Eye System
Chapter 105: Face-Off

Facing off against the hunter squadron and the few surviving bandits, Lex had an evil smile and was looking forward to ruthlessly ending the lives of the hunters that killed Angela in his past reality and the cruel bandits.

With their correlating desire that led to wanting to defeat Lex, and Lex wanting to kill them to fulfil some sort of revenge against the hunter group and kill the scummy bandits that had no morals and deserved death, their aims were obvious to each other.

"Well then, shall we begin" stated Lex who stood opposite them ready to battle.

"Don't want to answer, then your death shall be served now" declared Lex who dashed towards them.

In an instant, he closed the distance between them and slashed outwards with both his short blades, slicing the two closest bandits to him while the rest of his opponents managed to jump back before they were slashed.

"Two down, 7 to go" Lex announced.

"Die" screamed the blonde as she shot an arrow coated in energy at Lex's head that was only 15 metres away from her.

At such a close distance and the arrow moving at such fast speeds, it would be impossible for anybody else in Lex's position to dodge the arrow.

However, for Lex with his Perceptive Eye, the arrow was moving towards his head at a slow and visible speed and his now Earth Mortal LVL body was able to react and not lag too far behind his vision, as he tilted his head slightly to dodge the arrow.

Lex didn't make a large movement as the arrow flashed past his head and he returned his head to its previous position.

"Nice try, why don't you try again" he ridiculed, with the Eye Demon's personality rubbing off on him.

His opponents were in awe of his reaction speed and his ability to dodge an arrow at such a close distance, but had no time to ponder on it as the relentless Lex burst towards them again.

This time using more of his strength, Lex's speed was much faster and harder for them to track as he ruthlessly dug one short sword into the head of one of the elite bandits, but in that moment that he had his blade in the bandits head the dual swordsman slashed at Lex.

It was a close strike but with his Perceptive Eye boosting his reflexes and perceptivity and his superior speed, he still managed to dodge the strike.

However, he was beginning to feel the strain of having the Weston family's daughter on his back but not in terms of weight but because she restricted his movement and he needed to protect her as an attachment on his back that he couldn't allow to be attacked otherwise she would be instantly killed by the powerful revellers he was battling.

But instead of despairing or feeling negative, instead, he allowed his battle intent and Void Mentallity to take over where he wouldn't overthink everything and would battle more efficiently without distractions.

The swordsman dashed towards Lex who also dashed at him with a calm expression as both of them dual-wielding blades clashed with both their blades in the centre.

Sparks formed from the clash, but neither of them were pushed back as their feet dug into the ground.

It was obvious to them that the dual swordsman would be the main fighter in the battle against Lex as the strongest out of them as the rest would support him.

Lex was surprised and never realised how talented the hunters really were and could see from the hunter's stance and his arms that he was extremely experienced and skilled in the use of dual blades which he never realised in his past reality.

In this reality, everything seemed to be flowing much faster and the series of events despite being similar, were at much larger scales and had slight differences.

[I never noticed in my past reality or maybe because he is much stronger and better in this reality, but his dual blade skills are even better than mine] noticed Lex.

He couldn't help but feel slightly sour that his ability with dual blades was better than his, but thinking about it he had only trained for 2 weeks using the weapon guide that his master gave him.

Despite that, he still never wanted anybody to be above him when it came to power and ability and added to his drive to train at faster speeds.

The others watching could only see flashes of blades as Lex with his higher speed and power and the swordsman with his better technique both fought with their dual blades.

Lex was exploiting the gap that they had in strength and was gaining the advantage as he began to put more pressure on the swordsman and was beginning to memorise his rhythm and fighting style until a sudden arrow knocked his momentum off course.

The arrow wasn't aimed at him but was aimed at the girl that was strapped to his back and with both the Scouting Eye and the Perceptive Eye activated he could easily see the arrow's trajectory and pivoted to the left for the arrow to barely miss the Weston family's daughter.

However, in that moment of turning slightly and the focus he used to make sure that the girl wasn't hurt, the swordsman rapidly slashed at Lex's side with a quick horizontal slash.

Using his left blade he managed to block it before it struck him, but he had completely lost the advantage he had and had lost the forwards attacking momentum that he had accumulated.

As he was parrying the attacks another rapid arrow coated in energy was shot by the blonde archer this time aiming at the hooded figure's head.

Lex managed to dodge the arrow but the intention of the archer wasn't to attack him, as she knew he would be able to dodge it, but to distract him for her leader to be able to strike him.

With a rapid slash, the swordsman's black blades were coated in yellow energy as he used some sort of skill to produce a lightning blade strike.

Lex burst backwards with all the power in his legs and made a distance of a few hundred metres between them with his superior speed as he regained composure.

The swordsman deactivated the skill knowing his speed was incomparable to Lex's and the skill would only waste his energy as at such a distance he wouldn't be able to strike him.

Lex felt as though fate was playing with him by giving the swordsman lightning skills which Lex used the same element to defeat him in his past reality.

[I will still defy you fate and will take out that annoying archer bitch first] he decided.

"I didn't think I would need to use this but I guess I have to" he mumbled to himself.

His left eye that had the Scouting Eye activated and was completely clear, became its usual black colour as he activated the Self-Cloning Eye.

Valuing the Perceptive Eye over the Scouting Eye in the current situation, Lex knew that numbers were a major advantage which he could overcome if he had numbers of his own that he could produce with the Self-Cloning Eye.

If it was a one on one he would easily be able to defeat them singularly, but with most of them, apart from the elite bandit, being peak mortals it was very difficult to take them all on at once.

There was the dual swordsman, the two giants, the archer and the bandit leader. All of them were very powerful Mortals and working together would be a challenge for Lex to defeat.

Instantly he streamed half of the energy he had into his left eye as he felt the sucking sensation when he would activate the cloning and formed a clone before him with the Spacial Eye relayed.

The clone was identical to him in every day and had a white robe and hood on, but didn't have a girl on his back which Lex knew would occur as living things that he was in contact with wouldn't be cloned like non-living things he was in contact with.

Lex made sure that he didn't clone the dual blades that he was holding so placed them in the inventory during the process then took them out again.

"You will use the copied version of the Body Jolt Skill to sneak attack that blonde archer and kill her swiftly, then support me in battle" ordered Lex to his clone that gave him a calm nod and stood still.

Knowing his clone had the same intelligence as he had and was not affected by emotion, Lex didn't need to worry about its ability and gave it vague orders so that it wouldn't be restricted and could use its intelligence.

The hunter squad and the two surviving bandits that included the bandit leader couldn't help but gasp in awe and shock of what they had just seen.

"Is it even possible to clone yourself like that" exclaimed the bandit leader.

"It must only be an illusion and doesn't have a physical body" assumed the last surviving elite bandit, trying to reassure his leader.

However, the more skilled and experienced hunters could easily tell that it was a solid clone and all gave each other anxious looks.

"He is more dangerous than I thought, but we can't turn back now" sighed the swordsman.

"You 3 will attack with me" ordered the swordsman who was a very strong leadership figure two his two large subordinates and the bandit leader.

In such a situation the usually arrogant bandit leader didn't refute and knew that that swordsman was his best chance at survival.

"Support us from a distance" he ordered to the archer how gave him a nod and drew back her bow in preparation.

"What about me" exclaimed the at surviving bandit that had a nervous expression.

The bandit leader looked at the hunter squad and with his common sense knew he was merely a liability in such a situation.

It took the bandit leader a single swing of his to send the last survivor of is men flying away and killed him in one strike.

"Such ruthlessness and cruelty" mumbled Lex as she shrugged to himself unfazed by what he just saw.

The two identical robed figures faced off against their 5 opponents, prepared for their death match.

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