Dual System: Ascension of A Nameless Nobody
Chapter 172 Boredom In Chaos

[Culinary Proficiency: 25/9999]

It was an easy proficiency to raise; simply being cultivated by assembling ingredients, creating dishes, and pushing the boundaries of his comfortable slate–though, it didn't help him much in battle, it was an invaluable skill for the sustenance and morality of the group.

While preparing the dish, he glanced out of the window, seeing the ominous, but hopeful Tower in the distance.

Two more days…It almost doesn't feel real. After all of this time, it felt like something beyond reach, but…soon, it'll finally open–the "Tower", he thought.

There was still practically nothing known about the very destination that the scraps left of humanity fought for.

The System is withholding information. I just don't get it: why is it a secret? He thought.

While sprucing up some healthy, green veggies to add to the dish, his thoughts already somewhat knew the answer to his question:

It's kept from us because the Tower isn't outright salvation. That's the only explanation—the real fight will start then, he thought.

As he was adding the finishing touches to the dish, wiping the sweat from his forehead as his frizzy, red locks moved with his movements, he was greeted by Eunji entering the kitchen.

"Need some help?" Eunji asked with a small smile.

He was wiping his hands down with a cloth, cooling down after being in the hot culinary space for half an hour.

His first instinct was to shake his head with a "No" but he stopped himself.

"Actually…Want to help me plate everything and serve it?" He asked.

Eunji seemed delighted to help, nodding with a brightened smile, "Of course!"

While scooping the finished dish out into bowls, Eunji seemed surprised, looking down at the bowl of savory, sauce-lathered beef paired with an assortment of vegetables and steamed rice.


"What is it?" He asked with a smile, quickly rinsing off the equipment used.

An aroma rose from the dish, filling the kitchen with the spicy, yet tangy scent of the meal.

"It looks amazing. You really did this with canned foods?" Eunji asked.

He bashfully placed his hands on his sides, "…Yeah, I'm still kind of surprised myself."

"You would've been a Michelin-star chef…" Eunji said.

Her comment caused him to laugh a bit as he received a confused look from the girl.

"What's funny?…I'm not lying, Jeong-Hui. You're a really talented chef," Eunji said.

"I appreciate it, but…something like this is only possible because of my System. Lately my Culinary Proficiency has reached a new threshold, I guess—that's all," he explained.

Eunji picked up a few bowls, looking back at him before leaving the kitchen, "I still think I'm right."

"…Thanks," he smiled.

Picking up the rest of the steaming bowls, balancing them on his arms, he went out to the lounge space of the bar as well.

To be honest, I'm kind of mixed about it. It probably sounds stupid, but…I liked honing my craft with my own mind and body when it came to creating dishes. With my System, it almost feels…I don't know—I'm probably just overthinking it, he thought.

Eunji had already given a bowl to Korain, who wasted no time stuffing his face.

Ever since he lost his arm and well…Since we lost the others, Korain has picked up his training. I bet that giant has a boundless appetite now, he thought.

He approached Xiaodan, who was sitting on a stool in the corner of the room, sitting beneath a poster of an eighties' popcorn flick—"Robo-Sheriff." Though the androgynous adolescent looked less than interested in cheesy movies as he was busy reading a sophicasted-sounding novel: "The Crane of Tulip Hill."

"Heads up," he said, getting the attention of the book-engrossed martial artist.

Xiaodan's expression lit up at the sight of the steaming bowl of beef and the aroma that accompanied it, gratefully accepting it.

"Smells great! Thanks," Xiaodan smiled.

He simply nodded before moving on, granting a bowl to the spear-cleaning young man who was sitting on a cushioned chair.

"Oh—sweet!" Sol accepted the bowl.

​ And of course, one for the lounging, scar-covered young man near him.

"Yeong-Un," he called the resting man's name.

The blue-haired figure opened his eyelids, sitting up as he took the bowl with a yawn, "Thanks. 'Preciate it."

By then, Eunji had already given the last person their dish—the new leader of Gangcheori, Ma-Ri, who stayed in the office space, mostly pondering.

"Guess it's our turn," he said, standing beside Eunji now.

"Yeah…" Eunji replied, stopping as her stomach growled audibly.

The meek girl quickly put her hand over her stomach, covering the pale-white and verdant fabric with a blush.

"Ha-ha, I'll get that bowl ready," he laughed.

"Okay…" She nodded shyly.

After a quick visit to the kitchen, he rationed the last of the dish into two bowls—one for Eunji, and one for himself, handing the bowl to the girl as they both sat near the pool table.

He waited to take the first bite, instead waiting for the young woman to do the honors as he watched Eunji guide the sauce-lathered serving of beef into her mouth.


It was important for him to see that initial reaction–to know if what he crafted was something serviceable, or downright horrendous.

"It's good," Eunji finally said after swallowing.

"Really?" He asked with a smile.

"Are you surprised? You've yet to make a bad dish," Eunji smiled as well.

"I guess," he laughed.

Delving into the bowl for himself, he was pleasantly surprised by how fresh the preservative-packed ingredients not only tasted, but felt in their texture. The beef was easy and tender, and the sauce still had a kick.

It was a surprise to him even still–the supernatural mastery that his Culinary Proficiency awarded him.

Man, I would've been the next Gordon Ramsay if I had this before…He lamented with a sigh.

After finishing his meal, he collected the bowls from everybody before heading back into the kitchen–rolling up his sleeves and washing the dishes.

It's not like I'm expected to do all of this–I insisted on doing it. Patrol, scavenging, cooking, washing dishes, training with Korain sometimes–I feel like if I'm not constantly on my feet, I'm off my guard, he thought.

Finishing cleaning the bowls, he set them back into the cabinet before letting out a sigh, drying off of his hands and cracking his neck side-to-side.

…What now? He thought.

It was important to stay low during the "Final Culling"--this left little activities and even less opportunity to freely go beyond the doors of the establishment.

This thought came to him thanks to a sudden bang against the red-bricked walls–BANG.


It wasn't an uncommon occurrence, in fact, it was fairly common. He remained still while standing in the kitchen, looking towards the back wall that was banged on from the outside layer.

Unlike Defects, Demons will try to get in. Though it seems like they'll only break into a building if they know for sure that somebody is inside. If you just stay quiet…they'll go on their way, he thought.


Over the last two weeks of sharing the world with the occupants of Hell, it became normalized to the entire group–the constant banging from passing demons that were searching for any reaction to their disruptive knocks.

…I can't wait until the Tower opens and this can all just be done. Hell is…well–Hell, he thought.

Leaving the kitchen, he made his way up the stairs of the bar, up to the second floor portion that was used as a place of residence.

There were only three rooms, which wasn't so much of a problem, but still made things feel just a bit claustrophobic at times.

As it was: Ma-Ri and Eunji shared a room, Korain and Xiaodan shared another, which left the room he was in with himself, Yeong-Un, and Sol.

He laid down on the navy-blue futon on the floor, looking up towards the ceiling as he let out a relaxed sigh.

Two days…Just two more days–I'm stuck between being giddy and outright scared. It's just…unknown, he thought.

While he laid there, the door swung open as Sol came in, looking at him as if not surprised to replace him in the room.

"What's up? Early check-in?" He asked, looking up at his friend.

Sol shook his head, sitting on the verdant sofa that was against the leftmost wall of the room, laying his spear beside him, "...No, it's just more quiet in here, and…"

"No banging on the second floor?" He finished for him.

"Yeah. At least, not as much," Sol sighed.

Alright, then…He thought.

After a moment of laying down, he jumped up onto his feet, looking over at Sol as he cracked his neck.

Though he tried to stay relaxed, there was too much energy left in his body. Whether it was thanks to his enhanced proficiencies or not, resting was simply impossible when it wasn't required yet.

"...What's that look for?" Sol asked.

He smiled, "How about some sparring?"

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