Eye System
Chapter 110: Mason

Lex's speedy progress, the difference in power LVLs, and the effects that Lex had caused with his rough knowledge a month ahead of him in the future, had made it so that the entire reality and its future had taken a new and unique course.

In a dark office on the top floor of a tall tower in the Core Country, sat what seemed to be a middle-aged man that had a grotesque appearance at his deck with a furious expression.

"That old bitch couldn't just die without causing me more trouble after her death" he roared furiously as he hammer fisted his desk that shattered under his fist.

Then from the ground, a small circular pad that was previously on the desk began to vibrate and make beeping noises.

Instantly the previously furious monstrous man's expression sunk to one that was nervous and scared as he fixed his clothes and his hair and tapped the pad that stopped vibrating.

As he tapped it a horrific figure formed of energy.

The figure had red eyes and all the veins on the figure's body were purple that streamed around his dark-skinned body.

"Mason, you dare to make me wait for you to answer" roared the hologram domineeringly.

"Sor.. sorry sir" apologised Mason as he quivered in fear.

Elder Mason, who on his own within the Voltiac Guild could be seen as the leader and could even force entire countries to an extent with the looming threat of the entire Voltiac Guild that Mason could manipulate, was now like a weak child in front of the demonic hologram.

"Give me a full report of the current situation of your island and how long it will take you to control it to feed the master" ordered the figure glaringly.

"The threat that had knowledge of you and my collaboration with you is dead, but.." stated Mason, but paused too nervous to explain to him the complication.

"But what" boomed the demonic figure who was becoming very frustrated.

"Well, she had a disciple that escaped and I am not sure if he knows about the plan" revealed Elder Mason with an ashamed expression.

"You have 1 year to complete your task and that is when the master will be coming and you must prepare the feast for him and you will be rewarded and if not, you will become food for him and he will hunt his food himself" warned the figure that disappeared as soon as he finished.

As soon as the call was over, Mason collapsed backwards onto the ground as he could finally relax under the domineering pressure that the mere hologram placed on him.

Lifting up another communication device, Mason had an arrogant and furious expression, which was the complete opposite to how he acted when talking to the demonic figure, but on the continent, there was nobody who was a threat to him apart from that annoying Ashura and the royal families who might have information or power that could ruin his plan and get in his way.

"You bastards have 6 months to replace that boy and bring him back to me alive so I can repay him for all the troubles that he caused me" stated Mason furiously.

Mason picked up a few other communication devices and barked orders to other subordinates that he trusted.

After his rant to his subordinates, he stumbled to his knees as he roared monstrously as his head was going through excruciating pain as if it was about to explode.

A few hundred years ago, 7 talented and powerful youths that all had the same ambition, to become the most powerful, get revenge and be revered by all, joined together to form the Voltiac Guild.

All 7 of them after tens of years of the formation of the Voltiac Guild, became the 7 elders of the guild and were mysterious and not known to many apart from the upper echelon of the countries and those that rose through the Voltiac Guild.

All of them were revered and their names resounded throughout the continent, but one name resounded the most. The Red Flash.

This made all the elders happy as they had a powerful and respected leveller as somebody that had the same status as them and would take the difficult missions for them and was clearly the most superior out of them.

But it made one of the elders furious, who was seething with jealousy and envy.

One day when they were all in a conference a weird disk appeared in the middle of the table that formed a demonic figure that had a message to pass onto them.

He offered them immortality and cultivation methods, that were extremely valuable and there were only 5 on the continent that were owned by the 5 royal families and had been passed down for generations.

He told them that the cultivation methods that the royal families were weak compared to the ones he could offer and all he was asking for was that in the next few hundred years, they should use a crystal that he would provide to absorb the energies of people that they will massacre for them.

Instantly they all declined as they despite their pasts and atrocious sins that they committed they were looking for salvation and not to add to their sins.

The demonic figure was disappointed and told them all that they would feel fear when the master that he held so highly would awaken and would tour all the small islands, that they thought as continents, to feed after a long slumber.

However, one of the elders was enticed by the offer and when the rest of the elders left, he took the small circular pad and in secret attempted to signal to the figure again, but as if the figure knew it appeared in front of him before he could begin his experimentation on how to use it.

"I could see the ambition in your eyes and you are perfect for our methods" stated the figure with an evil smile.

Elder Mason signed an irrevocable oath that would kill him if he went against it and blinded by his thirst for power and his jealousy for the few that were above him on the Uster continent he didn't care that he was signing his future away.

What he was given would change his entire being as a whole and he was becoming more grotesque and demonic the longer he cultivated the methods.

He hid in secret for years as he slaughtered thousands to fuel the demonic methods he was cultivating.

Children, women, nobody was spared by the bloodthirsty and power-hungry Mason.

Years passed by, in the blink of an eye to the elders who had already lived long lives, but the other elders were beginning to get suspicious over Elder Mason that they hadn't seen in years and they knew took the communication device to talk to that demonic figure.

Elder Mason's power had leapt to a stage above all the other elders and one day while the rest of the elders were having a meeting he walked in with his hood up.

"Mason where have you been, come take off your hood and join us" welcomed the Red Flash who was acting as a leader which the others accepted, but infuriated him.

Taking off his hood he had a wide smile as all the elders jumped up in shock.

His appearance was grotesque and monstrous as his red eyes emitted evil radiation.

All the elders gave him disgusted looks as they withdrew their weapons and prepared for battle.

"You fell so low to have to turn to such evil and demonic methods even after everything we have been through and accomplished together" stated the red flash with a disgusted and disappointed expression.

"There are 6 of us and only 1 of you, did those methods get to your head, have you forgotten that you have always been the weakest out of all of us" ridiculed another elder.

All the suppressed rage, envy and negativity that Mason had suppressed over the years was released all at once as their battle shook the continent and scarred the land deeply.

But in the end with his demonic abilities and by him absorbing the energies of any of the elders he would defeat, in the end it was him against the now injured and weakened red flash.

In a final strike both clashed and both dealt fatal strikes to each other as the red flash lost her ability to wield energy and became a cripple and Elder Mason had a deep wound to the heart.

The red flash managed to escape as Elder Mason was on the verge of death and disappeared for hundreds of years as not even a single trace.

Meanwhile, Mason was able to recover with his demonic vitality but over the past hundreds of years was weakening and becoming reliant on the energies that he would have to absorb daily from victims he would ruthlessly slaughter.

But over the past hundred years, having to deal with the wound to the heart that hadn't healed and was he was only able to sustain his body through demonic means, and also dealing with the side effects of the inhumane methods he was using, Elder Mason's life was spiralling downwards.

However, he was still unwilling to give up and die and keeping his distance from the royal families that were a threat to him in his weakened state e continued to grow his organisation alone without the rest of the elders and became the mysterious figure that had almost the most influence on the continent, but nobody was sure who he really was.

After finally getting revenge on the red flash for injuring him, that was merely an old hag without energy, after following an interesting newcomer in his organisation, Mason was finally able to complete one of his lifelong aims.

But another complication was formed with the existence of a disciple of the red flash.

He was reaching a deadline and a year was a short while in his eyes as he felt stuck and powerless in the endless cycle he was in.

He was cultivating demonic methods with side-effects then using demonic means to heal them as he continued to destroy and sustain his body at the same time. Which is the cursed immortality that demonic cultivators speak of.

"I don't have long left and my only hope is to impress the mysterious master and hopefully gain his recognition and he might give me a valuable medicine to heal me and may even reward me with more methods" planned Mason who had reached a crazed state where nothing mattered apart from his own survival and his power.

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