First Immortal of the Sword
Chapter 264: Viewed as a Harbinger of Disaster

Chapter 264: Viewed as a Harbinger of Disaster

The Hidden Dragon Sword Sect.

The peak of Verdant Focus Peak. This was where the Pineflame Daoist, one of the sect’s high elders, cultivated.

An elder with graying hair but bright, childlike eyes sat cross-legged in a simple bamboo building, a look of bewilderment on his face. “There is indeed something strange going on with this Su Yi boy.”

“Master, can you determine anything?” Chang Guoke couldn’t help but ask.

Tonight, when the Ten Directions Pavilion publicized their report, he immediately learned of the massacre that had occurred in the Imperatorial Province’s governor’s estate, and he couldn’t have been any more shaken.

Thus, he came here specifically to seek his master’s guidance.

“Within the Great Zhou, there are indeed several prominent figures who had miraculous encounters, people like Family Head Su Hongli, State Preceptor Hong Shenshang, Featherflow King Yue Shichan, Palace Master Ning Sihua of Heaven’s Origin Academy, Palace Master Feng Jianying of Starcliff Academy, and the Mountain-Subduing King, Mu Xi….”

The Pineflame Daoist pondered for a while, then said, “But their miraculous encounters and grand strokes of fortune were almost all connected to the Eight Great Yao Mountains. Some received the inheritance of a true cultivator, while others obtained secret treasures or inherited some type of mysterious power, while a few consumed some miraculous treasure of heaven and earth….

“But Su Yi is different!” As he said this, the Pineflame Daoist’s gaze was deep and instant, and his eyes flashed with intelligence. “According to what you’ve just told me, he entered Blueriver Sword Manor to cultivate at fourteen. At sixteen, he lost his entire cultivation and married into the Wen Family. All of this seemed entirely ordinary and unexceptional.

“Yet starting on the second day of the second month,?he’s displayed?strange abilities, and now, less than two months later, he’s already reached the first level of the Grandmaster Realm. Moreover, he can easily slay Xiantian Martial Ancestors like the Firedome King. This is unquestionably strange and inexplicable.

“This is already more than a single fortuitous encounter can explain. I suspect….” The Pineflame Daoist hesitated, but in the end, he said gravely, “I suspect the boy has been possessed!”


Chang Guoke gasped.

The Hidden Dragon Sword Sect was the greatest cultivation holy ground of the Great Zhou.

And his master, the Pineflame Daoist, was one of the nation’s few Origin Dao cultivators, a true Earthly Immortal!

For such a conclusion to come from his mouth was naturally extraordinarily shocking.

“Of course, it’s also possible that there are other mysteries behind this.” The Pineflame Daoist thought, then said, “But either way, I can say with certainty that this Su Yi is in for enormous trouble.”

Chang?Guoke’s heart shook. “Master, why do you say that?”

“When someone out of the ordinary happens, there must be a reason behind it,” said the Pineflame Daoist, his gaze clear and deep. “Su Yi is only seventeen, but in just two months, his cultivation rose from the Blood Circulation Realm all the way to the Inner Furnace Realm, and his combat prowess is heaven-defying. Who could possibly fail to realize that he carries an enormous secret?”

He paused, then continued, “If you’re not strong enough to defend it, owning a priceless treasure is a crime. Who wouldn’t long to know Su Yi’s secrets? What cultivator wouldn’t hope to seize them for their own use?”

Chang Guoke’s expression shifted; he was finally starting to understand. Still, he couldn’t help but say, “With his current power, Young Lord Su can already slay Xiantian Martial Ancestors. Given the circumstances, who would dare target him?”

“Ordinary martial artists of the mundane world naturally wouldn’t dare,” said the Pineflame Daoist. “But don’t forget: this world still has Earthly Immortals!

“Even if we take a step back, the ranks of Xiantian Martial Ancestors include no shortage of mighty hidden experts, experts the likes of Xia Houlin can’t even begin to compare with—like the Featherflow King, Su Hongli, and Hong Shenshang.”

He said this, then fixed his gaze on Chang Guoke. “And those are only the ones we can see. Within the Great Zhou, there are undoubtedly numerous unknown experts. Don’t forget—the Deathbringer’s Gate, that faction of heretics, still hides among us.”

“That….” Chang Guoke’s?expression filled?with uncertainty.

It was then that the sound of footsteps rang out, and Qing Jin’s tall, beautiful figure drew near.

She walked inside, hurriedly bowed, then explained at top speed, “Master, just now, Vice Palace Master Shi Fengliu sent a group on a mission. I suspect they’re headed to the Imperatorial Province to deal with Su Yi!”

“What!?” Chang Guoke was instantly stunned.

The Pineflame Daoist furrowed his brow. “Who did they send?”

Qing Jin said softly, “The elder of the Text Transmission Pavilion, Lu Dongliu, the outer sect’s Grand Elder, Li Cang, and its second elder, Liao Yunliu.”

Chang Guoke instantly found himself unable to remain seated.

Lu Dongliu!

He was an elder who’d been immersed in the Xiantian Martial Ancestor Realm for over two decades, and his accumulations ran incomparably deep. Furthermore, he cultivated a true secret cultivation technique; he was far from comparable to mundane martial artists of the same level.

Furthermore, the outer sect’s Grand Elder Li Cang and Second Leder Liao Yunliu were long-famous Xiantian Martial Ancestors as well. If all of them worked together, they could act with impunity anywhere in the mundane cities of the Great Zhou!

The Pineflame Daoist asked again, “What did the sect master say?”

Qing Jin shook her head. “The sect master is in seclusion. I doubt he knows about this matter.”

The Pineflame Daoist thought for a while, and a hint of a chill rose unbidden to his gaze. “Over the years, Shi Fengliu has grown accustomed to having Master?Jadecloud?as his backer. He’s gotten more and more brazen!”

Master Jadecloud.

One of the Hidden Dragon Sword Sect’s four high elders. He was ranked second, placing him above the Pineflame Daoist in status.

Chang Guoke hesitated, but in the end, he nevertheless grit his teeth and said, “Master, both Junior Apprentice Sister Qing Jin and I owe Young Lord Su a debt of gratitude….”

Before he could finish, the Pineflame Daoist?waved?and cut him off. “We cannot get involved in this. There are far too many potential disasters lingering around Su From. Neither the imperial family nor the Su Family nor the various cultivators who covet his fortune will let him off.”

“Given the circumstances, if we get involved, we’ll only bring disaster upon ourselves.” The Pineflame Daoist’s expression was suddenly grave, and he said in a deep voice, “Listen up, you two! Going forward, you are not to get involved with Su Yi in any way!”

Chang Guoke’s expression shifted erratically, and his heart filled with unspeakable disappointment. “Master, how can I fail to repay another’s benevolence? Isn’t that improper?”

Qing Jin felt rather stifled too.?Vice Palace Master Shi Fengliu dared send people to deal with Su Yi, so why doesn’t Master dare get involved too?

But the Pineflame Daoist merely said in displeasure, “Foolish! Don’t tell me that even after everything I’ve said, you still haven’t realized what a harbinger of disaster Su Yi is? Chang Guoke, if you’re really so capable, you’re welcome?to go repay?his benevolence on your own!?But remember: if you dare do so, you will no longer be my disciple!”

With that, he rose and, with one final swoosh of his sleeves, left the building.

Chang Guoke stood there in a daze, his chest heaving violently.

Qing Jin found it hard to bear. She whispered, “Senior Apprentice Brother, Master is doing this for our own good. This…. This really isn’t something we can afford to get mixed up in. Even if we want to repay Su Yi’s benevolence, we should wait and do so later.”

Chang Guoke glanced at her dully. “Junior Apprentice Sister, do you think we should just stand back and watch too?”

“I….” Qing Jin hesitated, then said bitterly, “I don’t know either….”

Chang Guoke was silent.



The Jade Capital, the Su Family estate.

You Qingzhi slammed an exquisite, blood-red jade teacup to the floor, shattering it. She scowled, the look on her face extraordinarily somber.

So Boning gently comforted her. “Mother, why get angry over this? Even if Su Yi were stronger, he wouldn't be able to cause trouble much longer. The way I see it, he’s truly?provoked Father’s?killing intent this time. Father won’t give him any further chances to lower his head and repent. In that sense, this is actually wonderful news.”

Although he said this, his heart surged with dense bitterness and envy.

In the Su Family, he was the most dazzling figure of the younger generation. He was only sixteen, but he’d advanced with unstoppable momentum; he was already a Grandmaster, and he was famous throughout the Jade Capital. Countless influential figures admired him.

Even the current emperor praised him, saying, “They say a newborn tiger cub can already eat an ox. Su Boning?is no?inferior to his father when he was young.”

This was extremely high praise.

Even Master?Jadecloud, one of the high elders of the Hidden Dragon Sword Sect, hinted at his desire to take Su Boning as his direct apprentice.

Although Su Hongli ultimately refused this offer on his son’s behalf, this news still caused an uproar throughout the Jade Capital and provoked widespread discussion.

As a result, Su Boning had basked in the capital’s younger generation’s attention ever since.

But now….

The son of a concubine, the elder half-brother he’d once disdained had, in just two months, grown strong enough to slay even Xiantian Martial Ancestors!

Su Boning had always been proud, so this dealt him an enormous shock and threw his heart off balance. For a while, he found this reality difficult to accept.

However, he was extremely good at masking his emotions. At the very least, on the surface, he seemed as calm and composed as ever.

“I just never would have guessed that that bitch Ye Yufei’s filthy brat would change so much. Had I known, I wouldn’t have been so soft-hearted then. I would have eliminated him at fourteen, when he first left for Blueriver Sword Manor!”?You Qingzhi gnashed his teeth, and her eyes shone with pure hatred.

Although no one knew it, ever since the fourteen-year-old Su Yi snuck out of the family estate and ran away, she’d only just barely resisted the urge to send her subordinates to kill him on numerous occasions.

Why was it that, in the end, she chose not to kill him? It certainly wasn’t soft-heartedness.

It was because she knew that, were she to kill him then, it would undoubtedly displease Su Hongli. After all, whatever else she might say about Su Yi, Su Hongli’s blood did flow through his veins.

That was the real reason You Qingzhi dared not kill him without permission.

Su Boning took a deep breath. “Mother, it’s not too late to kill Su Yi now. The more he jumps around, the more brutal his inevitable death! Don’t lose your temper over this; he’s not worth it.”

You Qingzhi steadied her emotions, then gazed tenderly at her son. “Child, I know you’re unwilling to see that son of a concubine steal your limelight, but rest assured: even without borrowing the Su Family’s power, I’ll help you kill him!”

Su Boning’s gaze shifted slightly, and he nodded with a smile.


Meanwhile, beneath the same night sky.

Heaven’s Origin Academy.

Inside the pavilion on Divine Firmament Peak.

Wen Lingxue watched in concern as her big sister sat there in silence. She hesitated for a while, but finally, she couldn’t help but say, “Big Sister, no matter what, Brother-in-Law… Uh, Big Brother Su Yi still remembers his bond with our family. Otherwise, he wouldn’t have arranged for our parents and relatives to take up refuge in Heaven’s Origin Academy.”

The young woman’s voice was tender and compassionate.

They’d only just received word of the battle at the provincial governor’s mansion. Wen Lingzhao reacted as if she’d been dealt an enormous blow, and her soul seemed to leave her body. Her icy, beautiful features filled with uncertainty.

Seeing her like this made Wen Lingxue’s?heart ache.

After a while, Wen Lingzhao seemed to come back to her senses. Her gaze gradually returned to Wen Lingxue, and she said in a low voice, “Lingxue, tell me…. Was I… Was I really wrong to be so insistent on dissolving our marriage contract?”

Wen Lingxue hurriedly shook her head. “No, you weren’t. If it were me, I wouldn’t have wanted to marry a complete stranger either. But….”

“But what?” asked Wen Lingzhao.

Wen Lingxue hesitated, then said, “But Big Brother Su Yi had no choice in the matter either. He was pitiful too, and in the year you spent determined to annul your marriage, you never even considered how that made him feel….”

The more she spoke, the softer and weaker her voice. It seemed she feared that continuing would hurt her sister’s feelings.

But it seemed Wen Lingzhao already understood. Her expression was conflicted as she said, “You’re right. I saw him as nothing but a no-good live-in son-in-law. I never took him the least bit seriously.

“And it’s for that very reason that I was so insistent on ending our marriage, regardless of the cost. I never once had any hope that he could assist me in any way. I was even worried that he’d use our nominal marriage as a pretext to get close to me….”

When she said this last part, her beautiful face filled with dense self-mockery. “But now, I’ve finally realized that everything I pursued so stubbornly over the past year was nothing but a joke…”

Her voice carried wordless despondency and melancholy.

“Don’t say anymore,” Wen Lingxue said comfortingly. “All of that’s in the past, and Big Brother Su Yi has never taken it to heart. You should just… just pretend none of this ever happened.”

“Pretend none of this ever happened? It would be wonderful if I could do that….” Wen Lingzhao sighed.

She would never have guessed that the husband-in-name she overlooked, the waste who’d lost his entire cultivation, a man she saw as practically a cripple, would just one year later reach such heights that she could only gaze upon him from afar!

At the Western Mountain’s Tea Party, he’d slain numerous big shots, distinguishing himself overnight.

Then, at the battle at the provincial governor’s estate, he’d single-handedly swept everything in his path.

Even mighty Xiantian Martial Ancestors became nothing but vengeful spirits beneath his sword!

All of this was simply unbelievable!

But Wen Lingzhao knew it was true.

Even Ning Sihua, the palace master she revered, saw Su Yi as her fellow Daoist.

In order to maintain her relationship with Su Yi, she even went so far as to decapitate grand elders Tao Zheng and Mo Huaque of Jixia and Watermoon Academies, then personally deliver them as a gift!

And it was only out of respect for Su Yi that Ning Sihua allowed the Wen Family members to seek refuge in Heaven’s Origin Academy.

All of this was like a massive hammer smashing her heart’s conviction and determination into pulp.

It was only now that Wen Lingzhao realized why, when they met at Heaven’s Origin Academy not long ago, Su Yi had the confidence to say that one day, he’d proceed to the estate of the Jade Capital’s Su Family and annul their marriage contract personally.

He indeed had a chance of doing exactly that!

The ridiculous part was, at the time, she saw that as nothing more than an unbearably absurd joke….

Suddenly, Wen Lingxue said timidly, as if struggling to work up the courage, “Big Sister, I… Tomorrow, I want to visit Big Brother Su Yi.”

This declaration woke Wen Lingzhao from her scattered thoughts. She took in her sister’s uncertain but hopeful expression and felt an inexplicable bitterness she couldn’t quite put into words.

A moment later, she took a deep breath and said, “Lingxue, you’ve already grown up. In the past, I was worried you’d suffer the same fate as me, which was why I was so strict with you, and why I went so far as to interfere in your affairs on numerous occasions. Going forward, you can act as you see fit. Do whatever you like.”

“Big Sister, does this mean you won’t concern yourself with me anymore?” Wen Lingxue’s eyelashes fluttered, and she looked a bit frantic.

Wen Lingzhao’s expression was suddenly doting. She rose, then gently took Wen Lingxue by the shoulder. “Don’t let your imagination run wild. When you run into trouble, you’re always welcome to come looking for me.”

Wen Lingxue instantly sighed in relief, and she revealed a radiant smile. “Then I’ll rest easy. Mm…. Tomorrow, I’m going to go see Big Brother Su Yi, but I’ll be back soon. I promise not to make you worry.”

When she saw how happy and excited her little sister looked, Wen Lingzhao’s inexplicable astringent feeling intensified, and try as she might, she couldn’t get rid of it.

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