Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 201 - 201. Fire Side

Magnus blasted through the Charms exam. Be it theory or practical, he was the best. Even his written answers were so good, they made Flitwick copy them as they provided a different insight into the spells.

Ragnar barely passed though, but he was much better than before now. It seems that if an average wizard needed to practice a spell 100 times to understand it, Ragnar needed 1000 times to do the same. He needed to put 10 times more effort into this. ​​

But it was very frustrating for Ragnar. He was still trying his best to learn runes, and at this speed, he might surpass Magnus in it. While Magnus was studying it to make more spells, Ragnar was studying it to make physical runes. But again, Ragnar was just focusing on the Potions and Runes, so he had more time. Meanwhile, Magnus needed to worry about too many things.

"Hehe, I won the Student of the Year once again." Magnus chuckled happily in his seat. The final feast was going on at that moment. The next morning, everyone would leave.

His 2nd year was full of many surprises and achievements. Keeping the muggle world's work aside, he got Cuddles now, and also the people's admiration for defeating a 1000 years old Basilisk.

But he knew that things would only keep on getting complicated as he grows. He just hoped that he would have competent people around him he could count on.

"MAG MAG! Look, I made a new design based on the one you gave me." Emma nudged him and showed him the paper.

~Well, I can at least count on my friends for now.~ he thought and looked at the drawings.

After a while, Dumbledore took the stage and started to announce the winners of the annual events. Of course, Magnus knew about the winners.

"The house cup goes to Slytherin, they have won with 800 points. And the Student of the Year award goes to Mr Pendragon once again. He collected 400 points all by himself." Dumbeldore announced with a not so cheerful voice as last year.


The whole hall erupted in applause and cheers. But Magnus noted that it was much less than the previous year. Some were even yawning while clapping.

~Was the win so obvious this year?~ he wondered while going to the podium to take the trophy.

"Are you going to take the trophy for the next 5 years too?" Dumbledore asked him in a low voice.

Magnus smiled, "Of course, I'm paying for it after all."

He went back to his seat after saying that. He had allotted a money prize to the winner of the Student of the Year award. If he could save that money, then why not?

Dumbledore continued, "Then, let's end this evening with the feast. May you all have a blissful summer and return to school for the next term safely. To the seventh years, may you replace success in your life? Let's eat."

He clapped his hand and food appeared on the table. They all ate it merely. But Magnus was seeing a few eyes fixated on him and his trophy. He looked at them and they were all the best students in their houses. All of them also wished to win this trophy once. But he was not going to give up, it was a tough world, if you can't beat him fair and square, then you are not good enough. Magnus even stopped cheating in the Potions exam because it left a bad taste.

"Hey... look, James is looking this way." Ragnar pointed out.

Magnus looked towards the Gryfreplaceor table. He noticed the jealousy filled eyes. James was looking at the trophy, as well as Magnus.

"He's probably frustrated as his house isn't even in 2nd place this year. Let me mess with him." Magnus said and lifted the trophy. He brought it closer and started caressing it, all the while showing a big smile to James.

"Ah... he's getting angry now." Severus took joy in James' annoyance. He didn't like the boy, as he seemed very flirtatious, especially with Lily.

"Hehe, he's probably salty about that prank. Although it was done in good faith." Ragnar added.

Magnus didn't care, "Let's eat now, can't let the food cool down."

"Heh, like that can ever happen to you." Ragnar chuckled, knowing his fire powers.


The bags were packed, the rooms were cleaned. Everyone left the school and headed back to their homes. On his way, a lot of students would come and say bye to him. His popularity was constantly rising.

The likes of Elna, who received help from Magnus personally, were very active. She had her whole family brought to Britain from South Africa by now. Slowly, Magnus would start motivating her to join his cause. But, he needed her to become a citizen of Britain before he could tell her anything.

They soon got on the train and waited to get bored once again. Ragnar had brought some sweets for himself though.

"Hmm, where did you get these? They are tasty," Magnus asked.

*Nom Nom*

"I made them myself, with the help of Severus and a few elfs. These are called Healthy Chocolates, as they don't make you fat, instead they are good in protein and vitamins." Ragnar revealed.

Magnus looked in shock at the chocolate bar, "This... Did you make it? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"It needs some testing to be done. I need to know if it makes someone fat. I gave a full bag of these chocolates to a skinny boy from our house. He will eat them these holidays. If he gets fat, I'll know." Ragnar explained his plan.

"So you just caught a poor boy as a guinea pig?"

He chuckled and denied, "No, he was bullying Regulus. This is his punishment."

"Ah, from Regulus I remember, I need to give him the 2nd year notes, so he can prepare for school in advance. I'll be back in a moment." Magnus remembered and quickly left the cabin.

When Magnus was about to reach Regulus' cabin, he heard some ruckus. It was Emma's voice. There was James' voice too.

"Well, we can be friends, right? I'm a real fun guy." James claimed.

Emma scowled, "Never... Why would I stay near the boy who ran around the hallway in underwear? We all call you "The boy who ran". I don't want to be called "The friend of a nudist." And don't think I can't see. Do you think you can impress me and have revenge on Magnus? Huh, you can try all you want, I won't ever let Magnus fall into some honey-trap. He's a trillion times better than you."

Magnus, who heard all this, felt proud of this girl. She may not be the strongest, her tongue surely was. She was sharp in mind too.

He proceeded to his destination, knowing there was no point in hearing James and Sirius being shamed by a girl.

But as he reached the cabin of Gang of Slytherin, he heard some distasteful words.

"Hehehe... Your brother is a traitor, Regulus. But worry not, as long as you do your part right, our Lord will reward you," Evan Rosier, a 5th year, member of the Gang of Slytherins, said.

They were surely brainwashing poor Regulus. In the whole cabin, only Regulus was the first year. Narcissa wasn't there either as she sat in the Head boy and Head girl cabin.

~Huh, did they forget how I knocked their teeth a few days ago?~

He prepared something to send all the boys away. But as he heard them, Magnus found some valuable information.

"Yes, just wait till this Halloween. There won't be that nuisance left alive then. Finally, we will have peace in our house." Wilks, a 4th year spoke.


Evan Rosier slapped him at the back of his head, "You fool, I told you not to talk about that."

~Are they planning something big for Halloween? I should prepare for it too.~ Magnus planned.

He didn't wait and threw a small transfigured frog near the door of the cabin. There, the frog started to make noises that offended the boys. "Slytherin sucks, haha, all you are slimy snakes who only whine and know no real talent, I bet you like each other's deep dark holes too. Also, Salazar was a dumb worthless traitor. Change my mind."

This was just meant to enrage the boys. And as expected, the Gang of Slytherin chased after the voice, while cursing the Gryfreplaceors.

Magnus entered, Regulus was just sitting there silently. He was developing social issues now, this was obvious.

"Hey there, my little brother." Magnus greeted.

A big smile appeared on Regulus' face in an instant. "MAGNUS!"

Magnus laughed and took a seat, "You are surely in a tight spot. They are trying their best to brainwash you. Here, I brought you some notes for the 2nd year syllabus. You can ace it for sure."

Regulus excitedly took it. The 1st year booklet he had gotten had helped him a lot too. But his face turned worrisome, "Magnus, you need to be careful. They are planning something against you. I heard the dark lord is involved in this."

Magnus uncaringly smiled, "Well, then I will just give some practical experience to some of my friends so that can also kick some asses. Don't worry, I am pretty strong. By Halloween, I will be stronger."

He kept on talking to him for a while, trying to cheer him up. In all honesty, Magnus was now more like a big brother to Regulus than Sirius. As Sirius never even came to ask him how he was doing.

"Okay, I will go now. They will probably be back any moment now. You can contact me if you are having any trouble." He patted his head and walked out while whistling.

But, as he got out, he saw Narcissa there. She was a bit shaken that Magnus was here.

"Hehe, thanks for taking care of him. You know, my offer still stands, join my side. I know the dark side is pretty strong, but mine has healthy no-fat chocolates. Ah, and I can teach you true magic." He offered her.

She had a plain face, "And what side of magic is that? Light side?"

Magnus shrugged, "Nah, I'm no white knight. I'm a dragon rider. My side is the Fire-side, and the Fire Side of the Magic is a pathway to many abilities some consider to be unnatural. Bye-bye..."

She was confused with his words and just ignored him. But she decided to keep Magnus meeting Regulus a secret for now. After all, Regulus was her little cousin and she couldn't see him get tormented either.

[A/N: Voldemort's big attack is coming soon. I am drawing an illustration of Magnus for that scene, so it will take some time. I am also working on a very short animated clip, I hope I am able to make it good.]

[You can see Narcissa on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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