Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 349: 349.The New Slytherin House

Chapter 349: 349.The New Slytherin House


Duck was a happy big boy, he loved his family, his life. Often, he used to wonder who his real parents were, but, he would always shrug that thought off, saying, ~Thay can’t be better than my dad and grandma.”

He loved flying in the sky with his friends, also playing with Pebbles and Cuddles. They were his best friends. Today was usual, he had just finished his classes. It was getting hard each day, math was something he hated, but Grandma Martha would scold him if he didn’t learn it.

Still, he was at the top of the class. With him studied many goblins, Vela and Centaur kids. He had a huge desk for him to sit at in the classroom. “Bye Gunruk, bye Tina, bye Cargas.”

He flew away after saying goodbye to his classmates. With his specially made backpack and giant books, he headed straight to Camelot, his home.

“Grandma, where is lunch? I am hungry.” He entered and roared like a spoiled boy. Grandma Martha came quickly with a lot of roasted meat that he loved so much.

While eating, he told her all about his day, what he learnt in the classroom and all the naughty things he did. His upbringing was no different from a normal human child, the only difference was in size and strength.

Martha chuckled, “Dear, I have something to show you today. Why don’t you keep your eyes closed and follow me?”

Duck’s face grew excited, his big eyes looking left and right to see what the surprise was. “A present? I love presents. Let’s goo…”

Like an honest good boy, he closed his eyes and followed the voice. Every now and then he’d have an exciting giggle. One could not help but just love this big boy.

“Are we there, grandma?” he asked.

“Just around the corner, dear. Keep your eyes closed.” She replied and soon brought him to the big hall. Then she stopped, “Open them now.”

Duck looked around, soon noticing something on the floor near him. His eyes immediately widened and his face turned into a big smile, “WOAH… A little Dragon, just like my species? Hello, I am your big brother Duck, we can be best friends.”

The little golden dragon flew in the air and sat down on Duck’s head. Duck tried to look at him cutely and giggled, “Hehe, big brother Duck will protect you forever. Ah, my dad will love you too. He’s very strong and awesome, you know. The strongest in the world I reckon.”

“Grawwww…” The little dragon cutely roared, prompting Duck to chuckle.

“Yes, that’s the way to go. Soon you will be throwing flames as I do after the Sunday night spicy chicken dinner. It’s painful but addictive. Grandma, where did you replace him? Can I go to dad to show him?” He asked Martha.

Martha laughed suddenly, alerting Duck, “Hmm? What happened?”

“Dear, you don’t gave to go to Magnus. He’s already here.” Martha said.

Duck looked around in confusion, “Where? I can’t smell him anywhere.”

“HERE, BOY!” Suddenly the small golden dragon flew and hovered in front of Duck’s face.

Duck was shocked and stepped back, “WOAH! Grandma, this baby dragon sounds just like dad. This is crazy.”

Magnus laughed in his squeaky voice, “Haha, Duck, it’s really me. Your first friends were Summer and Chad. You burnt Ragnar’s hair when you were small, and you love to get pats from mum.”

“DAD! But… how?” Duck was very easy to convince it seems. He tilted his head in both excitement and confusion.

“I became an Animagus, magic with which wizards can turn into magical beings they mostly associate with. I, being the strongest, became a dragon. Soon, I will also become big, then we both can fly around the world, father and son together.” Magnus suggested to him.

The plan sounded way too exciting to Duck, and he started dancing tippy-toed on the floor. “Yay… I will go flying with my dad. We will see the world and burn bad people together.”

Magnus played for a few more hours with Duck to make him happy. They flew around Camelot to see things. Duck happily taught Magnus the ways of the dragons, the best techniques to fly and spew fire. The son had finally become the teacher today, and Magnus couldn’t be more proud of Duck.

Soon, his short leave from Hogwarts ended and he had to return, but he promised Duck that he would bring the whole family to Camelot this winter to spend Christmas with him.

Duck couldn’t wait and had already started counting days by making a cross on the calendar.

Magnus returned to Hogwarts, it was the month of November and it was already turning pretty chilly this time around. They were expecting snowfall soon.

It was evening and everyone had returned to their dorms after dinner. Now, most common halls have televisions or music systems, so nobody ever gets bored now. Heck, Magnus even started special ads for wizards on television. It was just another way for Magnus to make money.

The televisions were selling like hotcakes in the magical community across the United Kingdom. It needed a wizard to operate and start it, however, or else, if it ended up in a muggle’s hand, it’d be a disaster.

Anyway, when Magnus entered the common room of Slytherin, he saw everyone was sitting around the big 21-inch television, watching the movie called Star Wars Episode IV: A New Hope. The movie had just launched in the theatres and was receiving great praise. Since there were no theatres in the wizarding world, Magnus decided to let the wizards see it on the television.

It was made by George Lucas, using the world’s best special effects that made the movie look as real as the real world. The space, ships, and special effects were all created nearly life-sized with magic, real explosions were made by levitating models in the air.

However, Magnus had made a few changes, as he felt the movie was too complex for something to be part one of a series. There was so much information thrown around that one would lose focus.

So, he forced George to make the story more streamlined, preplan the next parts for consistency of the plot, get a better dialogue writer, make the world’s information less heavy on the story and allow bigger action and space scenes to take place.

In the end, they had a well-polished film, that had not just complex politics, space battles, superpowered people a bit similar to wizards, dark side and whatnot, they also got a visual feast with realistic special effects. Heck, all the aliens looked completely real since they were wizards creating mass visible illusions. Hence, all the motion was as fluid as a human body. Magnus even played the part of a random alien, and also voiced the golden robot C-3PO, since having a British accent was a requirement.

“Enjoying the movie?” Magnus took a seat between Emma and Ragnar. Emma was quick to slightly lean towards him and nod, “Yup, it’s really interesting. It opens the imagination, making us wonder about space. Are there really aliens out there?”

Magnus shrugged and accio a can of fresh juice. “Who knows? Humans are yet to explore space. But if we wizards focus, we can probably explore the entire Galaxy in a short span of time.”

“You promised me that you will take me to the Moon and Mars, don’t forget.” Ragnar reminded him.

Magnus sighed and nodded, “Yeah, Bobby is working on a space programme. If everything goes well, we will go there in a few years.”

“Mr Pendragon, are we going to have a Christmas party this year?” A 3rd-year student asked him.

Magnus looked at the many eyes that were now focused on him. He chuckled and spoke, “Ah, I feel like I am spoiling you all. But, since the last big party two years back was ruined by Voldemort, we should have a successful one. Not going to Hogsmeade though. So, yeah, I will organise a big Christmas before we leave Hogwarts. Umm, when do the holidays start this year?”

“On 20th December, sir.” A boy quickly replied.

“Hmm, then 19th December it is. We shall have a big party, with music and dancing, in the Great Hall. Also, you can wear whatever clothes you want, no need for uniform.” He announced it to all.



Everyone rejoiced and chanted. Though one voice stood out, “YOU CAN’T DECIDE THAT. YOU NEED PERMISSION!”

Magnus sighed and passed on a chilled fruit juice can to Gilderoy, “Kid, the more you shout against me, the more you’re going to prove that you are an idiot. Remember, smart people speak less, and fools… well, you can see Ragnar.”

“OYE!” Ragnar’s protest came immediately. And amidst the laughter and awes, while watching the movie, they spent the fine winter evening. The scene was totally opposite from what one would expect from Slytherin.

It used to be dark, broody and depressing before. Now, it was a place full of lights, music and laughter. Dumbledore, McGonagall, Slughorn and most importantly Merlin were highly proud of this achievement of Magnus.


[Personal Thoughts A/N: I realised today, I always have animals play a major and kind role in my fics. I don’t really plan on it but I automatically end up bringing animals into the story. There are so many in the Grandpa Universe, Hats is infamous already. We have so many here. In Naruto too, we’ve got beasts. In my new Marvel fic, we got Moony. Maybe it’s because of my early life.

My family used to own a big farm in the old days. We had a lot of cattle, horses, sheep and dogs. But then, rapid industrialisation came. With that, our farm became unprofitable. We didn’t industrialise soon enough and ended up slowly selling the animals away. All the adult men in my big family, grandpas, uncles, dad, now cousins slowly ended up joining the Army, Navy or Airforce, fought in wars, world and local, as it guaranteed a decent life, luckily, they all survived, a few got disabled though. Since then, we’ve had generations who served in the military and kinda lost the old traditions. I sort of miss the times when we had so many animals around. It was fun to play with them. The last animals were sold when I was 6. They were two white horses, beautiful and friendly.

Now, I live in a polluted city, where breathing is the same as inviting death a few years sooner. But I guess there are plenty of people who have it worse than me, so maybe even this polluted hell is heaven in a way and including cute animals in my story is my subconscious attempt of an escape]

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You can read 20 Advanced chapters and Marvel fic at -patreon.com/misterimmortal.

Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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