Harem God: Leveling Up Yanderes in the Apocalypse
Chapter 51 The Panty Strippin’ Party

Nine groups of hot tubbers proved Issac Newton's theories founded when they fell onto nine other groups of women simultaneously.

"Ughhhhhh…. Sorry about that, every…." Leon groaned after falling from the hot tub sphere.

He pushed up off the ground but found the thing he was pushing against was a woman's breast.

"Sorry! I thought you were the ground!" He cried.

The woman panicked. "That's rude! I'm not the bustiest woman, but I'm that flat!"

"Sorry! That's not what I—"

His hand landed on a woman's ass, causing him to trip and fall headlong into foxy's bare crotch.

"Well, hello! I know you didn't mean to do this, but it's not uncomfortable." Foxy giggled.

Caitlyn tried decking the woman in the face, but a red barrier blocked her hand.

"Caghhan nna vashums"

"I'm sorry, what was that?" Foxy giggled with sharp breaths.

Leon tried blocking Caitlyn's fist but tripped and landed deeper in her crotch. He tried saying [Caitlyn, no violence], but he spoke to Foxy's clit, and she wasn't complaining!

A massive force swept Leon to his feet.

He looked around and found that Tricksie and Kazz were helping women get untangled from the hyper-aggressive cuddle puddle they landed in.

Everyone was drenched. The people below stood casually when a wrathful storm washed down from the heavens, raining cats and dogs.

And a bunny.

Leon turned around and found Lindy, who he thought was angry because he touched another woman's breast.


She was pouting and aggressively thrusting her panties at him! She still didn't lose sight of the prize. He wished she always had such situational awareness!

"I'll graciously accept your panties, Lindy." Leon chuckled in exasperation.

As soon as he grabbed them—


Sanctuary Announcement! Lindy Crestfall is the first to complete the event: Help God Candidate Leon Traxler (@LeonTraxxx) overcome his phobia.

She has been awarded the following item:

Item: Frigg's Fantasy Panties

Grade: Unique

Description: Transparent panties that can shapeshift at will to suit their wearers' fancy.

Effect: 20% increase in STA and increases charm by 20% when visible to others.

The second that the announcement went out, there was a stampede.

A stampede.

A fucking stampede of half-naked women running to the site where the hot tub spheres were only moments before.

Leon Traxler was not a helpless prude.

He did not mind women offering him their bodies.

The young man wanted to rebuild civilization with the women that followed him.

No, Leon Traxler was not a helpless harem protagonist.

He was not a dense, woman-dodging virgin.

However, when he saw a cloud of overpowered superhuman women from all corners of the cosmos running at a minimum of 20mph toward him, he naturally dodged!

"Ladies! There's no need to run!" Leon yelled while jumping in the air.

"It's okay Leon!" A woman yelled, "There's no need for you to run away from us!"

"Yeah! We know you're not a bad guy!" Another screamed.

"Slow down, and we'll prove that!" A third followed.

Caitlyn was exhausted from mana deprivation. Therefore, she couldn't fly to save her man.

She also wasn't killing the swarms of people chasing him because he whispered [don't hurt anyone, that's an order] when he grabbed her panties and booked it.

He never lost what was important.


Leon dodged a woman who shot out of nowhere.


He ducked a woman that leaped from his side.


His instincts told him to duck before two women smashed into each other.

"I need to change my strategy."


A woman with green skin looked down and found her panties were missing!

Normally that would be a bad thing, but—


Her eyes glittered when she got the notification.

Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding! Ding!

Like a perverted ghost of God Rudeus, Leon zigged and zagged through the crowd of women, stealing their panties.

While he looked like a harem protagonist dodging applicants, he was actually a god playing his applicants!

Every woman's eyes squealed in delight when they realized what he had done.

The overpowered skill he was demonstrating was spellbinding.

News spread that Leon accepted panties in the least awkward and shockingly impressive way possible.

Once it broke, those who weren't participating took off their panties and stood in place, covering themselves, waiting for the ghost to arrive.

They wanted new panties, or at minimum, to take them off so they'd get cleaned.

However, their hesitance was overcome by hilarity when he finally reached their location.

The man was ragged and having difficulty seeing because his arms, neck, and pants were stuffed with panties.

The women didn't even give him a moment to store them as trophies!

Everyone who saw the comical sight of Leon Traxler returning to the all-women's soccer camp from the laundry mat couldn't but double over.

Soon every woman attending his apocalypse party stripped off their panties for the lulz.

Ten minutes later, Leon collected the last pair and collapsed in exhaustion on a bed of female underwear.

Leon was officially sober.

Ding! [God's announcement! Special Event: Help God Candidate Leon Traxler (@LeonTraxxx) overcome his phobia has been completed!]


Thunderous applause and cheers rang from Likstead Park, filling the Lemmox Sanctuary streets.

Over 200 women wearing brand new panties went wild over the news.

Leon laughed and wished he could see every male candidate's face.

It had been fifteen minutes since the announcement!

Event: Help God Candidate Leon Traxler (@LeonTraxxx) overcome his phobia.

Status: 100% completion

Participants: 313

Reward: Every participant has received unique pairs of panties from one of the gods sponsoring the event.

Hidden Reward Requirements: Every woman at the party participating in the event giving Leon Traxler their panties.

Hidden Reward(s):

1. (1) matching bra for all participants' panties.

2. (1) Asclepius' Hangover Kit for every participant. Includes instant detoxification, stamina, and health and mana restoration.

3. (1) Bottle of Aphrodite's youth restoration cream.

4. (1) Frigg's Restorative Body Bar.

5. (1) Asclepius Scar Removal Cream.

6. (Leon Traxler) - Hair cut by a representative of Aurora [necessary, dear god].

7 (Leon Traxler) - Silk Robe of High Culture [Legendary].

Explosive battle cries rang out in the nighttime sky.

Every man in the area was salty beyond expression. Well over a hundred women had joined the party an hour ago and still dropped their panties for Leon Traxler.

All of them.

The women that joined his harem that day.

The women who left their group to go to the party.

The feminists and men haters.

Everyone. Every single woman dropped their panties and gave them to Leon Traxler.

Now they were getting rewarded handsomely for doing so.

Worse, the man had become his subscribers begrudgingly. So they knew the ridiculous amounts of gifts the man got during this party.

They didn't know the exact amount, as notifications got muted for those not in direct contact with him, but the number of gifts necessary to mute notifications was absurd!

Everyone was trying to survive—except Leon Traxler.

He was partying with two beauties and a masked woman, surrounded by hundreds of fantasy women, drinking god wine in hot tubs.

His life would make the 18th-century bourgeois blush.

Everyone hated their life; now they hated it more.

The [Kill Leon Traxler Conspiracy] picked up steam, and soon, more than a hundred of the five hundred men in the Lemmox Sanctuary were colluding.

Leon chuckled, knowing there would doubtlessly be an event to murder him.

A moment later, he fell asleep.

"I really wish I had a camera." A woman's voice remarked.

"Me too. Capturing this scene would be priceless." Another giggled.

"Capturing the sight of that blonde killing you would make it a double opportunity." A third commented casually.

"Woah, hold up. Don't wake'em up. I don't think anyone will sleep this peacefully again."

Leon opened his eyes slowly. The sun just started rising, but he saw Quinn and Kira speaking to Tricksie and Foxy.

The redhead and blonde speaking to the bunny and fox women was the sight he needed to get started.

However, he couldn't figure out why they were standing before him.

"Where am I?" Leon groaned.

"Shhhhhhh." Quinn shushed while trying to tiptoe away.

Leon reached over and found a woman sleeping next to him.

"Uggghhh… Leon. Please take me." A woman's voice said in her sleep.

"Lindy?" He asked, "Oooooof!"

A massive force pulled him in the opposite direction. Caitlyn decided—while sleeping—he was a teddy bear and pulled him close. It was an action that would typically kill a mortal.

Leon tried to replace leverage to break free. When he did, he finally understood what was [picture worthy].

He was still sleeping on a bed of panties!

Worse, when he looked down, he found his partners hadn't put on their new panties. So there were two bottomless women on a bed of panties to choose from.

It wouldn't have looked so bad if Lindy, who was accustomed to sleeping naked, didn't hike up her dress in her sleep.

"Caitlyn… can you please let me go." Leon asked softly.

"Gurrrrr gurrr back away from my man, cunt, or I'll snap your spine…." Caitlyn whispered in her sleep.

The four women stepped back reflexively in horror.

They didn't feel personally threatened. The four were terrified, knowing Caitlyn thought that way in her sleep!

"Caitlyn… uh… sweetheart—"

Caitlyn's eyes snapped open in a terrifying level of crazed lunacy.

"Did I just hear… sweetheart?" The blonde asked with pupils the size of pins.

"Uh… yes. Hi." Leon said awkwardly, "It is I, your man, speaking. Can you please let go of me? It's hard to breathe."

Caitlyn's facial expression melted from delirious ecstasy to confusion, to sheer mortification, and lastly, fear when she saw Leon's strained, trying-to-breath expression.

"I'm sorry, babe!" Caitlyn cried while releasing him.

"Shuuuuuuughshhh. Just five more minutes, and you can have a turn with the Leeeeeeez." Lindy groaned in her sleep.

"I feel like I know everything there is to know about these two already." Tricksie giggled in amazement.

Leon made eye contact with her that said—correct.

The group began giggling, triggering Caitlyn to reassess her surroundings.

Four women she had gotten to know well yesterday were chatting around her. Beyond them were a few dozen women sitting around, waiting for him to wake up.

Leon chuckled at the strange atmosphere when he stood up and faced everyone.

The area fell silent as they awaited his words.

He cracked his head, circled the area, and then spoke.

"Sooooooo… that happened."

After a stunned silence, the area erupted into laughter and cheers.

No one had a hangover, was fully rested due to the hangover kit, and looked healthy and beautiful from the products they received.

"For those who don't know, I have a habit of falling asleep awkwardly and have experienced a good deal of embarrassment recently." Leon chuckled, sparking a wave of laughter.

"So I won't cut corners. I learned—quite by accident—that your panties are extremely comfortable to sleep on. Thank you for letting me experience that."

Lindy awoke to the sound of roaring laughter. She slowly pulled her dress over her butt, which was pointless given the exposure.

Caitlyn hugged Leon from behind, savoring the surreal feeling of being called [sweetheart].

Leon chuckled at both of their antics.

"Moving on. If you came here last night for the party and are still here, welcome!" Leon announced.

"We've recently upgraded from a party airline service into a full-blown party. So we officially have more benefits to offer if you join us."

Laughter rippled in the area, waking up countless salty men who fell asleep spying in the distance.

"Otherwise, as a security measure, we'll ask that you leave until you're ready to join." He continued, "Of course, you can stay for breakfast… wow, there's a lot of people here. We'll need to figure that—"

"Breakfast will be ready in thirty minutes!" Mindy called out with a waving hand.

Leon's eyes widened in surprise. When he followed the sound of her voice, he saw twenty women of various races cooking food from supplies they got from the Sanctuary.

He turned to Lindy in confusion.

"Oh, yeah. I had women get food supplies and other necessities while you were asleep." Lindy said in explanation.

Leon put his arm around her and hugged her, making her purr merrily.

Now that there were beast women, he wondered if she'd get chastised for cultural appropriation.

Leon chuckled and looked back at the group.

"As you can see, we have some extremely competent women. So we have breakfast. Please join us, and I hope you'll continue with us moving forward."

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