Flight of the Five Swans
Finished Chapter 36


Following Raia’s startlingpronouncement, King Naaman’s face darkened with a sudden anger that surprisedCliodne. The Deturian guards seemed torecognize the sudden precariousness of their situation—not to mention that oftheir ruler. The soldiers who hadpreviously been guarding Raia now leapt forward to defend Soran from any whomight have believed the accusations made by the Kyorian princess. This action, Cliodne realized with a smirk ofsatisfaction, was perhaps the worst thing that they could have done. It all but confirmed Soran’s guilt—even inthe eyes of his own men.

Ayden stepped in front of Raia, hishand resting on the hilt of his sword as he regarded the Deturian royal withnewfound suspicion. Soran met his gazeevenly, taking no notice of his own guards protecting him. Cliodne shivered, seeing the cold fury in hisfamiliar blue eyes. She bunched hersisters close to her side, gathering them to her with her wings. No, her arms,she reminded herself. She no longer hadwings or feathers. She was free. Theywere free.

Butfor how long?

Not breaking his gaze with Ayden,Soran raised his voice to address King Naaman directly, his tone smooth andplacating.

“It is clear that there has beensome misunderstanding, Your Highness!” He called out, and Cliodne was certain that she was the only one whonoticed the latent anger in his voice. “But our countries are at peace. Let us not make quarrel between us.”

Kind Naaman hesitated, his armraised in the air. Cliodne’s heartcaught in her throat at his apparent uncertainty. Surely after such an accusation—not tomention witnessing the astonishing transformation of birds into humans—theIthcarian king wouldn’t simply allow Soran to leave with them all?

Ayden seemed to be thinking alongthe same lines as she. He glanced overhis shoulder, his eyes falling first on Raia standing behind him, then on theimposing figure of King Naaman.


That one word was all it took. The king gave a decisive nod and gestured atthe entire group of foreigners—Deturian and Kyorian, alike. His shouted orders filled the courtyard,voice firm and unyielding. “Guards! Take them into custody! Allof them! I need answers here!”

Cliodne felt a small stab of reliefthat she couldn’t entirely explain—a relief that was clearly not shared byeveryone. As the Ithcarian guardsstepped forward to seize them all, Soran shouted an order that Cliodne couldnot make out. His intention was soonmade more than clear, however, as the Deturian soldiers all over the courtyarddrew their swords. Evidently, Soran wasnot willing to be taken without a fight. His men leapt forward to meet the Ithcarian soldiers, their bladesmeeting with a loud clatter.

Fear filled Cliodne’s breast, andshe pulled her sisters even closer to her side. All of the princesses weremomentarily frozen in place, watching the skirmish with wide eyes. Were they about to witness still morebloodshed as a result of Soran’s treachery?

Yet this battle was nothing likethe massacre of their own retinue several months prior. Soran had come to Ithcar with the fullintention of spiriting Raia and the five swans away ‘peacefully’. He had clearly not anticipated needing tofight for his prize. He had not comeprepared for a battle. A mere glance wasenough to see that Soran’s men were severely outnumbered by Ithcarianguards—not to mention outclassed. Cliodne was in awe of the skill displayed by King Naaman’s soldiers, whoproved to be masters at the art of disarming their opponent without killingthem. Many of the Deturians’ swords weretaken from them within the first several minutes of fighting, leaving themalive but vulnerable.

And then it was over. Cliodne blinked at the suddenness of it all asthe last of Soran’s men was seized and led away. Then she gasped, her dismay immediatelyechoed by Raia and Callia. Both of hersisters seemed to have realized the same thing as she at the same time. Cliodne saw Raia put her hand to Ayden’ssleeve, and then pointed to where Soran had previously been standing. But the Deturian royal had disappeared. The skirmish between his own men and KingNaaman’s guard, however short, had provided distraction enough for the Deturianroyal to slip away, most likely back to the safety of his own accursed castle.

Ayden cursed, sheathing his swordonce more. “Father!” He called over his shoulder. “The sorcerer has fled!”

Cliodne hid a relieved smile at hischoice of words. One person, at least, had taken Raia’s accusations to heart.

King Naaman huffed in frustration,and then addressed the nearest of his guards. “See that he is found before he leaves Ithcar. I believe that he has much to answer for.”

The soldier bowed. Gesturing for several other men to follow him,the small group hurried in the direction of the stables to gather horses fortheir pursuit.

The Ithcarian king huffed again,then furrowed his brows as his eyes fell on Cliodne and her sisters. Cliodne straightened her shoulders, and metKing Naaman’s gaze head-on, willing regality in her stance despite herunfortunate state of dress. For thefirst time, Raia stepped out from her place behind Ayden, joining the otherKyorian princesses. As one, the sixprincesses curtseyed deeply to the Ithcarian king. With one hand, Cliodne held her tatteredskirt with practiced fingers as she bent. The other hand she used to steady Thaleia by the shoulder, who stillseemed a bit unsteady on her newly human legs.

Glancing up once more, Cliodne wascertain that she saw King Naaman’s eyes soften slightly. She bulked up her courage to address theIthcarian ruler, yet Raia was the first to speak.

“King Naaman. Prince Ayden.” She said, nodding towards first the former,then the latter. Cliodne noticed thather voice was even softer than usual from its lack of use over the last severalmonths. “Please allow me to present mysisters to you.”

Comprehension immediately filledAyden’s face as he looked over the five of them, with their ragged clothes andbare feet. Again, the princessescurtseyed and again, Cliodne steadied Thaleia to her right as they rose. Raia opened her mouth to offer more politeplatitudes or even to begin explaining their situation, but she did not havethe chance to speak. The sound of asingle trumpet erupted from the guard tower at the palace gates, and KingNaaman’s face registered satisfaction at the signal.

“At last.” He muttered as an asideto Ayden. “We will have answers fromall.”

Ayden made no response, and Cliodnedoubted that he had even heard his father at all. His eyes were fixed on Raia as thoughdetermined to catch her eye. Yet Raiaseemed just as determined to avoid his gaze. She kept her head lowered.

King Naaman waved yet another ofhis men forward and gestured to the Kyorian princesses. “Show them to the west corridor chamber. And for heaven’s sake, give them something towear, and to eat.”

Though her stomach growled inresponse at his words, Cliodne was nevertheless surprised. Did the king not want to hear theirstory? Yet she made no argument as theIthcarian guards stepped towards her and her sisters. Both Petra and Eurielle seemed inclined toprotest the king’s orders, and Cliodne flashed them a warning look. She would not have put it past either of themto attempt to fight their way out, but resistance would most certainly not helptheir case at the moment. Thaleia, on the other hand, seemed unnaturallylethargic, and Cliodne felt a stab of concern for her sister. It was most unlike her.

Yet they were given no time forfurther worry. The six princesses wereled immediately back into the Ithcarian palace and to Raia’s oldbedchamber. As the chamber door wasclosed behind them to shut them in once more, the distant trumpet soundedagain.

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