as she approached.
‘Hello, Marrett. Hello,Neomi.'
Marrett, the small male,flew up to Leah and kissed her cheek, followed by Neomi who did the same.
‘Is he ready?' Marrettasked.
‘Yes. Zachary is ready,'Leah replied.
‘Let us continue furtherahead,' Neomi spoke.
The fairies led the way,and after a few moments of silence, they came upon a dark cave entrance withthe rocks of the walls and roof disappearing down into the ground itself.Large, overgrown shrubs covered the front of the entrance, thick vines stretchingfrom the ground as high as they could, covering most of the stone. The twolights flew inside the dark entrance whilst Leah and Zach waited outside.
‘What are we -?' Zachstarted.
‘Hush,' was all Leahsaid.
After a few minutes ofsilence, the ground started to shake as out of the entrance, the two lightsflew out and hovered near Leah. Zach looked at the entrance in horror as amassive, crimson red dragon stepped out. It stared at Zach and after a briefmoment, began to move forward.
The dragon continued tostare at him when Marrett spoke very softly. ‘Zachary. Move forward.'
Zach, white in the faceand shaking like a leaf, fell backwards to the ground and fainted. Marrettlooked at the fallen boy in confusion before turning to Leah and asking, ‘Whathappened?'
She smiled and shook herhead, leaning down and shaking Zach. Stirring, he rubbed his head and shehelped him to his feet. His eyes widened with horror when he saw her, realisingthat finally, this was no dream. Turning to face the dragon, Marrett once againspoke. ‘Zachary. Move forward…and do not pass out.'
He could not, though. Hewas petrified. He could not even feel his feet. ‘You're kidding, right?' hemumbled. Yet somehow, he managed to move a few steps towards the massivecreature. It stared down at him, its golden eyes burning into his very soul.They stood there staring at each other for what seemed forever.
‘Younghuman man, what is your name?'
Zach jumped. Where didthat voice come from? He looked around, but the other creatures stood there insilence, completely oblivious to the voice they could not hear. Slowly, heturned back to the dragon.
‘Youhave not answered me.'
It's the dragon speakinginside my head, he thought to himself, unsure how it was possible.
‘Ah … hello there. Myname is Zachary, or Zach.'
‘HelloZachary or Zach.'
‘No … no. I mean Zacharyor Zach. You know …' He shrugged hisshoulders as he added,
‘One or the other? Pickone. I answer to both.'
‘Ah.Zachary it is. Young one, do you know why you are here?'
‘The fairies and Leah, Ithink it is, said something about me helping the Lost Son. I don't understandall of it though.'
‘Youare here to be judged whether you are my rightful master. If you are, you shallbe my master, my equal. Together you and I shall help the Lost Son defeat theevil in this land.'
‘How would you know? Ifyou and I were equals, I mean?' Zach asked in curiosity. He began to hope therewere no tests involved - he could tell they wouldn't exactly be the easiest forhim to complete. And what if he failed? Would he have to return to the guards?
‘Ialready know.'
‘How do you know?' Zachasked in shock.
‘Youcan hear me.'
‘Because I can hear youmeans …'
‘Onlymy master can hear me. Not even the fairies themselves.' The dragon turned hishead on an angle and it reminded Zach of someone analysing him. ‘You have questions. Ask and I shallanswer.'
‘Why would you choose meover the Lost Son himself?'
‘Ido not choose my master. It is already determined. I had seen the Lost Son froma distance and knew he was not my equal. He was more than that. I would followhim to the death, but if it was a choice between my master and the Lost Son, itwould be my master.'
‘So, what is he then, ifhe is more than your master?'
‘Heis the future.'
‘I don't understand,'Zach mumbled. He turned to the other magical creatures. Leah smiled at him andnodded. He turned back and asked, ‘How is he the future?'
‘TheLost Son is more than human. He is half human and half elf. There has neverbeen a hybrid in any species. Whenever two different species fall in love andhave children, they have become either one species or the other. Never hasthere been an exact half. His human strengths power his elf strengths. He willhave power no one has ever imagined one person could have. He is the only onepowerful enough to destroy Barback.'
‘That is amazing. How doyou know all of this?'
‘Thefairies cannot understand me, but I can understand them.'
Zach turned to his othercompanions. ‘What do you know of the Lost Son?'
Leah smiled. ‘I have methim. He is very kind and indeed strong. Yet, he is like you.'
Zach smiled in response,eager to hear how he and the Lost Son were alike. ‘Really? Like how?'
Leah frowned, replying,‘He is not very confident. Not as bad as you though.' Zach frowned as Leahsmiled at him. ‘He is discovering how strong he can be. He is growing confidentand you will as well.'
‘Sheis correct.'
Zach turned back to thered dragon. ‘The Lost Son will growstrong by replaceing his true strengths, as will you. I have a gift for you.'Zach smiled at the dragon as it spoke. ‘Comecloser.'
Zach's smile disappearedand fear crept into his face. The entire colour was once again gone from hisface as he stared, frozen, at the dragon.
‘Iwill not eat you as you are thinking.' Zach, eyes wide withdoubt and fear, slowly moved forward as the dragon commanded, ‘Place your hand on my body.'
He did as the dragoncommanded and noticed immediately how the dragon's red scales felt like stoneand seemed to reflect in the sunlight. He was beautiful. As he placed his handon the dragon, its eyes closed and it started to hum, which sounded very weirdto Zach. All of a sudden, it tilted its head to the crowds and roared. Firebreathed out of its mouth, but it did not stay in the air. After reaching highinto the sky, the flames fell down and surrounded Zach. It began to circle himand slowly raised him off the ground. He began to float in the non-burningflames to the astonishment of the fairies and Leah. Yet for some reason, he wasno longer scared, his fear disappearing.
‘Zachary,for you the Dragon Master, I give you my courage.'
The flames spun aroundhim faster until they seemed to merge with him. He felt the burning fire in hisbody, warming every part of him. ‘You andI are now one. I shall know your fears and you shall share my courage andstrength.'
Zach slowly floated tothe ground, looked at his hands and felt his body. He looked up at his newcompanion and asked, ‘Does that mean …'
‘Yes,Zachary. You are my master, but only if you wish.'
‘Yes! I do. I mean Idon't know anything about - ' Zach started.
‘Itdoes not matter. Neither do I, but we shall learn together. The only thing Irequire now is a name.'
He looked at the dragon,confused. ‘You don't have a name?'
‘Itis my master's honour to choose my name.'
‘Your master's honour …honour …?' He thought of that before slowly smiling. ‘What about Honour?'
‘Honouris a -'
‘No, I don't mean whatis honour. I meant as a name. I will name you Honour.'
The dragon thought of itfor a moment before it replied, ‘I amHonour.'
With that, Honour thedragon raised its head to the skies once again, roared a deafening roar andbreathed a massive trail of flame into the air. Leah, Marrett and Neomi lookedin awe. They had finally found their new, powerful ally.
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