Eye System
Chapter 47: New Lex

Now with an almost endless pool of energy within his eyes and being inspired by watching the Originator Eye Demon in control of his body, he felt he had a massive rise in power and combat ability.

His mind was now much clearer, and he has now become cold and ruthless, influenced by Evil Lex and made to not care by everything he had been through.

Coursing lightning through his body, his body was coated in lightning as he jumps from building to building leaving behind a trail of blue and golden lightning. It was an exhilarating feeling of being free and with energy rushing through your veins as your face crashes against the wind.

He felt free and above the world, but the nice moment was overshadowed by his past and he returned to the calm and cold expression he usually has, as he heads towards the central business district.

Jona his bully throughout his youth was at the time also an LVL 1 trash, would make Lex's life hell just because he wanted to assert his dominance and feel better about himself.

The previous Lex who would avoid any confrontation in any way due to his weak and timid nature would get grades just below Jona purposefully as not to draw attention and jealousy to himself and would swallow all the insults without once daring to refute.

Ruining his youth all due to arrogance and pride, although not the only bully. Lex was segregated and prosecuted due to nothing but his lack of strength and status.

The abuse made Lex's heart cold towards what he thought was all of humanity and decided to stay positive and join the rebels, but that didn't work out either. The only thing that Lex had collected through his life of torment and abuse is that everybody is driven by greed and only strength can overcome everything.

Despite what he gained from them, he was not one to let go on grudges, especially with the Originator Eye Demon having a massive influence on him and the closer he got to the central business district the more excited he was to act out his revenge.

Jona as part of the rich Epstein family that is quite powerful on Earth will be in very crowded areas and will be surrounded with powerful guards, but fear is for the weak and Lex was not willing to let go of this grudge that could have killed him if it wasn't for binding with the Eye System.

The central business district was a large area, with a size large enough to rival a city, and had hundreds of high sky rise buildings with many offices and businesses situated within them.

From the sight of the area, you could assume how rich the people were within it and it is where the Epstein Main Headquarters are, which is where he is most likely to replace the trash, Jona.

While blitzing through the air and relying on lightning to boost his body Lex found his long hair was always fluttering in his face and was way too long and stops above the next residential building he was jumping to.

He slides down across the side of the building and as he was about to fall onto the ground, he lifts his body with his Telekinetic Control Eye. Sliding down a building in a busy area isn't the best way to keep a low profile, but Lex couldn't care less about these people who were all ignorant of the real world.

Scouting the area, he found a nearby hairdresser and he waltzes in, wanting to get rid of his long hair. He sat in the available chair where there was a young lady behind him who was feeling his luscious and long and wavy brown hair.

"What do you want me to do to your lovely hair," asks the lady excited to work with such great hair.

Lex didn't really care about his hair and just gives her a not caring shrug as if giving her free rein over his hair.

Seeing this response, she jumps up in excitement and giddily begins to grab all the tools she needs. Spraying his hair with water she begins to brush it in order to straighten it and with the scissors begins to hack at the lower parts of his hair, while Lex just sat there with his eyes closed.

After a few minutes, he opens his eyes and gets up to having his hair tied back and had a long ponytail that was reaching his waist. It was a very handsome and elegant look and everyone in the shop was looking at his beautiful hair.

Lex was surprised himself by how nice the long hair looked with him and now wearing a tight top due to his clothes still being the same size which became a bit too small after he had got larger when Evil Lex was in control.

His chiselled body, long wavy brown hair, profound blue eyes, soft facial features and height made him extremely handsome and if he didn't tell them that he was only 14 years and 3 months, nobody would have none.

[I have come a long way over this month when beginner high school ended I thought I was dead after I was pushed off the cliff, but after seeing the rebels and going to the central high school and entered the Mortal Beast Dimension I have had a complete change in every aspect].

He noticed he was no longer the short and scrawny boy who was stuck at LVL 1 and was always being bullied and harassed but was now a handsome and powerful youth.

His height was around 170 cm which was quite average for a man to be, although due to the evolution of the race, many people are much larger.

While everyone in the shop was admiring the youth and his hair, and despite how good it looked, Lex knew it was impractical and grabs the scissors the hairdresser was using and cuts most of it off. In an instant, their looks went from admiration to hate then admiration again.

He now had a curly bun of brown hair tied up and suited his facial structure very well and also wouldn't get in his way. It still looked handsome but was a different kind and he went from an elegant scholar to a rough warrior.

Giving the lady all the spirit coins he had, which weren't many, but was more than enough to cover a haircut, he walks out of the shop leaving everyone there shocked and curious of his identity.

With his hair sorted Lex also needed clothes and some necessities for long travel which he could store in the inventory, but he had no more spirit coins. Thinking about this he realised everything he needed was right in front of him anyway.

[I can kill two birds with one stone, get my revenge on Jona, and steal as much of his and his families wealth as I can], he plans in his mind with a smile.

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