Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 290 - 290. Wizengamot

"What about his half-blood inheritance?" Dumbledore asked him. He worried that Magnus might make some wrong decisions.

"I will not reveal it to the world right now, not before we replace the Horcruxes. What if he had hidden the Horcruxes in places he considered close to himself, somewhere personal. If we tell the world we know the real identity of Voldemort, he will start changing locations of the Horcruxes." Magnus planned.

Dumbledore agreed with his plan, "That's good thinking on your part. Then let's work together to bring down Voldemort and establish peace in the realm."

Dumbledore may have been trying to ignore Magnus before or trying to stop him from getting involved in this whole fight as he felt it was morally wrong. But now, seeing he had an army, much stronger than his and also personal strength enough to fight an army of werewolves, he had no excuses to push Magnus away. It was better to shake hands and fight the enemy together.

Magnus proposed a term, however, "I am ready to ally with you if you promise me one thing. That you will not keep secrets related to Voldemort from me."

Dumbledore nodded, "I can accept that."

And hence, the Army of Merlin and the Order of the Phoenix started an alliance. But Magnus also hopes to someday absorb good members of the Order of the Phoenix into his own secretive Order of Merlin. Of course, Dumbledore would also be in that order, but only under the condition that he will work as per the agenda that Magnus and his Round table will plan.

For starters, he was trying to get Moody in it. His order lacked a good military leader and there was nobody better than Moody. He did have Adrian but he already had MEDA and Magnus' private army to run.



Magnus came to check on Professor McGonagall. She was in a much more stable condition.

"How are you, professor?" he asked her.

McGonagall didn't look like a serious woman at this point. She looked old and pitiful. Smilingly she spoke, "I heard what you did for everyone, if you had not lured the werewolves away, all those students would have either died or bitten. You showed extraordinary bravery that most people do not have.

*Sigh* I still don't understand why the hat didn't put you in Gryfreplaceor, it was the perfect house for you."

Magnus chuckled, "Professor, in my four years, I have realised one thing, your house does not define you, one's ability to do extraordinary things when the situation asks is what defines us. You won't believe me, I know many ex-Slytherins who want to fight Voldemort and stop him, while there are also ex-Gryfreplaceors who have joined Voldemort's army."

"You're too wise for your age, has anybody ever told you this?" She said. But, alas, him being like this also instilled her with a sense of confidence, that no matter what, Voldemort can never win over him.

"Professor Dumbledore said this to me just an hour ago. Seriously, old people think the same. Anyway, I shall take my leave now, and professor, don't worry, I will replace a cure for you. Until then, you have a free lifetime supply of Wolfsbane Potions." he waved her goodbye.

The Wolfsbane Potion was a very innovative and complex potion that relieved the symptoms of lycanthropy. The main ingredient was wolfsbane, also referred to as aconite. As such, this Potion was very dangerous when incorrectly concocted, since Aconite was a very poisonous plant.

It was extremely difficult to make. The ingredients were also very expensive, which made it difficult for some werewolves to brew it themselves, as they usually lived in poverty due to their difficulty in replaceing stable careers. Of course, replaceing a job was not the problem for McGonagall, but it was the cost of procuring the potion. However, Ragnar's machine automated potion manufacturing company was good enough to produce the best potion every single time with no waste because of its accuracy to repeat one thing again and again.

Soon, the world was going to be seeing a lot of Wolfsbane potions becoming available at a very affordable price in normal potions shops.


The emergency meeting of the Wizengamot was to be held today in a few hours. But, before he left, he had one last thing to do. So he went to Severus, who was also in the infirmary and talking to his mother. Eileen would bring him food every day.

"How are you, Severus." He asked.

"I should be the one asking this," Severus greeted him.

"Well, I'm fine. I came here to talk about your dark mark. As long as it stays there, there will always be a hidden danger that Voldemort might be listening." Magnus said, checking out the dark mark on Severus' wrist.

Severus was not hopeful about getting rid of it, "I don't know the incantation. Voldemort silently did it."

"I do," Magnus muttered. "I know the incantation. As long as I can overpower Voldemort's magic, I can get rid of this dark mark."

Magnus took out his wand and put its tip on the wrist of Severus. "Erdromsrom..."

Saying this, he tried to unwind the spell from his wrist. It wasn't just a matter of being magically stronger, to remove this one you also needed to be knowledgeable about spells.

Magnus tried to do it for five minutes, but still, no result was seen. So he realised he was missing something. He did not know what it was though.

"Hmm... it seems I still need to research it a bit. I will return later again, Severus, until then, you stay here and rest. Aunt Eileen, I will take my leave," He left Severus alone to talk with his mother.

Magnus, meanwhile, was annoyed by his inability to fix Severus. So he just went to Dumbledore's office to head to the ministry.



Magnus and Dumbledore apparated directly inside the ministry as always. However, as soon as they arrived there they got surrounded by a horde of news reporters and other enthusiasts. All of them were trying to push each other and reach Magnus. Some wanted an interview, some wanted to shake hands with him.

"Mr Pendragon, how are you feeling?"

"How many werewolves did you kill?"

"Why did Voldemort attack the school?"

"What is the secret behind your strength?"

Magnus sighed and tried to calm them down, "Everyone, maintain the decorum of this place. I do not hide major things from people. Today, the Wizengamot will be held, whatever conclusion we arrive at there will be revealed to the people if it does not involve any national risk. So please be patient."

He and Dumbledore left immediately after that, they took the lift and soon arrived at the usual wizengamot hall. But today, there were many more seats, since all major lords and ladies had been called here.

As soon as Magnus stepped in there, a round of applause resounded in the hall. Most of the ones clapping were from the light and neutral faction.

Magnus waited for that to stop and took a seat. With that, the meeting was in session. Eugenia stood up and started, "What happened two days ago, not just shocked us but the whole magical world. The world also laughs at us now for not being able to contain a dark lord.

"What Voldemort did was a direct slap on the face of the Ministry of Magic and the British wizarding community. But, as many sacrifices were made in the war, many heroes also arose from its shadows.

"And for the Bravery of Mr Pendragon, the Ministry grants him Order of Merlin, First Class. The same goes for Mr Ragnar Oroborus and Severus Prince, who have not joined us today. Now, coming back to the important part, this meeting today was called by Mr Pendragon to urgently discuss the matters of the future. Mr Pendragon, the podium is yours." She announced and took her seat.

Magnus stood up at his seat and spoke in a loud voice, "Thank you... for granting me this medal that has lost all its meaning. Now let's move on to what's worrying us right now. As my first announcement, anybody who is related to Voldemort at all will get their properties sealed. The house, the money and property, all shall be taken. As the traitor law speculates, the traitor shall receive their prize appropriately, which is a Dementor's kiss." There was an uproar, so Magnus continued.

"I know, it's officially imprisonment in Azkaban, but they attacked me, which means if you're helping them, you are one of the traitors who attacked the King of Britain, and this amounts to treason, punishable by death."


Chaos erupted in the hall as everyone on the dark side boiled in anger. The majority of dark pureblooded families had dealings with Voldemort so they were afraid. But Magnus was not going to let them go so easily. This was just the beginning of the meeting.

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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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