Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 375: Sleep Apparating?

Chapter 375: Sleep Apparating?

“What happened?” He rushed in.

And just then, he heard loud laughter and a few words, “Haha… I was dyin’, it was dark, but fer Merlin’s sake, Magnus arrived at the right time. Good boy Fluffy too.”

He looked at the bed where Hagrid’s body was laid, now it was surrounded by the people, but he could see the head of Hagrid, as he was too tall even when sitting on the bed. He laughed and talked to everyone.

“How are you, Hagrid?” Magnus asked him.

“MAGNUS! I am grateful to yeh. Yeh and Fluffy saved me life.” Hagrid grabbed him to give him a tight hug.

He just chuckled, “Yes, Fluffy was the best boy.”

In a change of perception, people didn’t feel weirded out of Fluffy, instead, they loved him now for his intelligence. It seemed that having 3 brains had increased his brainpower to some extent.

Hagrid however was still hurt physically, so he had to stay inside the infirmary for a few more days. Slowly everyone dispersed and Magnus gave the time-turner back, “I was successful but time travel is too strange. Dangerous.”

Adrian agreed, he had experienced it too, “I dislike it too, but sometimes, you just have to take the risk to right a few wrongs. What do you want to do with the two death eaters?”

“Give them to me, I will make them speak.” He ordered and headed to his bedroom. He hadn’t eaten dinner so he asked the elfs to bring some food to his room first.

Then, he used the special Portkey to arrive in Camelot with two new prisoners. Having already healed their bodies, he threw them inside the same cell Rodolphus was kept.

“IT’S YOU!” The two shouted, recognising him.

Rodolphus was a broken man by now and said nothing like a lifeless doll. The two new death eaters were actually sacred after seeing him.

“Get all the information about Voldemort out of them at all costs,” Magnus ordered the Goblins.

“Don’t worry, your majesty, we will skin them alive, chop their cocks and feed them.” The two Goblins dutifully saluted.

Next Morning,

Magnus received a letter from lovely Summer. It came from the Weasley family. It turns out, they had another son.

“Damn, I thought the Magic Reproduction Theory said producing magical children for wizards is hard. Surely something to discuss in the next Slug Club,” he muttered to himself.

Anyway, the letter invited him to their small celebration in December, during his holidays. He decided to go, he wanted to take blood samples of Arthur and Molly Weasley. In the hope that maybe they can help his inability to make babies.


“It’s Sunday, why did you wake up so early?”

“What the fuck?” Magnus turned around quickly, only to see Emma, still in her uniform, sleeping beside him.

“When did you come? I remember going to sleep alone.” He asked her.


Emma silently stared at her face as if he was the biggest fool out there, “Are you drunk? Look around you, it’s MY room.”

Look around he did, but it didn’t give him any assurance, “I don’t remember coming here.”

“You came just after I went to sleep, too tired to change clothes. You jumped in the bed and hugged me like a body pillow, damnit, you squeezed the soul out of me, and what’s with all the kicking and punching?” She blurted nonstop.

He frowned, “Shit, boys aren’t allowed inside Girl’s dorms, now Dumbledore probably knows I sleep here. He probably thinks we did it.”

“But didn’t half of the school knows we do it?” She asked in wonder.

“There’s a difference, Emma. An open secret is still called a secret for some reason. By the way, thanks, had the best sleep tonight while hugging you. Nice poster of my face by the way.” He left a peck on her forehead and vanished from the spot

Emma, embarrassed that she still hadn’t taken down the posters from her crushing days, hid her face under the blanket.

Magnus arrived back in his dorms, only to replace Ragnar in there, playing with Chad. “What got you out of your hole?”

“Dumbledore’s looking for you. What did you do now?” Ragnar inquired.

Magnus was truthful, “I mistakenly apparated inside Emma’s room and slept there.”

“Bwahaha… Be careful, brother. The last thing we want is for you to mistakenly sleep with a random girl and get the tag of sex fiend.” Ragnar laughed.

Annoyed, Magnus left, “Chad, scratch him.”

Headmaster’s Office.

Magnus just entered and spoke, “I know, I know. Nothing happened between us. I apparated there in sleep and just silently slept.”


Dumbledore blankly looked at him, “Sleep apparition? Slept? What are you talking about?”

“Wait, don’t you get notification whenever a boy gets inside Girl’s dorms?” He asked.

Dumbledore shrugged, “Do you expect me to read the rule violation book every day? I just use it to make an example every once in a while. It keeps most in line.”


Old Dumbledore felt something touching his mental shield lightly, it wasn’t an attack, “Are you trying to obliviate me?”

“FUCK! Why are you so overpowered, old man?” He cursed.

Dumbledore warned him, “Language, son. And my power comes from repetition and focus. There’s nothing better in me that makes me a cut above. It’s all about the training. Most don’t do diligently, most slack off to play… Break rules with their lovers.”

“Hey, don’t taunt me. Hogwarts also couldn’t change with time. It’s your fault. By the way, I got a new idea, I want to open a new Hogwarts in Brunei. It will teach students from all of Eastern Asia that don’t have a magic school. What do you think? We can even do student transfer, Hogwarts will then become the world’s biggest wizarding school.” Magnus suggested to him.

Dumbledore rubbed his beard in deeper thoughts, it was indeed a good plan, but Hogwarts had no money, it ran on what the Ministry allotted. The Board of Governors was the one responsible for managing the funds. All he did was look after the administration.

“The idea is good, what matters now is the execution. The Board of Governors will not give money for this project so easily.” Dumbledore warned him.

But this time Magnus was not going to spend money from his own pocket. He had already been warned by his account managers in the muggle and magical world to slow down on spending and let current projects be completed first. “Don’t worry, I will be changing the board soon, they are too incompetent and do nothing for the school. They lack the decision-making skills for the betterment. Seriously, when was the last time the school was painted and renovated? Yeah, you don’t remember.”

“The school does not need renovation, the elfs clean it every day,” Dumbledore argued.

Magnus contracted his face, “Are you joking? Look around. Arthur calls the castle the Sex Dungeon. I can honestly guarantee you that if someday parents of muggle students came here they would take their kids back.”

“Correct,” Arthur appeared in one of the photo frames, the one of Phineas Nigellus Black to be precise. The two were friends by now and had a love-hate relationship.

“Ah, you should have seen my castles back in those days. They were all so beautiful, colourful and always giving a warm feeling.” Arthur reminisced.

Magnus scoffed just then, “Well, the grounds on which the school was made were owned by Salazar Slytherin, I can somewhat understand why it feels so depressing. That man probably had some kind of a down syndrome with depression.”

“Haha… If Gryfreplaceor had heard you, he would have hugged you right now.” Arthur blurted, laughing.

Dumbledore was shocked to learn that Arthur had met Gryfreplaceor, “You met him? How was he?”

Chucking, Arthur spoke, “Look what we have here, a fanboy. Well, Godric Gryfreplaceor was, as one would expect, a loudmouth fool, who swings his sword before actually analysing the situation. Honestly, I was considered the most cheerful, happy-go-lucky man in my era, but truthfully, Godric was a few notches above me. He used to laugh a lot with a loud noise, drank like a fish, sang, danced and bedded multiple women at once. What a man, truly.”

Magnus laughed, “To be honest, this is exactly how I imagined him to be after seeing the traits of Gryfreplaceor house.”

“Is that a personal attack, Magnus?” Dumbledore interjected.

Magnus just whistled, “Well, who knows, but you don’t worry, professor, you are more like me, a bit of all house.”

“Yup, he got the dumbassry of a Gryfreplaceor and you got the sliminess of a Slytherin,” Arthur offended both at the same time and ran away.

“GET BACK! You rotten piece of wood.” Magnus chased him from frame to frame.

[A/N: Merry Christmas to you little monkeys.]

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Special thanks to *DougErNuts* *Oluwatimileyin Olayemi* *BirdRant* *Franklin Walley* *Brennan Tubbs*

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