Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 286 - 286. Price Is Paid

The battle ended just a few hours before sunrise, so many were still awake and those who were too tired or injured were resting. The infirmary was full of those injured, Magnus because he was not so serious and just tired, was sent to sleep in his dorm room to sleep. The classes for the day were suspended as previously planned, but instead of relaxing from last night's party, they were relaxing from the battle.

However, as the world continued to move on, many newspapers did their part and brought the breaking news to the world. The first ones to get it were the people of the British Magical circle. And it shocked them to no limit.

"I'm going to Hogwarts," Newt packed his suitcase as soon as he read the first page of the paper.

Tina didn't stop him, instead, she also packed her stuff, "I'm going too. Things have gotten too out of hands."

At the same time, in another house in the far south of the United Kingdom, Nicolas Flamel got the news. "This boy, he's probably devastated right now. Perenelle, I'm going to Hogwarts. Dumbledore needs a good lesson on how to catch Dark Wizards it seems. How can he let a child face so much pressure."


United States of America

President of MACUSA office.

The president had changed since the last time Magnus accidentally spoke to the president. Last time it was female, but now it was someone else, newly elected.

It was none other than Magnus' 1st year DADA professor, Harrison. He read the Magical Daily, Magnus' own newspaper. Finding out what had transpired in Hogsmeade shocked him. But, for some reason, when he read that Magnus fought 1200 werewolves and still won, it didn't surprise him.

He realised that this was because he always connected Magnus with Merlin and it was expecting off of him. But on second thought, he felt bad, because as his teacher, albeit for just 1 year, he had learned the kind of person Magnus was. Kind, strong and focused. He felt bad for him.

So he called his council of heads and made a decision. "MACUSA shall do all it can to aid the Ministry of Magic and King Pendragon in dealing with this cruel crazed dark wizard. It is clear that Voldemort has amassed an army, even werewolves followed him. We don't know who else is with him.

"And it's clear from the analysis that Voldemort's aim is the world, not just Europe. Hence, to avoid another Grindelwald situation, we should act when we have the opportunity. Mr Walter, as the head of public relations, you inform the muggle president Nixon about Voldemort. Try not to scare him too much."

With that, MACUSA was ready to hunt for Voldemort.


At the same time, many world leaders in the field of Magic were reacting to this news. They were either uncaring about it or interested.

China's Grandmaster of Magic, Guang Genghis was a distant descendant of Genghis Khan. Unlike most countries, the leader of the Chinese magical community was usually a clan head of a strong clan and selection was strength-based. He had been in power for the past 50 years. His strength was clear by the fact that the government had no control over him, instead, it was the opposite. But he rarely meddled in muggle matters.

"*Sigh* West had a lot of strong wizards, but too bad they can't learn to live in peace. Hopefully, this Merlin boy can do something good."

Japan's Minister of Magic, Kuroyama Amaterasu, a descendant of the 1st emperor's clan, was the elected leader of the Japanese wizarding community. The Japanese muggle and magical community were at one point feudal styled, but after the world war, not just the muggle but also the magical world was changed into a western democratic style. Their reaction was the same as the United States, but instead of actively helping they would just do it if asked and at the same time tighten control so no help is provided to Voldemort.

India's Minister of Magic, Chandrashekhar Maurya, a descendant of Emperor Chandragupta Maurya was the current leader. His family was a recurring leader of the ministry for centuries. But, the Indian Ministry of Magic was completely cut-off from the muggle side, the reason was that the muggle side was too conservative and repellant to change. That was the reason that even now the Indian economy was poor, instead of harnessing globalisation, they kept the country closed trying to save their industries, following the Soviet model. This in turn was just damaging them more. Hence, the Ministry hated the muggle administration.

But, the Indian magical communities, like China and Japan, were old and strong communities. What happened in the world mattered to them. However, the United Kingdom was too far away. Hence, they just kept an eye on the situation, mainly how Magnus will solve it.

Russian Commissioner for Magic, Ivan Maxim, was the same as the rest. They were more interested in Magnus than Voldemort or what happened.

And this was the first time that Magnus truly caught the eye of every single wizard in the world, big or small.


Hogwarts, Slytherin Dorms,

It was 9 AM in the morning, his Dorm Room was empty, Severus was probably with his mother and Ragnar was most likely brewing potions for the injured. Magnus was hurt and healing.


Magnus' mobile phone vibrated under his pillow. It woke him up with a jolt. Immediately light from the window entered his eyes, making him shrink them. He had slept like a log and didn't even know how long he'd been sleeping.

"HORRR..." Summer worriedly flew to him and caressed her head on Magnus' cheek. He chuckled and patted her head, "Hehe... I'm fine, Summer. Don't worry."

He took the phone and looked, "Ah... it's mum."

He picked it up and talked as cheerfully as he could, "MUM! GOOD MORNING!"

Grace's worried voice came from it, "Why it took you so long? Are you okay, sweetie?"

Magnus frowned, Grace's motherly instincts were too magical. "Yes, mum. I just slept a bit more than usual as yesterday we were trick or treating till late at night."

"Oh, how was your Halloween? You told me it'd be a big party so I didn't call yesterday." She asked him.

Magnus sighed, "It was fun, I had ordered food from around the world. The party was explosive and huge. We jumped around, flew around on brooms, threw magic firecrackers and many more 'fun' things."

Grace took a sigh of relief, "That's amazing, Magnus. I'm glad you're enjoying yourself. I was feeling anxious since yesterday morning for some reason. Ah... Chad wasn't to say something."


Magnus chuckled, "Boy, you wanna talk to summer? Here you go."

He got up from the bed and put the phone near Summer, she put her ear on it and answered Chad.

Magnus meanwhile stretched his aching body and changed his clothes. Looking around, he realised he was in his own room. He didn't even remember how he came here at night.



All of a sudden Emma slammed the door open and jumped into a tight hug with him. He was taken aback but she was crying so he just patted her back. Seeing Ragnar standing at the door, Magnus raised his eyebrows in question.

He chuckled, "This dumbass was flying over the whole Forbidden Forest for the whole night looking for you, we just found her an hour ago, tired and dehydrated."

Magnus became softer and instead caressed her dishevelled hair. "I'm sorry, I just fell asleep after the fight was over and didn't remember you were still searching for me. You should have come back sooner."

"B-But... I thought you died and those werewolves ate you completely." she cried.

He let her hug him as he tried to let her calm down. After 20 minutes, she finally stopped sobbing. "Here, drink this potion for energy, and go to sleep right now. There, Summer will take care of you."

He made Emma lay down on his bed and tucked her under the warm blanket, she looked at his face with watery eyes and rosy face, "I will beat you for being so reckless later. But I... need to sleep now."

She was too tired from flying all night. It was also very comforting to sleep in Magnus' bed though. Like a switch turning off, she fell asleep immediately. Summer was done talking on the phone so Magnus picked it up again. "Mum, are you okay? Is my little sister fine?"

Grace chuckled, "I don't even know the gender, Magnus. Don't be disappointed if it turns out to be a boy. And yes, I'm fine. Oh, didn't you just wake up... quick go and eat breakfast, I will call again later?"

She quickly hung up. Magnus just sighed and looked at Ragnar, "She's too caring about us man, she must never know what goes on in the Magical World."

Ragnar nodded, "I agree. Especially now when she's pregnant. Anyway, come with me, you're needed at Infirmary."

Seeing Ragnar's serious face, Magnus asked, "What happened?"

Ragnar answered in a soft sad voice, "It's... Professor McGonagall. She was bitten by a werewolf."

Magnus abruptly stopped in his tracks as shock, regret and grief took over him.

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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