Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 259 - 259. A Request

Ragnar sternly rejected his idea. "NO! We made this rule the moment we learned it. We can't snoop in on each other, because that means you don't trust each other. *Sigh* I will try to ask more."

"Fine, you can try, I will go to my office. Tell me if you replace anything strange. Keep an eye on Gang of Slytherins, maybe they did something." He proposed and left.

Ragnar went straight to his dorm room. But, to his surprise, he found Severus there. "I thought you were going to Professor Slughorn?"

"He was busy." Severus blurted. This was how he talked these days, rarely making more than one sentence.

Ragnar went by his side and sat down, "Sev, my brother, what's the matter? You seem so strange these days. Magnus is also worried, tell me if something is bothering you, we can replace a solution together."

"There's nothing. I am just trying to focus on my studies more. Magnus is already an immensely wealthy person, along with that he is strong. You are his real bother now, you also own a personal business as well as your potions talent is great. But I have to work harder if I want to become something in this life." Severus said, of course, he was lying. He was just coming up with an excuse so the Dark Lord does not think he's faking it. It really scared him that he does not even know if the Dark Lord is listening to him.

~Look into my head for god's sake.~ Severus was internally cursing Magnus and Ragnar. But, the rule of never breaching into each other's mind was also his own idea so he had himself to curse for that.

Ragnar felt this was not the whole truth, but he accepted it for now. "Is that all? Then you should ask both of us if you want anything. I just started my new potions factory, you should open one too. The world is huge, we both can have some healthy competition while remaining a monopoly."

"I will think about it." Severus agreed.

Seeing not much progress made, Ragnar went to his desk and kept a secret eye on what Severus did.


Magnus was in his office,

He had invited the leader of Camelot Goblins, Goldruk.

"Hmm, the magic presence is good in this castle."

"Take a seat, Goldruk. I asked you to come here because I have a mission for you and the other Goblins of Camelot. This will make you rich and powerful in this part of the world." He started.

Goldruk became excited when he heard this. "What is it, your majesty? Whatever it is, we promise to complete it with full efficiency."

Magnus nodded, "I want you to take over Gringotts."

Goldruk became serious and a greedy smirk appeared on his face, "We will do it, your majesty. Just give me one day, I will gather the army and attack the bank."

( ̄▽ ̄)"

"What?! No, Goldruk, you misunderstood me. I wasn't talking about taking over with weapons. Instead, I was talking about taking over by sending your men to the bank, taking up important positions and slowly taking over the handling of the back. I want this to be a secret invasion.

"My biggest reason is that they have become too greedy, so much so that they are even ready to side with the devil. Recently one of their own was attacked, but they ignored it and continued to deal with the dark wizards." He explained in detail.

Goldruk sneered, "They are a shame to the goblin race then. We goblins should remain united, that's the trick to staying alive in a world filled with many bigger and stronger species. Don't worry, your majesty, I will surely take over the bank in one year. Do you have any suggestions on where we should start?"

Magnus was happy, he opened his notebook and explained the plan, "See, I have already taken in a high ranking warrior goblin of the bank. He is totally on our side. So he will use his authority to hire your men to join the bank's warriors.

"But you will slowly influence the whole bank community and make sure the warrior goblins get their own decision-making power in the bank's administration. Once you are able to reach the upper level, taking over everything should not be that hard."

"Aha... so the road to taking over the bank does lead through my sword. Good, I haven't been able to test my latest creation yet. I will go and start preparing your majesty." Goldruk said, and quickly left with a special portkey.

Magnus couldn't even say his last words. ~I hope I won't regret it.~

Next, Rita Skeeter was here, it had been a really long time since he had seen her. "Take a seat, Miss Skeeter."

"Good morning, your majesty. I read the papers, you held a party in the common room for fresher students, it's a really great idea for making the new students comfortable." She praised him. This was one of her job profiles, to lick boots.

"Thank you, I have better and bigger news. This morning, I was successfully able to cast a full Corporeal Patronus charm. The corporeal was not an animal, instead, a mysterious female humanoid being with large wings like an angel. Professor Moody was there so you can confirm from him." He revealed.

She became excited, "REALLY? This... this will be great news, sir. You might just be the youngest person to achieve this in history."

He embarrassingly smiled, "Well, your job is to spread the word as per your job. Now, tell me how was your trip to the United States?"

She comfortably sat back and started telling him, "I wanted an authentic muggle experience so I went there by flight. It was long and tiring but I had taken the first class so I think it was supposed to be better than normal. I personally felt it was a waste of time, as there was nothing to do on the plane other than sleep.

"When I landed at the airport, I took a taxi and went straight to MACUSA. Sir, I mean no offence but MACUSA headquarters is much better looking than our Ministry. They are situated in a huge skyscraper that is charmed to repel muggles.

"The building goes as deep as it rises above the ground, so it has so much space. I was able to meet the minister there, she said she wanted to meet you someday. The good thing I found there was that pureblood supremacy was non-existent. Other than this, I was able to travel to many magical communities.

"I returned now with a camera full of images and lots of material to write amazing articles from."

Magnus heard her with focus. ~Hmm, they got a better building? Huh, just wait, I will make an even better one here later.~

"Good job, Miss Skeeter. Here are 10,000 galleons for you as a reward. Treat yourself to something good. Ah, what happened to the next book you were writing about me?" He inquired.

"I am still compiling materials, sir. It's just that nothing major has happened involving you since the last book so I have no material for its ending," she told him.

Magnus sighed, "Hmm... then continue waiting, I think something will eventually happen by the end of this year. You may leave now, I have to go to the Headmaster."

Rita gathered her documents and hurried out. She may have formed a good relationship with Magnus now and Magnus didn't treat her like his slave, she still felt somewhat terrified of him.


Magnus left his office and headed to Dumbledore. He wanted to take the next step in his magical mastery today. It was something denied to every single student in the school.

But Magnus knew one thing, "How can I defeat the Dark Wizards when I don't even know the magic they use. So, I must learn Dark Magic."

With the intent of making Dumbeldore agree to let him study it, he walked in. The Gargoyle statue was now programmed to let Magnus enter whenever he needs it.

"REEE..." Fawkes and his little family greeted him. It seems he had brought his wife and son to permanently settle here.

"Go back and meet Grandma from time to time, she would miss Rex otherwise." He advised his bird friend.

Fawkes looked at his wife and nodded. The next thing he knew, the family flew out of the office together, probably on their way to Camelot.

"Oh... I was painting their portrait." Dumbeldore suddenly groaned. He was sitting by his table, with some paint colours and a small canvas on the table.

Magnus chuckled, "So this is what the "busy" headmaster of Hogwarts does in school."

*Cough* "I just had some free time today, Magnus. Come, take a seat." Dumbeldore invited him as he set the table clean.

But then he took out a cigarette-like thing from his pocket, popped it into the mouth and burned one end with a snap of his finger.

"Since when did you start smoking?" Magnus asked in shock.

"This is not a cigarette, this is called Lemon Inhaler. I developed it with the same concept as a cigarette, but it has no harmful chemicals or materials. It only has some lemon extract, vanilla flavour and magic to make it all burn." Dumbledore had joy on his face as he explained.

Magnus was dumbfounded ~This old man... lemon is his cocaine.~

"Have you ever thought about selling it? We can make many flavours. If I can replace a way to make it with muggle methods, we can create them as a harmless alternate to cigarettes." Magnus suggested his business plan.

This time Dumbledore was dumbfounded. "This... Magnus, I must say, I have never met a person in my life who makes money faster than you. *Sigh* Well, seeing you are my great great great grand or something nephew and only descendent left, sure, you can have the recipe and make it a business."

"AWESOME! I will make billions out of it." He cheered and wrote something in his notebook.

Dumbledore took a good puff and asked, "So, why did you come to meet me? I'm sure this old man is not interesting enough for you boy, who throws parties without even asking me for permission."

*Cough* Magnus choked, "Oh, that... well that was unplanned."

"Hmm, the elfs sending food too? Haha... it's fine, I like your idea of these harmless parties. It creates unity. But, next time you want to throw a party, take my permission, and do it in the Great hall so all can join." Dumbledore instructed.

"BUT... The Great Hall won't even allow couples to kiss each other. Romance is a very important part for these parties to be successful. Also, kissing should be fine, you only want to stop unwanted pregnancies, right? That you can do, but don't stop couples from being close to each other. You know better than everyone that we need more wizard babies now than ever." Magnus advised him seriously.


"You're right. I will make kissing an exception for it then. Okay, I need to go out soon, so what did you come here for?" He asked again.

Magnus chirped his request, "I want to learn Dark Magic."

Dumbledore gave a reply in a split second, "DENIED."

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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