Eye System
Chapter 94: Repeated Events Part 1

The entire process had occurred in mere instants, as the clone stood before Lex awaiting orders.

"I am awaiting orders from the master" the clone stated with a voice identical to that of Lex.

"Wait" replied Lex sternly still unsure of how it worked.

The clone submissively sat down and didn't seem to have a hint of anger from the way he was being spoken to.

[System is the clone intelligent] asked Lex seeing the way it was acting.

{Ding, the clones have exactly the same knowledge as the host, however, the clones have no emotions and are submissive and obedient to the host as their master} the system replied.

Hearing this, Lex realised how useful these clones would be, especially if they didn't have emotions in the way and only follow orders with their intelligence.

{Ding, the host can send telepathic orders through the connection the host can feel within your mind} the system announced.

[Stand up] ordered Lex, trying to communicate using the connection.

Instantly the clone stood up and stood there waiting for its next orders.

Looking at the clone's body closely and gauging its power, Lex estimated both its Internal and External Cultivation LVL were around 20 to 25.

{Ding, the power LVL of the clone both internally depends on the amount of energy the host provides and by providing a quarter of your energy, the clone was able to reach LVL 21 internally and 25 externally} the system explained.

"Attack me with all your power" ordered Lex that threw him a blade that he withdrew from the inventory.

Receiving the order, the clone didn't even need to think about it and grabbed the blade that was thrown at him and charged at Lex.

With a diagonal slash at Lex's throat, but just as Lex was about to be struck, he swiftly pivoted to the side using his close combat footwork and launched a right hook into the clones side.

The clone with its relayed Perceptive Eye saw the strike coming and managed to move away from the strike, and despite still being hit, the clone had lowered the damage and was prepared to continue to battle.

As he struck the clone, instead of it becoming injured, all that occurred was that it lost the energy that Lex had given it, that was also dwindling over time.

"Stop" ordered Lex who had already seen what he was testing out.

[The clone battles in exactly the same way I do and knows exactly the same as what I know and even uses the Perceptive Eye efficiently] analysed Lex to himself.

[System is there a way to undo the Self-Cloning Eye's ability] asked Lex.

{Ding, the longer the clone is formed for, the more energy it uses over time. The clone can be retracted by using your eyes as the centre and pulling on the link with the clone enough so that the energy and experiences the clone felt can return to the host, however, the host must be in contact with the clone} the system stated in its usual robotic and monotone voice.

[This system really doesn't have a consciousness and seems to be robotic and programmed. I wonder what or who it is and what or who could have made it] thought Lex to himself in contemplation.

Suppressing his curious thoughts Lex followed the system's instructions and placed his palm on the clone's shoulder and pulled on the eye connection between his and the clones.

Instantly the clone dissipated and Lex felt most of the energy he provided had returned into his body and he suddenly felt a pain in his side.

He felt that his Perceptive Eye was no longer dormant after the relaying had stopped and felt that there was no more link with his Self-Cloning Eye to any clones.

[I wonder if my clones can cultivate for me] thought Lex.

Ever since integrating with the system, time and time again Lex would realise that everything he knew was merely a grain of sand in an endless desert and realised that the only thing holding him back was his the chains him and the world had placed on his own mind.

However, the Eye System opened his eyes up to reality.

{Ding, that is possible as anything that the clones feels or loses will also occur to the host and the same occurs with anything the clone gains both in terms of energy, knowledge, physical power and experience} confirmed the system.

Hearing this he almost screamed with joy at such a versatile and useful ability that he had gained.

"I should do a few missions for some spirit coins, then get back to training with my clones" decided Lex who didn't want to waste time.

Jumping off the building he was on, Lex burst off his feet onto the next building and head towards the outskirts of the outer country.

Lex was planning to leave the slums and leave Ashura in the orphanage so that he could gain more strength and experience in the wide world until he was able to bring the orphanage with him, but he decided he would do so after becoming a complete Mortal.

After a while of dashing over the rooftops, Lex finally reached the Voltiac Base he would always go to that was near the orphanage and walked straight in.

"Hello, Ashura how may I help you," said the female receptionist at the front desk.

Giving her one glance and seeing that it was somebody different from the woman that was previously watching him, Lex walked past ignoring her and headed to the mission board.

Looking at the E-Rank mission, most of them were not in the slums or were outside of the country, which Lex didn't want, but one caught Lex's eye because of who it was sent by.

[The Weston Family again, isn't that the family that kept requesting the missions to kill the Canidae beasts] noticed Lex.

Taking the mission paper from the wall, Lex began to read and the more he read the more familiar the mission sounded to him.

Unranked Mission

Find and save a young girl, our daughter, who was kidnapped by treasure hunters to be used as a cannon-fodder and test out the forbidden mist grouds before they enter.

Successful Completion Reward - 10,000 spirit coins

Requestor - Weston Family

Looking at the mission Lex instantly saw the enormous reward, but what shocked him was the location.

[Young girls, forbidden mist grounds, not again] realised Lex.

Rushing back to the front counter, Lex wanted to accept the mission urgently.

Looking at the mission the woman was surprised.

"Quickly, I don't have time for this" hurried Lex impatiently.

"Are you sure, these unranked missions are very dangerous and can be accepted by more than one Voltac and the reward is only given to the Voltac that completes the mission" warned the woman.

"A mission with such a high reward could have tens maybe even hundreds of Voltacs competing for the reward and..."

"I don't care" interrupted Lex that placed his Voltiac identification in front of her.

Adding him to those that accepted the mission, Lex took back the card and rushed out of the Voltiac Base.

[Is this fate playing games on me and telling me that no matter what I do, Angela has to die in this reality] thought Lex jumping to conclusions seeing that it was too coincidental to not be true.

[Before it was the young girls at the Canidae Den, now in the forbidden mist grounds, Just leave her alone] screamed Lex in his mind, unsure who he was talking to, but wanted to release his frustration at somebody.

The only place that Lex knew to replace Angela was the academy hospital that was towards the central parts of the Outer Country.

Rushing with his full speed, Lex finally reached there and as he was about to enter was stopped by 4 students who had guard duty.

"Fuck off" roared Lex who with incredible speeds knocked them all unconscious.

Dashing down the corridor and into the infirmary, remembering the route, Lex charged in and saw the familiar young student nurse that was usually with Angela.

"Where is Angela," asked Lex with a stern voice as he walked towards her with clenched fists that had some blood on them.

Seeing the scary robed figure before her approach her she stumbled back.

"An.. Ange... Angela isn't here and came once this week after disappearing, then disappeared again" she managed to blurt out while stuttering in fear.

Hearing this, Lex felt as though he was stabbed in the chest in shock.

Lex could hear dozens of footsteps rushing towards the infirmary, due to the big commotion he caused.

Charging straight through the window and jumping out of the orphanage, Lex dashed away to escape from those in the academy.

"He jumped out of the window" wailed the young nurse as many senior students rushed in.

[Is it really impossible to defy fate, even the Weston Family being that requester and the forbidden mist grounds, there must be somebody playing around with fate as if I am some toy] roared Lex within his mind, who had, had enough of these repeated events from his past reality and wanted to just be able to live a peaceful life.

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