Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 22 - 22. What A Mess

Magnus woke up the next morning. Still feeling cold air touching his buttocks, he realised what had happened last night was real. He had truly achieved puberty. Not something to boast about, this just meant he was going to be attracted to the opposite sex in the future.

"Arthur, do you have a technique to ignore pretty females?" He inquired. ​​

"Of course, I have plenty. The best one is to jerk off 5 times a day. When there's nothing left in your balls, you won't feel the need to unload it into someone..." Arthur replied while making a face as if he was remembering the good old days.

Magnus nearly vomited, "What is wrong with you? You're talking to an 11-year-old kid. Eww... you are not the greatest king, you are the greatest pervert..." Magnus scolded Arthur.

He got up and went downstairs. It was his birthday and as always they were going to have a small feast.

"Mummy..." He happily gave a hug to his mom. Then to his dad.

"Happy birthday sweetie..." Grace lovingly ruffled his hair.

"Mag, you're growing too fast... Already reaching my chest." Adam noticed his height.

"Of course, it's pancake power." He jokingly replied, making Grace laugh.

"Mummy, I'm gonna help you cook today." He decided out of the blue.

"R-really? You don't want to read books?" She asked him, as that was usually what he did.

"I think I've read enough of them. I can easily pass high school if I want, mom." Magnus assuredly answered.

"That's so sweet. Come, I will show you how to cook a good meal." She was overenthusiastic about it now.

Soon, Magnus was covered in the dough but it was all worth it. He really enjoyed it. In the end, he made himself some pancakes for breakfast. They were nowhere near as perfect as what his mom made but fruits of self labour were always sweet.

Later, he happily went back to his room to see if he could produce fire from his hand again.

He always kept a small cup filled with water in case he messes up and starts a fire.

He sat on his chair and this time tried to create fire in both his palms. It took him a few minutes but he was indeed able to make a small amount of fire. He realised that he needed to focus a lot to do this.

"Maybe I should meditate or something to increase my focus. Now, let's see if I can make fire from my mouth and feet." He decided.

First, he tried it with his feet. Feet don't have as good blood circulation as other parts of the body so he was a bit sceptical that it would work.


"SEE THAT? There was a spark. I guess I am still not strong enough to do this. Okay, let's try with the mouth."




"No, only smoke comes out. So just reaching 11 does not make you fully stronger. Well, I'll be having enough time in the school." He thought to himself and stopped practising as he realised he had spent too much time at it.

Soon, the doorbell rang and he ran downstairs, he knew it was most likely Bobby.

But when Bobby and Magnus came to his room, Bobby quickly exclaimed, "MAG... YOU WON'T BELIEVE WHAT I SAW..."

"What?" Magnus asked back.

"I... I was walking with my mom towards the bank when I noticed something strange in a telephone box. MAG, the man inside it went down from it as if it was an elevator... what the hell, MAG?" Bobby was nonstop speaking.

"Hmm... did they see you watching them?" Magnus asked.

"No, I was looking at them from inside the Bank, through the window. There were two people, one with long blond hair and the other with dark." Bobby revealed.

"Hm, they could be anything, the magical people or some intelligence agency. Don't talk about this to anyone, Bobby. When I will get into the new school, I will learn about all this. But, make sure you don't get your memory wiped after being caught." He warned him.

Bobby nodded, he didn't want any trouble. "I won't. Oh, Happy birthday,"

"Haha, now you remember why you came here? Well, I got something to show you. Look at my palm." He showed off his flames.

"WOOOOAAAAH... that's so cool. You can cook the food right on your hands now, no need to pay for cooking gas." Bobby exclaimed with joy.

Magnus' brows furrowed, "Yes, we can do that. But I can also use it to fight."

When he heard that, Bobby's face fell, "You will go away this year. I will get really bored."

*Pat Pat*

Magnus patted his shoulder and said, "No, Bobby. This is your chance. Become the best in studies and assert dominance over all students. Create your own gang of followers, of those who are smart, athletic, with influential family background. I'm sure it will benefit you later a lot. Also, when we both will start a business in the future, we can use all these connections and followers."

Bobby nodded. "Where did you read all this stuff?"

"Well, Sirius left a dumb book with me. It was about the Theory of blood purity. It was all racist literature but the only good thing in it I found was that the smartest and the strongest rules the lesser smartest and strongest. So, I thought that even if we want to do good, we must become apex leaders." Magnus explained.

Bobby's jaw hung open, "Wicked, but I'm not as good as you, so you're gonna have to help me every once in a while."

"Of course, we are brothers for life, Bobby. I will also need to earn a lot of money because I want to fulfil my mummy's dream of owning her own hospital. I will gift her the biggest and best private hospital in the world. What about you? Do you have any dreams?" Magnus asked him.

Bobby thought for a second, "Hmm, I just want my dad's business to become successful and let them have some rest."

"Then we shall do all of that." Magnus motivated him.

"MAG... COME DOWN HERE..." Grace's voice came, inviting them for dinner.

They went downstairs and had a small family feast. This time, Bobby's parents did not come.


Magnus went into full Expert mode as he had less time now. He had memorised the books of all Hogwarts subjects till 4th year. He had also mastered high school level subjects. Now, his main focus was to cramp all that high school knowledge into Bobby's head. So that he can have a headstart at whatever he did in life.

From what Bobby had been studying and mastered, it was known to all that he was going to skip the 9th grade and get to 10th get directly this year. This means that by the age of 13, Bobby would have finished high school.

For a 13-year-old to be around 16 or 17 years old was going to be a challenge. They would absolutely bully him because he was younger and better than them. So, he had helped Bobby learn some fighting. Magnus' father also helped them and taught them some military moves.

To Magnus, Bobby was more like a younger brother to him. Because since Kindergarten, he had seen Bobby getting bullied, being sad or ostracised by others because of his dirty clothes. Since then, he had stayed by his side and had helped him whenever possible.

Now, he was leaving his little brother behind so of course he was slightly worried and was going to make sure everything was perfect. He didn't want all the progress and mental strength Bobby had grown to be destroyed by some good for nothing bullies.

All in all, Magnus was very protective of his family, and for some reason, this instinct has been growing stronger since the time he received his magical powers.

"Bobby, it is July now. I will be getting the letter to Hogwarts soon. Do you remember all I taught you?" Magnus asked.

"Yup, worry about yourself now, Mag. You are going into uncharted territory with no prior experience." Bobby argued.

"That is true, but I have a feeling everything will work out," Magnus replied.

What followed after this was an excited Magnus, opening the door every day when someone rings the doorbell, hoping to get the letter. But, nobody came. After a few days, he just stopped caring.



Mrs McGonagall was sitting in a chamber where the Book of Admittance was kept. It was that time of the year when the letters were sent out.

Those with earlier magical heritage were sent an owl and the muggles were given a letter by a Hogwarts faculty because explaining it to muggles was very hard.

She does this every year and had gotten very good at it. While reading the names of the soon to become 1st years, she stumbled upon a strange name. She jolted up, realising it was the name Dumbledore had told her to keep an eye out for.

She quickly closed the book and went to the Headmaster's office. Dumbledore was there, but nobody knew what he actually did while staying inside.

She excitedly entered, "Professor, I found it. The name you were looking for. But I believe there is a slight altercation."

"What's the matter, Minerva? Does he not have Pendragon in the name?" Dumbledore asked from his seat behind the table, looking like an old knowledgable man.

"No, it indeed has Pendragon, but what concerns me is one of his middle names. In the book, his full name is Magnus Grant Emrys Pendragon. Albus, wasn't this the surname of Great Wizard Merlin?" She asked him with a little tint of excitement in her voice.

Hearing this, Dumbledore's eyes shined brighter than a thousand nukes. The old fox had his brain running on overdrive.

"Minerva, leave his letter here. I will personally go to meet him." He decided.

McGonagall was taken aback but didn't disagree. The principal had every right to go and meet the kid's parent to teach them about magic.


Magnus' Home

*Knock Knock*

"COMING..." Magnus shouted from his room and came running.

Magnus opened the door and was taken aback. There it was, a tall old man with a domineering air around him, in white old robes that looked prettier in museums. Then there was the weird pointy cap.

"Woah... Your beard is... Magnificent." Magnus muttered the first words that came to his mind after seeing the man.

The old man chuckled and replied, "Well thank you for the compliment."

"I am Albus Percival Wulfric Brian Dumbledore, the Headmaster of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. Magnus, do you have your parents at your home?" Dumbledore asked nicely.

Magnus' jaw was hung open. He had gotten quick and to the point whenever he spoke nowadays, so he spoke whatever comes to his mind. "That is a very long name."

~Your name is just one word shorter than mine, boy.~ Dumbledore thought internally but didn't say it aloud. He was still assessing Magnus. He could very well feel great untapped power inside him, likes of which he had not felt even in himself or... in him... From the way Magnus spoke, he seemed quick but not arrogant, signs of a good upbringing.

Before coming here, he had checked out his family background. So, he knowingly came at the time when Magnus was alone and his parents were about to come back home.

If Magnus had just had Pendragon in the name, then he may not have so overzealously tried to meet him, but now, as he had the name of Merlin too, he couldn't ignore it. Magical history knew that Merlin and Arthur were close like two brothers, so, it was not too suspicious if Magnus had inherited both of them.

But, one thing he was sure that it was not natural inheritance. Magnus received it by some method. He was not interested in knowing it, as the result was in front of him, and if Merlin's inheritance saw Magnus fit then he had no problem either.

Merlin was known to be a wizard who advocated peace and equality, something he believed in too. Also, Dumbledore was now planning on grooming Magnus to become a person like Merlin when he grows up and lead the Magical world to new heights of harmony, peace and advancement.

Only if he knew how cunning the real Merlin and Arthur were.

"No, mum and dad will be coming home soon. Do you have the letter with you? I need to know if you are really the person from Hogwarts." Magnus demanded. He was not going to let a stranger enter his home just like that.

But Dumbledore was baffled. He had read the records, Magnus was a muggle with a muggle family. He shouldn't know about the letter.

"Do you know about the magical world?" Dumbledore asked.

Magnus nodded, "Yes, my friend is also magical. His name is Sirius."

"Sirius Black? Well, he's a good lad. Much better than the rest. Does anyone else know about this?" Dumbledore inquired more.

Magnus shook his head, "No, I didn't even tell my parents."

Dumbledore nodded and handed Magnus the letter.

He could only take Magnus' words at face value because he was not foolish enough to try to look inside his head. He had seen what the curse of Merlin was doing to the royal family, he didn't want to face the ire of the old legend.


It was Adam. He ran out of his car and shouted, "STAY AWAY FROM MY SON! Magnus, go back in and call the police. There is circulation going on that a paedophile is roaming around this neighbourhood."

Magnus looked at his dad and then Dumbledore's annoyed face and didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Dumbledore was also annoyed because it was the first time someone labelled him a paedophile... well not the first but still, he was not that and didn't like being called that.

"Mr Grant, I am not who you think I am... I am the headma" Dumbledore defended himself.

But Adam pulled out his gun, "STEP AWAY FROM THE DOOR AND MY SON..."

Dumbledore just realised that it was not the best decision to come here when Magnus was alone, especially when the parents were army personnel, who were overprotective of their child.

~What a mess.~


[A/N: This was a fun chapter to write. Dumbledore in the story is not the EVIL guy. He is this same old scheming senile old fool.]

[You can see Dumbledore on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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