Eye System
Chapter 62: First Mission Part 2

The black raven digs its claws into the back of the dog beast and slashes downwards, leaving a deep gash into the dog beast's back as blood began to flow from the wound.

Lex rushes towards the dog beast with his blade, but he knew that his speed wasn't fast enough to reach the girl before the dog beast, which was why he sent Ashura to distract it.

The dog beast jumps at the black raven that had slashed it and tried to bite Ashura, who dodged the attacks easily by flying up, but didn't fly too far that the dog beast loses interest in attacking him.

In these moments of distraction, Lex was able to reach the dog beast who was pouncing at the flying raven.

Slicing down with his blade with all the might he could muster in his weak body, Lex strikes the dog beast's neck with his sharp sword that pierced through his neck and blood burst out.

Howling in pain, the dog jumps onto Lex in a crazed state.

On the verge of death, as blood poured from his neck, the dog beast in a final bid to take Lex down with him pounces onto Lex wanting to bite at his neck.

If a beast and a person at the same LVL had a battle the beast is most likely to win, with their stronger bodies and vitality, which made Lex at a bigger disadvantage.

As the dog beast pounced on him, all while the small girl in the corner of the alleyway was still screaming, Lex withdraws a dagger and launches it into the side of the large dog beast on top of him.

The dog would die at any moment, but before it died, it was in a crazed form and gnashes at Lex's shoulder with its sharp teeth.

Kano, the white robe, moved out of the way of the bite as it wasn't supplied enough energy for Kano to protect Lex, so moved to protect itself from being ripped apart.

Repeatedly stabbing the dog in the side, the altercation lasted 10 seconds until the dog beast finally died, but left Lex with a terrible wound on his left shoulder.

Pushing off the dog beast, Lex clenches his teeth to bear the pain and Kano tightens its grip over Lex's left shoulder in order to reduce the blood loss.

"Are you okay" asks Lex to the small girl who had now stopped screaming.

She slowly stood up, still nervous and seeing all the blood on the ground, the gruesome body of the dog beast and the blood that was leaking from the hooded figure's shoulder made her scared.

"Don't worry I am not going to hurt you, do you have any family or a home I can take you to," asks Lex, not wanting to leave a small girl in a dark alleyway by herself.

She simply shook her head.

"Do you have a name" asks Lex, baffled by her origin.

"Lola" she replies with the same plain expression.

[What am I meant to do with her, she has nowhere to stay, but she can't stay with me].

After a few minutes of thought, he decided he would take her to an orphanage and give the orphanage money to spend on her and the rest of the kids there and he would sponsor the orphanage.

It was a way to sort out the situation, but also allowed him to feel like a better person and feel less guilty about his sins.

Putting the dog in his inventory and buying a Mortal Recovery Pill from the system, with the points he had from the sub-mission.

Placing the pill in his mouth, his hand seemed to be able to go through the face cover made by Kano, and he streamed the energy into his left shoulder to heal his wound.

"Follow me I will take you to a place that will be your new home" states Lex as he turns to leave.

Lola had no choice but to trust and follow the hooded figure and had nothing to lose anyway.

Leading her through the slums he took her to an orphanage he knew was in the area, that he had passed when coming to the Voltiac Base.

Walking for almost twenty minutes Lex turns to see the malnourished little girl staggering behind him struggling to keep up.

He realised how stupid he was and walks up to her and lifts her like a child in his arms.

"Don't worry I will take you to the place quickly and you will have lots of food, friends and games," he reassures.

Looking into her eyes they reminded him of himself before he had the Eye System which pulled on his heartstrings and made him have a natural instinct to help and protect her.

Running and streaming energy through his weak body to be able to carry her as well, he would stop every ten minutes to catch his breath and finally reached the orphanage.

It was a small run-down orphanage, that used to be a store, but somebody must have changed the store into an orphanage.

Walking in through the front door that wasn't locked, Lex saw long rows of beds with skinny malnourished youths on them and found an armchair with an old lady sat inside.

Lex was fuming with rage imagining how luxuriously they would be living in the inner and core country area, yet here the children didn't have enough food to fill their stomachs.

The old lady hearing the door creak open jumped up and was holding a knife. Her hands were shaking in fear.

"Please leave us we don't have anything to steal" she begs seeing the hooded figure with a girl in his arms.

Placing Lola on an empty bed that he found, he could tell from the old woman's reaction that this place must have been stolen from many times.

This made him fume with rage and reminded him how much scummy humans are, and gave him even more of a reason to support them, and also made him feel less guilty about all the people he has and will kill.

Withdrawing the spirit coins he received early for accepting three missions he places it on the ground in front of the woman.

"I will be back with more spirit coins after completing some more missions and will leave my pet to protect this orphanage" he simply states as he orders Ashura, the black raven, to stay and protect this place.

Leaving the old woman in a daze not knowing what just happened and who that mysterious hooded figure was.

[As I get stronger so will Ashura and he will be able to protect the orphanage and I will be alerted if anything happens through my soul].

[I need to get stronger and get more money to support them] he says in his mind as he walks out of the orphanage leaving a black raven who sat on the woman's arm rest.

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