Eye System
Chapter 116: Reunion Part 1

A large and elegant ice leopard, comparable in size to an elephant, strode towards the Earth country with two figures riding on its back conversing with each other.

"Ella, I will be keeping my face and identity hidden, as I would like to keep the face of Lex. one that is only known to those who I trust and will be saved to be used as a way to sneak attack opponents that would underestimate Lex who is still a weak and insignificant child" stated Lex as he withdrew Kano from the inventory.

Instantly she screamed in shock as she saw the white robes in his hand.

"How the hell do you have those robes, be careful with it. It grants power to its owner but drives them insane and exploits their energy and resources" she warned instantly recognising the robes.

Lex wasn't scared in the slightest by her warning as he felt that he had a tight connection with it through the blood he smothered on it and it didn't seem to be malicious towards him.

He was by no means stupid and was genuinely surprised by her warning as he felt he still had some control over it when he used his Eye Powers and wasn't worried as he had the Eye System with him.

Kano, what he had named the robe, only seemed to be subdued by his blood and not by Lex himself and was only slightly obedient when he had an Eye Power activates.

It would sometimes go against his orders when he wasn't stern and didn't have an Eye Power activated, like when it didn't want to go into the sewers.

But it was completely obedient and almost scared when the Eye Demon gained control and it made him wonder what was the Eye Demon's past.

Lex knew from what the system had told him, that the Eye System was some sort of inheritance that would allow him to gain Eye Powers and used the Eye Demon to extract the Eye Powers and pass them onto Lex, but he didn't have any real details of what the Originator Eye Demon and the Eye System were.

In his current state, he knew that he wouldn't be able to learn anything more about the Eye Demon or the system, but now Ella stood before him and seemed to know about Kano which reinvigorated the curiosity he had continuously suppressed.

"Ella do you know what these robes are," he asked eagerly.

As he did so, he peered deep into her eyes looking to see how she would react to his question and exploiting his Eye Knowledge, he wanted to gauge how much she really knew and whether what she was saying was true.

Yet in the same way as his master, he didn't seem to be able to gauge or tell anything from her calm eyes that were glimmering silver.

"What do you want to know, and I will answer to the best of what I can tell you at the current moment" she stated calmly, completely wiping the slight immaturity she had while around Lex and became completely calm.

Her statement was directly telling Lex that there were things she couldn't reveal and explain to him in because of the current situation, or because his strength was not enough, which slightly frustrated him.

But he understood her as he also had secrets like the Eye System that he couldn't reveal to her and also knew that her identity and origin was very profound.

He also assumed she probably had her own restrictions on what she could indulge to others without causing them trouble or adding onto the troubles that she already had.

"What exactly is the robe," he asked starting off his list of questions with the most obvious one.

"Well, where do I start..." she mumbled to herself then paused.

"All I can say is that it is very valuable and intelligent and has never accepted a single owner after its first master died and it had merely exploited different cultivators who thought that they had it under control.

But it had been missing for aeons and it was merely a mythical treasure that was missing.

However, now it is in your hands and seems to have sort of accepted you" she narrated scarcely, skipping a lot of information about its origin and what it really was.

Lex assumed she was telling the truth, as he couldn't really tell anything by looking at her like he thought he could in the past, and knowing she wouldn't give him any more information he moved onto his next question.

"If that's the case, how do you know about it" he inquired calmly, hoping to get any ideas of her true origin.

Lex stared deep into her eyes, but was becoming more frustrated that nothing was being revealed to him through them.

Eyes don't lie: they're windows to the soul. They show the truth, no matter what face is put on and in any situation.

When looking at the face, the eyes dominate emotional communication. The eyes are windows to the soul because they are first conduits for sight. Emotional expressive changes around the eye influence how you see, and in turn, this communicates to others how people think and feel.

Which Lex knew, but he still couldn't manage to read anything from Ella's eyes who had the same calm and unaffected eyes as his deceased master.

"All I can tell you is that I am from a very far away place that is much larger and has more powerful cultivators and they also have a lot of knowledge about mythical treasures and the universe" she informed him.

"Does that mean there is somewhere above the Lower Plains" exclaimed Lex.

However, as he said that he realised that the Lower Plains was called the 'lower' plains because it must have plains above it.

It also reminded him of things the Eye Demon would say while in control of his body along the lines of him being kicked around the Lower Plains which is shameful.

Lex regained composure after the realisation and with the Void Mentaility assisting his mental stability, he was calm as he sat opposite to Ella.

He was an Eye Master and had the Eye System, yet as she looked into his eyes he felt naked under her gaze that was inversely being read as he attempted to read her.

"So you must have had the idea of plains above the Lower Plains, but had never confirmed it" observed Ella, who despite her outwardly calm appearance, could easily read through his facade.

Ella was shocked by how much he knew but at the same time wasn't as she knew that her senses were never wrong and the power and fate she felt from him was stronger than any she had ever sensed.

Also after feeling the undeniable link between them that she knew was mutual from their first meeting and the past they had from the moment she had escaped from her family, she could tell that there was no limit to Lex's growth despite the complications and hurdles he would have to overcome on his way.

"Are you an Eye Master" he asked looking deep into her all-encapsulating and mesmerising, silver eyes.

"No, I am not a fabled Eye Master, but you are" she replied confidently.

"Hmmm, how can you be so sure" knocked Lex who was very composed and attempting to not show anything through his eyes to reveal his truths.

"That is an improvement, but I can still read you like an open book and you aren't an experienced and or powerful Eye Master. yet..." she stated to him seeing slight improvements in his ability to stop his emotions from revealing themselves through his eyes.

"You must learn through experience and learn from who or what is teaching you" advised Ella, who seemed like a senior in front of Lex and had gauged that he had some sort of master that was training him.

Lex gave her a nod that was both filled with determination but also shame at the difference he felt when he compared himself to her, even after the arduous training he had gone through over the past 6 months.

"Look the Earth Country is in sight" pointed out Ella, jolting Lex out of the existential crisis he was falling into.

Turning around, Lex saw large farms of all kinds of different crops and animals surrounding the walls that circled around the Earth Country.

As they rode on the ice leopard they passed many villages that all hid away in fear, but Lex continued on without stopping to reassure them.

Ella put her hand on Lex's shoulder and whispered something into his ear.

"The deal of when you are stronger than me I will become your girl is still on the table, and although you might not be ready now, at the progress you are improving at you will surpass me in no time" she whispered into his ear, reassuring and encouraging Lex who felt his flame and desire for strength had been reinvigorated and improved.

In the distance, Lex could see an old man that he recognised in his past reality as the Earth Leader and next to him stood and an ice-cold girl that was in a blue dress and with her domino mask her face and identity was mostly hidden.

Half her hair was icy blue while the other half was a radiant golden colour as they stood there waiting for the leopard that was approaching them to reach them.

Lex had a reminiscent and a slightly happy smile that he managed to express with his emotions that were seeping back through the Void Mentality, as he rode his ice leopard with Ella towards them.

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