Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 292 - 292. Voldy's Blood And Order's Progress

All those who were worried about the condition of the wizarding community in Britain now calmed down, seeing that this time the ministry meant business. And in fact, nearly all wizarding governments across Europe sent the British ministry word that they were willing to cooperate, even France agreed.

The representative from MACUSA had also arrived and assured the Ministry that they would give all the help possible. So Voldemort was not going to replace any place to hide now, unless he goes to those African or Asian countries with no single magical authority.

Besides this, a lot of Gringotts vaults were sealed due to people being found to be either a Death Eater, these were mainly the big lords, or supporting Dark Wizards.

It was very easy to replace these Dark Wizards working inside the ministry. How? Well, the Battle of Hogsmeade was very gruesome, especially for Voldemort, due to this, no person from his side was left unscathed. So whenever an employee came with injuries or took a sick leave, immediately Aurors got to work. Magnus' specially recruited, highly loyal Mind Arts division of the Army of Merlin was fast at work and used Legilimency to read all their crimes.

So Magnus now found himself with a lot of gold, books and magical items from the seized vaults. So he decided to use these for expanding the ministry, since in the future Great Britain will become greater. Hogwarts would get some facilities updated, Saint Mungo would also open new branches, Magnus owned the hospital already but using these funds to open a new hospital was a service to wizardkind.

But currently, Magnus was busy, as he and Ragnar tried to replace a way to get rid of the Dark Mark on Severus' hand. They had been at it since he returned from the Ministry. Severus was made to only live in the infirmary due to fears that the Dark Lord might listen in or do something else.

"I think we can use Voldemort's blood. It has to be blood magic, how else it is that even though I have higher magical purity than him I can get rid of the mark." Magnus postulated.

Ragnar thought long, "Hmmm... blood magic is something that a creature like Voldemort would use. LET'S GO... I just hope that the battlefield was not cleaned. Voldemort did get injured by my and professor Dumbledore's attacks. His blood must be on the glass, even a drop would suffice."

"Let's go then." Magnus and Ragnar rushed out. They had basically no restrictions about entering or exiting the castle anymore. It was mainly for emergencies though.

They arrived at the location of the battle. The ground still looked blasted from many places. It was burnt and in some places there was blood. They quickly looked at the place Voldemort was standing. There was indeed some blood. But then Magnus remembered. "DAMN IT... Lucius was here too, he was injured,"

"No problem, blood can be separated. So let's just pick the samples from this whole patch and go back." Ragnar suggested. It was really helpful having a genius potion master.

They soon returned to their lab and started working. It was just Ragnar doing it though. "It will take me an hour to separate the blood if there is any."

"Then I will return later." Magnus left him at work. He still needed to train the Hogwarts team for the Inter-School cup after all. Big events may have happened, they couldn't hinder future plans.


When Magnus was doing so much. What were other members of the Order of Merlin doing? There were not many to begin with. There were Ted, Adrian, Edgar, Tom and Zenrok.

Ted was a lawyer, a very famous, successful and rich one. He had the record of never ever losing a case that he personally took. Currently, his company, Tonks & Tonks worked in 56 different countries and it was a success everywhere. Even though their fees were high, cases keep on coming.

He was not told about the attack of Voldemort beforehand as he was not a part of the Army of Merlin, and he was not a fighting wizard either. So he was shocked as well and a bit annoyed that Magnus didn't tell him. But when Magnus said that he would never be able to forgive himself if Nymphadora lost her father, he calmed down.

But, he felt useless. No matter how much money he had or successful he was in the muggle world, it meant nothing if he wasn't useful in the wizarding world. Hence, he decided he would start a wizarding law firm as well. This one, however, will be focused on property management and helping Magnus use the Ministry law against those who stand against him.

Adrian was a busy man, he personally participated in Magnus' plan, as the one responsible for replaceing and saving Severus' mother. He did his task easily and returned to his post.

Adrian was not a normal man anymore, not even by the magical standard. The reason being his work. MEDA was world-famous now, and people from around the world use its services, sometimes to help them in their legal cases to replace the evidence, and sometimes to solve many personal problems. And too many big names were regular customers. This way, Adrian came to be in possession of so many secrets that if released, he could destroy the world economy, start wars between countries and destroy the careers of big men. All these secrets were however safely kept in a deep vault of Gringotts, just where the Nundu lived.

Adrian was also responsible for creating the muggle private army, the Golden Company. The company was by now 40,000 men strong. And he was currently amidst hiring 10,000 non-combatants for medical and logistics services.

It was a force to be reckoned with. Adrian himself had no idea what Magnus was going to do with all these men. But he knew that this army was probably strong enough to fight and destroy countries, and he wasn't talking about small ones.

The Golden Company was divided into 4 services, Army, which was the largest part. Navy, the smallest part. The Air Force, the second largest. Then there were the non-combatants. The special thing about these, however, was that the commanders and vice commanders of all these services were experienced wizards. Their involvement would cause many godly miracles, ensuring victory.

But, for now, all of them were still training, hoping a mission would come someday.

Meanwhile, Edger was a part and leader of the Army of Merlin, hence he was involved in the attack and had felt satisfaction in dealing with the Death Eaters in the language they understood.

But now he was back at work, as the CEO of one of the world's biggest construction companies. Their projects in Saudi Arabia were going as planned and will be completed by the summer of next year. But since Emrys Construction had gone through a hiring spree, they had enough people to do multiple projects. Hence, they sent one team to permanently station in Zimbabwe.

Their job was to create as much infrastructure as possible on Magnus' paid money. Of course, it was going to be heavily publicised who was building all this. The current government was corrupt anyway and with the arrival of Magnus' people, a new and pro-United Kingdom candidate was made to stand election. He was very famous right now and might win next year. If that happens, Zimbabwe can be inducted into the United Kingdom easily. The people loved the UK already as because of them they now lived a much better life.

After Adrian came Tom. Tom was a muggle, yet he was as important as anyone else. Tom had been promoted to the rank of Chief Superintendent. But his rise didn't stop there, as he was already touching the threshold to become Commander.

Tom had learned and tried to improve himself in every possible way. Magnus' special potions and the mind stone helped a lot. He learned about warfare, intelligence gathering, anti-spying, human psychology and also practised martial arts, eventually turning him into some sort of super-spy, and he was indeed that, as Magnus' strength potions had reinforced his body to be better than normal humans. But all this would not have been enough to quickly rise. This is why Magnus had sent him a wizard from his Mind Arts division. He was inducted into the police force and made Tom's assistant. Now, Tom never had to worry about not replaceing enough evidence.

The last in the team was Zenrok, the diary writing goblin. He was currently helping Camelot's goblins to take over Gringotts from the inside. Already the Camelot goblins had started filling many important positions. It was only a matter of time before they completely took over.

The last remaining was Bobby. Bobby was a Round Table member, much higher in the food chain. But he had no idea what was going on in the wizarding world, so he was still studying in the United States and working on expanding and strengthening his super-tech empire.



"FOUND IT! HELL YEAAAAH..." Ragnar shouted in excitement after nerve-wracking 50 minutes. He finally had a drop of Voldemort's blood, it was darker than normal for some reason.

He immediately looked for Magnus everywhere. But at last, he thought he might be in Room of Requirement, so he went there. Excitedly, he entered and announced, "HEHE... I am a genius... I found... *BLINK BLINK*"

Ragnar's mouth shut close abruptly. In front of him was Magnus, and in his arms was Emma in a princess carry, both had reddened faces. Ragnar quickly turned around and left, "Ah... sorry to disturb, I will come back later."


Magnus let Emma go and she fell on her butt. He quickly ran after his brother, "NO RAG, THIS ISN'T WHAT YOU THINK..."

[A/N: Well, all the stuff I wrote about Magnus' work in the muggle world is now finally coming to fruition. Soon, you will start seeing big things happening. I don't think any Harry Potter fic delved this much into the muggle side of the world before. I always used to think that being a wizard was such a cheat if one knew what to do with magic. So here I am, writing what I always wanted to read.]

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You can read 20 advance chapters or my Naruto fic, and more at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely* *Franklin Walley*

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