Eye System
Chapter 87: Beginner Blade Training

Returning to the same drain that he recognised in the small open area in the slums, where he had battled the Canidae Beasts the first time, and pulled the drain back off and jumped into it and being already prepared for the fall, landed on his feet.

The waste splashed up onto Lex's clothes and instantly his nostrils were assaulted by the revolting smell, but Lex was unbothered and with his tunnel-visioned focus, wouldn't allow himself to be affected by a horrible smell.

Lex was burning with anticipation and rushed straight towards the open area he was in previously.

Finally seeing the light at the end of the tunnel he rushed towards it, but remembering what happened the last time, he slowed down and walked to the edge.


Grabbing onto the white robes, he jumps down relying on Kano, who acted as a parachute and lifted him up sightly before he landed to reduce the impact on his legs to a level that he could handle without harm.

Excited to begin learning about blades, Lex instantly placed Kano back into the inventory and sat down cross-legged, unfazed by the rubble below him.

Withdrawing the thick book about all of the mysterious old lady's experience and knowledge about blades and all other types of weapons she was proficient in, that he had placed in the inventory with the Scarlet Flash Skill, Lex decided he would learn it first.

He knew it was the logical order of learning what she gave him, knowing that he didn't know much about blades other than what he memorised off Skynet which wasn't detailed or very useful compared to what he had now.

[System how much would it cost to absorb the knowledge within this book] asked Lex who never had the intention of learning it first hand and wanted to quickly absorb all the knowledge and information within it through the system.

{Ding, not only is there a large amount of knowledge within this book, but there is also experiences, wisdom and images that gave a complete tutorial of almost everything to do with many weapons so would require a lot of mental power to absorb it and 20 system points for the system to use at a catalyst for the process} the system stated.

[Do it] he replied without hesitation as he prepared his mind for the large stream of information.

Time was blurred for Lex who felt that hundreds of years of experience with a wide array of blades and weapons streamed through his mind with all kinds of stances, defensive moves and offensive moves.

The book was perfectly structured to be learnt from by a beginner and seemed to be tailor-made for Lex to go through some sort of Beginner Blade Training.

After what felt for Lex was years of time of using blades he finally awoke after his mind had completely absorbed the knowledge.

[System how long has it been] he asked as he wiped the sweat off his forehead, from his profusely sweating body because of his mind having worked at such a high intensity.

{Ding, it has passed exactly 23 hours} replied the system.

"What the hell, only 23 hours" exclaims Lex in surprise how was prepared for and expecting the bad news of him being unconscious for months and failing the mission to become an E-Rank Voltac in 14 days.

{Ding, the way the book was structured, it was perfected so that it could be completely and easily understood by the learner and after the Eye Demon reawakening and still being semi-dormant within your soul, your mental power and capacity have been improved} the system explained.

Hearing this he had an accomplished smile, feeling that he was finally getting somewhere in terms of his combat and felt that he was finally becoming less reliant on his Eye Powers.

Buying a Mortal Food Pellet for 10 points, from the system, and eating it to relieve his hunger and sustain his body, Lex was shaking with anticipation, to use some of the techniques and blade moves he had learnt.

The book was made so that the difficulty of the techniques, moves and knowledge would increase as the book went on and Lex knew better than to overwhelm himself so stored it within his mind, but didn't attempt to learn and understand it.

Standing up, Lex had only actually learnt a tenth of the entire book and merely stored the rest, that he knew he couldn't understand yet and even being able to learn a tenth in less than a day showed you Lex's talent and intelligence.

"Time to try out some of these weapons and convectively I have a large armoury of weapons within the inventory, perfect for my training" he mumbled to himself with a smile.

The first tenth of the book was very fundamental, but for Lex had many applications. It covered the basic way of holding the weapons and had the basic stances, attacks and defensive moves that everybody training in those weapons would need.

Lex would battle relying mostly on his Eye Powers and using weapons without any training of how to use them and would just use than to hack and slash at the beasts crazily, but know felt that he was finally beginning to understand the use of some of the weapons he had previously used without any training.

Withdrawing a basic sword from the inventory, Lex grabbed onto the hilt with his left hand at the bottom against the pommel and his right hand at the top against the guard.

The book that acted as a guide for the Beginner Blade Training, not only taught the knowledge of using these weapons, but showed him how to train his body to become familiar with the movements through different exercises and practice.

Lex stood there with a wide stance and the sword he was wielding with two hands and Lex began the training process as he repeatedly slashed down.

After a thousand slashes Lex sat down and circulated his energy for a few minutes then stood back up to continue his training.

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