Harry Potter: Blood of the Dragon
Chapter 39 - 39. A Mess

Many held their breath as the bright yellow light came out of the tip of Lucius's wand, headed straight to Magnus' head. It all happened so fast, yet time seemed to have gotten slow.

Snape and Ragnar had gone to the dorm room so they weren't there to react. But they were halfway to the common room when they heard the commotion going on. But when they arrived, they were already too late. ​​


"NOOOOOOO..." Narcissa was seen shouting as she knew the consequences of this.

All looked in horror. Already knowing what would happen to Magnus' head now, it would be turned into a pulp. And they immediately felt dread, because all this was happening inside the common room of their house.

Magnus was not dumb, he was already expecting the zealot to act like one. He was too into the whole pureblood theory that he truly believed he was superior to other people.

Magnus had his wand in his other hand, just waiting to counter. But what had shocked Magnus a little was that he had not expected Lucius would hit to actually kill him. He was only expecting some small retaliation.

~Does he not love his life?~

Magnus used his wand to counter the attack with all his might. He cast a counter to the Blasting curse. The counter was nothing but to use another blasting curse to neutralise the incoming attack.

"Confringo..." He muttered immediately and countered the attack.

The two spells touched each other and there was a small high-intensity tug of war between them, but it was eventually fading away.


"Oops..." Magnus exclaimed as he noticed a crack on his wand. He prayed that it would hold on till the end of this incident.


The two spells stopped each other with a bang. But, the loud boom was actually from Magnus' wand. It was in pieces now and he had fallen back due to the blast.

Lucius stayed kneeling on the ground, now silent and a bit shocked that his magic was stopped by Magnus. He again tried to lift his wand but realised something.

He wasn't able to lift his arm, he couldn't even feel it. He started hyperventilating a bit.

Magnus looked at Lucius, "Huh, so I broke your arm? Sorry about that, but I didn't expect that you would try to KILL ME."

Then he looked around and said, "Now, if someone were to ask, can I expect that everyone will be truthful here?"

Everyone there understood what he meant and they nodded their heads nervously.

"MAGNUS, are you okay?" Ragnar ran up to him.

"Yeah, I'm fine, but can't say the same about my wand... huh, it was incompatible with me anyway," he muttered.

Lucius's eyes widened when he heard that, ~He could have killed me if he had a good wand?~

"Severus, can you call Professor Slughorn? He's the head of Slytherin after all." Magnus requested. Nodding to him, Snape left the hall.


"Stop it, Lucius. We need to get you to the infirmary, what if the damage becomes permanent." Narcissa suddenly voiced, indirectly trying to save his skin now.

Lucius stopped blurting and nodded to his girlfriend. She helped him get up with a few loyal followers of Lucius. She looked at Magnus while going away and felt conflicted. She knew what happened today had totally destroyed the face Lucius had in front of him. Now she feared that if the Dark Lord didn't win, the Malfoy family was done for.

"What happened?" Ragnar asked him.

"He found my heritage and called me mudblood. Magical society really needs a makeover, people are openly supporting dark lords and murderers." He replied.

"Wait... which dark lord?" Ragnar inquired.

"Voldemort or something," Magnus said, but, for some reason, Ragnar's face stiffened hearing that, though he did not say anything.

"WHAT HAPPENED HERE?" Slughorn quickly came to the common room. He saw the destroyed furniture and Magnus' wand.

Everyone was looking at Magnus so he immediately asked, "What happened here, Mr Pendragon?"

"Racism, that's whats happened. Lucius Malfoy tried to recruit me into the army of a Dark Lord named Voldemort. I refused and told him I belong to a muggle family. He called me Mudblood and blasted a Confringo straight towards my face. Thankfully, I was able to save myself, but my wand got destroyed in the process. You might want to take the testimony of all around us and also check the record on Lucius' wand." He immediately clarified.

Hearing this, Slughorn was quite horrified. Racism, illegal activity and mortally endangering someone. These were taboo in Hogwarts. He also felt very bad hearing the name of the dark lord.

"Rest assured, Mr Pendragon, we will get to the bottom of this. Where is Mr Malfoy?" Slughorn asked.

"In the Infirmary, his own magic ended up breaking his arm." Magnus shruggingly said, as if beating the 7th year while being in 1st year was no big deal to him.

Magnus looked around himself, at the various half-blood Slytherin or just those who were from pureblood families who didn't align themselves with pure blood theory. On the other hand, Muggleborn wizards were extremely rare in Slytherin, and at the moment, only Magnus was one.

Magnus saw adoration in many eyes. He internally smiled, ~Mission successful.~

It was good that most students were already in their dorms at this point so the words didn't spread as fast. Dumbledore, of course, took this matter very seriously, he was in fact, notified about magic being used in the Slytherin Dungeon and he was already on his way.

When he heard everything from Slughorn, they headed to the infirmary. There, he saw Madam Pomfrey fixing Lucius' arm.

"It's nothing too serious. Just the joints are broken, I'll fix them in a jiffy, but it will hurt." She evaluated.

Lucius gritted his teeth, "That Mudblood... how dare he... we thought he was pure... like us..."

"10 Points taken from Slytherin for using foul language in the school." Dumbledore walked in.

Lucius turned to Dumbledore with a face full of contempt for him. But, he decided to stay quiet.

"Mr Malfoy, I need you to surrender your wand. You are a suspect in a violent crime that took place in the Slytherin Common room. All testimonies have been recorded and it has been ascertained that you are the aggressor." Dumbledore demanded.

"I am Lucius Malfoy, heir of the Noble and Most Ancient House of Malfoy. You can not do this with me, not for a mere muggle-born." He argued and refused to give his wand.

Dumbledore shook his head in annoyance, "That was not a request, Mr Malfoy. Also, let me remind you, the one you attacked belongs to the most respected and ancient family in the country. He is both, an Emrys and a Pendragon."

"Hah, we don't know that. There is no proof except that talking hat's words." Lucius countered.

"The proof will arrive soon too. Now, handover your wand. The Aurors will be coming here soon." Dumbledore again requested.

But, seeing Lucius not moving, Dumbledore just waved his own hand and the wand from Lucius' pocket flew to him.

"You will get this back once the Aurors have determined its history." Dumbledore didn't stay anymore and turned around to leave.

But Lucius was raging behind him. "MY FATHER WILL HEAR ABOUT THIS..."

Lucius turned to Narcissa, "Contact my father and tell him to come here and meet me. Also, give me your wand, I must let the master know about this. That mudblood dared to go against him."

Without questioning, Narcissa did as asked.


Slytherin Common Room,

Magnus was told to not go out of there and also to not touch his broken wand. So, he just took a seat by the fireplace and played chess with his friends.

"You are really the best in Charms. Seriously, defeating a 7th year who surprise attacked you." Ragnar commented.

Magnus proudly laughed, "Haha, that is why I tell you two, focusing on charms is also necessary. Because Potions will not win you duels"

"Do you think Lucius will be suspended?" Severus asked.


"Likely not. His family is powerful, he might get some punishment but considering he is nearly done with his school, they won't suspend him. But, I will make sure the world knows about this." Magnus smilingly said.

"Man, you are seriously more Slytherin than anyone else." Ragnar distastefully said.

"No, I am just smart. Slytherins are egoistical backstabbers, according to the hat." Magnus argued.

Eventually, an Auror arrived at the school and started investigating what had happened. It was a man with a weird looking one eye. He seemed to be a paranoid man, judging by how he was looking at everyone as if they had committed a mortal sin against him.

He came to Magnus, "I am from the Department of Magical Law Enforcement, Auror Alastor Moody. You the Merlin kid?"

"No, you are mistaken," Magnus replied.

Moody turned to Ragnar, who he already ascertained was not the kid he was looking for because of how thin Ragnar was. "Where is he? Call him, I need his statement."

Ragnar awkwardly pointed to Magnus, "He's the one."

Moody scrutinizingly looked back at Magnus, "Why did you lie kid?"

"I don't remember being registered as "Merlin kid" in the school registers. The human species uses names for a reason, how would you feel if I called you Owl Head?" Magnus argued.

Moody stared at him in the eyes for a few minutes, then suddenly laughed, "HAHAHA... good, good... you got some spine, boy."

[You can see the Broken Wand and Moody on my Discord - https://discord.gg/DgHkrAn OR see them on Instagram - https://www.instagram.com/mister_immortal_novel]


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Special thanks to *Douglas Flower* *Umar Latif* *Julian Rocamora* *Darrien Steely*

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