Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 266 - 266. REEEEEE...

Magnus was in his room today. He was setting up his computer. It was not very hard, all things were already fixed in the CPU. All he needed to do was connect the screen and a few other devices.

This computer was the most advanced and the latest version of what FutureTek was making. It had the latest chip, made after extensive study of Intel's. But this one used a much smaller architecture, meaning more processing power. Magnus had specifically asked them to make an experimental unit for him with as much processing power as they could put on a chip.

They did as asked but their problem then was that cooling was not sufficient. So, Magnus was going to use magic to keep this bad boy cool. This experimental chip was called BB-X. Magnus had named it personally and everyone in the company had adopted it.

However, Bobby was angry at him, because the chip was literally named after his nickname that he hated so much. But, the damage was done already and he had no choice but to accept it.

"What are you even going to do with this computer?" Ragnar asked, while he also helped Magnus unpack some items.

"Hehe, I will use this to create programmes that can help me make rune schemes. Currently, we have to try and test every time, but as long as we keep on compiling data for all our tests, we can create a program that can run the simulation and tell us if our method or runes are going to work or not. It may not be 100% perfect, but it should be able to tell us if we're going to fail or not." Magnus planned.

Ragnar was honestly shocked, but then he noticed something. "WOAH! This is awesome. But why are you creating a cabinet to hide this computer? It's just the three of us in the room."

"Exactly, it's three of us. Did you not notice? Severus always runs away when we start talking about something secretive. I suspect that someone has forced him to become a spy. But only one method can be used to make him a spy. So I have sent someone to check up on his mother." Magnus said.

Ragnar felt angry, "Those bastards, what if they have really kidnapped his mother?"

"Then we will kill some people and save some people. But, to make sure that Severus does not have to run away and put himself at risk, we can not talk about any secrets. Instead... hehe... we should talk about the craziest and silliest things we can to make whoever is snooping angry. And I think it's most likely Voldemort since he sees me as one of his biggest enemies." Magnus planned.

"What do we talk about? We don't even know what he looks like." Ragnar asked.

"Heh, I have asked someone to make us a portrait of him. Based on the rumours he will make it and send it to us by evening." Magnus said.

Ragnar chuckled and planned what he would say.


"Ah, it's on. Hehe, can't believe they seriously made a UI for this machine. The memory storage must have cost them a fortune." Magnus used the mouse to move the cursor around.

The screen was like a coloured television, and there were lines of texts that could be clicked on(Basically folders but with no icons, only text.)

"Rag, hand me one of the empty floppies." He said. He then inserted it into the computer and started typing like crazy. He felt like some kind of a crazy scientist.

In the past few years, Bobby just out of enthusiasm kept on sending any good new computer science-related book he could replace. Magnus too, in his thirst for all kinds of knowledge, kept on reading them. So, slowly he developed pretty good computer coding abilities. But his motives were all tilted towards magic.

Ragnar shrugged and walked to his own table, "Well, enjoy your evil plots. I'm going to read about how babies are made."


"WHAT?! Why do you want to read about how babies are made?" Magnus asked him with raised eyebrows.

~Damn my mouth.~ Ragnar cursed himself as he sweated.

"Ah... well... I have a friend who can't have babies so I thought I could maybe make a potion to help him juice some of them out." Ragnar stutteringly answered.

(•ˋ _ ˊ•)

"THAT'S ME, YOU BASTARD!" Magnus shouted, but then his face became softer.

"Do you really think the potion can solve it?" He asked him seriously.

Ragnar shrugged, "Who knows, brother. But if a potion can make it stand tall as a flag pole, why can't a potion heal your impotence? Nothing is impossible, I just haven't found how to make it possible yet."


Magnus gave him a hug. "Thanks, Ragnar. You're the best potioneer in the world. If there is anybody who can make such a potion, it has to be you."

Magnus was very good at hiding his own feelings, while good at reading others. So he had never really told anyone, but he was terrified after replaceing out that he couldn't have kids. He felt scared that even after he becomes the king, he might be the last one.

So replaceing a fix for this was a top priority. Hell, he was looking for alchemical ways to fix it, even looking for some runes he could inscribe on his dong to make it work normally.


Ragnar smiled and patted his back, "We're brothers, this is the least I could do. Besides, when our new sibling grows up, I will need new little younglings to play with. Ah... I remember once when a little sleeping baby held my finger with his tiny hand. It was the best feeling in the world."

"Then have your own kids, Rag. Why pin your dreams on me?" Magnus inquired with raised brows.

Ragnar shook his head, "Nah, I'm too crazy to be a good father. I'm afraid most girls would creep out when they truly know me. So, I have decided to marry my profession. I will become the best Potioneer in the world, maybe a decent wizard too."

"I guess our new siblings will be our tests. If we can be good with them, I think we can be good fathers. But, F*CK! We're just 13, Rag. Let's not talk about this stuff. I'm going back to work." He was disgusted by himself, most likely cringed too.

Ragnar did the same and the afternoon came to an end.


"We have an announcement to make today." Dumbledore stood by the podium in the great hall. It was dinner time.

All the students became silent and let the old man speak. "As most of you probably know, Hogwarts is not the only school that teaches magic in the world. There are many more, strong ones too.

"So, my friend Nicolas Flamel suggested that we strengthen ties with the wizarding school in France, Beauxbatons Academy of Magic. We are going to be holding a few competitions with that school every year from now on, possibly more schools will join later.

"These competitions will range from Potioneering, Safe Duelling, Transfiguration, Quick and the biggest of all an inter-school Quidditch Cup. The timing of these is scheduled for December, just before the Christmas holidays.

"Only students in or above 3rd year are allowed to participate. To select who will be going to Beauxbatons Academy of Magic, first, an inter-house competition will take place in all these branches. 5 students from each category will be sent, as well as two Quidditch teams will be sent.

"However, let me warn everyone." Dumbledore gave his iconic tilted gaze look, which was a sign of warning and that he was very serious. "This is a matter of pride for Hogwarts. So I expect the best behaviour from all who will eventually go. Hence, all those who try to cheat, or are caught cheating, will be given the strictest punishment. Ranging from detention, being held back from graduating into the next school year or outright expulsion from the academy.

"Let's eat now."

Dumbledore went to his seat. He was originally planning on restricting the competition for just 5th-7th years, but knowing Magnus, he relented. He already knew that at most, Magnus, Ragnar and Severus would be going. All the other 3rd-4th year students just don't stand a chance to beat the older students.

As soon as this announcement was made and they were free to talk, the whole hall erupted in loud talks and cheers. The teachers smiled seeing this, as this cheerfulness was spreading positivity.

Magnus and Ragnar were the same. They both proclaimed that they shall win glory for the school.

"Emma, start practising. I'm going to get real serious this quidditch season." Magnus advised her.

Emma's eyes shined. She was about to jump and hug Magnus but controlled, "YES! This season will be LEGENDARY!"

However, when they saw Severus, Magnus turned to Ragnar and nodded. So, both of them started talking crap about Voldemort.

"Rag, what do you think about Bald people? Aren't they just the ugliest?" Magnus started.

Ragnar showed disgust, "Ugh... Bald wizards are the worst. Look at their crappy fashion sense. Haha... and how their bald heads are always shining."

"Pfft... Ragnar, I heard Voldemort is also bald. I wonder if he gets any women." Magnus added.

Ragnar was quick to deny, "Nope, that face... only a mother could love. Wait... if I was his mother, I'd throw him away."

"True, he truly is one ugly thing. He should call his order of Death Eaters, Shit Eaters, because only that can explain why most of them look like crap." Magnus said.

Ragnar laughed, "AHAHA... Mag, what if... that's how they really look? I mean... your theory of Inbreeding is real after all."

Magnus scowled, "Yeah, they are indeed a bunch of inbreds. I guess all of them should have just dropped on their heads and died the moment they were born. Especially that Voldemort."

"Do you think Voldemort is his real name?" Emma asked, unknowingly taking part in this bashing.

Magnus denied, "Of course not. I bet his real name was so ugly, he decided to change it."

"I'm ready to bet money on this fact." Ragnar poured oil on the fire.

Both of them ate merrily and continued to bash Voldemort. Severus just silently ate his food, but felt great joy in his heart.


In an unknown location, in a shack.

Voldemort had been listening to everything. He was delighted when he heard the announcement. But what came next blinded him in rage. His slit eyes became red, he rubbed his hand on his bald head every time it was made fun of.

Then he was called an inbred, and that made him crazy. "I WILL KILL THEM! REEEEEEEEE...."

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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