Narcolepsy. A disorder that causes a person to experience excessive drowsiness and fall asleep randomly.

Leon Traxler had this ailment, and it had a severe impact on his already unfortunate life.

It was a disorder easily treated with medication. However, Leon Traxler didn't take his medication in school because it gave him an excuse to act normal. As a result, he had lost the habit of taking it daily.

Typically, the disorder causes excessive sleepiness during the day, making it impossible to forget about it.

However, Leon had a rare form that only resulted in attacks. The attacks could happen twice in one hour and then disappear for weeks.

It was a strange disorder, but it made the unbelievable person known as Leon Traxler seem human. That was never more apparent than in the present.

Pushed up against the edge of the Sanctuary barrier, he was hit by an attack and blacked out. His body fell backward, landing undefended outside of the barrier.

A split second later, the sky lit up with countless magical attacks.

Candidates couldn't use magic for battle-related reasons in the Sanctuary, so when Caitlyn and Lindy saw a meteor shower, icicle storm, and kaleidoscope of other attacks raining down on Leon, they couldn't use magic to defend him.

All they could do was run as fast as possible and watch in slow motion as the attacks rained down on Leon.

"LEON!" Caitlyn screamed.

The men shooting the attacks grinned with dangerous glints in their eyes.


A massive cloud of smoke, dust, and debris blew up in the area Leon fell.

The potential haremites watched the scene with shocked faces. Those who triggered his phobia began shaking uncontrollably. Things only got worse for them.

By contrast, the men that shot the attacks were grinning. They couldn't believe the incredible [luck] they experienced when he left the barrier unprotected!

Rubble, rubble, rubble, thud thud thud… thud.

When the final rocks hit the earth and dust settled, everyone stared in shock at the condition of Leon's body.

It was pristine!

Caitlyn and Lindy looked around and found a woman in a black mask staring at them.

She was standing outside the barrier with a hand on her hip. Her pose was so sassy it caused a violent physical reaction in Lindy's body.

It was Reina. She was the only person sensible enough to watch Leon while he was panicking.

Now she was giving Lindy a mocking expression that burrowed into the brunette's soul.

Lindy trembled but couldn't direct her anger against the woman who saved Leon. So she directed her attention to his attackers and prepared for retaliation.

"Hey, Caitlyn. Let's skull fuck—Wait, what is that!?"

Ding! [God's Announcement! God Candidate Caitlyn Mira is now live! The previous live feed of God Candidate Leon Traxler has been transferred.]

Ding! [God's Announcement! For fairness requirements, God Candidate Caitlyn Mira's live stream has been restricted to god viewing only.

Recap clips may be posted after review. Sorry for the inconvenience.]

Greg and Lucifer cringed when the feed reconnected. They had spent 24 hours in a mad fury with their lawyers and marketing teams preparing offers for Caitlyn Mira's allegiance.

The minute the feed connected, it all became pointless.

"What… the hell is that?" A man whispered on a rooftop a few hundred feet away.

He had a sniper rifle that shot magic bullets and watched the scene cautiously, prepared to flee.

In his scope, he saw a blonde with blue eyes with her hair in a ponytail. Her shoes and skirt were white, matching, and well-fitting. They gave her a hot tennis girl type of vibe.

However, the black long-sleeve t-shirt she wore didn't fit her appearance. It was knotted on the side and had rolled sleeves to keep its excessive bagginess from affecting her motions.

Her shirt was strange, but not nearly as strange as the light pink scythe with black accidents in her hands.

It had a six-foot handle. So far as sickles go, it was not very intimidating in size. Moreover, scythes were farming tools and weren't very useful in battle.

Smale, pink, and impractical. If one were to see the blonde holding it casually, it would not appear very threatening. They might even laugh and call her a girl.

However, there wasn't a single candidate, god, or beast in the area that didn't have their eyes transfixed on the young woman.

Her sickle's inner blade shone with sharp, pink light as a sinister miasma seeped from the outer blade and handle.

It wrapped the entire scythe in a thick, menacing cloud that made a person sick just by looking at it.

The life-like miasma wrapped around her hand and snaked around her wings playfully, showing love and support for the angel's emotional state.

When she pulled the scythe back, and the miasma extended the blade by fifty feet.

When the sniper peered out of the corner of his eye, he saw the smoke eating through metal and everything else the extended blade came in contact with.

His fight or flight signal instantly triggered when she pulled out the scythe. So he zeroed in for a headshot, hoping to catch her off guard.

However, his body froze when he saw something beautiful in her eyes.


Eternal peace.

An end of suffering.

The climax of life's journey.

A way out of this never-ending hell.

What a beautiful, tragic, and surreal sight.

It wasn't the murderous glint in her sky blue iris'.

No. It was the pupils encased within them.

Her sharp pupils were the size of pins.

Such eyes can only see darkness.

Everything else is blocked out.

The attacker's expressions.

She couldn't see them.

The look of panic.

Deep regret.





A scream and massive explosion recaptured the watchers' attention. Both resulted from a building collapsing and a sniper falling to his death.

After reassessing the situation, watchers realized the building hadn't [collapsed]. It was cleanly cut in half at a 45-degree angle, and the top half slid off the lower.

More perplexing, the building was cut at its center, hundreds of feet in the air, and was far wider than the 50-foot blade.

For that to have happened, the blonde needed to fly to the center, cut down, and complete a full rotation to slice all four sides of the building.

Before anyone could comprehend what had happened, the carnage continued.












The strip connecting Lemmox to Kaskmont looked like a magnitude 8.0 earthquake had ripped through it.

Buildings collapsed left and right as Caitlyn's fifty-foot scythe melted through everything in its path.

Even after the blade left, the miasma ate through brick, concrete, and steel, causing buildings to fall long after they were cut.

Candidates only saw a small glimpse of a pink item the blonde pulled out of thin air before the feed got cut.

All they knew was that whatever she pulled out was bad news. Only a minute later, their suspicions were confirmed when the city began falling apart.

However, their suspicions would remain suspicions. Attackers. Unrelated parties. Women. Everyone who saw what Caitlyn did after the gods cut the feed died moments after.

Some died from falling buildings; others were eaten by miasma. A rare and lucky few were blessed by a direct attack. However, they all had one thing in common: they all died ruthless deaths.

No one who saw her with their eyes had hopes of making it out alive.

It was brutal.

Those listening to Leon's speech moments before watched the scene in horror. While they wanted to pretend like they were unrelated, reality was never so kind.

"LISTEN UP, HAREMITES!" Lindy yelled at full volume with Leon in her arms.

The women cranked their necks to her with the fluidity of rusty cogs.

"You're learning an important lesson right now!" Lindy barked.

"First, your esteemed leader genuinely doesn't want your damn body!

The only thing he's asking for is you to help him build a city. That's it!

So when he wakes up, don't offer him anything or ask to join his harem!"

Many women trembled. Those who were heartbroken that they didn't have gifts were now shaken.

"Second! If your esteemed leader is in danger, you will protect him with your life from now on!" Lindy demanded with fiery eyes.

"Because you're witnessing the protection you'll receive when he's alive. If he dies, this is the wrath you'll face!"

The atmosphere fell still. The joy they felt about the overwhelming protection they'd receive from Leon crashed against the overwhelming consequences of letting him die.

"First order of business! Go into the sanctuary, learn about the food, shelter, and other accommodations, and report back to this location in two hours.

You're under our protection from now on, but the work starts now.

If you don't wish to be in our care, don't come back in two hours. However, if you don't return, don't show your face around this group tonight, tomorrow, or any day after.

NOW GO! Learn from your mistakes and prove useful!

Make up for the tragedy your lack of trust in your leader almost caused!"

After only two seconds of shocked confusion, the group shot into action.

While Leon Traxler slept, Caitlyn Mira destroyed the remnants of the old world, and Lindy sowed the first seeds of a cultured civilization.

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