Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 199 - 199. Africa Plan

Magnus sat in his room, writing the decryption of Merlin's book. He kept this decrypted book with him all the time in his expansion pouch.

"Hmm, so this is how Merlin and Arthur gained the dragon abilities. I wonder if I can do it too, but I already have the ability to throw fire." He muttered to himself. ​​


Summer flew in from outside and sat down on his desk. She had a letter attached to her claws.

"Thank you for your hard work, Summer." He patted her to heart's content first and then read it. It was a forwarded letter from George. He read it calmly, all the while making some notes.

After completely reading it he started to write a letter, addressed to MEDA. "Investigate who is trying to step on the name of my family. If it's a royal family member, contact me. If it's some random person who thinks he's too powerful, just gather all the evidence of all wrongdoings they have committed and tell them to shut up or it goes public. No need to use force."

This was how easy it was to deal with some problems for him, as he had bigger things to worry about. But, he did need to broaden his influence in the news media, or else, when he becomes the king and has to take some necessary harsh steps, they will try to talk bad and pull him down.

Not just that, if his plans to make all the British Overseas Territories a part of main Britain are successful, then it is possible some might call him a slaver or coloniser, even if what he was doing was good for all these regions. For this, he needed his influence in every single news media around the world.

*Sigh* ~It seems it's time I launch my production house. Or maybe acquire a few in the states. They already have enough influence.~

Magnus closed his books and cleaned his table before leaving the room. He was going to an empty classroom to teach Charms to students who were not good at it. Surprisingly, other than students from the 1st to 7th year, there was also Ragnar.

At the same time, Magnus had asked a member of the Slug Club to come and teach him about something. And it was history. He wanted to sort out some plans for the future.

She was Elna Abara, from South Africa. Since it was known that her mind was like a library, he guessed she would know all about the history of the world, from muggle to magical side.

So after teaching a spell or technique in charms, he would sit by her side and study.

"Hmm, how did you get time to learn all this?" He asked her for her story, since he already knew her pretty well, he expected her to tell him everything.

"My father was the assistant librarian of the city library of Cape Town. He would take me there every day since we could not afford school for me. I have 4 brothers, all older than me. They were the hope of my family, that they would improve the family condition.

"But since I was always in the library, I started reading books on my own. Since I didn't go to school, books about science, maths and technical things did not interest me, nor could I understand them. So I fell in love with history books, and I used a map to learn about the world.

"Then, when I was 8, I did accidental magic in front of an aunt. She knew about the magical world as her own mother was secretly a witch. My family was elated after knowing this. But magical schools in Africa cost money, and we didn't have that.

"So my dad made me study for some competitions about spellings and history, I won them, got some money and my elder brought me to Britain. We were very nervous though, but finally, when I turned 11, a letter arrived in the mail. And as Hogwarts is free, I was able to study magic. It was because of your planned free books policy in Diagon Alley, I was able to afford the necessary items for school."

Magnus really admired her will to move forward. Even without a formal education, she got so far. Her mind was sharp, that was obvious.

"That's quite a story. Okay, will you teach me about Africa? About the whole region, its conflicts, why it's poor and all such things. Also about its magical population." Magnus asked her.

Elna confusedly looked at him, "Why would you want to know this?"

"Well, I am a big businessman. I like investing and I think Africa is an untapped market. But of course, I believe in mutual development, instead of crony capitalism." Magnus replied pridefully.

Elna nodded and drew a map of the African continent on paper. "Well, the continent can be divided in its topography. For example, the northern and mid-northern areas are poor for the most part, the reason being the Sahara Desert. In the middle and southern part, there can be found a lot of greenery. There are lots of mineral deposits too

"Despite all this, you can not call any of the countries stable. The main reasons are the ever-changing governments, coups and corruption. To be honest, all the central African countries can become very rich as long as they focus on their industries, because they have a lot of natural resources to sell. But what happens is that a few warlords take over some mines, start illegally bringing people there to mine with their hands.

"They then smuggle the output outside the country and sell it in the international market. The country's government does not get a single pound in taxes. This starts a vicious cycle where the money never reaches the people in the form of economic and infrastructure development." She explained while drawing maps of each country on the paper.

Magnus was fully focused, "What about the magical side?"

"Rarely do any of them have a centralised Magical authority like the Ministry here. Most wizards in Africa still live in tribes, and those who are more westernised have set up their secret towns. They also exploit people a little to make money. But for the most part, they have stayed away." She replied.

A plan was already forming in Magnus' head. But he was still interested in his most valuable asset in Africa, the country called Zimbabwe, it was a British Territory at the moment and from what he had ordered the queen to do, the people there had started to see Britain in a different light.

Making them happy was easy, he just provided them education, healthcare and food grains whenever there was less harvest due to less industrialised agriculture. Slowly, he hoped to take over one political party there and use it to propose a merger with Great Britain. Zimbabwe will then become Greater Britain.

"What can you tell me about Zimbabwe, about its magical side too." he inquired.

She quickly drew a bigger map of the country, "It's British territory. The country is filled with natural resources. It has a lot of coal, chromium ore, nickel, copper, iron ore, vanadium, tin, platinum group metals, such as palladium and diamonds. Globally, it is a significant producer of lithium, chrysotile asbestos and vermiculite. Magically, it's not very strong.

"But, once again, corruption is the problem. Though it's a relatively peaceful country for now."

~Hmm, she's amazing. Her in-depth knowledge about each country can help me so much. I guess we're going to have another entry in the British citizen registry. Maybe she can be my spearhead in the dream of increasing British boundaries.~

"Thank you so much Elna, this is very helpful. I might reach out to you again, by the way, if you have any need, just tell me. I am the next king of Britain after all." He said, moving forward a hand of friendship.

She shook it with a smile. It was never bad to have such strong friends after all. But, she did have a request, though she felt a bit ashamed asking this.

Magnus saw it, "You want to say something?"

Hesitantly she nodded, "I... I want to bring my parents here. It's not very safe back at home. There is no hurry though, I don't want to cause any inconvenience to you."

Magnus immediately agreed, "Just this? Haha, this is easy for me. Just tell your parents to pack their bags. The British Embassy in South Africa will contact them soon and arrange everything. I will also take care of their jobs."

"REALLY? THANK YOU, MAGNUS!" She jumped in excitement.

Magnus chuckled. No matter how smart she was, in the end, she was still a young girl, who loved her family and missed them.


Magnus suddenly felt a chill run down his body. He looked at the classroom door, ~OH! What is Emma looking at?... Elna?~

He realised there was another girl he needed to take care of. Emma lacked a good hobby, so perhaps it was time to give her a direction, so she could be busy and not eat every girl he talks to.

After an hour, his Charms tuition came to an end and he happily returned to his room. Today, he found another possible member of his Order of Merlin.

But he felt he was not doing justice to the magical world by only recruiting humans. ~Where can I replace a good enough Goblin now?~



Zenrok, the diary writer and the strongest warrior Goblin, wrote his daily entry.

[Dear Diary,

Today, I killed another wizard. There was a reward for 5,000 galleons on him. He was torturing an elf when I found him. But, when I killed him, I felt something.

I am now confused because from what I have seen, we Goblins are not too different from humans. We too are ruthless, greedy and scheming.

What gives us the right to call humans bad, when we are like this? I hope I can replace an answer to this someday. Old Mace is possibly the most savage Goblin I know, but he is also like a father. A father to whom I can not ask for the answers to my question.]

He finished writing and headed out for another hunt. He didn't like it, but it was his duty.


[A/N: To help you all. These are all the companies and shares Magnus currently owns. These do not include Magnus' inherited properties, because Camelot alone is worth more than anything Magnus can own in his life.

Investments - Muggle World


1. Futuretek industries - 51% (Rest owned by Bobby.)

2. Medtronic - 100% Private now.

3. IBM 4%

4. AMD - 10%

5. Intel 15% -> 25% soon.

6. Tonks & Tonks - 5%

7. Magic Eye Detective Agency MEDA - 100%

8. Chrysler Building - 100%

9. Hospital - 100%

10. Pfizer - 100%

11. Emrys Construction - 100%

12. Daily Mart - 60%

*** Magical Property -

1. Saint Mungo - 69%

2. Magical Daily - 100%

3. Gringotts - (?)


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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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