Eye System
Chapter 84: Reminiscing

Lex's vision was now comparable to the average person and with the pain in his eyes could even be lower.

[Note to self, don't overuse Eye Powers when you cannot handle it] he said within his mind regretfully as he slapped his forehead.

[If only I had control of this body and not this fool] remarked the Eye Demon.

The Originator Eye Demon continuously insulted Lex furiously as he was repeatedly ignored.

After giving up in the battle for control, the Eye Demon was in a semi-dormant state where he was still conscious and awoken, however, he had no control or effect on Lex's body which added on to him be ignored made him extremely furious.

Sight being the most valued and important sense out of them all, Lex felt handicapped and constrained without the enhanced vision he was given since integrating with the Eye System.

[System how long would it take for my eyes to recover completely] he asks feeling majorly suppressed without his enhanced vision or access to his Eye Powers.

{Ding, if the host circulates his energy regularly and doesn't use his Eye Powers, your eyes could recover at the earliest in 2 weeks and most likely within a month} estimates the system.

The thought of 2 weeks, let alone a month in such a weakened and vulnerable state for Lex was scary.

He felt slightly disheartened and discouraged, but his vow to succeed with his second chance overshadowed all the doubt he was feeling, and unlike in his past reality, he wouldn't let it overwhelm him.

"Kano" states Lex as he withdrew the white robes from the inventory.

Angela jumped back seeing the white robe appear of thin air as her jaw dropped in shock.

Lex couldn't help but chuckle at her reaction and knew that Angela wasn't malicious and that he could trust her, so didn't mind using the inventory in front of her.

"Stream energy into the robe and hold onto it," he said to her with a stern expression.

Seeing how serious he was, what he was capable and him being the only one with her, Angela had no choice but to trust him.

She was still the same naive trusting girl she was when Lex met her in his past reality, which could be exploited, and she was lucky that Lex cared for her and wasn't an enemy.

"You are too trusting and shouldn't give out such unconditional trust. What if I was an enemy of yours" remarked Lex, hinting at her family that she was hiding from.

Hearing this she took an anxious step back, but then realised that he wouldn't warn her if he had ill-natured intentions.

"You're right, I will bear that in mind," she said with a wry smile as she scratched her head.

Despite the situation she was in, being around Lex made her feel safe, even though he was giving her the cold shoulder.

Feeling more comfortable she grabbed onto the weird floating white robe that appeared out of thin air and streamed her thick golden energy into it, that Kano greedily sucked in.

Lex also sent in some of his energy, but saved most of his in case of any other complications on the way.

"That's enough" Lex states directly after she streamed what seemed to be most of her energy after a few minutes.

Thinking about how she was willing to weaken herself so much by providing most of her energy, even in such a dangerous environment with a stranger, made Lex realise just how ignorant and naive she was in both realities.

[Was I also this stupid] he thought, remembering about how reckless and immature he was when he had just integrated with the Eye System after Jona attempted to kill him.

[I really have come a long way]

Noticing how calm and directed he was now, compared to how he was 2 months ago when his Eye Master journey began, Lex began to reminisce.

However the more he thought about the past and his previous stupidity, the more the thought he was trying to suppress kept reemerging.

[What if Ella doesn't really like me and will move on because I am too weak to catch up to her]

It was a hard thought that may be true to digest, but Lex instead of getting upset over it, and decided to use it as his drive to be better so he can win over Ella who he saw as the perfect girl in his eyes.

[I need strength]

After reminiscing he came to the same conclusion he did every time.

Without Strength, Power and Wealth you can never succeed in such a cruel world and with the Eye System, he would gain them all and become the greatest.

"Lex are you okay," asked Angela seeing him standing there silently for a few minutes.

"Yes, hold on we will be leaving now" he announced after awakening from his reminiscent daze.

"Kano take us up to that ledge" ordered Lex pointing at the sewer pipe he recognised as the one he entered from.

Kano had to use large amounts of energy to reinforce itself as not to tear while bearing the weight of two people and lift them up.

Holding on tightly, both Lex and Angela could feel the speed that they were rising in was lowering and the robe was beginning to falter.

"Supply more energy," said Lex as he withdrew the Mortal Recovery Pill from the inventory and placed it on Kano, that sucked in all the energy and the pill.

It suddenly had a surge in speed and seemingly easily carried them and placed them over the ledge and into the sewer pipe.

"You little rascal" mumbled Lex as he realised that Kano was only pretending so he could absorb more of their energy.

Lex grabbed the cheeky robes and roughly placed it back into the inventory.

"Those robes can fly, are alive and they just disappeared" exclaimed Angela in awe with her mouth gaped.

"We need to leave and I don't have time to stay here and talk" interrupted Lex, not wanting to bring her trouble and speed up the event of her death, before he is strong enough to prevent it.

Angela was disgusted by the revolting environment of the sewer pipe as they trudged through the waste.

Following the route through the pipes that he remembered from the way he entered, and after around 20 minutes, Lex finally reached the open sewer drain he had ripped off to enter.

Grabbing onto the edge, Lex pulled himself up and left the sewer pipe then grabbed onto Angela's hand and helped her out.

Angela's trousers were damp and radiated a horrible smell of waste as she stood in the slums.

"I made it back alive" she mumbled with a grateful smile.

"But now can you answer my questio..." she said as she turned around to see nobody there.

"Where did he go" she exclaimed in shock.

She looked around the area for Lex and after a while realised it was a lost cause and seeing the sun rising knew that people would be leaving their homes soon and she didn't want to be seen in the state she was in and scurried off to her residence.

Meanwhile, Lex had already rushed off before Angela could notice and was sleeping comfortably in the orphanage as he reminisced about the past within his dreams.

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