Today, at 14h00, my folks and I were present to bid our last farewells toMarnie.

I had decided to attend the funeral even though my mother had emphasizedthat is wasn’t necessary for me to go along.

I guess I just wanted to make sure that they were putting the bastard inthe ground. And, as it had turned out, I wasn’t the only one there for thatparticular reason.

The turnout was rather large. Even Detective Inspector Tallis had made anappearance to pay his last respects.

In light of all the recent events, I had, at first, found his presence tobe somewhat disconcerting. But he hardly even paid any attention to me. In fact,for some strange reason he seemed to have a keen interest in the chief mourners– Hannah and her mother.

Although unable to console her daughter, Marta had a permanent expressionof the vilest disgust.

And at the point when the coffin had been lowered into the freshly duggrave, she had stepped forward and spat into the open hole before mutteringsomething indiscernible, but clearly acerbic.

The crowd had responded with exclamations of shock and disbelief, but Ihad managed a large smile of accomplishment and understanding. At least oneperson attending was not afraid to show their true feelings.

I glanced over at Tallis, and was surprised to notice that he too wassmiling. He nodded slowly to himself before walking off.

I suddenly had a sense of dread that his action was not one of agreementor condoning. And although it had also been one of understanding, there hadbeen something…menacing about it.

During the entire procedure, Hannah had clung to Marta. It was as if shewas afraid that she might lose her mother as well. This had made it impossiblefor me to speak to her, beyond giving my condolences in a short, matter-of-factmanner to the both of them.

Anyhow, after Marta’s inexcusable action, a number of the mourners hadchosen to avoid talking to the immediate family, and had departed soon afterthe final part of the burial ceremony.

My main concern now about Hannah is this:

With her father out of the way, I fear that there are certain undesirableelements in this society that may use the opportunity to their advantage. Withpapa bear out of the story, baby bear has become easy prey for the hungrywolves.

Some would say that I have only managed to replace one evil with another,but there is absolutely no doubt in my mind that I have eliminated the greaterof two evils.

But, let those undesirable elements beware – for I have declared myselfHannah’s protector - Her Guardian Angel that has no qualms about manifestinghimself as The Angel of Death if the need should arise!!!

Will what I have done manifest itself in a good or bad fashion?

Will Hannah at last manage to replace true happiness?

Only Time will tell!!!

I didn’timagine that I would be seeing Tallis or Hannah so soon after the funeral, butat 20h15 they both turned up together at our front door.

My heartskipped a beat as my father ushered the pair into the living room. I was busywatching TV.

Tallis gaveme a quick nod and a smile before his gaze turned to my mother who had justcome from the kitchen.

My mother wasjust as concerned.

“What’s goingon?” she asked frowning.

Tallisgreeted and explained, “Evening Mrs. Crane. I’m Detective Inspector Tallis fromthe downtown precinct. I’m here with an important request. The late Mr.Marnowijk’s widow has been taken into police custody. I know it’s all verysudden and at very short notice, but she asked if you would look after herdaughter in the interim. She said that you were the only one who she could…”

“What? Why?”

“It’ll be inthe paper tomorrow, so I guess I might as well tell you the truth. MartaMarnowijk has been arrested for the murder of her husband.”

Hannah ran into my mother’s arms and started weeping uncontrollably.

My motherloudly voiced her disbelief. “What? My God, no! Marta wouldn’t hurt a fly. Ithought Marnie was stung by a bee? There must be a mistake?”

“I’m afraidnot. We…the police have reason to believe that foul play was involved.”

“What? Why?”

“I’m afraidthat’s…classified information.”

“This isterrible! Poor Marta!” She patted Hannah’s back. “God, Marta and Hannah only buriedhim just this afternoon. Why now?”

He ignoredthe question and asked his own. “Do you see a chance to help out?”


“If it’sgoing to be a problem, I’ll make arrangements for her to travel toPhiladelphia. She has an older sister living there.”

“No! It’sfine! Hannah can stay with us as long as she likes. I’m sure this sillyridiculous mess will be sorted out quickly. What absolute nonsense! I can’tbelieve it?” Then she spoke to Hannah. “Hush now. You poor dear child. Don’tyou worry; it’s going to be alright. Don’t you worry yourself none, you hear?You can use Connie’s room while you’re here.” She looked at me, and I nodded myconsent and approval. “Oh, my! First your father, now this?” Then to Tallisagain. “Don’t worry we’ll look after her.”

“I’ll fetchher stuff. She’s got a suitcase outside in the car.”

“I’ll helpfetch it!” I offered a little too cheerily.

At the momentHannah seems to be inconsolable. I’ve witnessed people mourn the death of aloved one before, but never to this degree.

Each time,just as it seems as though she’s finally exhausted herself from her incessantweeping, she suddenly seems to replace the energy to start again with revitalizedvigor.

I’m beginningto feel helpless and uncomfortable in her presence. Even with my superiorintellect, I am unable to replace any words of lasting comfort.

My mother,who had also become concerned at Hannah’s extreme depression, had finally optedto use medication to calm the poor girl’s frayed nerves.

I was almostabout to suggest that a shot of whisky might not be a bad idea when sheproduced half a sleeping pill from my father’s medication that he occasionallyuses whenever the pressures of his workplace produce bouts of insomnia.

To the reliefof all in our household, she had finally succumbed to the affects of themedicine around 01h15.

Thankgoodness it’s Sunday tomorrow…I mean today; we can all lie in late.

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