Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 222 - 222. A Bad Tone Of Voice

"But, how did you retrieve her? Didn't they need someone to go back in the past too?" Magnus inquired.

*Sigh* ​​

"Well. It was 1899, they just looked for me, as I was the only known kind living person that had been alive for many centuries. So, in 1899, the ministry came to me on their knees, asking me for help.

"I couldn't deny, because the consequences of what had happened were huge. If I didn't do anything, it was possible that nobody would be born and only I and a few more extremely old wizards would have survived.

"So, I found a way to send thoughts through time. Of course, I had the full help of the Department of Mysteries of the British Ministry. I was able to send it to myself back in the 1400s. Then, my old self looked for Eloise Mintumble. It wasn't very hard, as she was caught by wizards of old Britain, but they were not believing her and instead torturing her. I saved her, then sent her back with the time turner.

"Me, in 1899 was there when she returned, totally withered like a dying tree," Nicolas explained in detail.

Magnus was honestly shocked and excited at the same time. The adventures this old man in front of him had were so amazing. Creating a way to send information back in time, isn't that like a cheat? You can tell yourself which company to invest in.

"CAN I USE THIS? This thought time travel?" Magnus excitedly asked.

"NO! I know what you are thinking, get rich easy. I know a greedy boy when I see one. Now go and study." Nicolas barked.

"We're done. Everything you told us, we have done. Memorising, reading, experimenting. Now only the magical shielding for muggle items with alchemy and studying philosopher's stone is left." Magnus said, Ragnar also nodding.

Nicolas grunted, "Ah... Damn you two and your quick brains. It's only been 2 weeks. I spent hundreds of years studying and creating all this."

"Didn't you do it for the future generation though? Like how the inventions of the past are helping this generation. And you should be happy you don't have to teach us for a century, right?" Magnus corrected him.

Nicolas sighed and moved to his room. "Come, I will show you how to magicproof muggle items."

At the lab, Nicolas showed magic proofing Magnus' phone. Nicolas took it and dipped it in some kind of a liquid that then stuck around the phone.

"What was that?" Ragnar inquired, sensing the opportunity to learn new potions.

"Huh, it's nothing, just some silicon and a few magical items here and there, mixed them well enough, it turns into this. This just keeps the magic from touching the internal parts of items. Try it." He handed the phone back.

Magnus turned its screen on and cast a simple Lumos around it with his wand. But nothing happened, no disturbance, the phone didn't die, the signals were decent.

"This is... so simple... and amazing. Here I was looking for runes and stuff, and you just painted it." Magnus said in wonder.

Nicolas scoffed, "Huh, those goblins do that, their ways are inferior to mine, mainly because they are very self-centred creatures. When one goblin dies, they usually take all their research to their grave, not passing it on, due to this, no advancement happens anywhere except their forging skills."

"Will you teach me? This will help us a lot." Ragnar asked while making puppy eyes. Snape was also there, silently listening to everything.

"Why do you think I showed this to you? Go and get your potions instruments ready, and Magnus, I already know you are not going to be any good at this thing. You should go and study the philosopher's stone." Nicolas told him.

Magnus didn't wait for a second more and ran away to Nicolas' study. Where the stone was kept in a box.

He happily hopped to it and took out the stone, wanting to see its secrets. He may never know how Nicolas made it, but he sure could learn things based on it.

"Hmm, if a normal person was to see this they'd think it's a normal crystal." He muttered.

He quenched the urge to lick it once. He'd rather not die from some strange philosopher's stone poisoning and continued to study.

"Can it absorb magic?" He wondered and tried to send his fire to it, which was pure magic from his body.

"It doesn't. It's got pretty limited effects, it seems. Let's try making gold." He muttered and got to work.


The motive of Magnus to come and study with Nicolas was to get an understanding of alchemy. Later he can also experiment on his own.

But, it seemed that Ragnar was the one who benefited the most from this visit. He not only learned new potions but also a few new things about runes.

Severus was also able to learn a few new potions and clear out some theories about others. To him as well, the visit was bountiful.

The philosopher's stone didn't intrigue Magnus much now. As he was not interested in immorality nor the puny amount of gold it could make. Maybe it would have more uses but for now, Magnus didn't have time to spend researching on it.

"Professor, thank you for teaching us. I hope you will have an easy time living here. And if you replace anybody troubling you just tell me, you don't have to get your hands dirty anymore." Magnus respectfully said as he stood at the door, preparing to leave.

Mrs Flamel smiled and responded, "No dear, you came here, it brought a new charm to this house. We get bored here lazing around anyway."

"Hehe, you should come to my house someday. My mum would love to meet you." Magnus invited her. He knew his mum would have a blast talking to a 600 years old woman. His mother loves talking about history and who better to talk about it than the person who lived through the said history.

"Sure, child. Be sure to visit us again, you too Ragnar and Severus." She nicely said bye to them.

Then Magnus called Abe and teleported back to his home with him.

Once Magnus was gone, Nicolas went back to his living room and decided to watch the television.

"Haha, finally, I can once again watch television in peace." He relaxed.

But Mrs Flamel chuckled, "Ha, you can lie all you want to yourself Nic, but your face always tells the truth."

Nicolas ignored her true words and switches the television on. *BOOM*

Pieces of glass, metal and wires spread around as smoke dissipated. This was all that was left of the television.

Nicolas' face had been smoked and now black residue stuck to his face. It wasn't hard to guess what happened.

"DAMN YOU MAGNUS!" He cursed while looking at the door.

Mrs Flamel meanwhile laughed heartily. "Dear, look there, it's a letter."

It must have fallen from the television. Nicolas opened it and read it. It was sure enough from Magnus. "Haha, I just made a reverse magic proofing potion. And you thought I'd forget the prank you pulled on me when I arrived?

"The dragon always has the last laugh. Oh, don't worry about the television though, I will send you the latest model prototype with superior picture quality and of 32-inch size screen.


A smile curved upon Nicolas' lips. Which teacher wouldn't be happy to see his students become stronger than him? It was proof for the teacher that his knowledge helped the child to go one step ahead than himself."


Magnus and his two friends arrived home. It was filled with activities since his grandparents had arrived.

"Grandma! Grandpa! Magnus ran to them for a hug." It had been a long time since he had seen them.

"Haha... Come here, my little prince." Maria Lewis Pendragon, Magnus' grandma spoiled him.

Initially, their surname only consisted of Lewis, but then on Grace's request, they updated it according to the plan of Magnus. They were really happy about how Magnus was going to be the next King.

Maria turned to Ragnar, who knew this was her other grandson. "What are you waiting for? Keeping your grandma without a hug is bad manners."

Ragnar obliged and gave his new grandmother a hug, she was certainly very beautiful for an old woman, today he understood how his mother was so pretty.

Magnus then ran to his grandpa who sat beside Grace in the garden, "Grandpa, how's your back pain?"

"Cheeky boy, is that the first thing you want to ask me?" Martin ruffled his hair.

"Hehe... Mum, I'm going to take a bath." Magnus also gave a hug to his dear mum.

She as always kissed his forehead, "Take Chad with you, he goes out these days and gets into fights, only to get dirty."

Magnus turned to look at Chad who was lazily sitting by the water fountain in the garden, but he kept a safe distance between himself and the water.

"Chad, come with me," Magnus ordered him.

But, Chad tried to avoid looking at him, however, the fat furry cat was still looking at Magnus from the corner of his eyes.

"I know you can hear me, don't try to be smart. Come here," Magnus went to pick him up.


Magnus looked at him with bigger astonished eyes, he seriously shouted to shock Chad, "YOU DARE SPEAK TO ME IN THAT TONE OF VOICE, BOY?!"

Chad was taken aback, he stayed silent for a few seconds and looked left and right, all eyes were on him, but, he went for it, "MEOW MEOW!"

"YOU LITTLE!" Magnus chased after him while Chad tried to run away. But how far could he go against a wizard who could just accio the furry ball?


[A/N: The last scene was inspired by a youtube clip.]

[You can see Chad on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]



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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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