"What's the condition?" Leon asked Sarah while holding Caitlyn down.

Holding her down wasn't a casual operation.

Caitlyn's body violently seized when Sarah demanded conditions for joining his harem. When her body hit his arms, it snapped back as if it ran into a [straight jacket].

Lindy and Sarah watched the scene in horror. Especially the latter, as the scene she was watching was relevant to her request.

"I… I need you to promise that Caitlyn and Lindy won't kill me for my behavior." Sarah sighed.

Everyone's eyes widened in bewilderment.

Leon held down Caitlyn with more force, thus sedating the blonde.

Lindy was stoked that Sarah saw her as a mortal threat for flirting. She was one step closer to living the blissful life of Caitlyn Mira.

As for Leon, he was analyzing the woman, trying to figure out why she felt so threatened.

"Why?" He asked simply.

Sarah sighed and winced when preparing to explain.

"Think about it. I'm not comfortable opening up to anyone."

Leon's eyes widened in shock. He felt stupid for not considering the glaring issue.

"Yeah… what are you hiding in there, Sarah?"

"I'm not sure. I guess you'll have to replace out."

"You honestly don't know?"

"I've lied to myself so long that I've forgotten what's inside."

"So the floodgates are going to break. This is brutal."

Lindy looked back and forth between Leon's face and Sarah's.

What was she missing!? She knew that the conversation was important but didn't understand it.

No matter how she rationalized it, she thought Sarah had lost a sex toy inside her body and lied to herself about it for years until a man offered her sex.

Lindy didn't consider that Sarah's cloistered personality and constant lying had warped her inner self.

So naturally, she didn't consider the consequences of bringing out a toxic person's true, unknown form.

If she did, she'd be terrified Leon might open Pandora's Box with a kiss.

Lindy didn't, however. Instead, she watched the scene with wide eyes, wondering what type of sex toy she could lose for years without causing major bodily complications.

Needless to say, it made her horny.

"Okay. Question time." Leon announced.

Sarah developed a wry smile. She officially felt like a harem applicant interviewing for a harem with great benefits and compensation.

The worst part was that she was a certified pathological liar, and he was asking her questions!

"Go ahead." She replied coldly.

"Have you been stalking me?"


"Are you a sex addict?"


"Is Mary your real name?"

"Yes. I couldn't swap it during my first semester."

"Were you sent to watch or spy on Caitlyn?"

"No. I spent time near her playing mind games for the rush."

"Do you want to join my harem, independent of our arrangement?"

"Doesn't seem like a negative development."

"Are you secretly a sociopath, psychopath, or do you have an extreme narcissistic personality disorder?"

"Not that I'm aware of. I spend most of my time with myself. So, naturally, I'm a bit egocentric."

"Do you hate me?"

"No. I'd say I respect your brain and body but think you're scum otherwise.

For me, that's a massive compliment."

"Do you fantasize about killing people you hate?"

"Only when I'm masterbating." Sarah replied mockingly.

Leon started to address the point but stopped when he saw her smug expression.

He cuddled closer with Caitlyn to get over his petty loss.

The blonde looked at him with loving eyes.

Love crazed eyes

Unhealthily obsessive eyes.

Eyes flickering with hunger and madness.

Comforting eyes.

Amusing eyes.

Blue eyes.


Leon found Caitlyn's eyes reassuring and beautiful. They told him she'd claw Sarah's eyes out if she got rough or tried to kill him. The look was lovely and endearing.

"Okay. Last question." He said with a mysterious voice, "What do you [think] will happen if you become 100% comfortable with me? Best guess."

"I'll doubtlessly tell you about my people-watching habits." Sarah replied curtly.

"Is that all?" Leon asked, "I can promise my hellscape honeybunch here won't harm you—if you don't harm me. That includes you hurting me by accident unless we're prepared for it."

Sarah pursed her lips and averted her gaze. She sat in thought on the couch for about thirty seconds before turning back to Leon.

"The only thing I can think of is that I'll want to hug you."

Caitlyn's eyes widened with a muted level of crazy in them.

Her mind naturally went into defensive mode. However, a hug wasn't worth breaking someone's spine. So she had to strategize what bone to break depending on where the woman got handsy with her man.

Lindy watched the proceeding with a wry smile. She had only recently been inaugurated—less than two hours before. So she couldn't complain that Sarah was joining.

She still didn't like it. Not one bit.

"Okay. Well, if you have any last words, say them now. Contract." Leon said with an ambivalent expression.

As his body radiated bright pink light, his appearance became godly. The light and how it highlighted his body made the appearance seem royal and on a higher plane.

"I don't hate you. So shut up and kiss me." She replied in exasperation.

"I'll be right back for more cuddles." Leon whispered in Caitlyn's ear as he stood up from the couch.

He chuckled with a feeling of satisfaction when the woman shuddered in delight.

Although it made him feel like a prick, he also enjoyed watching Lindy get flustered by the scene, proving their contract affected his emotions.

Without the contract, Lindy would have the same impact on Leon as Sarah.

At present, Sarah had her eyes closed, mouth parted, and was offering herself to him. Leon wished he let Sarah get eaten by the mecha-bear, so he wouldn't have to get off the couch.

That was the insurmountable difference a contract made and why his enjoyment of her suffering was rather profound and precious.

Leon walked over to Sarah with a hesitant expression. Nothing normal ever happened when he used Harem Leveler. As a result, he was wary of proceeding.

"Caitlyn. Set your mind to restrain if she tries to harm me instead of maiming or murdering." He ordered softly, "Obviously, this applies to you, too, Lindy."

Caitlyn nodded soberly, and Lindy shot him a wry smile.

Sarah was perplexed that Leon was going through any amount of precautions on her behalf.

"Last chance to back out." Leon stated as he moved close to her face.

"Please don't make this dramatic." Sarah said with a blush while moving their faces closer.

Leon nodded and pressed their lips together,

"There, it's done—whoa, what the hell are you doing, woman!?" Leon cried.

Before he and Sarah finished kissing, she pushed him on his back, pinching and pulling Leon's left cheek with fascination.

He almost push-kicked her with superhuman power into the ceiling by reflex. However, he restrained himself and put both hands up to stop his two beautiful female troops from advancing on the enemy.

Half a second later, he regretted pushing them back.

"Seriously?" Leon asked in annoyance.

"So this is what a hug is like!?" Sarah squealed in ecstasy while rubbing her cheek against his chest like a cat.

Caitlyn's forehead nearly burst a blood vessel, and Lindy watched the blonde for the signal. She was secretly cracking her knuckles in preparation to kill a finch.

"This is better described as assault." Leon explained in exasperation, "What? Have you seriously never had a hug before? It's sad if I experienced one before you."

He experienced one for the first time yesterday.

"No. I've hugged people at church, but I've never hugged a man—" Sarah stopped her statement abruptly.

"... That was a lie. I've never been to church, and I've never hugged a man… except for my dad… but his hugs don't count because they don't make me horny, let alone excessively horny."

Leon reached around Sarah's neck as if he were embracing her. It thrilled the brunette, who smiled in excitement.

However, it didn't take her more than a second to realize he had caught two hands moving in to strangle her from behind.

Sarah sat up and pouted aggressively. "This is why I don't trust people."

She balled her fists and pushed them against the black couch cushions with puffy cheeks.

"The cute girl act doesn't suit you." Leon said with an unenthused expression.

"No? Lame. I'm trying to redefine myself right now." Sarah complained.

"You're trying to redefine yourself?" He asked while raising an eyebrow.

"Well, yeah. It's the only way I can survive the cyanide princess behind me." Sarah explained nonchalantly.

Caitlyn's hands started unnaturally cracking as if she were transforming into a werewolf.

"I held my lips on your mouth longer than her jealous limit, and it took two shots of dom-orders and physical restraints to keep her from attacking." Sarah pouted innocently. (1)

"You fucking bitch!" Caitlyn growled while grabbing Sarah by the collar and lifting her from the couch into the air.

"Yeah… she really is." Leon sighed dramatically. "Caitlyn, you have my permission to—"

"Wait!? What are you doing!?" Sarah cried while grabbing Caitlyn's wrists.

"What am I doing? Preparing to grovel to the Harem God, that's what I'm doing." Leon clarified with a tone void of humanity.

"W-Why?" Sarah stuttered.

"We already discussed that Caitlyn would axe you if you were dangerous, yeah?" He replied mockingly.

"Well, you're intentionally sowing discord into my mind to break apart our relationships and trust.

That's far more dangerous than threatening my life."

"Woah! Wait up!" Sarah cried, "Did anything I say lack any amount of sense?

Are you saying that Caitlyn wouldn't assassinate me for something like that?"

Leon rubbed Caitlyn's shoulders while looking into Sarah's eyes.

The two were at eye level since Caitlyn lifted her in the air.

"No, you're right. Caitlyn will tear you apart over something that minor." Leon confirmed, "But I fail to see what's wrong with her behavior."

Sarah gave Leon a bitter smile.

"See? If her ability to kill me over nothing is acceptable, no amount of logic or honesty will save me. That's why I need to improve my image to curry favor and survive."

Leon wrapped his arms around Caitlyn's body, whispered in her ear seductively, and then moved his face close to Sarah's.

"How astute of you to realize that." He replied casually, "You're right. No amount of honesty or logic will save you from Caitlyn ripping you apart. But you're missing something here."

"What's that?" Sarah asked with narrowed eyes.

"I'm all for it. Otherwise, I'd just order her not to." Leon said with a mocking smile.

Sarah's eyes widened in shock.

"I'm the person you should fear, curry favor with, and change your image for. Not Caitlyn.

Yet here we are, I haven't used my power on you, and you're playing out a tragic comedy.

Even though you know I know you're lying, you're still giving it your all. It's inspiring.

That's playing mind games on a level that either qualifies as unrivaled brilliance or complete stupidity.

But. You crossed the line when you blamed your toxic traits, rude behavior, or current predicament on my woman.

Make sure to ask CSI what you did wrong. Kay? Caitlyn, go ahead—" (2)

Sarah sighed aggressively in complete exasperation.

"Why do you have to be so dramatic, Mr. L?" Sarah asked in annoyance, cutting the act.

"We both know that you're not going to kill me. If you did, I'd be dead. Gone. Over.

The horrifying thing about you is that you don't announce your plans to kill someone.

Now can we stop this game?

We both know I'm a liar and intentionally faked my performance."

"Stop this… are you insane?" Leon asked in disbelief, "Yeah, the liar part was obvious. The performance might have well been a forced orgasm. But what we've learned here is far worse."

Sarah narrowed her eyes. "What's that?"

"You're annoying, too!" Leon scoffed in amazement, "Dear god, you're like a party sampler of irredeemable traits.

Lindy's negative shine when someone needs mocked, seduced, knocked out, sexed up, or just needs a good sight to look at." (0)

Lindy blushed furiously. She never realized how much he paid attention to her!

Once again, the woman needed to adjust her feelings of victory.

"And Caitlyn's—wheeeeeew! Her traits are 100% perfect for one person, and that person is me." Leon laughed. "But you? Dear god. You have the lying skills to make yourself sound perfect, but all you've used them for is making yourself look like a traumatic mute with a hidden hug fetish."

Sarah let her eyes glide down to Caitlyn, still holding her body up effortlessly. Then she glided her eyes to the right to make eye contact with Leon again.

"I get you're annoyed that I lied during your questions, but who hell asks pathological liars questions?" Sarah sassed.

"Good liars tell the truth to build trust. Being satisfied that you got the right answers on the multiple choice just means you're easier to play.

I've been rude because you've been insulting. Either way, hate me if you wish, but stop acting smart when you haven't done anything to prove it in the last 30 minutes."

Leon frowned and took a deep breath. Sarah exposed the fatal weakness in his tests.

He wasn't testing whether Sarah would lie. Instead, he tested whether she'd lie despite it being unnecessary or knowing he'd expose her.

Sarah picked up on that and drowned him with false clues. While he thought it was a victory because she showcased the speed and adaptability she could weave a narrative, she pointed out that liars told the truth to build trust.

Sarah would never have lied about her name if she felt it was serious. So his tests were genuinely insulting.

In Leon's defense, it's not every day that someone plays mind games with a pathological liar. Considering the tactical value of telling the truth to lie better is not a normal thought process.

Caitlyn tightened her hold on the woman's collar while she waited.

"What's your point?" Leon asked after a moment's pause.

"I'm a pathological liar on shaky ice with the party members. I can tell you anything about what could happen once you seal that contract, and it won't matter.

Ultimately, you're going in blind, and the probability that Blondy's gonna axe me is the same.

So there's no point in testing me. Kiss me and accept the consequences, or admit defeat and leave behind your X83 [spy battery] with the moderate sex potential add-on kit."

"Contract." Leon sighed before vibrant pink light surrounded his body again.

Sarah's expression crumbled. "You're really going to kiss me when your guard dog's holding me in the air?"

Caitlyn was still holding Sarah in the air by her collar. Now her face was level with Leon's, standing right behind Caitlyn.

"This is awk—"

Ding! [Congratulations! The user has created a bonafide harem and will receive a blessing from their god!]


Ding! [Congratulations! The user has created a bonafide harem. The user has leveled up!]


Ding! [Congratulations! The user has created a bonafide harem. The user has unlocked a new skill. Trauma healing.]


Ding! [Congratulations! The user has made a contract with a new member!]

Name: Reina Mirthwell

Age: 20

Sex: Female

Member Type: Liability

Title: An Inspiration to Pathological Liars Everywhere

Relationship Status: Married for Tax Benefits (3)

User Reputation: 19

Emotional Magnification: 50%

Bonding Period Bonus: 50%

Max Comfortability: Max

Leon's eyebrow twitched when he read his interface. Summoning his greatest willpower, he took a deep breath and closed his interface.

When he did, he saw a fascinated expression on [Reina]'s face.

"Wow. Your power is incredible, Leon." Reina said with a vibrant expression, "I've had this power for less than 30 seconds, and it's already given me answers I've searched my entire life for."

Leon took a deep breath of relief. For the first time, a woman didn't leave his kiss looking like a trainwreck. If anything, Reina looked more composed than before.

"What questions?" He asked as a formality.

"Well, for starters, once I peeled all the layers of lies away, I've learned that the woman I really am is just as manipulative as the one on the surface." Reina said in amazement.

Ding! [Member Reina Mirthwell has identified the core of her major issue. The member has leveled up.]

"I mean, wow. I'm a cunt."

Ding! [Member Reina Mirthwell hasn't twisted a negative reality about herself into a positive story for the first time. The member has leveled up!]

"What else, Reina?" Leon asked unceremoniously.

"Oh, well, my name's Reina. I've changed my name legally three times, so I genuinely forgot it." Reina laughed in amazement.

Ding! [Member Reina Mirthwell has remembered a major fragment of her original identity. The member has leveled up!]

Lindy turned to Leon with a bewildered expression. He responded with the same expression before hugging Caitlyn like a seatbelt.

Reina was a half-cooked grenade, and he wasn't sure what she'd say that might trigger the blonde. He was okay with Caitlyn killing the woman but wanted to ensure it was instantaneous.

Reina's mystery level was now skyrocketing from being honest for the first time. The number of notifications he was getting in the corner of his eyes was horrifying.

So he wanted to use Sick Em' and make sure that Caitlyn could make the woman's head explode in one shot.

"Lastly, it turns out that I'm not a lesbian, after all, Leon." Reina announced with her index to her lips.


The atmosphere in the room froze. No one could care less about Reina's sexuality. However, the context of her joining Leon's harem while thinking she was a lesbian was dangerous in countless ways!

"I'm just a cunt and created the closeted lesbian identity because it upped my self-victimization game." Reina chuckled.

"I was straight when I did that, so it was pre-tty cruel, but the joke's on me because accepting that identity made me lesbian.

Turns out, I'm bisexual, so accepting the identity just blocked out my interest in men.

Then BOOM! Leon Traxler shows up, ties me up with bondage tape, calls me out, and steals my first kiss, and I suddenly remembered my romantic interests aren't limited to Caitlyn Mira."


[A/N: Ch 2 & 3 (consolidated)~ Next chapter, the story harem structure and the plot come to life! In the meantime, try not to speculate about Reina. She's not in his personal harem and I wouldn't add a genuinely toxic or annoying character to my main man's harem. Reina's a fascinating character with immense potential. Just wait.]

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